《A Wolf's Way》the testing


As Lupos walked through the gate of the first magic academy, he thought back to the last conversation he had had with his master, "Lupos when you are at the academy the most important thing is not to use your dark magic."

"But why master?"

"That is because all magic has a unique signature and when you kill Mervyn Oakshield, if they recognise your magic you'll be found out immediately and be unable to escape. Luckily we've also spent these last two years raising your earth magic which was blatantly ignored by the wolves, so when you register as a student you will register as an earth mage."

Darius then walked over two a large wooden chest in the hut and drew out a sheath of two white daggers and a necklace of black string with a jade green scale in the middle " The daggers are made from my teeth. As you know these have been injected with my deadliest poison, anyone stabbed with them will perish instantly, aside from you who has developed immunity. The scale on the necklace absorbs your darkness magic. If anyone was to take a closer look they'd notice, but seeing as you have a higher earth affinity it should be ignored, my last gift for you is a name." At this Lupos looked confusedly at the old snake "Your real name must remain a secret, so during your stay at the academy, your new name will be Gale, understood?"

"Yes master."


Lupos continued to walk through the academy until he came to the end of a large queue leading into the main hall. Staying silent, Lupos joined the end of the queue and attempted to keep his bloodlust in check at the thought of being surrounded by so many vile humans. Keeping calm the boy stayed silently unmoving until it was his turn. Hearing the call for "Next." Lupos approached the testing table.


Sat behind the table was an old man with a badge on his chest stating that he was the first elder. Next to the elder on the desk was a large crystal ball used for determining elemental affinity. "Name and age?" asked the elder.

"Gale, eight years old." The elder looked him over disdainfully and nodded.

"Okay put your hand on the crystal ball and we shall determine your talent." Moving without making a sound Lupos approached the ball and put his hand on it, within an instant the ball glowed bright green. "Higher earth affinity" claimed the elder sounding shocked as higher affinities were very rare. Of course, Lupos had spent the last two years raising his affinity after starting with only an average affinity. As Lupos walked off no one noticed the darker energy swirling beneath the green.

Walking off in the direction he had been pointed in Lupos registered as an official student and received his room key. Turning to leave, Lupos was bumped into by a boy who looked to be one or two years older than himself, he had long golden hair and crystal blue eyes. "Watch where you're going plebeian." Snapped the boy as he hurried towards the student registration area. Lupos stood still for a moment, calming the urge he felt to run back and slaughter the boy and instead continued walking to his new accommodation.

According to the student handbook, accommodation would be two people per room, upon hearing this Lupos had resolved himself to drive off any roommate he may have. However upon entering his new room he found it empty. "Guess my roommates not here yet" murmured Lupos. Upon realising this, he started to grin, as he moved around the room planting, impossible to detect, traps. The sooner he got rid of this new roommate the better.


As Lupos laid his last trap he heard the door open once again and turned around to see none other than the arrogant Lordling, who ran into him earlier, Lupos let out a predatory grin, this was going to be fun.

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