《Demon King 101》Chapter 27 (1): A castle in peril


「Central War Room - Before the gathering」

When the woman cladded in grey steps foot into the room, she is greeted by salutes from the commanders and intelligence officers inside. Not bothering herself with the formality, the Headmaster keeps her pace and approaches the strategic map in the middle of the room. The staff resume their work when they are done with the formality.

“How bad is the situation right now?”

The woman asks. The strategic map already laid out on the table is a detailed one. There are several black and white stone tokens placed across the map. A line of tokens form the backbone of the Dark Line, but they’re currently in conflict with the opposite lines made of white tokens. Far at the east of the map, there stands a single black token defending Melas castle. However, in front of it, there is one big white token that somehow finds its way through the chaotic defense line and is slowly, but surely, approaching the castle.

“The whole frontier is in disarray right now. We already requested back up from the rear, but it’ll take them several days until they can assemble an army and mobilize to Melas castle.”

As a commander finishes his report, the woman closes her eyes and sighes.

“I was warned of the attack through the crystal communication device, but the frontier’s device was destroyed before I can hear the full story. Gentlemen, please give me a quick explanation on how our grand defensive line we built for ten years suddenly collapsed in a day.”

The commanders fall silent. According to military regulations, when there is a battle, the full authority is given to the highest ranking commander from the army, even though there’s already someone in charge of the local area. However, Nilrem Erramun is an exception. Her authority as the castle’s master exceeds even the military commanders, due to her experiences, her services in the past, the importance of this place, and the woman being favored by most members of the Seven Pillars. In front of such pure political power, the commanders can’t help but listen to the witch’s orders.

Before the woman’s patience runs out, a commander finally gives her what she wants to hear.

“This morning, a legion from the central army was raided when they were in the middle of preparation for the annual winter defense exercise. The raid party’s leader was confirmed to be a human male Hero. When their formation was broken, a detachment from the enemy’s own central army began their surprise breakthrough. They breached through the defense line, and marched deep inside our land.”


“Why didn’t the remaining legions intercept this detachment?”

Nilrem asks, her stern tone certainly doesn’t help ease the seriousness of the current situation.

“They couldn’t react in time, madam.”

Says another commander. He continues.

“The estimated number of this detachment was roughly five thousand men, they brought along with them four disassembled trebuchets, pulled by stone golems. They kept their size small enough not to alert our remaining armies. Also, there were signs of this attack being an spontaneous one from a rouge unit. The enemy’s remaining armies didn’t go for rescue when the rouge unit was surrounded by the central legion’s remaining regiments. However, the enemy took advantage of the confusion, and launched a total offensive on all fronts when they saw their chance. This led to the whole chaotic mess our army is facing right now. The fighting is still going on as we speak.”

Nilrem sighs. Trying not to laugh out loud about how a bunch of demons defending the realm being played around like a damn fiddle, the witch continues to think of a solution. Seeing how close the attacking detachment is on the map, there’s no mistaking it, this castle is their main objective – thinks Nilrem.

“A whole defense line of 150000 men, thrown into confusion by a 5000 men unit. It’s been a while since the last time I’m this amused.”

The commanders can only do nothing but look at the smile on the wicked witch’s lips.

“Is there any information on the attacking unit’s leader?”

Says the witch. Her attention is still focused on the map.

“Yes, madam. The enemy’s leader was confirmed to be 「Origen, the Black Paladin」.”

“Origen…A paladin from Luminis, and a Lutumian at that. Well, if it’s him, then it’s no doubt their surprise attack would work wonders.”

All of the people in the room know how dreadful an enemy a Paladin of Luminis is. This kingdom of Light has no standing army. Their only military force is a small group of powerful and fanatical believers, simply dubbed the Paladins. These zealots must prove themselves to be a master of war and faith in order to join the ranks of Lielos’s warriors. They were armed with powerful weapons, and were given signature armors that bear symbol of the white cross. Even when few in number, they still brought fear to their enemies as much as they sung praises to their god of light.

