《A Wolf's Way》one month later


It had been approximately one month since Lupos had entered the academy and he had slowly but painfully grown used to his new life. Lessons were boring, but tolerable and training was painful but dealable. Even as Lupos became accustomed to his current life, he never stopped thinking about his revenge.

Every night Lupos would stay up two hours extra, after everyone was sleeping, training himself in both magic and combat, as well as his teamwork with Fenrir. However, as time continued, he was still no closer to learning anything about Mervyn Oakshield aside from the information about his spirits received on the first day. Frustrated Lupos let out a sigh, due to his harsh training regime and his hatred of humans he had been avoided by both teachers and classmates. This kept the nuisances away but also cut off a chance for information.

Sighing again Lupos finished his nightly training and called out to Fenrir. "We're done for tonight let's rest." Fenrir nodded and followed Lupos as he moved towards the dorm room sighing. As they moved towards the dorms, Lupos started to replay the information he'd learned the previous day in his head.


One day earlier

"Quiet down class." Yelled the second elder over the deafening noise of the classroom. "Now as many of you may know, tomorrow signals the start of the new student competition. In this competition students and spirits battle to be the best, the top three students not only get a weapon of their choice as a reward but will also move on to compete in the inter-school competition, any questions?"

A girl at the front raised her hand. "Yes Violet" said the elder pointing to the girl at the front. "Is participation mandatory?" She asked. "Yes," said the elder "and I'll have you know, the first three to be eliminated within this class get an extra session with our beloved training instructor after school." With this said the classes faces paled and the elder let out an evil grin "better do your best tomorrow."



The next morning Lupos awoke at his usual time and went hunting with Fenrir. By the time the two returned, most of the other students were up and ready, all dealing with the possibilities of fame and success should they win. Despite the idol fancies of victory everyone looked sharp and focused by the time they reached the training arena, they usually used for combat training.

The surrounding stands were also filled with people, both scouts hoping to recruit promising talents and nobles hoping to boost their social standings by bragging about their children's exploits, though Lupos cared for none of these people.

"Welcome all." Boomed out the first elders voice "to our first year's new student competition. Today the first year's and their spirits will battle for supremacy using both their magic and their combat knowledge in attempts to gain a weapon of their choice as well as the right to compete in the inter-school competition." With this the cheering started and the elder paused for the applause to stop.

"Matches will be one on one duels, spirits are allowed and match ups will be decided by draw," with this the elder paused as a second year student hurried over with a glass bowl filled with names "well then our first competitors will be," he reached into the bowl "Gale Foryst," upon hearing this all eyes drew to Lupos wondering how powerful he was and who he was, as despite his powerful summons, no one knew anything about him.

" and his competitor shall be, Violet Reich." Lupos walked up to the stage not really remembering nor caring who his opponent was to be. However, as he approached, he was forced to stare at his opponent. She was an average looking girl with long black hair and pale violet eyes.


"Hmph," said the girl, Violet he thought her name was "you should of give up now I am from the Noble house of Reich there is no way a commoner like you could defeat me." Suddenly Lupos cried out in recognition "I remember you now."

"So you should," started the girl before Lupos interrupted

"The annoying girl with the loud voice who is constantly asking questions in class."

The entire audience gaped at Lupos upon hearing this, did he not know who he spoke to? This girl was heir to one of the most powerful families in the continent. "Can we start now?" Asked Lupos. Snapped out of his stupor the elder nodded "Let the match begin."


Violet was outraged, how dare that boy treat her like this. She breathed out calmly, it is of no matter she silently decided after all he was just some poor back country commoner he wouldn't know any better.

Breathing calmly, Violet took her stance and summoned her elemental spirit. Gasps arose from the crowd as they saw a shadow panther appear. They were rare spirits that only contracted with extremely talented and worthy people. Violet took a glance over at the boy, was he impressed now?


Needless to say Lupos was not impressed; quite contrary to it he was annoyed this competition was taking up valuable training time, sighing heavily he heard Fenrir's voice in mind speak ."Want me to help?" Lupos sighed again "No I'll just get this over with."

Using earth magic Lupos disappeared into the ground then reappeared by the girl, whose name he'd already forgotten and instantly knocked her out, he then proceeded to do the same to the panther.

The crowd stared In silence and shock as Lupos made his way back into the waiting area. Who was this boy, that he could defeat the heir to the Reich household so easily? Uncaring of the uproar he had caused, Lupos sat down and watched the remaining matches with vague disinterest, this continued on for two hours with his name occasionally being called out. Finally it reached the final match "Last competitors Gale Foryst and Lucio Illio."


Authors note: hi guys sorry for the short chapter and late release I've been caught up in a language exam so I will try to update more frequently, hope you like the chapter

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