《A Wolf's Way》the start of training and what came next


"Now master?" Asked Lupos as Darius chuckled.

"Of course, no time like the present. Now to start, tell me everything you know about magic." Looking back at Lupos, Darius noticed his apprentice's slightly uncomfortable appearance.

"Don't tell me those wolves didn't teach you anything?" Lupos stayed silent. Growing up with the wolves had given Lupos vast knowledge about using magic in combat. However, he had no idea outside the practical use of magic nor how the outside world ranked magicians. Darius sighed "I'll say this once - so listen carefully."

"First of all there are seven ranks of official magicians, rank one is the most powerful amounting to the power of a fully equipped army. Rank seven is the lowest rank, but still capable of dealing with a middle ranked magical beast, you following me so far?" Lupos nodded "Good. Now to get an official magician rank, you must either be recognised by a magicians guild or graduate from a magic academy. At the age of eight, a magician trainee may also attempt to summon an elemental spirit this will take the form of an animal and become your partner over the years. They are not your slaves and if you do something to displease them they can break your contract."

Darius paused to check if Lupos was taking it all in, seeing that he was, he continued. "Finally magical beast cores act as a booster allowing magicians to temporarily access more power. The higher the class of core the more power gained. However, while training with me I forbid the use of magical beast cores. I refuse to use an item from a magical beast not given willingly, any questions?" Lupos shook his head "Good, then lets start your training."


One hour later and Darius was in snake form slithering in the forest, hidden, as Lupos tried to find him. Having lived all his life in the forest, Lupos had exceedingly good senses however, even he was having a hard time attempting to find the elderly snake. Suddenly, Lupos saw a flash of scale and quickly readied his dark globe. He got as close to the snake as he dared, then he threw the globe, hoping to temporarily blind Darius, needless to say it did not quite work out that way.



Darius felt the boys presence as he got within ten metres of him. "Not bad, I can sense most from a mile away, but not good enough of course." As he felt the boy get within half a meter of him Darius disappeared and reappeared behind the boy, promptly changing into human form and tripping the boy up. "Too slow," he said grinning at the sight of the boys shock "go again we continue till you can land a hit on me." With these words Darius turned into snake and disappeared once again, on the floor Lupos groaned in horror.

Two weeks later Lupos successfully landed a hit on Darius and they moved onto the next stage of training. Using Darius' old teeth to create naturally sharp and poisonous daggers as well as Lupos' dual swords from the wolves, Lupos trained in weapons until he dropped with exhaustion. This week became months and months became years until two years had passed.


Two years later in the imperial capital a young boy of about eight years old walked down the street. The boy's destination was the first Academy of Magic, for today was the magical testing day where children between the ages of eight and ten could come to test their luck in the hopes of being offered a place in the prestigious Academy.

The boy was tall for his age with unruly black hair, murky blue eyes, tanned skin and simple clothes and although he didn't look poor his appearance grasped the attention of many passers-by, as the first Academy of Magic was usually reserved for nobles, unless one had astounding talent. Nevertheless the boy walked on, ignoring stares from passers-by as he walked to the Academies gates and took his first step into the academy towards his revenge.

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