《The Dark Wish Maker》Chapter 7
Title:Len Condition and The Z-Monster
(??? P.O.V)
In a Place that is darker then black, dimmer then the abyss, a single boy stands there motionlessly and with eyes that seem to have lost his way home and is afraid of everything in the world around him.
He stands there crying, crying tears of sorrow that disappear in this eternal field of darkness... he cries and screams.
“Onee-chan, where are you?! Why are you running away from me!?” the boy scream in the darkness as he keep seeing and chasing the light in this dark world, that is moving away from him further and further, then a shadow encroach upon him from behind.
A pair of dark misty arms wrap around the boy back and whisper into his ears.
'It is because you are a curse being to her and a boy that should have died long ago.' the shadowy figure with a lisp voice said.
“If I am gone..... would she be happy?” the boy ask back weakly.
“Yes, Yes she will” the shadow answer back.
“But won't she be sad? If I was to be gone, won't she be all alone? I can't just abandon her...” the boy ask back.
“No, she would not, that is because she had already abandon you” the shadowy figure answer back.
“If she did not abandon you, then why are you alone now? Why were you taken by those people? Why did your precious Onee-chan not come to save you? Huh? She had abandon you, she does not want you anymore, she does not want you and your existence anymore... To her... you are nothing more then a hindrance to her happiness.” the shadowy figure whisper back in his ears.
“NO, THAT IS NOT TRUE!!” The boy said back quickly in denial again.
“Oh! But it is.... since she is like those people that had taken you to that horrible place....” the shadowy figure whisper back in his ears as it form an eerie smile.
“No.. that is not true... it was all Okaa-sama and Otou-san fault! They were the one who had sold me!! they were the one who had sold me to those horrible people!!” The boy said back quickly in denial again.
“But, what if she was the one who had suggested it to them? What if she was the one who allow you to be send there in the first place? What if she was the person who had trap you here in this unending world of darkness? Your precious Onee-Chan is nothing more then a hypocrite, a lier, a deceiver, a evil, a devil that relish in the suffering of her little brother.... see, I am the one who you need to break free from this darkness that your Onee-chan had encase you in..”
“No..... that can't be.. it is not true... you are the real lier!!”The boy said back quickly in denial again.
“I am the only one who had save you from suffering further in here, I kept you company for all these years and never left you alone. but what did your Onee-chan do, huh? Go to school? Make friends? While you are stuck in this place to rot she is having her own life, so you are nothing more then a curse thorn on her side.... she had betrayed you and you know it” it said with a tone full of malice.
“No....... this is... not true...” The boy said back in denial again.
“oh, but it is.... what if I said that she had recently made a deal with a being call Enigma X?” the shadow then suddenly faded and reappear in front of the boy.
In the form of his beloved older sister figure... it extended its murky hands and gently held his cheeks. The hand was cold and held no warmth, but its crimson eyes that had a slit like that of a serpent were compelling and sharp as it stare deeply into his azure eyes.
He had seen this many times while being in here, but every time it frightens him. However in the end he chosen to ask it another question like he was compelled to by those crimson serpent like eyes.
“What is Enigma X?”The boy said quickly.
“The hope, The Desire, and The Ambition giver manifestation, those that made a wish to Enigma X will be granted a wish that use the price of the suffering of others to achieve its goals, if you said your Onee-chan was so great then why did it make a wish to such a being, huh? Why did she not focus on saving you? And had just gone somewhere else to make a wish for herself, huh?”
“You... lie...”The boy said back in denial again.
“I am not the one lying, it is she that is lying, She puts on the air of a benevolent and saintly image inside of you, but that is merely a front, a lie, a pure facade to mislead you into liking her then back stabbing you like what had happen three years ago.”
“You see, she made you into a sacrifice, so she could get a wish from this demonic being.... and let you died in a ditch somewhere... so don't you know.... she has already abandon you....” the silhouette said quietly and close to his ears with a big smile on it face. So big in fact that it is inhuman. But the boy did not take notice of this because his feeling right not is too unstable by what he is told and now he can't distinguish what is truth and lies anymore.
