《Femalekind Book Two》Worship of Aphrodite


The Worship of Aphrodite

Mythos and History

A. Before Gods

The Kin hunted, traded, and fought wars as separate peoples, tied to an ancient Quest, which as years passed faded from memory and no longer held any importance. When Kin died their lifeless body returned to the ground without ceremony like any dead flesh. None knew what would await the living upon death as no one could say or imagine. Living within a great unknown, a mystery; families would huddle together at night and watch each other age until death or fail to return home from a hunt, or war or trading caravan.

B. Since Gods

Kin have a reason to unite which transcends species differences. If funeral rites are observed those who worship Aphrodite are promised a place by her side and on occasion can return as guiding spirits for those who still live. There is a known path, the mystery of after death is revealed to those who worship the Goddess.

C. Realm Associations

Aphrodite promises Fertility with influence from Disorder. It is thought the combination allows the impossible birth to occur along with the unusual. Aphrodite is said to be the Mother of Kin. The Disorder Realm though has also enabled her to be the Mother of Monsters, which her faithful need not fear unless they agitate against her creations first.

The Goddess’ confession of grievous deeds inflicted upon the Kin cleansed Aphrodite of self lies and drew her closer to her faithful upon forgiveness, all embracing the Truth Realm. Aphrodite, repentant, refuses to lie, and she expects her faithful to follow this absolute when tested by life’s trials. It is said no lie can be spoken in her presence without being revealed.

Grievous deeds resulted in lingering half-lives and half-deaths from her imperfect means of killing. In a Quest of Confession and making amends she put to rest those she left in torment wielding final death, yet not forgetting the deeds of those finally finding rest, and in so doing gained affinity with the Death Realm.

As the Ruler Deity of her Pantheon there is an implied Authority Realm, yet no such rune for that Realm exists and so the boons are associated with the title instead.

Realms: Fertility, Disorder, Truth and Death.

Nature of her Worship

A. Reason for Continued Existence

All who worship Aphrodite are one, regardless of Kin or Race. As a common community, it exists to teach, support, and care for its members. It passes on its knowledge and experience from one generation to the next.

Just as Aphrodite provides for her worshippers, worshippers strengthen the Goddess. Worshippers are expected to spend most of their time in service to the community, performing tasks which strengthen and support the whole as well as individuals. There is no difference between male or female in roles and responsibilities as long as there is greater benefit.

B. Social/Political Power and Position

Aphrodite is the Ruler Deity so those who worship her are also typically in prominent positions within Kin society, although her reach is limited by the location of her places of worship. Currently the centre of her power, and therefore her followers’ greatest sphere of influence is the Cathedral of Aphrodite. To a lessor, although significant extent her Temples are secondary places of power.

In her ranks there aren’t soldiers, traders, and the like for there is no need when you rule over the God of War and the God of Trade respectfully in those two examples. By association, her Priests hold the same influence over the Priests of the Gods of her Pantheon. In part this influence stems from the Goddess’ Ruler Nominate Quest upon the Spirit Plane and their pledge to serve.


C. Particular Likes and Dislikes

The Goddess bares a hatred for the Gods of the Greek Patheon and their worshippers, which stems from the time she walked the land and was once herself a Priestess of Zeus.

She is accepting, although suspicious of humans as her early interactions found deceivers and traitors amongst them. She suspects humans will be the ultimate enemy of the Kin and in order to defeat an enemy you need to learn all about them first, so open hostility is discouraged.

Worshipers are expected to demonstrate one or more of the following passions: Devotion (Aphrodite), Loyalty (Worshippers of Aphrodite), Loyalty (Kin), Love (Family), Hate (Greek Pantheon), Distrust (Humans).


A. Inter-Community Organization

The Arch Priest of Aphrodite is the overall ruler of the Goddess’ places of worship and attending worshippers. Worshippers owe loyalty to Aphrodite first, their Kin second which is causing friction where a civilian government is mature and strong. This is especially true in the Golden Scale Empire of the Snake Kin.

