《A Wolf's Way》Let's see how this works


"So which crystals have you brought me?" asked Lupos staring at the five crystals in front of him. Fenrir moved first towards a large green crystal "this is from a jade water snake," he continued to move next to the blue crystal "this is from an ice phoenix," he then nodded to the red crystal next to it "this is from a blazing lion," finally Fenrir moved round to the last 2 crystals, the first was a startling white with wisps of black on it and the second was a golden crystal with a kingly aura "the last two are unknown."

Lupos looked at Fenrir in surprise "didn't you hunt all these animals, how come you don't know?" "well," started Fenrir "while I was hunting I felt a peculiar aura coming from within a small cave, when I arrived I found a gigantic skeleton unlike any animal I had ever seen as well as these two eggs inside it."

Lupos fell silent for a minute and thought. The two crystals felt powerful and would no doubt be an asset once he attempted to summon more spirits. Suddenly Fenrir spoke up " I also learnt something interesting while I was out, apparently if you attempt the summoning with only one crystal it decreases the chance of having multiple summons but allows you to summon a more powerful summon."

Lupos looked amazed upon hearing this and made his decision "I will attempt the summoning using only one crystal, I will then use the other crystals to summon more spirits at a later date. It's probably for the best as more spirits mean more power and someone may find out and tell that bastard headmaster."

Fenrir nodded approvingly at his decision, "so which crystals are you going to try and use first?" Lupos stared at the five crystals on the ground and decided, walking quickly Lupos grabbed the green crystal. "I'll use the jade water snake crystal I need a spirit more inclined towards stealth." Upon hearing this Fenrir once again nodded.


Walking into the middle of the clearing Lupos sat down cross legged and started to absorb the energy. At first, all he could feel was the slow sensation of energy being drawn into him. However, that changed all to soon, as a great rush of energy started to be absorbed, Lupos screamed out in pain.

Visibly worried about the boy Fenrir yelled out. "Stop, we can try again later. If you lose your life, it's all over, don't do anything stupid." Lupos stared straight ahead gritting his teeth to stop the screaming. "I will not yield." Shocked at the boy's determination, Fenrir grew silent and watched as Lupos continued to absorb the energy until none was left.

Suddenly Lupos grew still and silent as he entered a trance "now thissss issss interesting." hissed a voice in the darkness "I am surprised my brother deemed you interesting enough to help." Lupos fell silent in shock but felt curiosity enough to ask "brother, you mean Fenrir?" he heard a low chuckle.

"Yesssss," hissed the voice "my brother is prideful he would not assist a weakling. I will answer your summoning so long asss thinngs are interesting, if I grow bored it will be your end." Lupos nodded in acceptance. "Then as of now, you are my second spirit, what is your name?" The snake chuckled once more "Jormugand the world serpent."


Fenrir sat on the ground staring at Lupos feeling worried, although in the beginning he wouldn't have cared if the boy lived or died, he now felt the boy was too interesting to die and felt a kinship to him as he would a fellow Wolf.

Suddenly a loud scream pierced through the silence as Lupos snapped back to awareness, the spirit he had summoned was obviously a powerful one and Lupos was having to use all his magic, both earth and darkness to keep the summoning under control.


"Come on Lupos," said Fenrir in mindspeak "don't die and bore me now." Suddenly the screaming stopped and Lupos collapsed on the ground smiling weakly "nice to know you care, now we have to get back to the dorm quickly so no-one notices anything strange. I'll need you to give me a lift back. I've used up all my energy."

Transferring Lupos onto his back he noticed a strange presence "oh yeah," said Lupos in mindspeak "make sure to bring your brother up to speed." with this Lupos fell asleep on Fenrir's back leaving Fenrir visibly shocked "brother, he can't mean..."

Fenrir was just dismissing his thoughts when he heard something in mindspeak "hello little brother." Fenrir gasped aloud in certainty, only one person in the world could call him little brother and get away with it. Fenrir chuckled slowly "hello Jormugand I'm certainly surprised he managed to summon both of us, this has never happened before has it?"

"It should be amusing" hissed his brother "by the way how come you are not in your physical form?" asked Fenrir. "The boy asked me to keep hidden till we were back in hisss room." Fenrir nodded in agreement that was probably smart. For the remainder of the journey Fenrir explained to Jormugand about Lupos' circumstances and why they had been summoned.


Lupos awoke in his room and saw Fenrir lying on the floor conversing with a giant snake with skin that looked like water itself. "You're Jormugand I assume" said Lupos in mindspeak. "Yesssss," replied the snake "it is nice to meet you Luposssss" Lupos nodded.

"From now on, it will have to remain hidden the fact I have two spirits, therefore whenever I'm at school I want Jormugand to stay hidden within the school and search for any information involving Oakshield. However, you will only watch do not confront him, even if you are strong enough to defeat any spirits alone of his it is unlikely you will be able to defeat all four with him together."

"Yesssss Luposssss, then I will take my leave, to summon me just call my name in mindspeak. I am excited this seems interesting." With this, Jormugand slipped into the shadows and disappeared. "Fenrir did you find a safe place to hide the remaining crystals?" Fenrir nodded "good." said Lupos as the land of sleep claimed him once more.


Up in the headmasters tower Mervyn was reading a report about the odd energy he had felt earlier coming from the forest. Apparently once the guards had arrived all that was left in the clearing was a green crystal drained of any type of magic. Mervyn felt something was deeply wrong, if only he could figure out what.

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