《Dreamers Insanity - Pokemon fanfic》Rescue
Jared's raw sunburned body is suddenly woken up when his arm is grabbed. Opening his eyes he instinctively yells and flails about.
His elbow strikes something hard so he reeled back in pain. His arm is let go, and then he hears a man's voice from just above him, "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you buddy."
Cradling his elbow, Jared cranes his head to look at his attacker.
Just above him, he spies a muscular man wearing some futuristic-looking sunglasses looking down at him with unmasked surprise.
Right next to the man, a young man no more than fifteen can be seen frowning.
Jared attempts to get his emotions under control momentarily, but like a deer in the headlights, he just couldn't stop shaking.
Noticing that the pair are standing on what appears to be a small wooden rowboat without sails, he now realizes that this vessel must have been the victim that was struck by his now throbbing right arm.
The pain is quickly forgotten when he receives the next greatest shock of his life.
Screaming at the top of his lungs, Jared found himself staring into the eyes of a monster half-submerged in the water, so, naturally, he retaliated to the presence by flailing around like a drowning cat.
He was now inhaling water and hyperventilating, and in his wild panic, he even forgets how to swim.
Soon he began going under, BUT not before wacking his arm against the boat once more for good measure. However, the pain was now masked by his overwhelming panic.
Just as he slipped under the surface of the water, the same unfamiliar man grabbed him strongly, this time by the armpit, and unceremoniously yanks him aboard. His muscular arms gave him absolutely no difficulty with the task, and in reply, the boat protested by rocking back and forth from the sudden action.
The strong man sighed, and moved back, seemingly to give his panicking charge some air.
Taking a seat, the man scratched his chin while watching Jared's pathetic frame gasp for breath, and cough up slimy seawater.
But Jared's mind was still filled with instinctive fear.
Jared found some relief after clearing his lungs, but the half-submerged monster at the front of the boat decided to change all that by craning its neck towards Jared's face.
The creature came closer and closer, and when it roared with a, "LAAAAA", Jared did the only sensible thing to do in such a situation and resumed screaming.
His savior began to chuckle before erupting into side-splitting laughter.
After a good thirty seconds, Jared managed to get a hold of himself and decided to relocate his now hoarse voice into the task of shouting mostly intelligible words, "AHHH NOOO, WHAWAHT ISS THAWT THIINGG, DOWNT EAT MEEE"
The laughing savior wiped a tear from his eye at the unexpected plea, and then spoke in between laughs," Hahaa, that's hahaha, uhm.. haaaha he won't hahaha hurt hahaa you"
Using his left hand Jared managed to find purchase on the rim of the boat, and then moved himself into a crouching stance, while slowly backing away in instinctive fear from the gaping maw not two feet from him.
He decided to ask the same question, but he said it much louder than intended, "WHAT IS THAT THING?"
The happy go lucky savior chuckles once again, " Ah, that's Yoshi, my Lapras, hey Yoshi, give him some space, the poor man's clearly been through a lot"
Bringing its head away in compliance, Yoshi gives a snort, and from the corner of his eye, he begins stealing glances from above the water with interest.
Just behind the muscular savior is a new voice, and this voice had some pent up annoyance, "Does this idiot not know what a Lapras is?"
Listening in, Jared's sunburned mind begins to churn and process the words the two had spoken,"Lapras? Lapras... wait... wait a minute..."
Jared then croaks out some words in shaky disbelief, "Lapras... Lapras is a pokemon?"
Kukui smiles, "He sure is, he's my best friend too!"
"A pokemon"
"Yep" he replied cheerfully
Jared moved his eyes from the monster's face, to peer down at the shell connected to its large body.
Eyes wide with disbelief Jared began losing strength in his legs and slid down the rim of the small boat into a seated position.
Grabbing his injured arm, and cringing from the blisters, he clutches his chest and proceeds to take a few shaky breaths.
(Okay okay okay... this is good news, at least this means it's probably not a water planet, and there are no cannibals to eat me.)
The two men conversed back and forth for a few minutes until eventually Jared somewhat processes his situation.
Turning his eyes from the Lapras, Jared decides to listen in on the conversation between the two strangers.
