《Femalekind Book Two》2.006 Interlude: The Snake Kin
--- (3rd Person POV – Snake Kin Citadel of House Silver Scale)
Adjutant Saida stole time she couldn’t afford. Pausing to examine the engravings on the tall solid wood doors closed before her, each a work of art depicting the multiple victories of House Silver Scale, the definition of victory not always a martial one and both doors almost complete. These two would shortly join the other four in the hallowed halls of the Citadel Honorarium, along with the portraits and urns of the many ancestors, who in times past connived with and/or manipulated others to ensure advancement. Advertising your power and success to prospects a subtle conditioning meant to weed out the faint of heart, clearly a signal, they are about to stand before and potentially negotiate with a potential ally or foe with the means to deliver on either consequence.
The Matriarch of House Silver Scale entrusted Saida with an important, albeit brief mission statement and she could tarry no longer, certain a weasel of a servant would have advised of her return. The reason for delaying, simple, expediency costs and in this case the price frightful coupled with the fact the report could possibly terrify the judge, jury and executioner of House Silver Scale and the messenger most likely to be a victim of impromptu reactive wrath. Saida idly wondered as she pushed the doors apart if the shattered crystal boons still remained repentant. Swept aside in a blazing fury after Naesatra, Matriarch of House Silver Scale hissed her utter disgust when the morning Gifting Ceremony terminated abruptly due to the absence of two minor House Matriarchs.
Upon entering the Chamber, opulent black veined white marble walls immediately surround and intimidate the Adjutant. Saida observed her reflection in the large lacquered table centrepiece, somewhat spellbound. A cloud parted and rays of sunlight invaded through large open garden facing doors, the remains of certain boons twinkled and reflected breaking her trance in time. Saida swallowed and then from around the garden door the Matriarch Naesatra approached. Her forked tongue flickering beyond natural purpose, the tip of her tail undulating out of rhythm … after half a day of supposedly cooling down. Saida’s throat dried in an instant.
The Adjutant squirmed low, snake torso coiling dragging down her human upper body and the hood surrounding her fang toothed snake head retracting. The bright blue scales of a powerful snake torso circled the prostrate Saida, who froze in place making no attempt to move until ordered to. Twice more the blue scales glided by.
“Arise servant of House Silver Scale.” A hissing seething undertone accompanied the words.
The not blue scales of Saida’s snake torso eased her human torso upwards, head bowed.
A short sharp hiss. “Report.”
“Given haste, I have needed to …”
A ball of fire exploded into existence in each of the Matriarch’s hands. The heat intensifying and Saida knew from previous demonstrations the orange flames would shortly be blue and whatever struck turned to ash.
“A messenger in the night visited their House and within a bell they packed and left.”
The heat reduced to a tolerable level. “What messenger?”
“Dog Kin, Fox. Southern Gate.”
The Matriarch flicked an eye membrane. “Conclusions?”
The twin balls of fire cast more light than heat, although Saida didn’t notice … the Matriarch demanded analysis, not solely information?
“Fox Kin are tireless messengers over distance, so place of origin far away. Southern Gate would seem to indicate from the South, although at the time of night, that particular Gate the only Gate which would open to a messenger.”
Saida flicked her head up and then hissing agog pulled it down. “Only a messenger and at great cost …”
“Why does this House display our conquests upon the doors to this Chamber?”
“To impress, to warn and to ensure any who approach know they are courting with the powerful,” hissed Saida.
“Any House Matriarch who met the messenger last night would know the message held great import, due to time of night and cost of entry to the City, interesting.”
“How could the sender guarantee time of arrival?” asked Saida, instant regret ignited as the flames intensified.
Saida bobbed her head before correcting her folly. “They would wait.” The flames cooled.
“Yes, they would wait. Time of the essence, although a dramatic secretive entrance equally valuable. Define packed and left.”
Naesatra ceased any writhing. “Eggs?”
“Both Houses?”
A fireball squelched and a finger under Saida’s chin lifted her head to meet a pair of dark soul-searching eyes.
“Yes, and another House allied to House Emerald Blade.”
The Matriarch removed her finger, squelching her remaining fireball and slithering towards the Garden Doors.
“A second tier House, their name ridiculous and yet a third House to pack up and leave. Conclusions?”
The words tumbling out in response. “Minor Houses with no prospects for advancement, grasping at a desperate opportunity?”
Naesatra flicked her head in Saida’s direction. “Shouldn’t you rephase?”
Saida opened her jaws then rephrased. “Minor Houses ungrateful in their service, deserting their allegiances.”
