《The Dark Wish Maker》Chapter 6
Title: The Humiliating Hospital Visit
“Really? Did we truly have to go around the world and set fire to everything? Literary, we burn nine forest, and in a capital and at least 20 cities around the world in a single night... was that really necessary, huh, Silver?” she ask Silver, while reading the newspaper of japan, which shown what she had done across the entire world.
Due to her needing to kill all the dept collectors that her parents had made contact with. She cause massive destruction across the globe and even set all of it on fire. Thought strangely enough she did not kill a lot of people in those fires, even though she set more city on fire then any other criminal organization in one night.
So they call this incidence, with the fancy title of [World Blaze], which depicts the many building that was set on fire by her, however the culprit in the news was completely anonymous and no leads could point to the one who did all these crimes. Which scare the public and annoy the world leaders.
Naturally she did not expect anyone to suspect her, because she had teleport to all those countries and left all those who had saw her to died in flames. So there should be no more witness left for her to deal with and also silver was getting depress because the fun of setting things on fire is over.
However, she instantly got excited after we sold everything that we had stolen that night and made us filthy rich, like after silver rip off a bunch of organ sellers, weapons dealers, snuff film buyers, antique collectors, and drug dealers in the black market. She made over 1 Billion dollar in a day after they came back. But that is not all, they still had treasures that are far more valuable then average objects and that they could not sell to others. She stores all this in her X-Phone, which had a personal bank and a storage that can take in physical items. So if she was to lose all her money somehow, she could still make more of it later on.
Also if she had a piggy bank then it would be the size of mountain, since she now posses over 3 Billion dollar after taking all the money that those dept collectors had collected. But that is not the end of what her second personality had done, because she convert that billions of dollar into Yen instead.
Which made her end up with 327,135,000,000 yen instead. So now, not only can she pay her younger brother medical bill for life without working and not get a job herself and buy several houses with getting any clothing that she want made in pure gold.
So in the end Tanya almost fell into a coma after seeing this much money was made by her over night. But to her bigger disappointment, she was not allow to make any big spending any time soon. After, Silver said that this much money was not enough and that we can't spend a dime yet, but she also said it would be pretty suspicious of her, from others point of view, to have this much money in her bank account from just over night. So she should wait a while and only use the money in case of an emergency that she needs to deal with.
Also she has been order by Silver to not make use of their wish to make money appear from thin air or use the lottery to make more money for three reasons.
Inflation, Unnecessary attention, and waste of souls.
It is also unknown about the effects of making ones money appear from thin air with her wish. Like does her power make them appear from nothing or just transfer existing money to her location?
She would never know, because if it did transfer from somewhere, then somebody will start getting suspicious at how their money is disappearing and if it did make it from nothing then it will cause inflation if she use too much of it.
Then there is the Unnecessary attention part, because if she was to just use her wish to make more money by the lottery, then everyone will start wondering how she is so lucky and will get more troublesome encounter then benefit from obtaining those money. Also making jewelery or any valuable item in the world is also off limits for her to wish for, because anything that is valuable, there must be a limited supply of it in the world. So if she was to just keep making valuable metal or mineral or anything to appear, then all those things would just lose value. So it is pointless to wish for money in this case.
Then the biggest reason of why she would never wish for money is because one can spend all of it in one night and imagine that she has to sacrifice a person every time she wants useless money? It would make all those wishes that she had make completely pointless, and become only a temporary gain that will instantly disappear in the next day.
So wasting a wish on money, is like a billionaire spending all his cash on something that is only worth a million in cash, which is horribly inefficient. So Silver said 'whatever you do, never make a wish for more money and instead get a power to help you make more money. Since that is better compare to using such an impractical wish on something that only has its uses, when you have it and it is worth something to others.'
With that, she convince her of not spending a dime on her newly gain wealth. But only for herself, and she can use it to pay off the medical bills on her younger brother. Since they both care deeply for him.
She is also giving him a visit it today, and had come to pay the piling up medical bills that are crippling her life in general before she had became rich last night.
After she left the train station, she immediately headed there with a nice fast pace.
She walk through the red cross hospital medical center doors and directly into her little brother hospital room.
However to her dismay.