B. Intra-Community Organization

There is a defined hierarchy; Arch Priest -> High Priest -> Priest -> Adept -> Initiate -> Lay Member. The Arch Priest is advised by a number of Cardinals, who can wield the authority of the Arch Priest when delegated to do so.

Arch Priest: Snake Kin Alasse.

Cardinal: Stone Giant Taha.

Cardinal: Snake Kin Vestan.

Cardinal: Snake Kin Ralora.

Cardinal: Snake Kin Pex.

Within a Temple a Priest wields absolute authority unless a Cardinal acting upon the authority of the Arch Priest is present and overrules said authority.

C. Centre of Power, Holy Places

Cathedral of Aphrodite: The absolute centre of worship for Aphrodite. Its location within the Golden Scale Empire offers protection from any beyond the Empire’s borders yet is vulnerable if the Empire decides to suppress or worse expel the Worship of Aphrodite.

Great Temple of Aphrodite: A pilgrimage site near Quest Town, the consecration of which first unveiled the power and majesty of the Goddess Aphrodite.

Minor Holy Sites:

Assembly Ground between the Quest Dungeon and Quest Town – the awakening of the first Priestess of Aphrodite. Campground upon the banks of the Quest Town river – the Prophet Alasse evangelising.

Significant Holy Sites:

Meeting place on the road to the Cathedral – the recruiting of a powerful House Matriarch to the worship of Aphrodite, by the Prophet Nami.

D. Holy Days, High Holy Days

The first day of every month is considered a Holy Day, where worshippers must pray and sacrifice mana to the Goddess Aphrodite. On each High Holy Day when worshippers pray and sacrifice mana, they may request a boon, typically Faith Magic or Realm Magic depending upon their dedication.

High Holy Day: The day the Goddess Aphrodite accepted her Divine Spark.

High Holy Day: The day the Goddess Aphrodite ascended to Ruler of the Pantheon.

Lay Membership

A. Requirements to Join

Any Kin or Giant race in good standing with their community are automatically accepted upon application otherwise if the applicant is recently arrived, they must reside within the community until such time as their reputation is obvious and acknowledged by all.

B. Requirements to Belong

Attend Holy Day and High Holy Day ceremonies. Demonstrate the Truth Realm aspect of Aphrodite in everyday dealings and activities with other worshippers.

C. Mundane Benefits

Members are eligible to be employed within any of the Goddess’ Temples. In times of hardship the Temple will offer food, shelter, and comfort. Skills important to Aphrodite can be learnt at her Temples for a fee.

D. Skills

Members are able to receive free training in Theology (Aphrodite).

E. Magic


Lay Members do not receive magical training or instruction.

Initiate Membership

A. Requirements for Initiation

The Temple hierarchy must have known the candidate for at least one year and a day. The only exception is a child of parents who, one or both, are already Initiates or higher of Aphrodite and is coming of age.

The candidate must demonstrate their suitability by answering questions related to the worship of Aphrodite (Successful Theology (Aphrodite) skill check) and performing at least three skills favoured by the Goddess with satisfactory proficiency (Successful skill checks on three of the religion’s skills).

B. Requirements to Remain Initiated

Tithe a tenth of their yearly income and a tenth of their free time to the Temple. They must protect Aphrodite and her reputation using verbal, physical and magical means as appropriate and commensurate with their knowledge, skills, and proficiencies.

C. Mundane Benefits

These are largely the same as for Lay Members, but skills important to Aphrodite can be learnt at a half price. Faith Magic can be taught to Initiates for a fee.

