《Ultimate Kinetic》Chapter 7 - Aptitude test
Kari was heading towards the outskirts of the Royal palace. He completely turned off his Psychic sense and was now playing with his favourite Psychokinetic power, Psychokinetic blast. It was like a laser gun that was being charged with user's Psy-energy. The longer it is charged, the more powerful it will be. Right now, Kari had enough fire power to completely destroy the Royal palace, but if he would use it against some brats, he would have to split it's firepower between the applicants.
He soon approached the walls of Royal district. Unlike the city walls, they were only 20 meters tall, but they were created with harder material of unknown origin.
Damn fucking king! At least think more about your citizens than your fat ass!
Kari got angry in an instant. He just spat in front of him. He then approached the guards at the wall. They noticed him and said loudly.
"Halt citizen! What is your business in Royal district?"
Kari never liked to bow in front of the people, much less being polite to them, but he didn't want to be kicked out before the test even starts. He just bowed and said.
"Excuse me sir. I came here to participate in the Aptitude test and I don't know it's exact location. Please allow me to enter!"
"You're the 6tb commoner taking part in this shitty test. It will be starting soon so ya better arrive at time. Ron will guide you there."
"Why me? I don't want to do it again. These commoners are fucking stupid. They shouldn't even com-" Before he could finish, Ton was elbowed by his fellow guard in the ribs. Kari didn't understand the point of this action. Both of them had pretty good armors.
In the end Ron complied and he told Kari to follow him. They were going through the Royal garden. It was beautiful and normal commoner would be looking at every part of it by now. But Kari was no normal commoner. He scanned this garden yesterday night, so he knew every single square meter of it. Ron the guard was surprised by Kari's reaction.
"Others were almost drooling over this place. What's up with you?"
"If I said that I have seen better, would you believe me?" Kari asked while raising a single eyebrow. Ron just smiled widely.
"You've got some balls lad. Insulting Royal garden in front of the Royal guard. I think you just might pass this test"
The rest of the way the continued in silence. This garden was gigantic. They were walking for good 15 minutes and only then Kari heard voices. They were getting close.
After a few minutes, they were in front of a barrier and in front of it was a man dressed in some robes. He was most likely a mage.
"Hello Ron. Did this one annoy you a little too?" Mage greeted Ron the guard and asked about their little journey.
"Nope. This lad is a pretty decent kid. Might even pass the test." Ron the guard replied and then he turned to Kari and continued. "Well lad, this guy will tell you the directions and just follow them. Good luck, you're gonna need it."
Ron the guard went back to his guard duties. Kari followed him with his eyes until the mage coughed.
"Ahem. What is your name and age?"
"Kari. I'm 17 years old." Kari increased his age by a single year.
"No family name?"
"It's not mandatory anyways, so why should I tell you?" Kari said as he looked down on the mage, both literally and metaphorically. The mage flinched a little and then opened up a barrier. He gestured Kari to go through the opened space and murmured something under his breath when Kari finally went through. He checked himself for any possible curses and then joined a gigantic crowd that was in front of him. There were almost 250 people. There were commoners and nobles as well, where the latter was mocking and cursing the former. Kari came closer only to see that the people here are weak as shit.
All of them had slim bodies with no muscle at all. The highest guy here was 5'6 feet. With his height and athletic body, Kari was like a giant between them. When he came even closer, some people noticed him and the chatter started.
"Who is he?"
"Look at him! He's like an orc!"
"He's a commoner. Get away from him"
"Is he even a mage?"
Kari didn't even notice people standing here. He just stood near the edge of the whole crowd and was just waiting, when suddenly something bumped into him.
He turned around and saw a girl. She was probably 16 and was 5'1 feet high. She had moderate chest, but her hips were just amazing. She had blue dress decorated with shiny stones and some kind of runic language.
"S-Sorry. I-I-I didn't mean to bump into you." She said with apologetic expression on her face.
Am I a some kind of a fucking monster with this height? Well, between these midgets that must be the case.
"..." Kari looked at her for a few more seconds and then turned away. This cute, innocent face hides a terrible monster, even more she is a noble. Never trust these guys. That was the rule that Kari made for himself.
The girl was troubled now. She just bumped into someone and made them angry. She looked down and then slightly tugged Kari's trousers. Kari looked down again.
"I'm sorry if I offended you. P-Please... At least let me pay you money as an apology." She said while reaching for a bag filled with Yurz. Before she could reach the bag, her hand stopped moving. It was like her hand was just frozen in time. She looked at Kari.
"I don't want your Yurzs. Tell me your name."
