《Happy Ending》Side-Story: Chirps, meows and barks.


It happened when Chris was being questioned by his mother.

-Wait a minute, mistress! It's true Chris should have secrets even from his own mother! I think it's up to him to whatever he wants to reveal them or not!

The one that opposed her mistress' ways of dealing with the situation was the small bombay cat called Stella. With her paws placed on the table, she hoped to get any sort of attention from the woman sitting on the other side.

-Ah! As expected from a stray cat, she just doesn't know when to not put her tail in what she is not called.

With an arrogant tone, someone in the table disagreed with the cat. With small jumps made with her tiny legs, the canary bird, Mia, went to a position where she could have a better look at the cat.

Being made fun of, Stella didn't stay quiet.

-Birdbrainn, my tail alone have more dignity than you will ever have. You think I should not have an opinion just because the one that started this was the mistress? I'm just trying to make this fair for both sides!

-Oh, really? For the both of them, you said?

Seen cat explaining the reasons for her objection, the bird smirked at her as if Stella was funny to her.

-Then...are you sure that is not because your dignified tail is in his bed on each day's night?!


-Don't play dumb, cat! We all know where you really sleep!

-I...don't know what you are talking about. I sleep on my bed just like the rest of-

-Then why we never saw you in your bed after everyone is asleep?

Her secret was out. The shock she felt knowing they knew all about what she does when Stella thought nobody was paying attention to her but it was her mistake to think she could have fouled them.

-Look like the cat is out of the bag now, huh?


Seen Stella making a surprised face, Mia laughed.

-To think that you would violate the code and act on your own. Ha! You stupid cat, I wonder if we should just send you out the house and let you root in the streets like you were supposed to be.

-...Mia, I will say it clear that even a birdbrain like you to understand...

It wasn't time to be shocked anymore. She was taunting her just because she made a mistake, but if that little bird thought she could just sing whatever she wanted, this cat wouldn't let her show be only a solo.

-If you try to separate me from him, those wings of yours will be done for before you even notice it.

Her claws were already out the moment she told that to the bird. Her look wasn't one that you would find in a house's pet but rather in a predator stalking its prey in a jungle.

But that wasn't enough to scare Mia. Rather, it was just the opposite.

-I want to see you try, stray cat!

It made her want to fight. They both were fired up to settle their differences for a long time and now it was the perfect opportunity for them. Without caring anymore for their owners' conversation, they proceed to close distance from each other when-

-Silence, both of you!

A loud and stoic voice stopped them. Look at the origin of it, they both turned their heads to the st. bernard dog, Dannis. His brows were so thick it covered his eyes and the fur in his face made it difficult to find his mouth, but when he talked, they both knew how difficult it was for him to raise his voice.

-Mia...I already said it many times already, stop with that attitude. Just because Stella is from the streets, it doesn't mean you need to provoke her with it. Are we clear?

-...Yes, sir...


Without any will, the bird responded the dog many times larger than her. Seen Mia bowing that tiny head of hers, Stella couldn't control her laughter.

-And Stella...

But when he called her name, she immediately froze in place.

-The pets in this house follow simple rules, and you weren't following one of the most important for a while, did you know that?

-...Yes, sir...

-I know how hard its to control yourself, but this is for the better for all of us. Don't neglect your duties for personal pleasure, are we clear?

She didn't want to admit, but Stella wasn't doing what she promised not to do. Still, a part of her couldn't help but to seek more of his care just like the old times.

-...I did not hear you, are we clear?

-...Yes, sir...

Even then, she didn't want to lose the little she had. If she had to continue with the act, so be it.

-...Good. If you make sure to remember this, try to sleep at least two days in your bed, ok? It will be harder to be found out this way.


-Wait, Dannis!

Seen the old dog smile, the cat, and the bird couldn't stop their surprised faces.

-Why you two are making those faces?

-Dannis, what you just said...does it mean...

-That you can continue sneaking at night to go to his room? I would never say that! All I said was that you could have a better chance to do it with you sleeping two days in your bed to leave your smell for us to think you are there with us, that is all.


-...We never know what would happen tomorrow.

The dog looked up, not to the ceiling, but to something else, it was the impression he was making for the cat.

-We try our best to continue surviving day by day, but sometimes we forget today is also a day to appreciate what we have. If we, by any chances, don't come back home one day, the last thing we will have will be our memories, be it good or bads.

Turning his head to Stella, Dannis proceed to talk.

-That is why we follow our codes so that we can always have those memories and come back home to make new ones. But, if we can't enjoy a bit more of today, there would be no meaning to wake up for another day.

Seen the cat overflowing with emotion, the old dog knew he did the right choice.

-Are we clear?

-Yes, sir!

Going back to her seat, Stella proceded to stay quiet and wait for the talk to end. Looking at her face, the bird sighs of annoyance. She went back to her place and then turned her head up to the dog on her side.

-...If it would be just like this, why not just get over with the code and let her go wild, huh?

-Don't be like that, old friend. She is still young to have the same discipline as us.

Mia clicked her tongue to show her dissatisfaction.

-If you continue to have such a soft heart, she will never learn how to be disciplined.

-You know, it's funny for you to say that, with you flying each day to check on how young Chris is doing in school.

-I-It's not funny! I'm just worried since he started high-school, that is all!

-Was like this during the entire middle-school too?

-Dannis, it was different that time, you know it!

Recalling how she was during those times, the old dog laughs while the little bird tried to deny him. Eventually, they stopped talking and waited patiently for their owners talk to end.

Of course, the said owners couldn't understand anything they were saying besides chirps, meows and barks.

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