Suddenly, from the war room’s window, an eagle flies into the room. It is no ordinary eagle. This creature is a moving set of grey clay, molded to the shape of an eagle. A homunculus made by alchemists for special tasks, such as carrying messages.


A soldier approaches the eagle. With a simple touch, the clay eagle suddenly breaks itself into tiny bits. In the core of the homunculus, there’s a piece of paper with strange writings. It’s probably codified information. When they get a hold of the paper, it doesn’t take long for the intelligence officers to crack the code.

“We have an update on the current situation, madam!”

After they’re done, a soldier approaches the witch and starts his report.

“The enemy unit had successfully evaded the last guard fort. The scouts also reported that the enemy’s numbers had been reduced to about 4000 men as of now. The estimated time until they arrive is a day. They will be here by tomorrow morning!”

The commanders and soldiers can only do nothing but look at each other in despair. It’ll take at least three days until their reinforcement arrives. While they’re literally inside a castle built to withstand sieges, they know they don’t have enough manpower to defend the place from an attacking unit of 4000 men, led by a dreaded Paladin on top of that.

“Madam, the report also said they still have some reserve soldiers at the surrounding guard forts. They offered to join us for the defense of this castle.”

Says the reporting soldier.

“Tell them to wait and offer support for our armies if they retreat. They don’t have enough manpower to successfully pull off a pincer attack on the enemy anway, and the war from the frontier will soon reach them regardless. Not to mention with the enemy’s current marching speed, it’s already too late for them to get to us in time.”

“Yes, madam.”

When their order arrives, the soldiers quickly write a coded message to their comrades on the frontier. After it’s done, a soldier puts a piece of paper to the center of the broken clay eagle. He touches its body, and suddenly, the smashed pieces of the eagle starts reassembling itself to its former shape before flying away, carrying along the coded message inside its core.

“Commanders, what’s the estimated number of our own fighting force?”

The witch once again glares at the commanders as she starts giving questions.

“We have a thousand soldiers waiting for their departure, combine with the five hundred men from the castle’s guards and we have at most one thousand and five hundred able-bodied soldiers…”

To siege a castle, one need an army twice the numbers of the defending force in order to gain an edge. The reverse is also true, an army with half the numbers of the attacking force can be enough to hold a fortified castle. But the commanders aren’t that optimistic, their men barely reach the required number to defend this huge castle. While there’s only one bridge leading to the West side of this continent, fortified a deep valley separating the places, it’s only a matter of time until the castle’s gate is breached and the castle falls to the hand of their enemy.

“Those numbers are enough.”

Says the witch. The commanders can’t rise their voice. Deep inside, they feel awkward being bossed around by a witch who’s only have a say in this room thanks to being the lord of the castle.

Suddenly, the witch turns her gaze to the commanders as if she knows what they’re thinking.

“I believe you gentlemen won’t have any objection about me being in charge of this operation?”

Asks the witch.

“With all due respect, madam, we were trained for warfare and taught to master the art of warfare. Warfare is our life and purpose. You don’t have to directly involve into this siege, madam. Please let us do our job to defend this castle. A headmaster should only concern about the education of her students, rather than meddling in the affair of soldiers.”

The conversation gathers the attention from all the personnel inside the room. They all await the answer from the woman in grey. With a subtle laugh, the woman answers.

“Commander. Were you here the last time this castle was besieged?”

“Err…no, madam. That was hundreds of years ago. I wasn’t even born yet.”

Says the commander.

“I was there the last time this castle fell. It was hellish, like a nightmare than I couldn’t wake up from. I don’t live to this day just to watch the same tragedy unfolds again. This castle is one of Dargoth’s last remaining legacy, it’s inconceivable to let it fall again to human’s hands. I am Nilrem Erramun, Lord of Melas Castle, and I won’t sit by and let my home be taken away. Do you still have any objections, commanders?”

“No madam, we will not have any objections. Please give us your orders.”

The commanders and the soldiers bowe in recognition of Nilrem’s authority. Without any change of reactions, the woman starts making a battle plan alongside her subordinates.

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