《The Other Labyrinth》21 - Pets are overrated ; Waking up anew
Chapter 21
“...” She remained silent, her gaze alternating between the character sheet that had appeared before her just now, and her new arm that looked just like the old one, if not the anthracite black hue of her skin and the shape of her nails, that looked more like claws than anything else. She moved her new limb, feeling powerful muscles rolling, running her left hand over her skin to appreciate the new texture, like satin.
“... What did you do to me?” She asked then in a voice where curiosity won its duel against anger, but only by a little.
Ahahah ! I gave you what you wanted, little one ! A body with inexhaustible regeneration, and my full powers !
She was surprised to hear the voice of the demon not through her ears, but directly from her mind. However, she quickly recovered.
"You turned me into a demon?"
Only an hybrid for the time being ! If I need to be chained at you till your death, at least I want it to be as pleasant as possible !
To this answer she remained speechless. She then looked at the blaze-cage of which the demon had escaped.
“... I don’t understand. Why did you choose to lock yourself in me? What does that change compared to your previous prison ?”
Ha ! For starter, it’s at least much less annoying. Plus, what has the longest life span, a magic cage, or a human ?
“... Yes. I see where you’re going. Even though I’m not human anymore, am I ?” She replied by looking at her character sheet and, more particularly, her race.
A long silence followed, suddenly broken by the devil’s insults.
...Fuck. But what dumbass. So he says in the mind of Ashes.
Bloody hell, what an asshole. What have I done. He continued, his normally imposing tone giving now the impression that the demon was on the verge of depression.
“... Is everything all right ?” she asked gently, surprised by the state of the demon.
No, nothing is okay ! I screwed myself again ! I had to turn you into a demon hybrid, it looked so fun at the time ! And now, instead of being stuck with you fifty, maybe sixty years, I’m good to spend hundreds of years in your company ! He spat hysterically, the anger in his voice directed not to Evilyn but to himself.
The young woman was about to talk again when she noticed the look that Tysbae had on her.
“Everything is fine?” she asked, seeing that the teenager was breathing fast. She was sweating, too, and constantly moistening her lips.
“I am starting to… to be hungry.” she said, the thirst in her eyes almost palpable.
Evilyn found herself standing next to her instantly, hands on the teenager’s shoulders.
“Now we will see if you have kept your promise, demon.”
Call me Sullivan, kid, or us being together will become fucking boring fast.
She did not pay attention to the comment of the abusive demon, preferring to focus on the teenager.
“Tysbae, go, drink.” She said to her, presenting her neck.
"Are you sure ? It won’t hurt you?" She replied by fighting with all her strength to not just literally jump at Evilyn’s throat.
“Don’t worry. Drink until you’re thirsty no more.” said the young woman, using her left hand to mess with Tysbae’s hair.
A slight pain in her carotid, and the feeling of blood flowing from her like a fountain. The action found itself to be even less painful than the first time and, in particular, less unpleasant, as Evilyn did not feel weakened by the loss of blood. She gently stroked the teenager’s hair, a maternal smile on her face, the scene strangely reminding her of her own siblings, the way she had taken care of her younger brothers and sisters, all much younger than her.
Um... Are you sure you want to feed the vampire ? It’s not that I have something against them but I do.
The young woman frowned.
“I don’t see why I wouldn’t feed her.” She replied with a bit of venom in her voice.
Bloody hell, could you stop talking to me by opening your mouth ? Just think about what you want to say to me, please. And your vampire, do you like her ? What are you gonna do with her, keep her as a pet ?
What ? No ! She’s just a lost kid, I’ll take care of her ! Evilyn replied in thoughts.
Hum. You do whatever you want with this animals, but if you really want to keep her healthy,if I was you, I wouldn’t let her drink too much of my blood.
Why ? She needs to eat.
Yes yes, of course, I know your pet needs to be fed, but your blood is no longer entirely human, she will be in for a world of pain if she gorge herself of too much of it. Besides, you’re not just any kind of demon hybrid, you’re part fire demon, high-ranking fire demon, and, if I remember correctly, vampires don’t like fire.