He had been in this place of darkness for more then 3 years and had never gotten out of it. But he had hope.... hope that his beloved older sister would save him.. save him from this dark world... save him from this loneliness of being in here... save him from those things that had haunted him here... but in the end all he receive back from her is nothing... nothing was her answer to him.... so in the end the darkness is beginning to slip into his blackening heart...
“No.. no...”The boy said back in denial, but this time his spirit of resistance is crumbling.
The silhouette then held him in a hugging position, while his inner tears stream down his face like a river... and eventually his eyes that was lost before, now it is beginning to lose its luster of his last hope... and his last resistance from the darkness that is devouring him...
However, he still needed a last push. As a part of him still resist the words and lies that this shadow had been feeding him... so a glimmer of hope inside of him still tells him to resist, but the glimmer is dimming into only a speck of light and is about to be swallow by the darkness that is already devouring the boy mind.
If Tanya has arrive here sooner then maybe he would had struggle more, but now he can't even hope to struggle anymore.
“Don't worry my dear... I will get your revenge.... I will help you get rid of her in the end.... I will make her suffer for locking us in here for so long... for making you feel such loneliness.... I will make her suffer for being a X-User... a X-User that takes the hope of others like you and crush it into oblivion.... just for her own gains.... I will make her pay for this injustice that she had brought upon you... I will do it all for you... so tell me what do you want?” the silhouette of darkness said genteelly and close to his ears as his eyes became dark, cold, and most importantly.... dead... as his last resistance has faded away like a rock turning into dust over time.
“I.. want.. revenge... on her... want her to pay for leaving me.... I WANT TO DESTROY HER!!!” He said, while his eyes now is not lit by the flames of life or reason. But by a dark flame burning of blind anger and wrath....
Then twirl around in this field of darkness then walk back to the boy that has lost itself to his rage and emotion. And is now tainted by the darkness of this world.
The silhouette extended his hand for the boy to hold and told the boy.
“Take my hand, and we shall become one and let us go to the outside world from here!!” that is what it had said to the boy that is now corrupted by the darkness.
The boy extended his hand to hold his with a smile... but he had stopped midway and instead asked.
“Okay, but I just have one question... what are you?” he look to it suspiciously... since it was the same being that had haunted him for a very long time in this place.
“......” at this moment the all smiling shadow now stop smiling.
“You told me that you are my friend, right?” the boy ask again.
“.....” the silhouette remained silent.
“So tell me.... what are you?” the boy ask back again and stare at the shadow with his dark blue eyes like that of pure water before, but now it had turn into a murky sea.
“Haha... hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!....” the silhouette then burst into laughter and became silent again... then look back to the boy... and said.
“I, you say? I am the grudge, the ill-resentment, the anger, the darkness, the hatred, of all those that had their hope shattered, I am the justice of you and this world. And I am your grudge and your friend in this corrupted world inside of you.” that is its response to his question.
“I am the highest shadow that can be, a level 7 Shadow, a Z-Monster, an enemy of all X-Users. If Enigma X is a false god that gives fake hope, then, we the Z-Monster, are the grudge that is born after those fake hope has been crushed into smithereens, and is the residue of their hopelessness, despair, hatred, and darkness, but in this case I am your darkness, your hatred, your despair... your hopelessness... and your sword.. that can help you take revenge, now grab my hand and invited me inside of you and we shall become one!!” it extended his hand again and look him in the eyes.
“With our powers combine, we are more then enough to deal with that traitorous sister of yours, now just say, yes and let the darkness take over... since if you want your revenge, then you would need my power to do so. Since your sister became an X-User recently, she is stronger then the average person. So with your condition outside... you need me... you need me.... Len.. you need me....” it then call out to his name and repeated the fact that he needed him.
“Yes” The now corrupted Len gave his consent then reach out and grab the Shadows hand. With this the darkness surrounding them instantly collapse on them and drown them in a murky sea of black water.
The murky sea is the darkness itself and as it surrounds them in a cocoon. It only lasted for a few moment, then it burst open spilling jet black liquid tar and a new being of darkness emerges from it.
The black tar then moves and molded itself into the shape of a humanoid figure.
When all that black tar is gone, there is only a single being standing their in space.
