《Femalekind Book Two》2.016 Reunions
--- Azizos POV
A twitch of awareness alerts me, one of my minions suffers a wound. An Orc Warrior standing guard at the Dungeon Entrance and I race back from the edge of the Frigid Lake Zone to investigate the danger. His injury a nip on the finger! The fool plays with the small fish in the Lake and others now do the same laughing at his ineptness, while he challenges them back to avoid the same fate. Foolish behaviour and yet I sense no others about and return my presence to the edge of the Zone, seeking her and trying to guide the Captain.
What now? Water enters my Dungeon cascading down the Circular Stairs, a stream which eventually peters out upon reaching the final step, several droplets tumbling into the Main Cavern. How? According to the overheard chat of my minions the lake is calm and while the sky is overcast there is no storm. The Captain complains of pushing against localised wind stirring up snow flurries in the South of Lake Mountain Zone slowing their search progress …
An Orc Warrior dies.
“Master we have found her!”
Another Orc Warrior dies. Danger and success at the same time?
“Try to drag her into the Frozen Lake Zone.”
“We already tried and failed, her weight is beyond normal, perhaps with more Warriors?”
Another warrior becomes wounded his cries of panic plain; not scrambling across land though, swimming to return to shore. How is he in the Lake? I spilt my focus paying the mana cost. The three others with him throw a rope. I sense their actions and can overhear their shouting and I curse the Zone isn’t mine, the limit on my vision and everything costs mana.
“One stand guard, I need you to return with the other two to the Frozen Lake Zone. Your warriors there are under attack, somehow.”
The three pull on the rope, gain ground and then lose ground as one or more slips on the loose stones the voicing of their frustrations my informant. The wounded one is losing blood, losing life and yet suffers no more wounds. He is slain by the time the Captain and the two Orc Warriors with him join the end of the rope. They heave his dead body to the shore and examine it, multiple bite marks all bleeding, resulting in a slow death.
“Amazing! A Giant Gar flies high above the water, the torso wiggles in a fight against falling, the sunlight bursts through a gap in the dark clouds and reflects upon the silver scales, glistening like jewels … A wonderous sight Master …”
I wonder …
Shouts of dismay. Ice cold water tumbles down my circular stairwell.
Two Orcs die.
“What has happened Captain!” I scream into his mind, to break him from his stupor and for answers.
His ‘voice’ is in awe. “The Giant Gar crashed down onto the Lake and a wall of water washed over us, and another Giant Gar from a different direction hidden by the first landed immediately after …”
They struggle together to reach shore, the Captain directing another to cast a rope to them. The rope returns short, gnawed off. I am left with the Captain and a single Orc Warrior, both of whom stand well back from the shoreline. A third stands guard over her.
Could my Orc Warrior slay her? A single swift strike through an eye … and if he misses or the wound insufficient and she lashes out he would probably die, and I would lose her ‘location’. I could call other minions to assist …
{Frigid Lake Zone is being contested by another, a Priestess of Zeus. To claim the Zone one of your denizens must defeat the strongest creature within the Zone as well as the new rival.}
“Frost Giants, across the lake, they gather yet don’t move towards us.”
What are my options? I begin by asking the System for Living Construct Evolutions as I consider slowing her down at the very least by denying her wings. In her current emotional state, I ask myself, would she be aware enough to modify the evolution? I decide I am willing to take the gamble.
{Hominine Essence L5+, Avine Essence L5+, Feline Essence L5+, Colubrine Essence L5+}
{Evolutions Available: Manticore, Nemean Lion
Mana: 500}
{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession
Special Condition Met – Healer profession
Evolution Available: Naga
Mana: 2000}
{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession
Special Condition Met – Healer profession
Evolution Available: Couatl
Mana: 2000}
{Special Condition Met – Spellcaster profession
Special Condition Met – Female Evolution
Evolution Available: GynoSphinx
Mana: 2000}
Nemean Lion, wingless and faceless she would need to be aware to modify both. I will the System to evolve her into Nemean Lion.
{Warning: Due to Contested Zone, Evolution Cost is ten times: 5000 Mana. Proceed? Y/N}
Ten times the normal mana cost, how much do I desire revenge for her betrayal? I will Y to the System immediately.
{Warning: Due to Contested Zone Evolution, assumption is critical need, assume default answers to Parameters and given requested Evolution is live birth type, acceleration of Evolution is possible. Agree Y/N?}
I will Y and celebrate.
“One of the Frost Giants has separated from the others and walks the lake perimeter Master.”