As he spoke, Tysbae had begun to become slightly red and, now that the coloration was becoming more pronounced, Evilyn finally noticed it. The young woman felt the teenager tremble, not of pleasure, but of pain, without however stopping to drink a second, her thirst and her instinct too strong for her to realize that she was in danger.
“Tysbae, stop !” cried the young woman,without success.
She’s a young vampire, right ? Strangle her, she should still have her breathing reflex.
What ? No ! I’m not going to strangle her, what’s wrong with you ?
Well ! Do it or don’t, but don’t be surprised if she dies ! He answered her dryly.
Evilyn shouted, tried to reason with the teenager, trying to force her out, but nothing did the trick. Tysbae became more and more red and hot, sweating more and more, and being cornered without any other option, the young woman strangled her, as the demon, Sullivan, had advised her. She grabbed the teenager’s throat with her right hand and squeezed with all her strength. A few seconds passed without anything happening until, suddenly, she felt Tysbae’s jaw loosening. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she ripped the young vampire out of her throat, throwing her to the ground without doing so on purpose.
“ha… ha… aARGH!” There, the young teenager began to scream and Evilyn saw why.
Tysbae’s mouth was now a big burn, the swollen skin blistering around and on her lips.
A disgusting light began to flow from her eyes and mouth as she began to tremble on the ground, no sound now coming out of her mouth.
What is happening to her ? Asked Evilyn, panicked at this sight.
Her body is trying to accept the blood you gave her, and it’s not pretty. At the same time what a stupid idea to give fiery demon blood to a vampire.
Can we help her ? She said, letting the half-disguised insult pass .
Um. We really need to help her ? I mean, if you really want a vampire as a pet, we can get you another one, you know ?
...your mouth. Just, SHUT YOUR MOUTH ! Fuck you with your pet ideas! She suffers, we help her, that’s all ! She screamed with rage to the demon.
All right, all right, don’t get excited like that. Put your hands against her throat and heart, I’ll see what I can do. He answered in a dull tone, as a father would do to a whim of his daughter.
Evilyn hastened to do as Sullivan had told her and quickly found himself above the young vampire.
Um.... Yes, maybe we can do something. You see, vampires are fascinating littles creatures. Like all the living dead, they are composed of a majority of Anima, with a little breath and mana mix to make it work. The problem here is the body, the Breath. Vampires have a breath called stagnant, unlike living creatures that have a dynamic breath. They drink the blood of living creatures to maintain or improve their stagnant breath but, here, this little vampire has absorbed a breath of an element to which she is weak, fire. In fact, she can’t turn it into her own breath and, worse, her stagnant breath and your breath of fire are fighting. He explained at length.
Stop explaining and heal me there ! Evilyn replied in a hysterical tone.
I’m getting there. I can help her accept the blood you gave her, but I’m at least partially going to have to change her racial structure. It’s long, complicated, dangerous and, if I can, she’ll become dependent on your blood. It’s up to you.
Is there really no other way ?
Ha ! Do you think I’d bore me to change her it if I could do otherwise ? No, there’s nothing else to do. And by the way she’s dying, your little vampire pet, you choose something or not ?
All right, do what you need to do, but save her, damn it !
Well so fucking time, it wasn’t so hard, right ? I’ll do the first phase now, it will last, ho, a few hours I would say. Don’t let go of her under any circumstances, or she’s dead, okay ? He said to her in a casual tone, as if he was going to cook or shop.
Understood ! She replied with a seriousness that contrasted with the demon.
In the now dark room time passed and, having to remain in the same position for so long, Evilyn’s arms began to become numb, the pain of the cramps becoming more and more important. However, she held on all the way, her resolution flickering again and again inflamed by the idea that Tysbae could die here, in front of her and, above all, because of her. She had never been an altruistic type but, when she could, when it didn’t cost her too much, she was trying to help people around her and clearly, an arm ache was a more than reasonable cost to someone’s life, even more someone she liked despite the little time they had spent together, someone who had already saved her life.
You can let go of her, kid. Sullivan finally said in a tired and unhappy tone.
Evilyn fell beside the teenager.
