《A Wolf's Way》six years later


Six years had passed since the boy had been brought home by the queen on that cold snowy night, and both the boy and the wolves had grown. It had been decided early on by the pack's three elders, with the consent of the queen, that the boy would not receive any special treatment despite his human origin. He would be raised the wolves' way, he would eat, sleep, breathe and hunt as a wolf and if he could not adapt, he would die as a wolf.

Despite the hard conditions, the boy survived and grew close to the pack even widely acknowledged as one of their own. This closeness was aided when, on the boy’s third birthday, he shocked them all by melting into the shadows, proving his innate talent for darkness magic. They knew that this was the rarest of the six attributes (earth, fire, water, wind, light and darkness). Although the boy was later revealed to have an average earth affinity, the shadow wolves ignored this and spared no effort to teach the newest member of the pack shadow magic. Shadow magic was just one of the numerous branches of darkness magic, and although he was proficient, the boy was still the weakest in the pack and was always striving to be stronger.


Current day

The queen padded softly upon the cold stone floor towards the room where the boy sat The boy was currently sitting with his eyes closed creating an orb of darkness the size of an orange within his hand, a look of concentration prominent on his small face as the boy breathed in and out slowly, unaware of his observer. The queen, looking amused, let out a small growl to make him aware of her presence. The boy jumped, startled by the sudden interruption until he saw who was there. "Mum," the small boy yelled happily, "how long were you standing there?"


The queen smiled slightly at the enthusiastic response of her adopted son. "Long enough," said a melodious voice in the boy’s mind. "You’ve been training hard haven't you? Your dark sphere has improved again." The boy once again smiled in delight. He was about to respond, when a low threatening growl was heard, instantly all turned silent; the growl was a warning yet the growl also held an excited sense of anticipation. The small boy, who moments ago had been speaking with childish joy, now had a predators look in his eyes for he too knew what the growl meant: humans had come once again for their annual magical beast hunt. However, it was the wolves that held the feeling of excitement paired with the knowledge they had the terrain advantage. It was hunting time.


Sorry once again for the short chapter I promise they'll get longer from here on out please post any feedback or criticism you might have so I can make the story better also please write any ideas for the boys name

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