《A Wolf's Way》within the silence


It was on a dark, night in a snowy forest that the boy was left.

It was in the coldest winter they could remember and snow fell lightly upon the ground, yet, within a certain forest a child only one week old lay in the snow, a light blue blanket wrapped around him. If one were to look at the boy they would see nothing unusual about him: he had dark, black hair, murky blue eyes and his skin tone was fair, but pale. Overall his appearance gave no cause for alarm; the only strange thing about the child was his silence.

In the cold forest the child did not offer up a single sound of any kind but merely lay there, waiting. Moments later,almost as if to answer the child's patience, a low growl could heard across the forest as seven giant wolves, as black as night, appeared and approached the boy.

Despite the danger of the situation, the boy still did not utter a sound but merely looked on, as if he were unconcerned with the current situation. The largest of the seven cautiously advanced towards the boy, almost as silently as the child it was approaching, when the boy did something that shocked all the wolves present. The boy laughed. The silence of the night broken, the wolves' attentions shifted completely towards the boy, wrapped in the blanket, who suddenly stretched his hand towards the largest of the wolves as if trying to stroke it.

Little did the boy know this wolf was the pack's queen and leader, and that she had only just recently lost her own son to a human hunting the pack, seeking to obtain the shadow wolfs magical core. The wolf gazed calmly upon the now laughing human trying to rationalise the idea that had sprung into her head. Though she hated the humans who killed her own offspring, she could not bring herself to harm the young one in front of her. Several minutes later, her mind made up she growled lowly warning all the wolves present of her intention. "I will take the child home," she conveyed through her mind speak to the rest of her pack.


A minute after the queen announced her intentions, the pack remained silent. A few of the wolves looked disgruntled at the idea of having a human join them, but, with the princes death still fresh in their minds, the pack reluctantly accepted the decision of their queen and only watched as she gathered up the child in her mouth and turned to retreat to the warmth of the cave, the child still laughing happily.

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