“What of their debts?” asked Naesatra.
“Paid Matriarch.”
A tree in the garden spontaneously burst into flame. The forming and manipulation of the fire magic seven, possibly eight heartbeats, a shattering revelation and Saida dropped prostrate to the Chamber floor.
“How did they leave the City late at night?”
A moment elapsed as Saida gathered her bravery. “Not through any City Gate Matriarch, I suspect a House escape tunnel, although yet to confirm …”
“Which House! Find out.” Two strong hands reached down and gathered around Saida’s neck, crushing the flaccid hood, and dragging the Adjutant’s head upright until eye to eye with her Matriarch.
With difficulty Saida nodded, unable to speak or even hiss.
Naesatra flung her servant’s head to the floor, satisfied when the Snake Kin servant remained prone and unmoving.
“Send a Fox Kin slave to tidy. Be gone.”
Saida rose, not bothering to straighten her baldric and empty dagger sheath, grateful to survive, although dreading the telling of one more piece of information.
“Matriarch we have no Fox Kin slaves, the War finished years ago so they are now expensive and …”
Two infernos of flames danced about the Matriarch. “Purchase one, scour the City if you must.”
“Yes, Matriarch,” said Saida, easing towards the twin doors of promised freedom.
“Where did they flee to?”
The question like lightning struck the Adjutant halting all progress. “South?”
A tiny ball of flame broke free from one of the infernos, orange to blue, separating, striking, and penetrating Saida’s hood, twin round holes in an instant and then both balls dispelled.
Saida clamped her jaws tight trying to ignore the pain, nodding her compliance. She would find out.
Once out and behind closed doors Saida now understood the purpose of the House’s overflowing head regalia and why the popularity increased dramatically with Naesatra’s rise to Matriarch of the House.
--- (3rd Person POV – The Southern Quest Road)
Vestan, Matriarch of House Snake Eyes observed the last Kin of the House slither past surrounded by night, guided by a Dog Kin slave, a Fox Kin. The value of the slave worth more than their scavenged House treasury and while beset upon by a few rebellious voices in her House she resisted the quick sale to finance their grasping of this, their final opportunity. She alone stood guard over their House and hatchery while each member disturbed the night and their neighbours, nearby shop owners and if necessary, traders within their Quarter to sell their meagre possessions.
Known only to her, their departure financed by one precious piece of knowledge, the heirloom secret of an original Founding House, now brought low and upon leaving the City totally useless and valueless. She negotiated with the messenger, certain he held the authority to agree or disagree due to the urgency. Three boons from House Burning Fang, a stupendous price, assuming another House didn’t squash them of course. More importantly the price definite proof something about the proposal held weight beyond the exaggerated promises of the words spoken and easily blown away in the wind. The sole criteria to accept; leave the City without debt to your sworn House, including coin, boons, marriage arrangements and trade agreements. The last two would require the House to accept a loss to buy out of. Whatever this proposal, a profitable trade deal it wasn’t, especially after those returning from selling noted other lessor House’s also roaming the streets at night selling.
She also thought their ownership of a Fox Kin slave would be an issue until the Fox Kin messenger suggested freedom in exchange for guidance through the contested lands. Confounded by how this could be achieved he wouldn’t divulge any further information until Vestan swore on the honour of her House. She discovered their Fox Kin slave more than an army cook, instead an elite scout and her capture probably planned infiltration. Vestan lightly hissed, spying on her House a waste, yet the greatness of House Snake Eyes still believed by Dog Kin at least.
Strangely, once past the contested lands, a short cut of a day at least and thereafter granted freedom, their Fox Kin slave refused to abandon House Snake Eyes until delivery, which proved fortuitous. She detected the concealed branching trail off the Southern Quest Road in the dead of night, by smell.
“Why?” asked Vestan.
The Fox Kin flicked her ears. “Perhaps because your House is so low you treated me … evenly … as your slave and I observed many other slaves mistreated. Plus, you held your honour when you granted my freedom and by our nature Fox Kin scouts are inquisitive and I wish to discover this erm … impossible trade deal, which lures a Great House away at great risk.”
The subtle flattery momentarily releasing a concession from the House Matriarch. “Each year we weaken, and I thought our fortunes turned when our two warriors captured you uncontested, eagerly supported by House Sapphire Blade, and more over surprised when they didn’t demand you.”
A flash of teeth and light laugh. “They watched me every time I ran an errand, I suspect our plan to infiltrate not a very well-kept secret.”