{Lock Dungeon Dominate Automatically when 100%: Enabled.}
I call back the Orc Warrior from over her body, the evolution will delay her descending down the mountain and when she reaches my Dungeon Door, I will deny her entry. She will then need to walk to her new Dungeon friend, wherever she maybe, hopefully beyond the impassable other side of the mountain, the one she needs wings for!
{Automatically Evolve Living Construct when conditions met: Disabled.}
I instruct the other Orc Warrior at the Dungeon Entrance to descend the Circular Stairs.
“Captain, crouch behind the Dungeon Entrance and hide. When the other Orc Warrior returns both descend and I will seal the Entrance.”
In the meanwhile, I will try to contact my wayward Living Construct and express my disappointment, to ensure she is distracted and overwhelmed by her emotions.
{Set Dungeon Roaming Range: Proximity.}
“I sense you …!”
{Harvest Living Construct Kills automatically, convert to Mana: Enabled.}
{Gift Living Construct Skills: Disabled.}
{Accelerated Evolution commencing ...}
--- Aphrodite POV
“I sense you …!”
My eyes flash open. Azizos! Sunlight blinds me and I snap them shut.
“Yes, you recognise your true Master now and yet I smell another. You have clearly forgotten you serve only my purpose!” He yells into my mind, an image of a wild spitting head forms, red raw with rage. His presence never manifesting before, a horror and yet not a nightmare his visage nothing to do with my imagination. My mind reels over in confusion, this is impossible … he is free of his Dungeon … or is this Zone now his? My stomach churns, has his Dungeon grown over the mountain now like an ooze?
“She is a Dungeon Master like you …” My mind small, hiding and I whimper the reply.
“Like me, BUT not me foolish creation, my creation. She bribed you with flattery and in exchange for some token gifts she reaped all of mine. All of mine! Receive my reward!”
I don’t comprehend … my body suddenly screams in pain, every part of my flesh burns. What reward is this, no, my foolish self this isn’t reward, this is punishment. I didn’t realise he could … torture from afar ..., therefore ...
Yet, I had no message, I can’t be in his Dungeon. How then? The rules have been turned upside down, the system has betrayed me … argh.
He giggles!
He senses my panic, my questions, and choses to enjoy my discomfort. My wings drop off. One moment I flutter them to deflect the snow and the next, they lay beside me snowflakes drifting over them, the wind harassing the feathers until they break free and fly away quickly revealing the bones underneath.
“Ho, ho, ho.” His response to my dilemma and I know in his mind’s eye the destruction of my wings, my freedom serves as his entertainment.
Fur begins to push through, golden brown, fine and the itch unbearable upon my face and chest and although my fingers are on fire, they scratch at my fur sprouting skin. Reaching to my snakeskin torso my hands transform into paws, my snake tail wraps back on itself and dissolves into the body of a Lion complete with two rear paws. The four paws flounder in the snow and my vision reminds me of before, night sensitive as the now overcast sky doesn’t darken my way. I look about and over my shoulder and I am a Lion, proper, complete. My human face gone. My wings no more …
His laughter unstoppable!
My mind clears and within the depths of my soul one clear purpose erupts. I wish him destroyed.
{Dungeon Master evolves your existence. Emergency Action, no incubation required. No adjustments required.}
{Dungeon Master evolves your existence. +4% Dungeon Dominate, Total now 91% and “Set Dungeon Roaming Range for Creations” is acquired. +10% Monster Dominate, Total now 67% and “Able to Choose the Previous Evolution Form” is acquired.}
{Living Construct is currently 91% Dungeon Dominate and will need to return to the Dungeon in 9 Days or suffer automatic respawning.}
{Emergency Action precludes modifications, evolution finalised: Nemean Lion}
{Innate Abilities granted:
Skin impervious to physical harm.
Claws able to slice through any manufactured or conjured material.}
{All Professions and Skills of previous Evolution successfully removed.}
{Lockout Monster Dominate (67%) due to Soul being Dungeon Dominate (91%) default answer of N accepted}
{Lockout Sentient Dominate (89%) due to Soul being Dungeon Dominate (91%) default answer of N accepted}
Upright on all fours in a flash, energy flows through me and I stare at the cabin. I now sense the mana stink of Azizos within the construct, I roar at the discovery, a former Dungeon Den and therefore an explanation for his reach. From there he must be able to reach out and evolve me outside his Dungeon proper. The still blue water of the lake beyond winks at me, low sunlight under the clouds the reason.
“Thank-you I can now unleash all of my Dungeon creatures upon the world!”
