《A Wolf's Way》the first day


After registering Fenrir, Lupos moved along to the third elder to receive his schedule. "Good talent, higher earth affinity and a wolf with affinities for earth, darkness and light magic, very rare indeed. You will be placed in theory of magic 101, advanced summoning, advanced earth magic and mandatory combat training. Any questions?" Lupos shook his head and after grabbing his schedule moved towards his first class, theory of magic 101.

Upon walking in the direction the elder pointed him in, Lupos and Fenrir arrived outside a clean and spacious classroom filled with rows of seats. As they entered all eyes were drawn to the boy and the large wolf that followed him. Lupos sat down in the back row ignoring all the eyes upon him and calmly surveyed his surroundings. In the classroom currently sat twenty students, nineteen of whom held little to no interest and Lucio who was sitting proudly displaying his fire phoenix.

Suddenly all chatter halted as the old man they had seen at the testing ceremony, the second elder walked into the room. "Greetings young ones I will be your teacher for theory of magic 101, this class covers the brief basics of magic including topics about your ranks as magicians and your summons. To start, can anyone tell me how many ranks of magicians there are?" a small mousy girl on the front row raised her hand, the elder nodded to her

"Seven, elder." The elder smiled and nodded

"Very good now does anyone know how you can raise this rank?" At this the class stayed silent even Lucio. " Ranks can be raised by defeating magical beasts or criminals as well as completing jobs at guilds. In this city there are four guilds, the first is called 'snakes tail'. A guild that focuses on summoning magic heavily relying on their summons.


The second is 'cats claws' who fight using only their magic not their summons, and the last two 'phoenixes call' and 'crystal ember' rely on both styles. As you know, to graduate this school, you must become at least a rank seven magician. This requires you to join one of the cities guilds. You will choose which guild you join later, any questions?"

The class shook their heads and the elder proceeded to give a brief recap of the types of magic used and there strengths and weaknesses, having heard all this from Darius before, Lupos started to talk to Fenrir in mindspeak. "Fenrir can you sense how strong this teacher is for me?" Fenrir paused for a minute and nodded. "Yes, in your human terms he would be a rank three magician quite impressive."

Lupos nodded solemnly, if all the teachers were this strong it would make exacting his revenge a lot harder. Lupos suddenly looked up as he heard something interesting. "So in total a magician can have three different summons. The only known exception being our headmaster, who has four spirits though only one is commonly known, which is his holy eagle."

Suddenly the elder trailed off, the second he mentioned the headmaster he felt a cold bloodlust seep across the room yet it disappeared when he stopped. Convincing himself he imagined it, the elder continued his lecture, still slightly on edge wondering who the bloodlust belonged too.

Finally after an hour of mind numbing boredom, the lesson ended. Lupos continued hearing the same introductory talks in all his lessons until he got to his combat training. The instructor was quite different from the ones they had seen so far, he was a well muscled, mid forties man with a crew cut.

As the last of the students filtered into the outdoors arena where training was taking place, the man started. "From today onwards I am your combat training teacher. You will address me as sir. For your first lesson I will build your stamina up, I will summon my fire tiger spirit and it will try and eat you, you will try and run to escape. And go!"


Staring in confusion, Lupos and the other students, as well as their spirits barely had time to comprehend what had happened as a large crimson tiger appeared, looking very hungrily at the students.

Running as fast as they could all the students attempted to outrun the target, however ,whereas most students were running by their summons, Lupos had sent his to try and trip up as many people as possible to try and put more distance between him and the tiger. The instructor watched Lupos' actions with clear bemusement, at least the kid was smart.

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