She found a bunch of doctors in the room and is examining her little brother with their nurses. Which thrown her into fit of panic and immediately call to one of the doctors that she knew.
“Doctor, Hiiro! What are you guys doing here in my little brother medical room? Did something happen?” she said to the doctor that serve as her and her little brothers official doctor that she sees every time, when she comes for a hospital visit.
Her doctors name is call Hiiro Ryu and he is a pure blooded Japanese person. With slick gray hair and dark eyes. His face is old and age with time, but still has this youthful gleam in his eyes. He was a very nice person that treated her nicely even though she could barely cover the medical expenses that she have to pay. However his face today is dark and gloomy, with his straight back now slouching.
After he had heard her call out to him, he look surprise then gave a depressing smile and quickly took her out of the room and told her the situation immediately.
“Your little brother only has 1 month to live at most” he said dejectedly to her as he looked her in the eyes while saying it.
“.....” after she heard that, her eyes widen in shock and her tears almost seem to boiling up in her eyes and is about to flow out.
“His heart is failing, but that is not the only problem, his liver, kidneys, lungs, other major organs and even his bones is breaking down at a extreme rapid rate as well, it was amazing that he could even live this long after you had brought him to us. So I am sorry to tell you this, but we could not get your parents to be in contact with us. So the only one that can know about this is you now….Tanya-Chan.” after he said that. He left the scene to let her stand there with tears flowing out of her red puffy eyes, because he knows that she must be in a great deal of grief, so leaving her alone would be the best for now, he thought to himself.
“There must be something that I can do... would giving him more of my KI help him?” she thought about what she had done to save him last time.
Last time She use her KI to stop the unidentified virus from spreading too far, but she was too late to stop it completely, after she had rescued him and only slow it down by quite a bit, so no matter how much more KI should she put into him, it would not change his situation. Plus her KI is not normal KI, but is Dragon Ki that is extremely powerful to use, but overbearing as hell in another persons body. If it wasn't for the virus that is killing Len at the time, she would never had dare to perform such a thing in Len, though she wasn't the one that control her body at that time and it was her third personality who had done the job with extreme precision that did not harm Len in the process.
When she thought about the demise of her last remaining family members. What fill her heart was not grief, but pure anger and wrath for those who had done this to him. Len was merely an innocent little boy and he was also quite wise as well, his Intelligence could probably even rival Silver if he was to wake up again to see Tanya show her second personality to him. Though she would most likely not allow that to happen either way. Since silver is not the best personality for her little brother to get involve with. But what other option is there?
Her little brother situation is critical right now, also the reason that he was put into a hospital despite knowing that they would not be able to cure him was merely to let him stay there. Since it would keep him away from home and out of her parent sight. While the hospital can feed and clean him regularity, while she had to work. Plus it would not be wise to let a sick person live in a rat and bug infested apartment. She was also planning that after she made enough money, she could give her little brother to a private hospital, where everything is luxurious. But all of this could become nothing more more then a dream, even if she had all the money in the world, because money can only hire a stranger to save his life and if there is no stranger that can do it, then having a mountain of money is as meaningless as to why there is a mountain of money to begin with.
So she should not care about what he thinks of her after, but just how she should save him right now. Because it is better that he is alive then dead not knowing anything about his own sister. So it is better to not be picky in ones options right now. So she wipe away her tears like the strong girl that she is and spoke to her second personality.
“Silver do you have any method to stop his Virus, come on you have to think of one!! he is also your brother and mine!”she scream at herself. Which made other people look at her strangely from the other medical rooms.
“Of course I know that you dim whit!! but the problem is how?! If [Void] could not do it, then what are the chances of me being able to do it, Huh?” she said something that even she could not speak back to her about.
When she utter the name of her third personality, [Void], The Monster inside of her.
If Tanya can bring out 50% of her true potential, then Silver could bring out 100% of it completely. But those means nothing in front of her third personality, [Void], because she could bring out 200% more then her full potential.
An emotionless and calculative personally that can achieve anythings that are beyond her ultimate potential. Even things that Silver could not do, she could do easily and things that geniuses are good at. Will look dumb in front of her. Like all talents and abilities or qualities that one have is meaningless in front of her presences. She is the like the absolute void that can't be defy by any being in this world and swallow up all the hopes that one can aspire to and turn it into nothingness. That was Tanya and Silver opinion about her.
