《Femalekind Book Two》2.015 To Climb a Mountain
--- Aphrodite POV
My burning muscles protest, the ache spreading across my back equalling in a different way the hurt growing in my heart, both debilitating and relief as simple as gliding back to his lover. I strive to escape his newly discovered love, the near impossibility so incomprehensible to cause my head to throb clouding my thinking and my heart beating an emptiness due to the absence of her. The struggle constant due to my heavy heart, the sadness building for a love I do not even answer to in this form and yet somehow integral now and resisting my escape. No! My fate lay beyond this mountain. Why the difficulty this time, my wings falter although attached to a body immune to the cold with eyes steadfastly set forward.
A shot like lightning awakens within me. His lover, not mine. My heart takes a painless beat and then another, several follow, growing in strength until throwing off his sadness. My headlong escape checked; how could he think to outrun the pain in his heart or perhaps my will to continue the blame. I reclaim my heart now and the urgency to continue returns; to join my Prophet in the flesh to consecrate my Temple is once again upon me unfettered.
I glance left and right for the first time inspecting my labouring wings. A weight of snow and ice collects upon the now hidden black feathers and with the instinct of a Griffin I tumble over in mid-flight dumping the load upon the mountain side. My eyes blink during the manoeuvre as drifts of snow fall from the mountain top, persistent storm gusts kicking up months of accumulation. I level my flight and race along the face of the mountain, gliding to conserve strength and when free from the snow shower ascend. Several exhilarating beats of my wings and shortly after the snow and ice rain down like before and I conclude the never-ending impromptu snowstorm unerringly follows me. My choices are three; to continue, find a ledge to wait it out or descend.
I drop away, gliding, building up speed and shaking any ice and snow from my feathers. Judging the moment right I begin a shallow ascent again along the face of the mountain. Before exhaustion I find a ledge and pause to rest and upon recovery leap from the safe precipice repeating the build-up of speed until the right moment and another shallow ascent.
Shooting over the edge of the mountain in a high loop a ferocious storm gust catches under my wings trying to dump me back over the mountain escarpment. I draw my wings to me and plummet downwards, crashing into a deep snowbank and rest where I lay. When I wake snow encases me and my breath is waterlogged with melting snow. I try to burst free, the weight crushing me back down in response. How long have I lain here?
I push out in all directions trying to compact the surrounding snow and create a hollow around me. I decide the space is what it is, drawing my hands before my face and scooping snow down the sides of my body. I hope I am snow-swimming upwards and only upon the brink of exhaustion is my fortune confirmed much to my relief. I drive myself on, to rest here is to once again be encased as angry snow flurries on the wind tug at my wings as I grovel forward.
Morning behind me, ahead I spy an odd snow peak glistening in the sunlight, and I am determined to make the distinct sharp edge of snow my destination. As I crawl forward, my mind wanders delirious over the last day or two recalling events. My memories are haunted by her and nothing else can shine though. His beauty drawing her to him, my words inciting heart felt feelings to suit my ends and like a rabbit in a trap she is ensnared, worse, blissfully content to be caught. This pure love, a state which I disparage and yet use, study magic I command her, I will return for my ring one day and if you are strong enough, no other will be needed. Try as I might to dismiss the ridiculous situation caused by my Creator’s craftsmanship and theft of a Goddess’ image I cannot. Are all humans going to be so enamoured? I reach down to him and try to yank at what binds him to her and pull on that tether. The bond holds. What did Elba say … a true love binding?
An opportunistic manipulation of the worse kind, she can’t be part of him, let alone me. All the promises made to her I intend to break, I must break. I must! I must! I must!
I vomit. I convince myself solely due the exertion, the labour of crawling through deep soft snow while suffering under a bombardment of swirling snowflakes driven before a persistent storm wind. As if to refute my deduction I vomit again. A new terrible feeling erupts within me, the vomit a physical manifestation. My skin crawls and bitter stinking bile climbs up my throat now my stomach is empty. I heave and my throat burns, I try to swallow and instead resort to spitting and then shoving snow into my mouth. I need clean. My mind replays the different scenes of my betrayal of her complete trust. How can I stand guilt free, head held high given my actions?