"Ah, Bane, why are you always like that, life's an adventure, we can still search for a tentacool on the way back"
(So the jerk that wants me thrown overboard is named Bane... Hmrph! with those sleepy looking panda eyes of yours maybe you should stop trying to get people killed and go to sleep!)
"Nah, you always do this Kukui, we're gonna lose a whole day taking this naked geezer back because as usual you have to save everyone you see like some sort of saint"
(So my savior is named Kukui... kinda foreign-sounding isn't it?)
Scratching his wrist, a new thought pops into his head, (No, is sounding foreign really the crux of the issue here? THEY SPEAK BLOODY ENGLISH, I'M ON ANOTHER PLANET AND THEY SPEAK ENGLISH!!)
During Jared's thoughts, the two men continue to argue, "Well, we can't just leave him here can we? and we are official trainers, it's our duty to help those in need"
Jared interrupts their argument by clearing his throat, but when he finally received their full attention he almost forgot what he wanted to say, "Erm, where is this?"
Kukui answered while pointing to an island in the distance, "We're off the coast of route fourteen, I'm searching for a strong tentacool for my good friend here!"
Glancing in the direction Kukui just indicted Jared turned with surprise, "That island clearly wasn't there when I fell asleep, and what do you mean by "Route fourteen" exactly?"
Kukui tilts his head in puzzlement, "Alola, do you not know how you ended up here?"
"No, no... my last memories were sitting on my couch" Jared replied in exasperation
"I told you he was an idiot," remarked Bane
"BANE YOU'RE NOT HELPING," Kukui said with a laugh
Jared then noticed the lapras shake its head with a smile as if it were able to understand.
(Can pokemon even smile?)
"Can that thing understand you?"
Kukui responds with an uncharacteristically serious expression, "Yes, but never call Yoshi a thing!"
Jared's sunburned face slowly begins to get even redder from the unexpected chastisement, then laughs inwardly, (...I know some people on earth that would love to be scolded while butt naked, but I'm not one of them...)
Kukui spent a moment rummaging through one of the two small bags positioned near the center of the small boat, and from his hands he produced some clothes.
Like a switch, the man regained his previous cheer, then leans over to hand his newly sunburned acquaintance something to wear, " Here, put these on, you're a bit taller than me, but they should fit well enough"
A bit bashful from his nakedness, Jared replies curtly, "Thanks... "
He tries on the cargo pants, and a striped black and white shirt, all the while wincing and trying to ignore the sting of the painful sunburns. Sure enough, they mostly fit.
(No underwear though...)
"Hey Kukui... actually nevermind," Yes, wearing someone's clothes is one thing, but the underwear might be a bit too weird... Jared thought.
Kukui looked over in puzzlement for a moment before producing a smile, "What's your name?"
Kukui motions over the slippy slippery wooden floor of the boat, but Jared flinches at the unexpected action.
Grabbing Jared's limp hand Kukui gives it a shake, "Well, it's nice to meet you!"
Smiling even wider, Kukui continues with interest, "That's a very unique name though, where are you from Jared?"
Jared coughs in an attempt to buy himself some time to think.
(I don't want to come off as a lunatic, so it's probably best I hide the fact that I came here from a different world. Kukui seems nice on the surface, but... I'm technically an *otherworldly alien* So... maybe it's best I make something up, at least until I figure out how they treat *aliens.* Considering Alola is a real place, and the only two regions I actually know the name of are Kanto and Johto... and the fact that Kanto and Johto probably far away from here, then... that probably means if I make something up then they likely won't be able to confirm it.)
After a short moment of deliberation, Jared replied, " I'm from Johto, uh... Pallet Town"
Rubbing his chin in thought, Kukui ponders for just a moment, " Pallet Town isn't in Johto though?"
In response, Jared's eyes open wide, he then abruptly stood up while desperately shaking his hands, " I I uh sorry I was confused, I meant Kanto"
Seeing Kukui nod in acceptance with a smile, Jared inwardly sighs in relief.
(That was close...)
From his position behind Kukui, an unimpressed Bane can be seen looking over with his arms crossed.
Laughing to hide his embarrassment Jared croaks, " Ah... do you have any water, I think dehydration must be affecting my ability to think."
Reaching back into his bag, Kukui hands over a water bottle, "Sure thing!"