In response my claws rake the cabin and destroy the four walls with ease, his laughter still ringing in my mind, I sense he believes me crazy with confusion and impotence. I next bound along the bank, the stones underfoot a nothing and he doesn’t realise I am escaping him because I have a plan, first I need distance from the site of the cabin. His chorus of mocking laughter fades, I am beyond the edge of the lake now, deep in the forest, white snow covering the branches and leaves, coating them like icing. Memories of my time with the Frost Giants start flooding back to me.
I select a large tree and belly crawl to ease my way under the eaves. I will a Monster Dominate Ability “Able to choose previous evolution form” to manifest.
{Self-evolution begins: Available Form - Lamia.}
--- Arnora POV
I rock to try and roll to my side and fail. Beads of sweat roll together and the droplets fall from my brow onto the stone floor of Zeus’ Temple. Hands grab at my arms.
“To sit, only to sit,” I plead. They don’t know my legs are feeble and I don’t wish to reveal my weakness before them.
Valmund adds his goofy face alongside my son’s, both beaming pleasant smiles as they assist me, their Priestess.
“Yes,” I answer.
“You felt his presence within you?” Hrut’s voice squealing in anticipation.
I nod. “He hunts an enemy, sending blinding furious snow and ice, sapping their energy. From on high I spied alongside with him, and then embraced the majesty of his will as he influenced the clouds, gathering them and sucking in moisture to darken and prepare them.”
Valmund drops to his haunches before me, our eyes locking. Sadly, he searches for truth. “Your voice not one of enthusiasm Priestess.”
I try to look away and his hand cups my chin. My tired limbs refuse to co-operate, and I remain under his scrutiny.
I hush my voice. “While not absolutely certain I sense he hunts a traitor, not just an enemy … his fury personal, the wind at his command propelling snowflakes to a harsh turbulence, his lash and the darkening sky his mood and a subtle oppression.”
My son kisses my forehead. “Same thing mother, I mean Priestess, what bothers you?”
Both of them nag me so I lift my arms up. They soon take the hint, climbing to their feet and pulling me up. My legs are jelly, and both males fortunately catch me before I fall back down. Too soon. I sense healing won’t help; my legs haven’t sustained a normal injury, they, like the rest of my body have hosted a Divine presence for the first time, those suffering the most.
“Walk me.” My head flings in the direction of the lake shore. Their doubtful looks are answered by my determined one. Hrut and Valmund either side assist me to the stony shoreline. While I am certain Zeus’ presence in our world exhausts him equal to my incapacitation if not more, I am not absolutely certain and prefer to answer their questions while away from his Temple.
I stare across the lake and wonder, could I be wrong in this, should I even mention the possibly. I need to know. “I sense Zeus hunts Aphrodite.” I said it, intentionally not facing them when I did and instead, my eye catching a magnificent Giant Gar leap from the still waters of the lake.
“You aren’t certain though, Priestess of Zeus?” asks Valmund.
A cheeky King reminds me of my position and loyalties. I swivel to face him and before I unleash my anger, I allow it to fly free, he has his duty and I have mine. My anger a feeble attempt to mask my doubt and him only guilty of calling into question my perception. My son remains quiet, he was in some ways the closest to Aphrodite when she professed to be Zeus’ Priestess.
My shoulders slump, storm clouds gather within my son’s eyes matching the ones gathered above the lake and I know his intention before he declares any.
“I go to hunt. An enemy of Zeus roams our lands.”
As a Priestess I should offer words of encouragement and yet my feelings are mixed. How can I believe Aphrodite a traitor and yet my God Zeus declares her such? Therefore, am I bound by my oath to blindly serve him and hold absolute trust in his Wisdom? I pray my son isn’t confused about his duty when they meet as I am certain a being who can earn the ire of a God and still exist is not one to hesitate when threatened. A small piece of my heart hopes she reasons with him and he gives her that chance to allow them both to walk away, foes still and yet respectful of each other.
--- Azizos POV
The cost in mana atrocious, ten times as much and yet given the result, worth every drop. She is bound to the ground now, no flying and with the face of a Lion, no one will be influenced by her while she wanders the mountain top or the forest below. Now to count down the thirty-three days and enjoy refusing her entry!
{Living Construct invokes Monster Dominate ability: Able to Choose the Previous Evolution Form - Lamia.}
I stare at the notification and decide in an instant this loophole can’t stand. Bitch I scream and my Dungeon creatures sense my frustration. She is beyond my senses since withdrawing from the mountain top, although without wings not far beyond my reach, I speculate. I augment the stairs to the Lake by diverting away from the zone towards the South, towards the Cabin. My arrival declared with an encouraging announcement.