I miss Alba, my conscience … the terrible feeling gnaws upon me … I am overcome.
{Subject to Primary Emotional Journey - Disgust: +5% Sentient Dominate. Sentient Dominate 89%}
{Sentient Dominate threshold 85% met, Living Construct Feature unlocked: Living Construct Form able to fall pregnant.}
{Lockout Monster Dominate (57%) due to Soul being Sentient Dominate (89%) default answer of N accepted}
{Lockout Dungeon Dominate (87%) due to Soul being Sentient Dominate (89%) default answer of N accepted}
I vomit again and then roll over. Eyes shut tight unable to look upon the world and if I can’t see the world then …
I read what the system tells me. Disgust is the name of this feeling. Disgust, I roll the word around in my head until the blinking messages draw my attention. I am whimsical, the naming of the feeling a freedom of sorts. I know what I am and when others accuse me, I will understand what they mean.
I laugh at the justice! The defaults again apply; what I deserve I conclude. I am denied my freedom as much as she is denied hers from my Adonis alter ego, besotted and enthralled to do my bidding. The system balancing the scales, the outcome fair and proper, I can now open my eyes and stare at the busy blue sky. White fluffy cloud like hair and beard dance by as one forming a visage, the likeness of which reminds me of someone. On a lower edge a gap opens, like a smile and then a wisp of cloud scurries through … Zeus?
The wind howls, flakes of snow lash against my skin and I know his Sky Aspect spies upon me and his Storm Aspect now assaults me, perhaps before, my arduous flight up and across the mountain his doing. Wearing me down, my mind descending into a morass of unknown feelings. No time now, I climb to my feet, stumble walk under the barrage of the wind and snow the sharp edge of the hill the giveaway, no hill, a log cabin. Each energy sapping step a step in the right direction, each step a sign of resistance and after each step I climb out of the hole I have dug myself due to the abandonment of his true love and the belief I deserve this punishment, and yet my soul cries for a different reason, I could have and yet didn’t lock HIM out, my first chance since ever!
I fall short. A brief flicker of importance registers as I close my eyes in search of sleep ignoring the snow collecting along one side of my body.
--- Alasse POV
My tail obeys as I order the forward writhing to slow, the closing of my wide-open eyes though, less successful as I take in the scene. The lead Snake Kin Guards, in their dull crude iron armour sweep aside any brush, denuding the forest until they burst into the generous clearing before my tent. I silently thank my Servant House. They hold the perimeter to allow the large gaggle of Snake Kin following behind a clear passage, who spill out and roughly assemble in what I believe are their Houses. The want-a-be Questor Groups eyeing each other, content as escorts, too few to resist the avalanche of new-comers. My servant cringes, retreating back into my tent and my mind turns to thoughts of future punishment until I realise the Captain of the Guard with his troop join my side, their iron weapons and armour superior to the recent arrivals, although out numbered.
Matriarchs usually stand out in any crowd of Snake Kin and this assembly no different. The original invitation sent in secret to twelve Lesser Houses across the five great cities in the Empire. The yield calculated as half, after all the conditions required the House to leave their traditional security; the protection of a Great House, guaranteed safety for their Matriarch and a certain future, their place in the Empire assured. What I failed to realise and factor into my calculations the actual or perceived insecurity of the Lessor Houses after the last war with the Dog Kin. The weakening of one or more, as it seems now by the turn out, Great Houses deeply intwined in that fiasco yielding higher than predicted ‘profit’.
An almost silent, bordering on venomous hiss confirming my own trepidation. “Your scheme I presume, you have sealed our deaths if they wish to destroy us.”
