《Femalekind Book Two》2.005 Release
“Why hasn’t the Questor Group returned?”
Before I can answer he asks another question.
“Have you punished them with death too harshly and now they are afraid?”
I undulate my tail before trying to reply in case the Dungeon Master has another question. He doesn’t.
“They will prepare before returning, they know the Dungeon is challenging especially since my unknown presence is difficult to plan for and therefore successfully overcome.”
“Yes, you need to reveal yourself from now on, show them you are real, only the Questor Groups though, remain hidden for the Intruder Groups and destroy them like the vermin they are. In fact, as a reward I will allow you to gain their essence. Yes, that should prove effective.”
“Master, I cannot reveal myself if they don’t enter …” I allow the words to hang between us, tempting him.
Alba’s anticipation radiates from her, a warm hum upon my finger flesh. This is the moment …
“Chase them in … I will relax, no, no, I will remove the requirement for Questor Groups to pass the riddle game, a door will open in the Wall upon their touch proving their credentials. Yes, fly out and chase them to me. Don’t slay them! Or grievously wound them as all serious trials need to be suffered within my domain.”
I contain the building smugness beneath my Lamia nature as I leverage the corded strength within my tail to effortlessly rise. My magnificent ebony wings unfurl, and I can’t resist appreciating their excellence as I glance right and left satisfying an inner Lamia smitten by the graceful augmentation.
“Go now, what delays you? An exit is made for you high in the Cavern.”
I leap from the ledge, my wings spread holding them to glide. With the curve of the Boulder Bowl approaching my wings are put into motion, pumping to gain height to eventually clear the stalagmites and manoeuvre around the stalactites until the perfectly formed exit is before me. I glide through and once clear the basalt stone closes up like water returning behind a dropped stone.
{You have exited the Quest Dungeon of Azizos.}
{Living Construct is currently 77% Dungeon Dominate and will need to return to the Dungeon in 23 Days or suffer automatic respawning.}
{Spirit Link established with Prophet Alasse.}
“I must congratulate you on your success.”
Fear leaks from her waking mind like a river bursting its banks, eyes flashing open into the surrounding darkness neither a comfort nor a curse. She tries to collapse our link, push away my presence and upon failure her mind closes down, frozen. Unable to repel me she reasons punishment next leaving our Spirit Link gasping for connection.
While waiting, the Lamia in me feasts upon the implied power of one over another and exploits the absolute authority to force my presence into the helpless Snake Kin’s mind and claim her body to utilise her senses. Our link is similar to Alba and mine, although I have ownership and control, which is why Alasse’s panic can’t sunder our connection and I’m able to explore her current perception of reality. Alasse, under a bedroll camps in the company of many beneath the eaves of an old forest possibly a day of travel away.
Her ‘link voice’ quivers, an effort to even ‘speak’. “I needed to promise them much power and strength, an ally when needed. Have I overstepped?”
My Lamia nature finds a satisfaction in this intimidation. My presence prowls around her mind and I don’t deny myself this simple pleasure as I quieten the echo of disgust in my Lammasu nature.
“Promise them this. If they build a Temple in my name and call me forth to consecrate it, I will answer. Once sanctified they can bring their sick to be healed and their dying to be offered an afterlife. Upon their last breath if their family is in good standing as worshippers and contributes a nominal donation the Priestess of the Temple will be able to capture their dying one’s spirit and preserve it. The family will forever more be able to consult their wisdom each and every time they worship within the Temple.”
Silence, which I expect, although her mind fear dissolves grasping upon my revelation and calculating profit and loss I suspect, familiar thoughts for any Snake Kin. I keep their saved family in the Temple to ensure they return and worship and/or tithe as both forms of payment will be of benefit. I can’t quite glean if her calculations are to measure my profit or the possible cost to her House.
Another emotion, awe? Perhaps disbelief? “You can promise this my Goddess?”
My Prophet doubts. “Possibly more, it will depend upon their level of faith when the Temple is consecrated. So, they will determine the extent of my gifts not I.”
My statement sounds truthful because I don't need to pretend, my power will be at the mercy of their worship. I am nearly at the river when my Prophet recovers enough to ask another question.