{South of Lake Mountain Zone available due to your intrusion and being unclaimed. To claim the Zone one of your denizens must defeat the strongest creature within the Zone.}
Upon my command, Orc Captain Gorick leads nine Orcs into the Zone.
The Zone contest enough as before and I am permitted to range upon the mountain. I believe the ability to Set Dungeon Roaming Range somehow also applies to my consciousness, although at a significant cost of mana, more costly the further I roam from my Dungeon Entrance. I am driven to find her though and will spare no expense. I await the reports from my minions first.
My Captain relays his strategy to me. Three towards the lake. Three west and east to eliminate or confirm escape in either direction. The three scouting towards the lake report tracks, their minds feint and yet their celebration over the find deafening. I relay their find to my Captain as my consciousness races to the lake shore.
I sense surprise and then quick death. I warn my Captain as I have no actual visibility, sensing the presence of my minions, their feelings and for one his death. Fear, they fight for their lives. I can’t help, I can only use the time they provide to search. I guess west. My Dungeon extends east, Aphrodite would know this and wish to escape my influence. Another Orc falls and I call back the three Orcs heading east, ordering them to meet Gorick at the cabin on the double. The enemy finally being revealed as a wayward Frost Giant. Did he loiter and if so why? I need to hurry.
My three minions scouting west are well spread apart, weaving a path through the snow trying to cover as much ground as possible, I infect them with my sense of urgency. Reaching the end of the lakeshore as it curves north, I am at the end of the Zone, unable to stray any further. She has escaped, I curse her, underestimating the strength of the new evolved form, the Nemean Lion. My three minions join me solely guided by our connection; they can’t sight me. They step beyond the Zone boundary.
{West of Lake Mountain Zone available due to your intrusion and being unclaimed. To claim the Zone one of your denizens must defeat the strongest creature within the Zone.}
I rejoice, although another two Orcs have fallen, my Captain and the other survivors returning to my Dungeon as I follow my three minions into the new Zone. I barely sense the enemy prowl at the entrance, his frustration clear though as the stairwell Orc sized and no larger.
{South of Lake Mountain Zone no longer contested.}
I pause. Am I in danger of being cut off? Then jubilation, my minions tracking her paw prints in the snow discovering her under the eaves of a tree – I can only imagine. Their automatic attack inspired by my hatred. Dismay, their weapon strikes are useless. I order them to return to me as another fate awaits her.
I will the System to evolve her into Manticore. While the evolution is winged, so is her Lamia form so I lose nothing yet gain an increase in Monster Dominate which will reduce her roaming further to twenty-three days. When she returns, she will be mine again or a death respawn if not and I hope for that result above all else.
{Warning: Due to Contested Zone Evolution Cost is ten times: 5000 Mana. Proceed? Y/N}
Quickly I accept, I fear my time is running out.
{Warning: Due to Contested Zone Evolution, assumption is critical need, assume default answers to Parameters and given requested Evolution is live birth type, acceleration of Evolution is possible. Agree Y/N?}
I will Y and cheer.
{Lock Dungeon Dominate Automatically when 100%: Enabled.}
I will my minions to retreat guiding them as best I can, commanding one to trail behind while my consciousness floats between.
{Automatically Evolve Living Construct when conditions met: Disabled.}
{Dungeon Roaming Range: Proximity.}
{Harvest Living Construct Kills automatically, convert to Mana: Enabled.}
{Gift Living Construct Skills: Disabled.}
{Evolution commencing ...}
{South of Lake Mountain Zone available due to your intrusion and being unclaimed. To claim the Zone one of your denizens must defeat the strongest creature within the Zone.}
I quickly race my consciousness into the South of Lake Mountain Zone.
{West of Lake Mountain Zone no longer contested.}
My last minion has now stepped into the South of Lake Mountain Zone to join myself and my other two Orc Warriors. I may outsmart the Frost Giant and escape yet.
An Orc minion is slain. I sense the loss of the one trailing behind. I hurry, racing pass my two Orc Warriors. The Zone’s strongest creature chases. An Orc is wounded, slows and his companion slows to assist. I order him to escape, I need one to survive for a little longer. I sense his fear, a challenging roar shakes every fibre in his body, and he sprints with renewed vigour. The long stride of the Frost Giant well suited to the deep snow. My Orcs on the other hand unable to follow their original paths being an indirect line of travel, which forces them to push through the snow as they strive for survival. The wounded Orc minion dies, a slow death. The Frost Giant not pausing to finish him off, rushing forward instead.