Here, we wiped the first step. I partially altered your vampire’s body, so that she would be able to absorb your blood, but now we’re gonna have to do the second step. Are you ready for this ?
Yes… ? The young woman replied, sure of herself.
Good. Take off your shirt and bra, you’ll have to breastfeed her.
...sorry, what ? Evilyn had taken a second to understand what Sullivan had told her, before responding in a tone that was not even outraged as it exuded surprise.
Why is that ?
Because the transformation isn’t complete. You have to give it a boost, and your milk is the best thing we have on hand for that.
B-but she’s a vampire ! Wouldn’t she need blood ? She retorted, seeking a reasonable argument not to have to bow to the extravagant request of the demon, who, she was sure of it, was making a joke of bad taste.
Blood ? And how do you want to do that, with a body that regenerates constantly and quickly and a vampire that’s too weak to bite you ? Besides, it’s better that it’s your milk she drinks, since it will be easier to absorb for her, its energy softer than that of your blood. But well, I’m not the boss here, you do what you want kid. He replied in a bad tone, as though tired of the incessant and unfounded recriminations of a spoiled child.
She remained speechless in the face of the devil’s recrimination and contemplated at length the sleepy body of Tysbae. From time to time, the teenager became tense with pain, her breathing speed and the sweat that permeated her clothes with clues to her ever-unstable state.
So you gonna move your ass or you gonna let her die ? If you let her die, I swear it’ll be bad even if I’m tied to you, with all the effort I had to do for your pet ! He then said after several minutes of silence from Evelyn
Will you stop calling her that or what ? She replied before starting to undress, removing her t-shirt and bra quickly.
Do I even produce milk ? She asked angrily as she took the teenage girl’s head, her arms still sore trembling under the effort they had to provide so early after several intense hours.
Normally yes. Your body should naturally recognize the energy in the vampire as similar to yours, and will consider it as one of your offsprings.
She listened to the demon giving hisr explanation while painfully bringing Tysbae’s head close to one of her nipples, finally managing to put the vampire’s mouth against it. The teenager tried to bite by reflex but, lacking strength, the final effect was closer to a baby trying to suckle her mother’s breast.
...Her teeth… what happened to them ?
Your blood, kid, that’s what happened to them. It corroded her teeth, in addition to burning her lips and face, one of the reasons why your milk is more suitable. I already feel you tense, but don’t worry, vampire teeth grow back. At the same time, it would be a little pathetic for a race like this, which bases its entire diet on parasitism, to see its only tool allowing it to feed itself be damaged and die because of it. He replied with irony.
The young woman listened to him, holding the position for one or two minutes without anything happening.
Why don’t I produce milk, what’s going on ?
This is your first time breastfeeding, isn’t it ? You produce milk and your vampire drinks it, it’s just that you don’t feel it.
Not convinced by Sullivan, she removed a second Tysbae from her breast, effectively seeing white pearls on her nipple. She quickly placed the teenager’s mouth back against her breast and breathed a sigh of relief.
And is there anything else like that I’m going to have to do ? I don’t like this kind of surprise. She asked when she was reassured, her tone rendered acidic by the behavior of the demon.
Um.... You’re going to have to breastfeed her at least until her teeth grow back. We’ll see how she is at that point.
Understood. She said, continuing to breastfeed the young vampire.
She had already been there for half an hour when a window of a translucent blue appeared before her.
|Congratulations! The sparkling “Tysbae” entity has become your direct subordinate! You can check its status in the “subordinates” menu.|
At the same time, Sullivan spoke.
Well, now she’s out of danger, her body has changed enough to absorb the blood you gave her. And now she’s irreversibly dependent on you for food. I hope you take good care of it, pets are always a hassle .
If Evilyn was not so surprised by the appearance of the dialogue window that looked strangely like a video game, she would have responded brutally.
…I’m really in a rpg world, aren’t I ? My God, where did I end up. She said to herself by massaging her forehead with one hand, still holding Tysbae with the other to keep her against her breast and breastfeeding her properly.
The monster crushed them from all its height, looking a little like a great gorilla, if its fur had been replaced by mauve bony plates. Its mouth and its face full of blood, that of her father who was now screaming in pain.