“While I tried to prevent them my Goddess two other House’s insisted a daughter from each were evangelised as Lay Members. Their Houses are stronger than ours …”
“One each? I don’t understand, explain,” I ask.
“They are uncertain, so one is enough to find out, while the loss of one is not enough to cripple their future prospects elsewhere. To refuse them outright would cause my House to be victimised by their House and allies, we wouldn’t have survived any hostile intent.”
“Their participation will matter little if they don’t have faith in me. They will not rise above Lay Member and not reap any promised rewards. Your House’s rise or fall will depend upon your House’s faith in me and the consecration of the Temple in my name. The stronger I am the more I can gift any faithful worshipper.”
A huge sweeping glide turns me away from the mountain range and with silent grace I descend to follow the river course in expectation.
“My Goddess there are many lessor Houses, some which didn’t send any to the Great Quest. They might accept an invitation to journey here if promised a token or demonstration of your power.”
I begin to see a master negotiator at play, her fear well and truly behind now seeking confirmation. Is the demonstration for the lessor Houses or perhaps a reassurance for her own House?
“Perhaps I have something. We will meet when you next camp.”
“Yes, my Goddess, I didn’t mean to offend and will always remain your loyal servant.”
Square block houses with tall walls and peaked rooves rise up before me a satisfactory distance from the riverbank, although three jetties like stone fingers stab into the rushing foaming water repelling any attempt to remove them.
Alba asks, “Goddess, you don’t intend to show the Snake Kin your collection, do you?”
“It would provide a clear demonstration don’t you think?”
“Including Snake Kin?”
“Especially Snake Kin.”
“For some of the Lay Members, they could be their family …”
“Like I said, especially Snake Kin.”
I am certain I have the measure of Snake Kin sensitivities. Sacrifice of the individual is the price willingly paid if the House prospers. If I have erred in this assessment my failure will be spectacular to say the least.
I baulk, wings flapping rhythmically. Well, this is a problem. All of the block houses are identical, none are larger than another except for a single colossal … Meeting Lodge I would guess. Curiously, there are no guards, Stone Giant or otherwise. Landing upon the middle jetty, with genuine confidence I stride forward into the settlement proper. I belong here.
A deep rumbling voice then speaks challenging my presence. “You are an odd Snake Kin, although odd or not you aren’t welcome this late into the night.”
I didn’t bother swivelling around trying to locate the source, certain in my reply. “Tell Nasim, the Prophet of Aphrodite calls upon him to honour his pledge of loyalty.”
Several heartbeats of silence pass. Then the resolute crunch of heavy footsteps reaches my ears, gradually receding. I concentrate upon the gurgling and splashing of the water against the jetty piers, the chaotic mix absurdly relaxing allowing me to spend time with myself, free from Lammasu and Lamia.
Several sets of determined footsteps approach and I turn to greet them opening my eyes, unaware until then I had closed them. Nasim leads three others, each grey skin tall, brutish, and resting a huge stone club upon their right shoulders, a triplet of trouble quelling.
“What do you know Snake Kin of sacred oaths given?” His rumbling heavy voice music to my ears and I pause a heartbeat appreciating the moment.
“I am not Snake Kin, yet easily mistaken for one until you gaze upon my face for proof. I am Lamia, a creature you are yet to meet until now and I am the Prophet of Aphrodite, the one she chose to invite and welcome you into her worship if you so decide.” I slither forward slightly delivering a respectful short nod of my feminine human head.
Nasim folds his arms, eyes narrowing as he speaks. “We were once welcomed by Zeus and then dismissed. Although recently due to some misfortune in the Quest Dungeon they wished to welcome us back. We declined to join a wilting religion. What proof do you have to convince us you are Aphrodite’s … Prophet?”
He struggles slightly with the word, so cute.
“Nothing but my words if you agree to receive my evangelising of the Goddess. Once concluded your belief will either be confirmed, and you will be welcome to worship, or you will continue to disbelieve and remain lost.”
Glancing left and right an incredulous smile on his face, Nasim asks, “Am I now expected to rouse my people, this very instant?”