“Why didn’t you escape? Three years is a long time to be away from family.” The Matriarch knew other Beast Kin valued family above other loyalties.
A huff. “We are elite scouts because we have no family to mourn us and what better way to defeat your enemy than to gain their trust and learn their ways.”
Vestan advanced upon the smaller Fox Kin who held her ground. “Why shouldn’t I slay you here and now?”
“Because you owe me, you know it and I know it. Anyway, we are not at journey’s end yet and need to discover the real reason for this summons, and I am sure an elite Fox Kin scout working with a wise and honourable Snake Kin Matriarch of an ancient House will uncover much together.”
The Fox Kin pulled the ropes and tied them off. The tree canopy curled down behind low hedges to conceal the trail once again. The Matriarch of House Snake Eyes waited, trying to understand this unusual Beast Kin toiling beyond slavery to assist her House, where did the profit lay?
“You are confused by me or my actions?”
Vestan pulled back her torso.
The Fox Kin continued. “Your tells are difficult to discern, although you in particular allow your eyes to rest back when thinking deeply. None of your family seem to know though.”
“How fortunate for me …”
The Fox Kin bent over snickering, slapping a knee. Recovering, she tried a reassuring look. “You don’t see profit, because you have undervalued us.” The Fox Kin’s paw waves between her and the Snake Kin.
“What of us? We traded, freedom for guidance and yet you continue to guide us for no profit. I … don’t understand and I need to know before I can trust you.”
The Fox Kin embraced the Snake Kin and then quickly released before the Snake Kin Matriarch could react, although receiving a low hiss of disgust.
“Friendship. Friends don’t need to judge or value their relationship in terms of profit. I would like to be your friend.”
The Snake Kin waved her head about trying to dislodge this unprofitable idea, this friendship. Her jaws opening several times and closing shortly after. Finally coiling her torso down to level her eyes upon this confusing Fox Kin she expelled a resigned hiss. “I accept your friendship given your benefit to my House is greater and we will always pay our debt.”
“Mm … well, close. But no. We can talk some more while we escape, although think upon this, friends don’t measure profit or loss and don’t burden each other with debt. They help each other to be helpful, nothing more, noting less.”
“You are a strange one.”
“No, I am trying to be your friend and as your friend I applaud your generosity.”
“For what strange friend?”
“You bargained for four boons and when your family returned gossiping about other Houses selling their goods you settled on three boons realising they needed the ancient escape tunnel of your House also to change their fortune, reducing your profit for the greater good.”
Vestan opened her mouth, flashed her forked tongue, and then closed it pondering her response further. Given their friendship, whatever that would mean in the future the Fox Kin deserved the truth as a repayment of some of the debt between them.
“More Houses escaping would improve our chances.”
Feeling superior she slithered away from the gobsmacked Fox Kin; certain the elite scout would follow in her own good time.
--- (3rd Person POV – The Southern Quest Road)
Shortly the Quest Town outskirts would be in view, which meant failure. The Matriarch’s eyes scanned each of her House, the old, the hail, the young and their precious eggs slung under carry poles, unable to afford the expense of a wagon. All tired, their journey one of haste, the goal to find the hidden trail and then rest. She barely restrained her frustration, handing the map off to her Adjutant before the urge to rip the cryptic document to shreds overcame restraint.
“Matriarch, we passed such a rock not so long ago.”
The Matriarch eyed her Adjutant who turned the map around once more before examining the document anew. Nodding her head, a certainty perhaps as her eyes met those of her Matriarch.
“The sign we have travelled too far South and you are certain?”
Her Adjutant nodded slowly, handing the map out as a sort of shield, or offering, anything to deflect any grievous reaction although the eyes of her Matriarch listless with a brief flicker of their former blazing authority. The Matriarch pushed the map back.
“You guide us, turn our House about and find what I couldn’t.”
Without wagons, the exercise a simple one of commanding them all to stand and turnabout. Once ready the Adjutant ordered them to march. Several heartbeats later the Adjutant halted, looked back, and observed her Matriarch where they last chatted and hurried to her for an explanation. Did she overstep? Were they to wait until the Matriarch gave the order? She slowed her approach, what would be her punishment?
“You don’t need to serve this one, I am no longer profitable for our House.”
The Matriarch collapsed; her snake coils no longer able to support her. The show of weakness causing the Adjutant to draw back and hiss.
“You must continue, what if we meet another House Matriarch?”