She ran away, her little sister in her arms and her mother by her side. They ran through the woods. Her mother was suddenly no longer there, her howling behind the young woman clue of the fate that caught up with her, but the young woman continued to run without stopping.
A few moments passed and she felt a hand around her throat. The last image she could see was that of her little sister and, more particularly, of her head bursting like a ripe melon under the monster’s embrace.
“CAMIIIIIIILLE !” She screamed as she stretched out her arm, rising from at once of the bed in which she was lying.
Her breathing was rapid and the adrenaline was screaming in her veins but, quickly, she realized that she had only dreamed, looking at the room around her, unknown.
The place was plunged into darkness, the only light source a small orange ball diluting its dim light into the surrounding space, sufficient to see but not to the point of disturbing a potential sleeper. The room was circular and the only furniture in it was the bed in which she was sitting and a small chest of drawers on which a pile of properly folded clothing was placed.
Where the hell am I ? She thought before being assailed by a headache which, however, faded quickly, leaving her panting, her head in her hands.
She frowned and shook her head, recovering quickly. She then realized that she was naked and, her shyness taking the upper hand, she soon dressed in the available clothes, simple though comfortable underwear and a long white gown, almost a monastic habit. It was a little warm to her taste but was surprisingly not cumbersome and light, qualities she enjoyed.
Ready, she then approached the only door that the room had, a beautiful and simply carved wooden door. She turned the doorknob and pushed, without success, before pulling it and finally opening it, feeling silly for a second.
The other room was bright, the sun entering through a beautiful window in the right wall. Sitting on a chair, in front of a low table, there was a man in his fifties, reading a book with one hand, his eyes focused on his reading, his round glasses accentuating his librarian look.
H-hello ?' she said weakly, her body looking heavy and her mouth pasty.
The man looked up and smiled when his gaze landed on her.
“Finally awake, good. Sit down, you probably have questions, don’t you ?” He asked, pointing to a second chair with his fingers, placed in front of him on the other side of the low table.
She nodded and sat down, not quite comfortable but not feeling threatened either.
“Good. Let’s start.” He said, closing his book and putting it on the table.
“... Where am I?”
'You are now in the Ark Basilica of High-Light, and we are here in one of the buildings belonging to the Pontificate.' He replied seriously.
She frowned, the terms he used did not echo in his memory. She was again caught with a hint of headache that went away as quickly as she had come.
“We are no longer in the Kingdom of Fleriel ?”
"So where ?"
“As a country ? You are in the Holy Land of Nil, nation of the Crusade of Nil.”
again a small headache resonated, weaker than the previous one.
“... I don’t know.”
"That’s normal. Now listen to what I’m about to say, okay?"
“All right.”
“Good. You are dead.” He said very directly to her.
“...S-sorry ?” She ended up saying, trembling and surprised.
"You’re dead. You had to have a dream before you woke up, didn’t you ?"
“... Yes…?” She said after a long silence, fear beginning to be born in her eyes.
“These are your last moments, the way you died. Everyone who comes here the way you did goes through this step.” He explained to her conscientiously.
“... No. No, impossible !” she exclaimed, rising from her chair and smashing it against the wall behind her.
The noise brought her out of her anger and she looked behind her, seeing how she had broken the chair.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” she began to confuse herself in excuses before recalling the reason of her reaction.
'I...I am really dead? My dream is the memory of my death ?' she asked for a second confirmation.
“Yes. I’m sorry about that.”
She looked at him a little longer, her eyes far away from here, before tears began to flow down her cheeks. She put her hands on her face and cried for a good quarter of an hour, she mourned the loss of her father, her mother and, above all, she mourned for her little sister, whom she had seen dying right in front of her eyes.
“Things are a little less bad ?” asked the man when he saw her dry her tears.
For any answer she only nodded.
“Okay. If you need a little time alone you can isolate yourself in the room where you come from. I have all my time, understood ?”
New nod, this time negative.
"Are you sure?"
“... Yes.” She swept a last tear from her eyes.
“Well, if you’re good, let’s continue, then.”
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