D. Skills

Initiates can be taught the following skills if the Temple has a teacher:

Ruler Aspect: Oratory, Speak Own Language, Evaluate, Kin Lore, Theology (Aphrodite)

Fertility Realm: Plant Lore, Kin Lore

Disorder Realm: Glib Talk, Hide, Throw Voice

Truth Realm: Scan, Search, Listen

Death Realm: Spear & Shield Combat Style, Bow

E. Faith Magic

Initiates can be taught the following spells from Priests and Adepts in Cathedrals, Great Temples and Temples:

Ruler Aspect: Locate Enemy, Beauty, Self-doubt, Mindspeech

Fertility Realm: Healing

Disorder Realm: Confuse, Dishearten, Enrage

Truth Realm: Locate Magic

Death Realm: Magic Sight, Spirit Protection

Common: Locate (Faithful, Faithless, Heretic)

F. Realm Magic

Initiates, if they prove their worthiness (Successful Theology (Aphrodite) skill check) may sacrifice a portion of their innate magic power to gain access to the special Realm Magic Spells provided by the Priests of Aphrodite typically on Holy Days and High Holy Days of worship on a one-use basis.

Ruler Aspect: Worship (Aphrodite), Soul Sight, Shield, Sanctify Area (Aphrodite), Summon Faithful

Fertility Realm: Bless Maiden, Bless Wife, One Mind, One Pleasure, One Love, Abundance

Disorder Realm: Reflect Magic, Madness, Mindblast

Truth Realm: Detect Untruth, Binding Oath

Death Realm: Bless Weapon, Discerp Spirit

G. Common Divine Magic

Initiates, if they prove their worthiness (Successful Theology (Aphrodite) skill check) may sacrifice a portion of their innate magic power to gain access to Common Divine Magic Spells provided by the Priests of Aphrodite typically on Holy Days and High Holy Days of worship on a one-use basis.

Assess Aspirant, Magiclink, Heal Flesh, Cleanse Magic, Teach Faith Magic, Summon (Cult Spirit), Command (Cult Spirit), Excommunicate, Find Enemy, Protect Being (Spirit), Protect Area, Find (Substance), Enchanting, Divination, Extension.

H. Divine Intervention

An Initiate is able to call upon Aphrodite for Divine Assistance once per week at a cost of their innate magic power – the chance of success is small while amount sacrificed can range from five percent to ninety-five present.

Priest Membership

A. General Statement

There are several Priest titles, which represent faith and proficiency above the rank of Adept, namely Priest, High Priest, Arch Priest with a Cardinal being equivalent to a High Priest. The Cardinal doesn’t head a place of worship, instead is dedicated in their service to the Arch Priest being a devoted advisor.

B. Requirements for Acceptance

Be in good standing with the Priest Hierarchy of Aphrodite, whether Initiate trying to rise to Adept or Priest trying to rise to High Priest. A candidate will be assessed by their peers.

The Priesthood also requires certain minimums depending upon the rank being attained. These are defined as the number of Realm Magic Spells known, performing a minimum number of skills favoured by the Goddess with satisfactory proficiency (Successful skill checks on each nominated skill favoured by the Goddess, one of which must be Theology (Aphrodite)), Summon and Command a Cult Spirit, and pass a test of holiness (a special ritual casting of Assess Aspirant) by the Priest Hierarchy assessing the candidate.

Adept – 10 Realm Magic Spells, 4 skills favoured by the Goddess, Any Cult Spirit.

Priest – 12 Realm Magic Spells, 6 skills favoured by the Goddess, Named Cult Spirit.

High Priest – 14 Realm Magic Spells, 8 skills favoured by the Goddess, Cult Spirit of Reprisal.

Cardinal – 14 Realm Magic Spells, 8 skills favoured by the Goddess, Cult Spirit of Reprisal.

Arch Priest – 16 Realm Magic Spells, 10 skills favoured by the Goddess, Converted Spirit.

With the exception of Adept, there must be an available vacancy for the candidate at an appropriate Temple, Major Temple, Great Temple, or Cathedral. Adepts are usually posted to attend Sites and/or Shrines, alternatively as assistants to Priests or High Priests.

The Priest Hierarchy assessing a candidate must be at least one Priest or higher for an Adept candidate, two Priests or higher for a Priest candidate, three High Priests or higher for a High Priest candidate, four Cardinals or higher for a Cardinal candidate, all the non-applying High Priests and Cardinals for an Arch Priest candidate.