Grasping the bottle with both hands, and nearly losing his balance in the process due to the slippery floor, Jared begins greedily chugging down the water.
Sputtering when a little water enters his windpipe, Kukui can be seen smiling slightly in amusement.
From behind, Bane speaks up with irritation laced in his voice, "Hey Kukui, I know you two idiots are having a bonding moment and all, but are we are sending this old man ashore or what?"
In response, Kukui lazily waves one arm behind himself, "Fine fine " He then turned his head to the water-bound monster, " Hey Yoshi, can you please take us to land, oh, and Jared, you might want to hold on to something, hehe"
Putting the water bottle down, Jared leans over to the short railing on the side of the boat, and with his uninjured arm, he holds fast over the rim of the boat. He was now ready for any rapid movement!
Wiggling his ears, Yoshi slowly begins moving. A submerged rope soon became visible as the boat slowly turned, and after a moment the rope became fully tout. The rope Looped over Yoshi's shell on one end, while the other was tied firmly to the boat's bow.
A short time passes, and during this time Jared was staring at the back of the fast-moving Lapras in thought, (Is this really not the loch ness monster?...)
The group traveled in silence for a few minutes, and a cool breeze blew despite the hot sun. This breeze prompted Jared to shiver in his slightly damp clothes, (...Weird, I could swear I felt warmer when I was in the water...)
During their travel, Jared felt a tap on his shoulder, and when he turned around he finds a sandwich held near his face.
"Hope you like tuna fish"
Looking at the sandwich in confusion for a moment, Jared contemplates the words, (Tuna...? how do they have tuna fish, and I thought that the world of pokemon had no real animals, only pokemon. How does this place share so many similarities with Earth?)
A minute later Kukui breaks Jared from his internal monologue, "Say, Jared, what happened to your pokemon, did you get separated from them when you ended up here?"
"I... never had one before"
Kukui reacts with surprise, "You came all this way from Pallet Town without a pokemon?!"
With a cough, Jared replies, "I... I already told you my last memory was sitting at home, I have NO idea how I got here"
Scratching his head, Kukui apologizes, "Sorry, I thought you were joking earlier"
From behind, Bane whisperers something to Kukui, but it was still loud enough for all to hear, "This guy is really suspicious, I say we put him back where we found him."
Kukui only laughs in reply, "Ah, Bane you're always the joker, he has no pokemon or weapons, what's he going to do, punch me? hahaha"
Ignoring the remark, Bane pretends to look away, but it was still quite obvious he was keeping his eye on the stranger.
Noticing bane's glare, Kukui couldn't help but sigh, " Aw, Bane, we'll take him to Tapu village and leave right away, there's no need to get like this."
Bane finally looks away with a snort. In reply, Kukui to gave a shrugging gesture with his hands, before turning back to Jared, "So, Jared, are you fine with us dropping you off at Tapu village?"
Cutting in before a reply could be given, bane mutters loudly, "You just said we were going to, and now you are asking his opinion?"
Seeing Banes attitude Kukui frowns, "Now, now, Bane, I'm just making sure, I don't get why you are like this today, this poor fellow nearly lost his life out at sea, and all you can think about is yourself, a registered trainer should never act like this, and how about putting yourself in his shoes? "
Looking down, Bane gives a sour reply, "You're right I'm sorry"
Jared interjected, " I... uh, anywhere is okay with me, as long as you don't drop me back in the ocean... ha... ha..... I'm just grateful to be alive"
An hour into the trip Jared felt a familiar tap on his shoulder, and turning, he finds the culprit to be Kukui, and he was now pointing to a spot a little ways out, "Jared, You see that over there?"
Jared turned to look and was greeted to a rather shocking sight. In his view were packs, and packs of large oval looking red fish. The fish were happily swimming around, and leaping out of the water periodically.
"Are those Magikarp?" Jared asked unsurely.
"Yep, schools of Magikarp travel here every summer to breed in the warm Alola waters, it's an amazing sight, isn't it?"
Jared nodded in a daze, as the boat was pulled past, he gave a longing look.
(...This confirms it, this really is the pokemon world, isn't it! That Lapras really is a Lapras and not the loch ness monster, and those Magikarp too are real living breathing pokemon.)