“A curious and stealthy Nasim once invited himself into a Temple consecration totally disregarding the consequences, so I would expect nothing less from him and his people now. I will wait, the view across the river reminds me of time Nasim and my Goddess shared such a pristine moment beside a mountain lake.”
“Fetch the clans now.” A harsh whisper commands the three standing behind Nasim as he advances toward me.
“All the clans?” one asks.
I imagine Nasim’s confirmation, while I snake away to take in the view of the river.
“A spy may know one of those occasions, both though, unlikely. Who are you?”
“I notice you followed my Goddess’ advice and established your settlement away from the Beast Kin and she would wonder if you made any friends with your stone shaping skills?”
I look over my shoulder and slowly turn my body to face him once again, allowing Nasim to inspect my eyes, his eyes widen, and his smile broadens as realisation dawns upon him.
“High Priestess, I apologise, you have changed your appearance, forgive my doubts.”
As he begins to kneel, I reach out to him, causing him to pause. “You must keep my pretence as a prophet a while longer good friend.”
“I … I will. Does your return offer salvation High Priestess?”
“I am hopeful of more than salvation, although you may not agree with my current allies.” I wave my hand to prevent him from accepting my next statement without due consideration. “Snake Kin will approach you in the days to come, to build a Temple for them, although they won’t outrightly say Temple.”
“Snake Kin, High Priestess.” The words spoken reluctantly, his mouth trying to spit them out.
“Yes, fortunately or unfortunately my current form is acceptable to them and they are willing. The lower Houses desperate to improve their future.”
Nasim, swivels, spreading a hand towards the Meeting Lodge. “Your Temple is already built High Priestess in preparation for your return, we added a roof, in case of snow.” His deep rumbling chuckle warms my heart, while the early arrivals lean back, uncertain due to Nasim’s unusual mirth while standing before a stranger. Worse, an unusual, untrustworthy almost Snake Kin.
“Assemble in the Meeting Lodge please and all will be explained,” rumbles Nasim, shooing the gaggle gathering about us towards the huge building.
Three Stone Giants though don’t follow the crowd, marching directly to Nasim from a long way off. While they tend to look the same to me, set jaws on any humanoid face normally means confrontation.
“Why do you wake us and our clans Nasim? Being ordered about unreasonably is why we fled at great risk from our previous tyrants solely on your promise of self-determination.”
I believe he spat as he spoke and yet Nasim’s calm smile remains, gracing his face for the duration of the accusation.
“I woke you so you and your clans could listen to the words of an unusual emissary, one which I have been waiting for, one which could change our fortunes.”
A Stone Giant to the right of the enraged one spoke. “An odd-looking Snake Kin, change our fortunes, how?”
While I would like to assist, I would probably do more harm than good since I don’t know any of the three or their clans and Nasim is relaxed and contained while being subject to their disapproving onslaught.
Weakly the Stone Giant to the left adds, “Yes how?” Nodding his head rapidly looking about for support.
“Follow me to the Meeting Lodge, allow me to inconvenience you for one night amongst many otherwise peaceful nights to perhaps change your future. Yes?” Nasim spreads his arms wide to gather and shepherd them towards the Meeting Lodge, without touching any of the three.
The Stone Giant on the left baulks, defensively raising a hand.
“Yaja, if you stay here you will stand alone, your clan has already assembled within the Lodge,” says Nasim.
“I will call them out.”
“Such is your prerogative as their Clan Head and would clearly demonstrate your standing amongst your clan as an example to us all.” Nasim lowers his arm and follows the other two Stone Giants, one of which calls to Yaja over his shoulder to follow them. Yaja surveys the empty settlement agora, eyes briefly fixing upon me before he chases after Nasim and the other two.
“There is always one Goddess.”
“Yes, he wishes to reserve the right to tell everyone they were wrong, his hesitation right and they should heed his wisdom more often.”
I slither towards the place of my performance, a not quite finished raised platform; surmising some final touches of the correct sort and an altar would, like magic appear. The stairs though, an unusual challenge and I pause at the top of them to take in my audience. The number of assembled Stone Giants impresses even me and when I glance at Nasim he is beaming, basking in my well-deserved appreciation.