Note about Converted Spirit: A powerful named and non-aligned Spirit must be summoned and converted to the worship of Aphrodite. This process usually takes years in research and then years in conversion of the Spirit. The candidate will Summon and Command the Spirit during the assessment.

Candidates may only try once per year regardless of success or failure.

C. Restrictions

Priests are encouraged to marry and personify the Fertility Realm with the birth of many children.

Once in their life they must make pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Aphrodite if not in residence there. If in residence at the Cathedral of Aphrodite, they must make pilgrimage to the Great Temple of Aphrodite.

Priests are responsible for the welfare of their worshippers and must not do anything which will uselessly or foolishly endanger them. They must make every effort to be living examples of Aphrodite.

Priests live to serve their Goddess and Temple and must pledge 90% of their personal income and time to the Temple or to Temple business. This dedication restricts progression in any athletic or martial skills.

D. Benefits

Priests in residence at Temples can teach themselves Faith Magic, Realm Magic and Common Divine Magic as time and skill permits. All Realm Magic and Common Divine Magic is reusable.

Priests retain the right to ask for Divine Intervention same as an Initiate.

Preaching (Worship (Aphrodite)) to a Temple congregation yields a tithe of magic power from every worshipper for the Priest, which can be utilised for self-improvement and/or Temple and Worshipper improvement, the remaining balance is channelled to Aphrodite.

The Title bestows upon the Priest great social status and the support of his community.

E. Common Divine Magic

An explanation of the Common Divine Magic available to the worshippers of Aphrodite. While in theory all the Spells are available some are restricted due to purpose or if an Initiate.

Magiclink: Allows mind to mind communication, several sets of two people can be linked (via multiple castings) for example like a wagon wheel where several link to the one (but not each other) or a daisy chain of pairs. Spell knowledge and magic power is shared between a pair. No memories, hidden thoughts, unconscious urges, or permanent spell knowledge will be shared. Either of the pair can break the link at any time.

Heal Flesh: Repairs damage done to living creatures. The more magic power channelled into the casting the more damage repaired. It won’t regrow or heal a maimed or severed limb, although if a severed limb is found soon and in good condition it can be reattached by use of this spell.

Cleanse Magic: Multiple levels of strength can be learnt allowing for the dismissal of more powerful magic. It can target a specific defensive spell if known, otherwise it will dismiss the most powerful defensive magic of the target it is capable of first.

Teach Faith Magic: A special purpose Command (Cult Spirit) spell. Once a Priest summons a Cult Spirit which contains the required Faith Magic the Priest can use this spell to teach himself or another the spell.

Find Enemy: Alerts the caster to the presence of anyone wishing to do them harm whether or not they are hidden as long as they are in range of the spell. Thick walls etc can block this detection.

Protect Being (Spirit): A magical defence against Spirit attacks it can be learnt at multiple levels of strengths. This is purely defensive; it won’t assist the Priest in any attacks upon the Spirit.

Protect Area: A ritual spell offering protection across a wide area with multiple levels of strength which can be used to expand the area or increase the protections overed. Protections include from Spells, Spirits, and creatures.

Find (Substance): There are several specific forms of this spell used to locate anything from gold to water, although stone walls, soil depth will block the spell.

Priest Only:

Assess Aspirant: Allows the caster to determine if the target is or can be a faithful worshipper of Aphrodite, Divine guidance is called upon. When cast as a ritual by more than two Priests the spell becomes a limited and specific purpose Divine Intervention for use in candidate assessment.

Summon (Cult Spirit): There are many Cult Spirits. Some with specific purposes like those carrying knowledge of Faith Magic to the Spirit of Reprisal or Spirits of past worshippers. This calls them from the God Plane and while they aren’t openly hostile, they object from being removed from Aphrodite’s side.

Command (Cult Spirit): Once summoned a Priest can use this spell to command the Cult Spirit to perform actions based upon the Spirit’s capabilities.