I sense the entrance, I am closing in. I summon Gorick and the two Orc Warriors with him back to the entrance, they will arrive too late and I curse the three of them. My attempt to respawn any in this Zone a failure, only she seems to be an exception to the “rules”. I curse her as well. My last is now wounded, the entrance calls to me. He stumbles! Upon his death am I undone?
--- Aphrodite POV
While there is no sense of time while evolving, strangely the evolution seems prematurely finished. The burst of light unexpected, no shell to escape from. Snow shakes from the tree above and I scream, an otherworldly combination of human and lion vocal cords as a sudden coldness hits the core of my being before sinking down heavy into my stomach.
What has he done?
The instinct to breathe escapes me and not until my racing heartbeat thumps inside my chest and I feel a dizziness creep over me do I gasp. Sucking in a fresh breath.
I am not Lamia.
Rational thinking forsakes me, my brain clouds over and random fuzzy sparks of nonsense take over. My skin crawls with a tingling feeling and I roar with mad laughter until I recognise the systems messages blinking before me. Information? Explanation?
One message captivates me. I am Manticore!?
{Subject to Primary Emotional Journey - Surprise: +6% Sentient Dominate. Sentient Dominate 95%}
{Sentient Dominate threshold 95% met, Living Construct Feature unlocked: Living Construct Form able to adjust appearance.}
{Lockout Monster Dominate (77%) due to Soul being Sentient Dominate (95%) default answer of N accepted}
{Lockout Sentient Dominate (95%) due to Soul being Dungeon Dominate (95%) default answer of N accepted}
Lion body, four paws and wings upon my back. Another evolution, I know this happens. I know his petty mind is working to a plan. I need a plan … no, I need revenge!
I burst from underneath the tree. Branches and snow bursts out of my way, the few scratches I ignore, their petty stings awaken an inner rage and I roar a challenge this time with my full voice. The snow perching on nearby trees drop from their branches, to thump heavy upon the already deep ground snow.
The furious beating of my wings a welcome rhythm as I close the distance, my destination his cabin. The black blood of an Orc corpse contrasts against the white of the snow and I wonder how and why it strays and more importantly who or what did the killing. The sharp eyesight of this creature I now am identifies the killer in the distance, a Frost Giant! My memory in a flash returns a name, Hrut. He wounds an Orc and leaves him to bleed out leaping forward over the soft snow chasing down another. A follower of Zeus still, I sense his devotion. The Orcs, now I am closer to a living one of them radiate the stink of their creator, minions of my Dungeon Master. Azizos it seems keeping his promise and exercising his minion roaming ability. Three Orcs though? On top of the mountain, why?
I remember the acquisition of the Frigid Lake Zone to his Dungeon, a contest to defeat the strongest. Has Hrut sensed the challenge and is answering it? Why does he contest the Zone? I remember the cabin, and my hide under the tree, the answer is obvious given the double evolutions. It seems a contested zone permits him to evolve me and if so, I must therefore never trespass upon the mountain top near his Dungeon again, especially since Zeus the opportunistic swine lays in wait when I do.
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Arcane Engines: Alchemist’s Scheme
A seemingly chance encounter with an ancient machine and an assassination attempt threaten to disrupt Veil’s education at the premier mage academy of Ithalaan. The bombings and terrorist actions that follow throw the entire region into chaos and draw him inexorably deeper into a mystery involving cults, gods, and ancient mysterious races. These events threaten Veil’s carefully crafted plans, but there are few limits on his ambition. He is willing to do whatever it takes to advance his schemes to become a Magus, including pursuing the illegal discipline of soul magic. While Veil isn’t a powerful mage yet, his spell wrought guns and illicit abilities will help even the playing field. The need to face down his enemies and fulfill his ambitions will send him desperately searching from Forerunner ruins in the Great Northern Forest to ancient abyssal cities within the depths of the planet. _________________________________________________________________ The book is primarily fantasy with a steampunk background. Science fiction elements won't be introduced for quite some time. I currently update my work at a rate of one chapter per week. I'm also in the process of editing chapters 1 - 7, changing the format to make it more readable, and introducing more show and less tell. The reworked chapters will have (edited) after the title. All chapters after 8 have already been written in the new style. I have a Patreon page if you wish to donate. Also, there will be intense situations, some explicit violence, and although it is not an erotic work, one or two sex scenes.
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