"Now listen here Mira. I don't want your gold because you just bumped into me. I'm perfectly fine as long as you apologise, but listen here. Your "cute and innocent girl" facade may fool everyone. You may go around like that and in case someone will be your opponent, they will not attack you. But your shitty act won't fool me. You're a con artist and a fucking noble at that. So just shut the fuck up and wait for the goddamn test." Kari almost shouted and then looked in front of him, returning to his previous state. Everybody who was near them, heard everything.
Mira couldn't say anything. She was scared and for some reason sad because of this boy's response. Everyone may not trust nobles, but hating them to this extent was too much. Mira thought that Kari suffered some kind of accident and now had a trauma. She heard other people gathering around her and Kari.
"Hey you, Commoner! Who do you think you are?" Said a blonde boy. His name was Jonathan and he was going to be next head of Garithurth family, which was one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the whole kingdom.
"I think I'm the guy that will tell you to fuck off... FUCK OFF!" Kari shouted, scaring everyone including Mira and Jonathan. Even nobles that were laughing until now stopped. Now everyone's attention was gathered around Kari and Jonathan.
"Oh really? What if I don't kneel, Oh heir of Garithurth family? There is no one here except for participants, so you're pretty much on your own. And using magic against other before testing is strongly prohibited."
Jonathan was furious now. He was looking up at the face of his offender and could only see a mocking grin on his face. He started chanting a fire spell. When he finished he screamed.
He was aiming for Kari's stomach. Fire fist could punch a hole through anyone whose magic was weaker than the caster's. It was a powerful spell, but it also requiered enormous amount of mana.
"Yare Yare" Kari said as he raised his open palm. Jonathan just smirked and was ready to kill this commoner right now. When he raised his palm, it became unavoidable.
Jonathan's Fire Fist hit Kari's palm and stopped. Every participant was shocked right now, including Jonathan whose mouth almost dropped on the floor.
"Is that all, little Garithurth bitch?" Kari said as he closed his hand, holding Jonathan's palm tightly. "You are just a brat who think that he's all powerful, just because he was born in some shitty,but wealthy family. Now let this "commoner" teach you a life lesson."
Kari applied force both with his body and Psychokinesis to Jonathan's palm. Jonathan started screaming and fell on the ground. He was screaming and begging for mercy.
"You want me to what?" Kari said mockingly as he applied even more force, cracking Jonathan's bones.
"Okay! I will stop. But only if you will say that your family is a shit stain on this world." Kari said as he smiled even bigger. Mira was looking at the whole scene. Everyone including Mira was terrified by Kari's brutality.
"AHAHHAHAHAHAHH! You actually said it! Now..." Kari said as he lifted now screaming and crying Jonathan in the air, just enough for him too look into Jonathan's eyes. Kari raised his right hand in the air, slowly forming the fist, which slowly generated fire.
"I shall confiscate this hand."
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jonathan screamed as Kari punched his right hand into humerus bone, completely tearing it off.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Jonathan screamed as his blood splashed everywhere, covering people nearby, including Kari and Mira.
"Mira... Be a good girl and stop his bleeding." Kari turned to Mira while pointing at Jonathan who was screaming on the ground. Mira barely nodded and chanted a spell. She stopped Jonathan's bleeding, but he was still screaming and running around, with drool, snort and tears mixing on his face.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Kari heard a familiar voice. He looked at his right and saw Rorsak, who was being followed by some woman. She was the same height as Kari and she had J cup and amazingly curved ass. Kari licked his bloodied lips and gulped. Rorsak noticed Kari and he froze in place for a few seconds. He quickly deduced that Kari's powers did something to him and returned to reality. "Who did this?!"
"Yo Rorsak! I did it with this guy." Kari said happily while rasing his right, which was still on fire.
"But why? And how?"
"Well, long story short, this guy came to me and said that I must kneel and apologize. I humbly refused. After that he used Fire Fist and wanted to penetrate me, but I caught his fist and then tore his arm off. The end." Kari said while extinguishing fire on his hand.
Rorsak was speechless. Not only did he catch Fire Fist, He also managed to tear the magicians limb off. Rorsak coughed and said.
"If it was self-defense, then there is no problem. Magi! Carry this man to infirmary." Rorsak said as he told something to that sexy lady and then used earth magic to make a platform for himself. He then imbued his mana into his voice, thus enhancing it and making it even louder.
"Young men and women! Today is the day of aptitute testing. All of you will be teleported to the testing grounds. This year, It was decided that test shall consist of One on One battles. Before that, We will check your Aptitudes towards magic with Mana Crystals. For the young man, who caused all this commotion, will be individual test. As for the rest of you, We will teleport you in pairs. The pair that will be teleported are the opponents."