“I …” A Matriarch away from her Citadel unlikely unless another House on a fool’s errand like them believing a renegade slave trading protection in exchange for the “great secret”. Would enslavement to another House be any worse than their desperate situation, made worse by being lost, tired and hungry. Her body failing sprawled beside the trail, eyes closed.
Challenge hissing. Several sources. A dream? A nightmare? Should she open her eyes?
“Matriarch, awaken, your wisdom is required for profit.”
The Matriarch recognised the voice of her Adjutant. How? Didn’t she declare herself unfit.
Several hands lifted her. Eyes open wide, realising they slung her within a hanging cloth between two poles like a clutch egg, how dare they! Rising behind the gathered bodies of her House unable to see the opportunity for profit, an eagerness rekindled within, igniting an until then dormant soul.
Once upright she slapped away fussing hands until her Adjutant hissed. Her head lifted, eyes seeking the impertinent servant.
“The time to secure our House’s profit slim, we haven’t been observed as yet.”
Dog Kin crafted golden breastplate, inlaid gem tipped breasts, silver vambraces on each arm and headdress pinned in place ignoring the pain as the old holes partially closed punched opened without care, haste more important. Overlapping steel plates adorned her lower snake coil, the Ancient House short sword belted at her waist.
The Adjutant observed the most important change, her Matriarch’s eyes ablaze with the smell of profit.
“Many Houses are lost on this trail Matriarch and they fight for wisdom and leadership and fear is upon them.”
“One last great profit before I pass.”
The House Adjutant followed in her Matriarch’s wake as the gathered members of their House parted to allow the entrance of their Matriarch into the fray. The sunlight awash upon her breastplate, the dazzling display announcing her arrival on a level beyond aggressive hissing or voiced introduction as several arguing Matriarchs ceased discussion immediately.
“What are you wretches disputing? By what right do you gather and imped your betters?”
The challenge united the former disputing Matriarchs, each backed by either an Adjutant or bodyguard.
“You.” The Matriarch pointed at the least regaled of those before her. “Explain your dispute so I may settle it and continue on my way.”
The Snake Kin pointed out hesitated as the Matriarch knew she would, young, perhaps under five years since … being appointed … or challenging … or assassinating her former Matriarch … appointment then, as another advanced and swept her arm back to put the young Matriarch in her place. Finally, the one who thought herself in charge.
“You who accuse us of little, don’t appear to be the Matriarch of a House any more great or prestigious …”
“I didn’t ask you to speak, did I?” The Matriarch gathered and formed the air under her spell into a hand, increasing the air density, admiring the detail, feint fingernails as the hand wrapped around the throat of the Matriarch who spoke out of turn. While their Houses numbered more, the skill of their Matriarch lacked talent unaware those skilled didn't need to mumble and manipulate their hands, their House obviously satisfied with element immunity.
“… you should ..dd..d.” Her hands grasping at her throat and unable to pull off the invisible hand, although finger depressions formed as the throat beneath them crumpled. Her bodyguard rushing to her assistance instead of charging her assailant.
The protest from the other Matriarchs stifled until they found their voices, each touching their own throat subconsciously.
“You have murdered her?” said the chosen Matriarch, her voice thin and high pitched.
“I nominated the one to speak.”
The young Matriarch lowered her head. “We … we didn’t declare you our adjudicator, we didn’t request such even, how …”
“Your gaggle on the road impedes my profit, none chose to clear the way, instead you all faced me … I assumed looking for my wisdom and hence judgement.”
“We faced you due to curiosity … another on the trail and nothing more …”
“Oh, well then perhaps we should start again, although one moment please.” The Matriarch pointed at the kneeling bodyguard. “You. Gather your renegade family. My Adjutant will instruct you what is required of you and those now like you.”
The bodyguard searched for an ally amongst each of the gathered Snake Kin, any could have challenged for their servitude and yet silence. The bodyguard nodded in the direction of her new Matriarch.
“Don’t destroy your clutch of eggs as we protect our future.”
The expressionless scaled face of the bodyguard actually contorted. The Snake Kin of her House also released low uncontained hisses. Good, thought the Matriarch surprise an advantage to be milked for profit.
“I will be honoured to adjudicate your dispute, you.” The Matriarch pointed at another, one who withdrew and now slightly separated herself from the others.
“Wait, we haven’t asked … can’t demand your pos…”
As the young Matriarch collapsed, a procession of disinterested Snake Kin filed passed joining another House, none understanding the circumstances, yet protective of their clutch of eggs, usually the first to be destroyed so none could grow to challenge the ruling House an event repeated until none of their linage could rise. The Adjutant of the young Matriarch didn’t wait to be asked as they fell into line.