Excommunicate: An hour-long ritual performed by a Priest to sever the divine link an Initiate of Aphrodite has with her. The transgression must have some basis in truth. All magics derived from the Initiates’ worship of Aphrodite is lost and worshippers in good standing will sense the excommunication upon the former worshipper when in their presence.

Enchanting: Ritual Spell to place permanent enchantments upon physical items, for example rings, pieces of armour, clothing etc.

Divination: Can only be cast in a Temple of the Priest’s God, allows a form of communication with the Priest’s God to ask simple questions which can be answered in seven of less words or a short vision.

Extension: When cast with another spell doubles the duration of the other spell.

F. Realm Magic

An explanation of the Realm Magic available to the worshippers of Aphrodite. While in theory all the Spells are available some are restricted due to purpose or if an Initiate.

Ruler Aspect:

Worship (Aphrodite): Typically cast upon a congregation praying in a Temple while the presiding Priest eulogises. On Holy Days and High Holy Days worshippers contribute magic power to their Goddess, while the Priest gathers his/her due.

Soul Sight: Enables the Priest to see the magic power of the living or alternatively glimpse into the Spirit Plane and engage with Spirits.

Shield: Protects the Priest from physical damage and the effects of spells. The spell has multiple levels of strength which increases the magnitude of both protections.

Sanctify Area (Aphrodite): Creates an area of sanctified ground. This can be used to consecrate a place of worship or prepare and ad hoc location to cast Worship (Aphrodite) with the same benefits as being cast in a Temple for example.

Summon Faithful: Calls the God’s worshippers to the Priest, the range depends upon the magic power expended when the spell is cast. The summoning can be refined, for example Initiates only, or worshippers of a certain Shrine only.

Fertility Realm:

Bless Maiden: Increasing the existing fertility of a virgin female. The next pregnancy can possibly result in multiple births, all will be healthier and stronger than typical, the best examples of their kind. The spell doesn’t cure infertility.

Bless Wife: Similar to Bless Maiden except granting the same benefits to a married female.

One Mind: This spell guarantees rapid and easy communication of ideas and sharing of thoughts within a gathering of a community - a village, a prayer group etc.

One Pleasure: Both participants remember the ecstatic oneness experienced during the shared moment of sexual climax.

One Love: The depth of True love reinforces this spell with the frequency of consequences dependent upon the fullness of the relationship. For example:

Know Location of each other: Permanent, At Will, once or twice per day, per week, per month. Mindlink between Lovers: Permanent, At Will, once or twice per day, per week, per month. Perfect athletic synergy between lovers - fighting style, acrobats, musicians Life Pact between Lovers: Shared wounds, shared disease so harm is easier to cure allowing both to recover.

Abundance: Cast upon a gathering any living thing – a field of corn plant, a herd of animals, a community of worshipers – the result is fertilisation to an extreme. An entire corn stalk covered in ears and the kernels large, fertile, and capable of growing a new plant. Pregnant worshipers would give birth to twins, triplets or more all healthy. Can't work on infertile targets.

Disorder Realm:

Reflect Magic: The spell has multiple levels of strength which increases the magnitude of the reflection which incoming spells must overcome to affect the caster. If Reflect Magic succeeds the offensive spell now attacks the original caster instead of the Priest.

Madness: A contest in magic power determines the success or failure, the greater the degree of success the more severe the consequences, from permanent loss of Intelligence (memory, logic, spell knowledge), paranoia, catatonia, and confusion.

Mindblast: A contest in magic power although a direct attack on the target’s intelligence (memory, logic, spell knowledge) except not permanent. The target will recover after a number of days.

Truth Realm:

Detect Untruth: Once cast if anyone within the immediate vicinity of the Priest speaks lies, the Priest and any fellow worshippers of Aphrodite will know the speaker lies, although not exact details, if for example a half truth is spoken.