This being is neither the boy, nor the shadow from before. But a new being entirely born of the two combination.
It was a boy that had black hair and crimson eyes... pale skin and a powerful aura of darkness surround him.
“Hahahaha!!! finally all these years that I had fail to corrupt this little boy has finally payed off!! now it is time to deal with that foul X-User... no, Onee-chan!!! I am coming for you Onee-chan!!!” the boy of darkness said happily, but with insidious intention in his crimson slit eyes.
Then he stretch out his arm.
The fair pale arm of the boy then turn into a black tar like substance and many crimson serpent eyes emerge from his arm that is now a gruesome monstrosity.
“So are you guys ready to take your first kill?” he said to the crimson serpent eyes that is now wiggling wildly and moving in many direction. Which is disgusting if a on looker was to see this.
“Okay I understand, now lets leave here, since my dear, dear, Onee-chan is about to arrive soon, very, very, soon... Muhahahahaha!!!” the boys perverse laugh shook the space that he is in and shatter it.
Then he burst out of this space that he had created and into the reality that holds Lens body.
With this a new type of Z-Monster has appear, but this Z-Monster is not a normal one, because three years ago it was merely a collection of millions upon millions of negative emotion. That form millions of shadows in one body.
It was not a normal shadow that is weaker then the weakest X-User, but is a super shadow, that is on par with a Top A Class X-User in terms of Power rating and its now headed to the outside world to cause havoc.
On this day [Lo Ao Qian], Project: X-Murder Doll, had succeeded and is about to be put into action.
However Tanya did not know this fact.
When she arrive back in the hospital, she saw that, for some reason there is no one inside of the hospital, not even the sick patients that were their before and even the doctor and staff is gone.
Like they had all just vanish...
With this she hurry into the place that Len is held up because this is what truly matters to her. But when she arrive, she was deeply shock to have found him standing there and staring outside of the window.
“Len... you... you...” she said in total in voice of shock and trembling because this is the first time that she had saw him moving about.... In three years.
When he heard her shaky voice, he turn around and made a surprise face then said.
“Onee-chan it is nice to see you again... you have not change a bit from those days” he said with a gentle smile like the one he had in those days when they were younger.
“But... but how... how are you awake....” her voice was trembling from joy as she had discovered that her little brother, that would not awaken from his coma due to that virus killing him from the inside. No matter what she had done before, it was all futile in helping him become awake. but now, he is awake and is moving about and also gave one of his happy smile to her like the ones from their past before three years ago.
However, one of her personality had found that this situation extremely bizarre and had a wary feeling. But before she could warn herself, Tanya had already move on her own and pull Len into a tight affectionate hug.
Although Tanya is older by 3 years compare to Len, but after 3 years had pass only she had not change one bit in appearance, while Len age more and grew taller, so they are now comparable in hight and he had longer hair then hers due to never visiting the barber for 3 years straight.
However strangely enough for others, it was strange that even after 3 years his body did not change or look like that of skeleton from the lack of exercise.
Though that is probably because of the organ given to him from her master corpse and her Dragon Ki that is protecting his body from outside and internal influences.
“You... had came back to me... Len”Tanya said while smiling in tears and looking back at his smiling face.
However, Len then said something bizarre to her.
“Yes... I am happy to be back Onee-Chan... but I am sorry that this reunion will be cut short by me” when she heard him say that.
She made a puzzle face, but then spit out a pulp of blood.
A black blade like object, came from Len right arm and had pierce right through her stomach. when her body was not fortify by KI due to her carelessness.
Then Len lean in closer to her ears and whisper.
“It is nice to meet you again, Onee-Chan... but it is time to say good bye... it was saddening that you had to become an X-User, because I would have instead devour you and made you and I become one and the same. But to bad, this had to become a tragedy for our reunion after we had been separated for 3 years.” when he said that, he lay her on the floor that is now cover in her own pool of blood. With shock still present in her sapphire eyes.
“Well, I hope you will enjoy your stay in the abyss, Onee-Chan!!” Dark Len said that as he morph another blade of darkness from his right arm.
He then got into position and is ready to strike down upon her, to deal the final killing blow.
Chapter 7 End
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