I didn’t glance at the Captain of the Guard, my eyes instead trying to identify each Matriarch in turn for my brain to try and recognise them by House or at least determine by their following an estimation of their strength. Seventeen Matriarchs … my heart sinks, and I need to swallow down my fear. Matriarch games … the journey arduous and the risk high, several Houses obvious amalgamations of others and hopefully not yet homogenous while several other Matriarchs accepting fealty of those they defeated, a novelty for those Matriarchs once on the bottom to have risen at least one rung. The final tally Twenty-Three Matriarchs and I didn’t have command over any except a contract based upon an unusual profit model, which could turn disastrous on any misunderstanding. Absolutely nothing to worry about then. My stomach broils.
Yes … her. Large following, combining several Houses for certain as such a House wouldn’t be a Lessor House anymore in any Empire City and therefore wouldn’t have been invited. This confirmation easy as the name of her House, Single Scale is emblazoned on new cloth fluttering on a flagpole held behind their elderly Matriarch.
“We demand an audience with Alasse, Daughter of House Burning Fang to listen and judge upon the offered contract.” The Single Scale Matriarch speaking with confidence, her House the largest and the nodding hissing unites behind her. The display of loyalty not lost on me as I scan the gathering of Snake Kin. Oh wait. A furry snout, busy with words on her right-hand side, other Snake Kin encroaching, not to push the Fox Kin back, to conceal. He, informing his Matriarch I am a stand in, not the actual Alasse I would warrant and perhaps my game with him a dangerous nonsense given the present situation.
“I am Alasse, Daughter of House Burning Fang,” I declare.
The Matriarch turns away, a knowing smile across her jaws, left then right, each Matriarch deferring to her wisdom. “You are but a petty servant, at best a herald, so do your duty and fetch your Mistress.”
I hear the Captain thump his chest armour in salute as he adds his voice. “Captain of the Guard, House Burning Fang, you indeed address Alasse, Daughter of House Burning Fang.”
The assembly of Matriarchs hiss and turn their heads away. Their almost instant element manipulation a formidable force, irresistible and all oddly uniting for this one purpose, at least during these moments. I feel my stomach tighten. The Questor Groups of Evermud the Astute and Keenor Daughter of House Burning Fang push through the throng of Questor hopefuls who now only gawk on either side of me.
“Who are these abominations?”
A sharp hiss from Keenor answering, “We are united Kin, Questor Groups of the Dungeon, joined under the guidance of Alasse, Daughter of House Burning Fang.” Her hand flings out to point at me.
“Why should I believe a whelp such as yourself?”
Keenor drew herself up. “I should know her, I am Keenor, also a Daughter of House Burning Fang.”
“More liars …”
There is a disturbance amongst the want-a-be Questor Groups, whom part like a ripple in water.
“No! I have found who I am to replace.”
Another arrival, Adjutant Banner of House Silver Scale fluttering behind her, two Snake Kin seconds either side, while a troop of Snake Kin Guards push out into the crowd providing a degree of separation. The reason for the crowd’s submissive compliance, their high-quality steel weapons, superb armour, and a generous display of wealth, the privilege of a Great House.
I hiss in jest now. “On who’s authority? None but my Matriarch can withdraw my charter.”
“Be advised then, Alasse, Daughter of House Burning Fang you are declared renegade, you are stripped of all rights, authority and representation and are ordered to return to your Matriarch for discipline. Upon agreement between Yinrel, Matriarch of Great House Burning Fang and Naesatra, Matriarch of Great House Silver Scale I, Saida, Adjutant of House …”
She struggles to finish her announcement, at first her heart resists, and I thought my cause lost and then I draw anew upon my Goddess’ Faith and the Divine Magic of my worship snaps through, the water in her heart blood needle like ice in an instant. My only tell a gentle furrow on my brow.
“… House Silver …” Her final words, her body dropping like a puppet, strings cut.
I add open palms to my furrowing brow. “What just happened?” I ask, while completing a slow deliberate scan of the Matriarchs.