Binding Oath: Binds two sentient creatures in a binding Oath, one of them doesn’t have to be the Priest. If either break the Oath, then their Spirit will be attacked by the magic power invested into the Oath by both parties. If they fail to resist, they die, their Spirit is destroyed.

Death Realm:

Bless Weapon: Any weapon can conceivably do the maximum damage upon an opponent more often than not; slicing through armour, or finding weaknesses in the armour, targeting vital organs for the duration. For this to happen the wielder must still through their own efforts hit the target, when they do the strike will be most advantageous.

Discerp Spirit: The target must resist a contest in magic power, if the Priest dominates, the target’s Spirit is separated from his or her body instantly causing death of the body, while the Spirit ascends to the Spirit Plane.

Subservient Spirits

A. Spirit of Reprisal

The Spirit of Reprisal is an extension of the Goddess Aphrodite. The Spirit will descend upon any who did not live up to the tenants of worship expected by the Goddess. The punishments are a measured response to the worshippers’ transgression.

Associated Gods

A. God of War Ames

The God of War aided the Goddess in her Rulership Quest and from that time they have formed a bond beyond what is usual between a Ruler God and a Pantheon God. As a consequence, the War God grants Aphrodite and her worshippers’ access to his Realm Magic Spell Morale.

Morale: By the expenditure of magic power multiple targets can be affected in a single casting. The recipients will not fail to face the enemy and will never flee the battlefield. If subject to magic causing fear or loss of free will, the spell provides an increased resistance to such affects.

B. God of Hunting Swift Spear

The God of Hunting aided the Goddess in her Rulership Quest. In recognition of that partnership the Hunting God grants Aphrodite and her worshippers’ access to his Faith Magic Spell Far Sight.

C. God of Trade Bellas

The Goddess of Trade in adherence to her Realms bargained a partnership with the Goddess during her Rulership Quest. The lessons weren’t lost on the Goddess and she shares those lessons with her worshippers. Aphrodite’s worshippers can be taught the Skill Haggling.

D. God of Justice Nasim

Erstwhile confidante of the Goddess during life, stalwart companion during her Rulership Quest Nasim claimed the Role God of Justice after the defeat of Tor. In gratitude the God Nasim provides the Goddess a Spirit Avatar of himself to be the Goddess’ Spirit of Reprisal.

Miscellaneous Notes

A. The Greek Pantheon

The Goddess’ enmity for all the Gods in the Greek Pantheon manifests in such a way that her magics are a bane to any worshippers of that Pantheon. The conquering of all Greek Pantheon Temples empowered this impact. As another consequence, the following Magic was tricked from certain Gods of Olympus:

Faith Magic from Zeus: Beauty

Faith Magic from Hera: Sooth Birthing

Faith Magic from Athena: Enhance Weapon, Faith Armour

Realm Magic from Aphrodite: One Mind, One Pleasure, One Love, Abundance

The Greek Goddess Aphrodite is forever more unable to harvest worship from this world and therefore any future influence impossible. There can be only one Aphrodite in this world.

B. Monster Dominate

Locking out Monster Dominate from her soul coupled with the legacy of her evolutions the Goddess claimed the role Mother of Monsters. Combined with her Fertility Realm, she intends to populate the world with her offspring.

Of special note is the Karpy race – evolved Kobolds from the “Egg Shell of Mother”, which they venerate. As a race they are fanatical in their worship of Aphrodite the Goddess and conduct Worship (Aphrodite) ceremonies twice a week. All Karpy young are born Initiates of Aphrodite. Any worshippers of Aphrodite visiting a Karpy settlement will be treated as an honoured guest. Several Karpy spirits joined the Goddess’ Army on the Rulership Quest and the living families of those few are venerated.

C. Dungeon Dominate

The Goddess ultimately triumphed defeating Zeus’ Geas by locking out Dungeon Dominate in her soul. This has resulted in an uneasy alliance where the Goddess can call upon the aid of the Dungeons, which she did during her Rulership Quest. They could be called upon again depending upon the aims of the newly discovered Human race.

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