I evangelise on behalf of myself and describe the rewards awaiting the faithful, how earnest worship strengthens a Goddess allowing additional boons, including Divine protection. The sun rises once I finish my speech and answer their many questions during and after. Naturally, the very concept of the Divine new to many and they are rightly suspicious. I am only certain of Nasim’s Clan, the other three Clans raising the majority of the questions, which I did my best to answer, while not over promising. Their questions centring upon their independence and protection, a legacy perhaps of their previous subjugation under the Frost Giants.
Taking an absurd chance, I attempt to cast [Worship Aphrodite] and as I chant under the morning sun rising over the river, I disguise my surprise as the congregation receives a Goddess’ blessing. Ultimate proof my first Initiate provided me with sufficient worship to cast my first Divine Magic and exercise my first godly act.
Countless system messages scroll down before my eyes, many announcing Lay Members, although a healthy number announce Initiates and given the “system rules” these can only be members of Nasim’s Clan, which I have known previously and am now in even greater debt to.
{Ordination of Initiates +1% Divine Dominate.}
I stare at the system notification, stupefied, which my new worshippers accept as either a holy trance or perhaps insanity. Four Clans of Stone Giants, eighty-seven of which embrace the worship of the Goddess Aphrodite on a thin promise yields one percent Divine Dominate. I am uncertain if I should laugh or cry. What I am certain about is ensuring the consecration of my first Temple needs to involve a huge gathering of potential faithful. I suspect any doubters will diminish the potential ordinations and I need Adept Priests, Temple Priests and at least one High Priest before Zeus turns his full attention upon my worshippers and by inference, me.
To that end I need to exclude any not already Lay Members or higher to the Temple dedication and now is the time to ensure my Snake Kin Prophet is aware also.
“Arise Prophet of Aphrodite.”
“Yes, my Goddess I am ready to serve.”
“The minor Houses you asked, when would be the earliest they could arrive?”
For one ready to serve the wait for her reply is several heartbeats longer than acceptable or perhaps because I am flying, my heartbeats are more rapid than they should be. I realise mid-flight my Prophet has a pattern. Delay in any response suggests an issue or an exercise in initiative which may or may not be acceptable to me.
“They will arrive shortly, several days erm perhaps less. I asked them to attend a trade talk where they could benefit if they could demonstrate haste in arriving on short notice with as many of their House who they consider fit and able. We promised them a bounty if their efforts met with our expectations, my Goddess.”
Conniving scheming Snake Kin. Wait a moment, what does bounty mean to a Snake Kin?
“I support your initiative and incentives to ensure they arrive as fast as possible, although please explain the promise of bounty.”
“A bounty can be many things my Goddess, trade goods, gold, silver are material bounties, favours, influence or sponsorship more abstract bounties.” I detect a sly smugness in her final thought words. “While I believe introducing them to the worship of my Goddess an ultimate bounty.”
I am somewhat in awe of her twisting the meaning of bounty and yet, a possible risk.
“If they don’t accept the introduction as payment of their expected bounty, what then?”
“We are a strong House compared to the few arrivals, they will accept, even if they must grumble due to false pride. After all, their unseemly haste to receive a bounty on the slimmest of pretexts could only be considered questionable wisdom of the desperate.”
I hear the triumphant snickering in her words and discard my reservations until the final word. The desperate, do I need the worship of them and if they prove difficult and invade the consecration with doubts, not even Lay Members …
“Is there any chance the disgruntled desperate could turn to violence or worse invade the Temple consecration, which would prove disastrous for all our futures?”
Another intolerable pause. Time to fix this. “Answer my Prophet, I need your truthful response regardless of any perceived consequences. I will decide any retribution and so far, exercising your initiative has proven valuable and correct, so don’t doubt yourself now.”
“Thank-you my Goddess for your confidence in me. They could prove disruptive, they may lodge a protest with a sympathetic stronger House and may pick one interested in our business more than interested in their complaint, but regardless of the reason the desperate could with unexpected luck impact our plans. I apologise my Goddess.”