The Captain of the troop of Guards escorting Saida look to her two Daughter escorts, both ignoring the furore attending to their Adjutant, tapping her face, feeling for a pulse. One grabs the parchment from the dead hands of the Adjutant and in one swift motion stands, waving the document above her head. Her mouth opens to speak and then gulps a couple of times collapsing beside her Adjutant. The survivor ceases her administrations and slowly rises, glancing at both corpses and the fluttering parchment almost free of the restraining dead grasp.
With satisfaction I note she eyes each of the Matriarchs hardly sparing a glance for me. I assume not being a Matriarch my elemental control not sufficient for instant manipulation.
“One of you have committed an act of war upon House Silver Scale, slaying an agent of the Matriarch in support of a declared renegade.”
I raise my hand, her head flicks to one side. “I contest your accusation.” Her jaw drops. “I see none of House Burning Fang amongst my denouncers and so conclude this is a take-over attempt by House Silver Scale and rest assured I will be in swift communication with my Matriarch as I know I have her full confidence. Arrest them!”
All the Snake Kin of House Burning Fang, the Captain of my Guard, and his troop and the two Questor Groups step forward. Weapons and armour of whatever quality an advantage in any fight except if outnumbered ten to one, a pyric victory at best and after death, profit impossible. They drop their weapons and the surviving daughter stops her elemental casting once reality dawns upon her.
“Alasse! Alasse! Alasse!” A chant begins and my heart swells with pride hefting the comfortable weight of the arms of my Questor Group resting across my shoulders and the one arm around my waist. I inwardly smile.
I wave my hands to calm the chanters and after a time the adoration drifts into silence. My eyes seek and catch a specific Matriarch, who speaks before I do.
“It seems my advice has proven questionable. I, Vestan, Matriarch of House Single Scale would be honoured to listen on behalf of my House and consider the contract offer in detail.”
With Vestan voicing her interest the other Matriarchs look to their own position and numbers, their doubt clear, would there be enough profit to go round and if not what of their fate. Return for them almost an unthinkable impossibility, which would most likely end in death or a slave subservience.
“I welcome you all. A simple clarification first. The profit will not be impacted by numbers, in fact the more who accept the greater the benefit for all.”
I allow time for murmuring; the hushing hiss a purely Snake Kin phenomenon.
“I can say this with confidence because the profit isn’t in terms of coin or the like …”
Many heads turn away in disgust and I suspect, would have quit there and then except for the crowding holding them in place.
“The profit is in terms of power …” I pause to examine my crowd, their attention returning tenfold. “Your only restrain, your personal level of belief and faith. Not the prestige of your Matriarch or your House, your commitment.”
Shouts from the Matriarchs interrupt. “No!” “You seek to destroy the Houses!” “You belittle the rank of Matriarch and seek our Daughters!” They rumble forward.
I shout. “I am not a Matriarch. I can’t command anyone.”
“Where is your profit then?” A shout from the crowd, which silences them all.
I share a heartfelt look with my companions. “I wish to conquer the Quest Dungeon and fulfil the Ancient Prophecy and I need magic craft beyond element control, I need Divine Magic.”
“We have heard of this Divine Magic, a folly for many a Cat Beast Kin … and others. A false path to power and certainly a failure if you wish to conquer the Quest Dungeon where many failed,” the sly Fox Kin shouting out to all.
“I say not,” I grab the hand of my shy servant and once prominent and on display I pat the slight curve of her belly. Hissing laughter turning her scales a glowing bright green.
“A servant two- or three-weeks’ gestation, what of it!” retorts one Matriarch.
I lean back; before I can answer another does.
“We are not a Great House. We serve at the behest of House Burning Fang and yet on my House’s honour I swear as truth our Daughter’s gestation is but four days.”
The sort of hiss reserved for utter non-belief assails the Matriarch.
I take up the challenge. “You were all once Minor Houses and yet you doubt? Shame! You heard her oath. Upon birthing the absolute truth will be revealed in any case, will it not?”