However, she is so detach from everything that she never converse with either Tanya or Silver for long. But her presence is like the Void that surrounds the two of them in their minds. So they know that she was still there. They also fear that if Void truly wants either of them gone, she could easily take over as the main personality and the only reason that she doesn't is because she contain no interest in dealing with boring and mundane affairs. However if her life was at stake, she would come out to deal with it or if the life of her little brother is at stake she would also sometimes appear. But the number of times that she had appear, is itself a very rare occurrence, because if she appears that means both silver and Tanya could not solve a situation by themselves and would need her intervention.
She only appear one time fully and two times partially to heal Len again in the span of 3 years. The day that she first appear was the day that her parents had sold Len off to this underground organization that perform horrific human experimentation daily.
As she remember her parents that day after leaving only a note about her little brother fate, after she had just left the house for a few hours. She completely turn cold from the inside out.
Oh! How she boar her anger to this day. When she had finish training with her master, she wanted to kill them so badly, but they were nowhere to be found and only a note saying that they had let someone take her younger brother to do 'experiments' and that they plan to sell his healthy organs in their contract for a great sum of money.
That was the day she awaken to her third personality and the day that made her a murderer.
Her first murder.
Was her master that tried to stop her, but Void kill him because she found him to be a hindrances and slaughter him with some difficulty.
However it was still a fact that she had manage to kill her master that was like a god or dragon in her eyes. Then she kill all those pervert that is about to dissect her little brother. However, although she manage to save him in time, they injected him with some type a virus that still couldn't be cure to this day, even with Void level of ability in ancient Chinese medicine and acupuncture points.... she only manage to slow its spreading from killing him.
Do you know how?
She use the organs from the corpse of her master, because Lens organs was already too far gone at that time and perform a big medical surgery with no experience, yet done it better then any surgeon and replace all his vital organs with her masters and she control KI like how a spider control its own threads and sew him back up, with not even a blemish of scars left behind in the process. Then she use her Dragon KI to protect his body from further spreading of that Virus that is about to kill his new organs.
In the end it only slow down the entire process of Len slowly dying.
Also it wasn't only Len's death that she was afraid of because her master that she had a crush on at one point in time. Is now living inside of him and supporting him with his last remains that she had stolen from him.
So her letting him died is like letting both her beloved master and her little brother to died in vain. Which she could never allow, no matter the effort that she has to perform in saving the both of them. But how was she going to do it? How was she going to perform a miracle that can save her little brother? How could she hope to do what she could not do at 200% with her strongest personality?
She thought of a method, no all three of them thought of a method.
That is to make a wish that can grant the desire that she wants to achieve.
After all... she is The Dark Wish Maker. An X-User, someone that is beyond the norms of being normal and weak.
So even if everyone in the world have to died for her to make her wish come true. She would gladly do it. Since the life of her little brother, is worth more then the entire world to her after she had lost her first one helplessly. The death of her twin sister, Shera made her cherish her little brother ever more deeply and probably had gone to the border of insanity. Which she also promise herself that she would bring her twin sister back from the grave, even if her souls is in the underworld or hell itself.
So she would even fight with death down there and take her out of the world of the dead to be reunited with her in the world of the living.
So today, her hospital visit was a complete disaster for her and the world.
As, she ran out with the speed and eyes like that of demon looking for a prey to feast upon.
However... something intervene in her mindless blood lust.
“Ah! I got it! We should just make a wish of how we could cure Len!” when silver said that she crash into the walls of a building.
(YOU COULD HAVE SAID THIS SOONER YOU DICK!!) She scream in her head as she pull herself out of the wall and with a face like tomato, because she was embarrass that she was about to go on a slaughter fest in the middle of city, had Silver not mention this solution to her.
So in the end, this disastrous day did not lead to a major genocide in world history at this point in time and only a stupid little girl that crash into a wall for being too overly emotional.
However, because of this event, she did not sense a disturbance in the air and a pair of glowing red eyes watching her from afar in the shadows.
Chapter 6 End
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