Rorsak snapped his fingers and some kind of dimensional magic opened up. He took out spherical crystal that was completely colorless. He infused it with some of his mana and then continued.
"This crystal will analyse your mana and thus show your Aptitude towards certain Magical trees. The magical trees are Destruction, Creation, Augmentation, Conjuration, Restoration and Daemonic. Destruction Tree is consists of spells that are cast for one purpose only : Destruction. The most common element for Destruction magic is Fire and in terms raw power, Destruction tree is the second strongest. Creation spells can be used for defense and offense at the same time. Most common elements for it can be Earth and Water. Augmentation tree focuses on enhancing user, his allies or any piece of clothing or weaponry. Conjuration is focused on opening spirit realm and calling forth powerful spirits that can defend or attack as well. Restoration magic uses Light to restore and heal. Do not underestimate Restoration tree as without it, life, both in everyday life and on battlefield, would be much harder." Rorsak finished, but he hasn't said anything about Daemonic tree. So Kari asked.
"You didn't say anything about Daemonic tree. What the hell is that?" Kari asked while using vulgar language. Although everyone was shocked, Rorsak sighed and replied.
"Daemonic magic is a powerful one. It has the power of all of the previous trees, but It can not be controlled unless you are a demon. Even half-demons can not control it and end up going insane at the early stages of their life. It is a rare magic among demons and In other races it is even more rare for a child to be born with aptitude towards it." Kari smiled slightly.
"Now come! We will see your aptitude!"
People started going to this weird crystal. The placed their hands on top of it and it then shone colors correspondingly to user's aptitude. Some of them had aptitudes towards 2 trees at the same time.
Mira and Kari were the last participants to go to the crystal. Kari looked at Mira and said.
"After you." Mira sligthly blushed while she infused her mana into the crystal. It shone brightly and Rorsak started laughing.
"AHAHAH! Seems like we have a genious over here. Congratulations Miss! You have aptitude towards Augmentation, Restoration and Conjuration. THERE IS A GENIUS HERE!" Everyone started shouting! Some of them were cursing her and frowning.
"WOW! Congrats Mira!" Kari said as he lifted the girl up with his hands, so that she was about 2 heads above him. With the help of Psychokinesis it was like raising Lis when she was just 1 year old. Mira blushed and started making cute noises. Kari realised what he has done and quickly put her down on the ground.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to do it like you were a kid or some shit. It's just nice to see a good girl having such power." Kari said.
She was actually a good girl. Kari scanned her entire subconscious when he touched her. Not a single bad thought, Not a single wicked intention that any noble would've had. She was a pure girl in every sense of the word.
"N-N-No. It's okay." She said as she slowly walked away while tugging her own dress tightly.
"Now. Young man. Infuse it with your mana." Kari smiled even bigger. He "borrowed" big chunk of energy from his Psychokinetic blast and turned it into mana, infusing the crystal with it. It started glowing pure white. Everyone was shocked. Even the Light element's color was gold. But what did White color mean?
"Y-Young man. Do you know what this power is?" Rorsak asked waiting for a genious reply, that he didn't get.
"I don't know. But I really want to finish this, so please test me first!" Kari said as he looked at Rorsak with puppy eyes. Then that sexy woman returned and whispered something in Rorsak's ear. Kari heard her talking about his "Special" test. Apparently, he would have to fight with a 3rd year from the Kanis Magical Academy, The most powerful and well-known academy in the whole Drakas kingdom. Rorsak nodded and said.
"I'm sorry to say this, but You will have to wait. Your test might be a little late and you will be the last one to participate, probably." Rorsak added.
How the fuck is probably going to give me hope. I'm gonna have to wait now, huh? Well shit.
"Then I'm going to sleep. Is it alright with you?"
"Sleep? Fine. I will put up a barrier around you, just in case. And I will ask them to bri-"
"No need. I'm going to sleep on the ground and I don't need barrier too."
Kari just walked a few hundred meters. He found a perfect tree to sleep under. He just layed down and put his hands under his head.
What kind of shitty world is this? They just let me sleep like this? Man, I hope that guy will be strong.
Kari soon slipped into the dreamland. There he was thinking about Mira, the girl he met earlier. She was the first human outside of his family to have this kind of positive energy inside her. She was purity incarnate. And she was kinda cute too. Kari just shook his head and turned off his lucid dreaming. Now he would sleep in peace. Changing his body was a painful experience. He didn't get enough sleep, so he would just replenish it right now. Big fight is coming up now.
Probably, his life would be changed after it. Who knows?
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