Clenching his fingers into a fist, Jared feels an excitement that he had never felt in all his twenty-nine years of living. Feeling so moved, tears started to moisten his eyes, but he didn't care.
(This is a dream I could have never dared to wish for, a wish a worthless bastard like me didn't deserve, but... if this is somehow all a dream, I can still die happily.)
Kukui put a warm comforting hand on the tearful man, "You act It's like you've never seen a pack of wild pokemon before hehe!"
After a four-hour trip over the calm ocean and several more questions from Kukui, the group was soon nearing an inlet.
Lining the shores of the inlet was a large concrete dock. The dock held ships of various sizes. The ships ranged from small boats similar to the one they were on, but there were also many medium-sized vessels. These vessels all shared one thing in common, they did not have a sail!
Jared pondered quietly, (This is a lot bigger than what I'd imagine, I mean it is called Tapu village, but this dock is fit for a city... No, this clearly is a city, I've never heard of a village from earth with a large dock like this.)
Rooted along the shore were packs of scattered palm trees, and they were accompanied by random patches of small sweet-smelling red and yellow flowers.
Placed here and there were a few small shrubs, and in the air was a lingering sweet scent which mixed with the stench of rotten fish.
Jared covered his nose in disgust.
A few colorful wooden houses on stilts dotted the dock, and dozens and dozens of people along with various pokemon could be seen. They walked about busily emptying nets from their respective boats, or they attended to some other task.
Further up lay a few small houses, and even further beyond was a hill which surrounded the inlet. The area looked like a crater had impacted the shore here long ago, and unless you were a bird there was no way you could see way lay beyond this natural barrier.
As they neared, Jared noted a medium-sized boat stranded ashore, and atop it was three short men. They were away at the coral at the ship's bottom, no doubt doing maintenance.
Nearing their final destination Jared got a better view of the three *men,* and their true appearance prompted Jared to ask, "Hey Kukui, are those machops with clothes?"
With a small chuckle, Kukui nods.
Smiling foolishly, Jared laughs too, "Kukui, this place looks like a paradise!"
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Divik: Companion Two in the Orak'Thune Series
A city built on honour. A downfall built on lies. Divik is a cesspool. Left too long to its own devices, it is a city ruled by degenerate barons, unique in that on the surface, they’re part of the shiny ruling class. Enter the terrorists. Having decided on vulnerable Divik for their plans long ago, it is an easy corridor of which to get a foothold on the otherwise impenetrable, ultra-patriotic Orak’thune nation; and they have a message for its Fire Queen. The countdown to their demise has been set, the players on the board unwittingly outmatched. The innocent residents will be victims in the crossfire if the last good knight, Colonel Rabb, can’t clear them out of the way in time. Living Fire: Book Four in the Orak'Thune Series tells the tale of how King River and Hanna get embroiled in the coup, and how Queen Nyssa and Jara get them back from the clutches of a sociopathic terrorist and out of an imploding city. But what really happened inside Divik that it fell so quickly? How did Malta and his underling Krug, even get this close at all? Divik is number two of nine companion novellas to the epic fantasy series Orak’Thune. It is the current freebie available on my website - you can download the full ebook version with no obligation (but why not sign up to the newsletter so you don't miss out on the next one?) Offer on now for a limited time! ***** Curious to know who the heck these characters are? Why the hell would the Rogun Black Tower be attacking a foreign city? Meet the characters in The Armoured Queen: Book One of the Orak'Thune Series, follow the progression of the queen and her introduction to magic in The Necromancer's Fire: Book Two of the Orak'Thune Series. And for the history of the Rogun animosity against Nyssa and the Orak'Thune, check out Rogun: Companion One. (the novella prequel to books 1-3) All on Royal Roads in part at the moment, but full versions now available through Kindle Unlimited and Amazon. Please feel free to check out the website for more details about what's going on, the reading lists and what's to come. Sign up to my newsletter for news on release dates, freebies and promos. https://www.genevieveginn.com Or visit us on Facebook page or join the Fan Group: https://www.facebook.com/GenevieveGinnAuthor/ Instagram.https://www.instagram.com/genevieveginnauthor/ Thank you readers!
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