“Now that I know, I am not too concerned, eighty-seven Stone Giants now worship your Goddess and I am sure they can flex some muscle if required as I assume the spell casters and even the warriors amongst them tend to be weak, weaker than you for example?”
A light giggle. “Oh yes, most certainly. Given the Stone Giants we should simply slay any who protest too loudly, which will definitely eliminate the chance of them petitioning a stronger House. Their bodies either disposed of amongst the burial mounds in the forest or thrown into the Dungeon.”
I end our conversation by not replying. My present Lamia nature revelling in her absence of care of the desperate Snake Kin while my past Lammasu is reviled and my conscious must navigate between the two. I accept I may have to act less noble to realise my new purpose and reflect that perhaps all power comes at a price, usually at the expense of someone else, in this case some desperate downtrodden Snake Kin. I then recall she mentioned burial mounds, perhaps another legacy of a past misdeed, although before I can spiral down into the self-examination I am interrupted.
“Do we have to?”
I forgot Alba would be privy to my discussions, perhaps I should remove her bound ring first next time, although if a former eat or be eaten Giant Gar is questioning my acceptance of the possible disposal of rowdy Snake Kin then I should probably pay heed. My assumption the Stone Giants will assist probably in doubt also I now suspect, so perhaps prevention is better than cure. I need to stand beside Alasse when she evangelises these desperate Snake Kin and with the influx of Stone Giant Initiates, I should have Divine Magic at my disposal to perform another [Worship Aphrodite] ceremony, which proved so successful with the Stone Giants.
“I hope not and to that end I will ensure I support Alasse when she faces the new arrivals.”
I cast the Magician Spell [Invisibility] and the Faith Magic Spell [Far Sight] and perch upon Dungeon’s outward facing basalt wall scanning the camp below, easily identifying five separate groups based upon Kin and a sixth containing the Questor Group members. The number of Snake Kin easily outnumber each of the other Kin and curiously I cast [Locate Faithful] and gliding over them, male or female they’re all Lay Members. I swiftly flap my wings and return to my perch.
There exists a begrudging respect between the gathered Beast Kin, enough to shake hands when the Questor Group insist on introductions. This changes when a Snake Kin is invited, reserved nods, standoffish stances and little if any conversation. The introductions and group joining ceases during the lunch time meal, each Beast Kin retreating to their respective camps. Overlooking the “dance” I believe the pause for lunch a mistake, they need to partake of food together, perhaps try the food of other Beast Kin.
“Prophet of Aphrodite.”
“Yes, my Goddess I am ready to serve.”
“I am displeased as I gaze upon the gathering. Order all the food to be relocated to a central location. Force all Kin to mingle if they wish to be fed.”
A brief pause, good.
“Is … well they are comfortable now … to disturb them may earn their ire and be less likely to form into a group, my Goddess.”
“They will need to share food when grouped in the Quest Dungeon, what better way to see if each can stomach the presence of the other.”
“Your will be done my Goddess.”
Each of the Questor Group approaches their respective Kin’s camp and orders the food relocated to the Questor Group camp. The Dog Kin dally behind, I suspect grumbling to each other. The Bear Kin shrug and simply re-locate and resume feasting. The Badger Kin with their vegetable diet are still separate, although being seen as harmless and neutral by other Kin they freely mingle. The Cat Kin, majority Lion Kin although a couple of Panther Kin and Tiger Kin tend to dart in, secure their food and quickly return to their kind. The Snake Kin force themselves to partake of the other Kin’s food, I suspect my Prophet has threatened them in some way. The Dog Kin join when they see the Snake Kin eat from their meat rich food as an easy way to satisfy their hunger while comply with my Prophet and avoid direct contact with other Kin.
The Badger Kin though prove the real catalyst as they move between Snake Kin and other Kin smoothly, encouraging mingling by asking different Kin to accompany them as they cross invisible social and cultural boundaries, which I’m not privy to only recognisable given my all seeing perch.
My Prophet doesn’t allow the food to run out, pestering her Questor Group companions to fetch more and slowly by afternoon end partial groups are formed, which I consider a major success.
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