The remaining Matriarchs looked to each other, yet none spoke until they all settled their gaze upon the newly nominated Matriarch. Under scrutiny she finally spoke.
“I am content, there is no dispute as the way in now clear, my House and I will continue South and so I bid you and your House good fortune.”
The Matriarch, no longer required as an adjudicator, signalled her House forward. The increase mass of Snake Kin followed their Matriarch hurrying, crowding the nominated speaker matching her pace. She realised her peril and screamed at her bodyguard to warn her House and ensure they moved aside, diving into the heavy forest either side of the trail if need be. The confused mass of Snake Kin from other Houses provided little to no chance of the way being cleared and the nominated speaker slowed trying to herd either her House Snake Kin to the side or recalcitrant Snake Kin not of her House.
“The way isn’t clear as you declared.”
These, the last words the nominated speaker heard, as her body crumpled to the ground. Being scattered, her former House difficult to locate, the Matriarch issued instruction to her House to ask each Snake Kin and check each clutch of eggs until all could be found.
The three remaining Matriarchs hurried to the rear of the assembly gathering their House and trying to separate themselves from the search parties, willingly giving up any who tried to hide amongst them and yet more and more tried.
“You conceal those rightly belonging to my House, I demand you return them.”
The accused Matriarch speechless unable to understand how her House couldn’t locate and reject those belonging to this insane Matriarch, who strictly enforced the absolute interpretation of their protocols. As her life choked away, the accused Matriarch realised their mistake, they should’ve issued a challenge instead of waiting for her to interpret their situation to her advantage. The raiment of the insane Matriarch convincing them her rank greater than the truth, a masterful play amongst several Matriarchs who had only recently cast aside their allegiances to stronger Houses and now free to make their own decisions and yet unprepared to do so.
The two remaining Matriarchs slid back and forth, placing themselves between the insane Matriarch and the members of their House acutely aware, even if now joined they wouldn’t be able to defend to prevent a slaughter and the loss of their clutch of eggs, their future.
“Do you die or does your House?”
They each faced the question separately and each offered the servitude of their House, an arrangement they undertook this risky journey to escape and yet willing to re-enter as necessity demanded. The insane Matriarch rejecting their offer of course, and while neither confident of winning a challenge they preferred to lose and protect their House from harm, especially their clutch of eggs instead of open battle and possible slaughter.
The first Matriarch to challenge manipulated the fire element and needing to ignite wood first to establish the volume instead of sparking flame from the air, outclassed. The delay resulting in her strangulation.
The second Matriarch manipulated the water element dragging moisture from the air into pellets of water striking scale and flesh proving troublesome until the invisible hand formed a fist and struck the challenger on her snout, the temporary stunning enabling time for the strangulation attack.
The victorious Matriarch stood her ground, breastplate and vambraces providing sufficient protection, although angry welts glowed upon scale and flesh nevertheless, her aging body tested. Her Adjutant knowing better, resisting the impulse to assist while her Matriarch rallied to maintain her authority.
“We are now one House, not one which conquered six therefore we shall begin our new history as House Single Scale. All eggs will be clutched together, their origins no longer of the past and any eggs found outside the clutch will be destroyed as will those Snake Kin concealing them.” She drew in a breath and utilised her air element to grasp the breastplate she wore to remain upright. “I will not demand the lives of any related to the defeated Matriarchs unless one turns against our new House. If one does, all of the family line will pay the price, so you need to ensure you strike true. Finally, I only wish to remain Matriarch until the truth of our folly is revealed.”
Snake Kin swayed and hissed to each other, some plotting, others in awe of a Matriarch declaring a weakness, after all why offer to relinquish power unless not strong enough to retain their position?
“I appreciate the whispers. They inform me our House can plot and plan in pairs and threes. We need to be better if we are to partake of our share. Look to the Snake Kin beside you and to one further away who you may not know. On our remaining journey you must seek out those you don’t know and embrace as one House anything less and this day is for naught. We are no longer scrounging for scraps from the floor, look at our numbers … we will demand a place at the table.”
The silence grew into sounds of hissing triumph. As separate House’s they did the bidding of stronger Houses, an absolute which propelled them into their present folly. Throughout their journey, a single burning desire to escape the enforced although necessary tyranny and now all sensed and more importantly believed House Single Scale would deliver. The Matriarch accepted a few would hold grudges, she depended upon the majority to buy into future promise.
- End1492 Chapters
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