“Yes, true enough but too late once we have accepted the contract in full … a ploy nothing more.”
Tears roll down the face of my servant and I embrace her and try to stare down her accusers.
“I impregnated her! She carries my linage.”
My head cranes around, wide eyes upon the Captain of the Guard. Such a concession, revealing his lowly dalliance. The camp knew of course, the scent of his heathy lust on the wind during and after the act, yet none spoke openly in case he overheard and challenged them in a fight few could win to prove the truth. A small beat of silence until the camp breaks out into cheering, many moving to slap his back, Snake Kin, and other Kin. The acceptance unexpected, possibly due to the standards of the other Kin and their acceptance of lustful behaviour and the accidents which can result. Perhaps a celebration to break the tension of the stalemate, I decide to accept both.
The weeping red eyes of my servant look up and I nod. Cautiously she edges towards the Captain of the Guard. Hesitating when his eyes descend upon her and instead of warning the young one off, they encourage the vulnerable future mother closer until within arm’s reach when he gathers her to him.
--- Azizos POV
She is near. Exactly where I am uncertain, although she exudes feelings … these aren’t pleasant for her. She reviles herself, finds herself less than the ideal she envisions. This crisis of conscious and resultant agony incapacitates her … an intense emotional pain brings her low, typical female! Hufft! Given her Dungeon Dominate completion will I be privy to more of this? I feel no different, so emotion is purely her condition, interesting.
My presence is in the Main Cavern and while my awareness of her grew upon entering, closer to the entrance her wave of pain diminishes. I return to my Ogres and towards the roof of the Cavern a reward greets me, sprinkles of her emotional pain. Atop the Mountain she is!
“Gorick, bring nine Orc Warriors to the Circular Stairs, we return momentarily to the Frozen Lake Zone.”
I race before my minions to test my theory and near the surface the stairs are now sealed, and I don’t care to remember the circumstances. Their existence is enough because of her and I am about to bring her back to me, ease her pain with belonging and provide her with purpose. I am sure I can pretend to care for her, listen and nod, oh and the occasional supportive word. The Kobolds with their Kobold Wives have been very instructive, several moments of listening far less tiring than twice that in chasing and then resistance. My Kobolds have taught me how feeling can be utilised to manipulate, and I fully intend to practice this upon her. I am almost giddy in anticipation … mm is that a feeling?
The Captain and his warriors are in position and I wield my mana and open the way to the surface. A light shower of stone falls upon them although their shields are already in position to deflect the debris. The lake has subtly changed and so I build additional stone, extending the stairwell and without urging the Captain is the first to step upon the stone shoreline of the lake.
{Frigid Lake Zone available due to your intrusion and being unclaimed. To claim the Zone one of your denizens must defeat the strongest creature within the Zone.}
My minions stand lookout while I try to sense her presence. Her emotion now less, perhaps she has finally got a grip of herself and yet now her Dungeon Dominate shines like a beacon. There is a scent, female, pollution … disloyalty! The riddle is solved. Another Dungeon, worse another female Dungeon has infested her Dungeon Dominate soul, she is not pure, not entirely mine!
My minions cringe before my outburst of absolute guttural anger, my mana swirls about me and upon my imaginary fingertips, dashing about the Captain and his troops as red wisps. They duck and dive to avoid being struck by the raw mana while I swear sweet revenge for this betrayal. Aphrodite will not be welcome. Exile until respawn will be her fate and my Dungeon will be closed to her. Run to your new friend my dear if you can reach your fellow bitch in time.
South, she is south. I order Gorick and three warriors into the new zone.
{South of Lake Mountain Zone available due to your intrusion and being unclaimed. To claim the Zone one of your denizens must defeat the strongest creature within the Zone.}
I wait while they search, although I try to influence them based upon her Dungeon Dominate presence. I am loathed to check often though; the other, I taste the other. A repulsive dead ash.
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