《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 11 - Departure from Deinir


Departure from Deinir

I have rented a room at the inn and now I can finally sleep……nah.

I can’t sleep and for now I’m not enough bored to find a way and do so.

A lot of things happened within a day…I beat an asshole…two times…found 4 pretty ladies…And I will travel with 3 of them to the capital.

Now is the time to solve a vital (I am dead) problem…my impotence…

I can try to make a body, but I think that it’s too soon for that. I don’t even know if it’s possible to make one, and there are quicker methods…

I don’t need a new body for now, what I need is the ability to feel. My mind can think of several things at once…maybe I can force myself to feel things, even if this means that my tough process will probably become more slow.

It’s not like I need to feel constantly anyway, just when needed.

This is a valid solution to creating a body, but there is a big problem…

I don’t touch or move things directly… I coat my skin with a force field to move object more easily.

There are two possible solutions to this:

1- Since I’m probably what you could call an extra-dimensional being, I may have the ability to force myself into this plane of existence, gaining the ability to directly interact with the physical plane.

This method is very risky since I don’t know the downsides and I have no idea on how to do it. This method is difficult and useless since it will probably just weaken me.

2- I’ll make my force field more flexible, giving it the consistency of human skin, then force my mind to make me feel the sense of touch. This approach is more easy, I will just need a little of time to do it.


The only downside is that if I were to be struck with a force superior to the resistance of my force field, it will pass trough me and my abnormality will be exposed.

The winner is…NUMBER 2!!!

Today is the day of my departure from Deinir.

I managed to make my force field very similar to skin, other people may feel it a little unnatural tough since it’s still too smooth to the touch.

I’m still working on my sense of touch and I managed to feel surfaces. However I can only feel the 7% compared to when I was alive.

It’s better than nothing…

I headed to the guild early in the morning to register in the girl’s party…beating a asshole on the way. I then gave my farewells to Lala and departed together with Miki, Elise and Aila.

We met with the city lord’s daughter in front of the city gates.

Her name was Viviane von Deinir, she was a beautiful girl 14 years old, with short azure hair and blue eyes. She was a little smaller than Miki.

I was expecting her to be a snob noble lady, but she seem to be a very quiet and shy little girl. She even blushed when I greeted her…another loli no… please…

She was accompanied by 2 guards, 1 old butler that will drive the carriage, his name was Alfred I think, and Daisy, a personal maid with black hair tied in a ponytail.

Are all the people in this world beautiful or what?

We will reach the capital in two days… if nothing unexpected happens…

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! This chapter is a little short, but I'll post the other in 3 hours (i have to study) and another one in 4,5 hours (more or less)

For the extra you'll have to wait until tonight.

I know that some of you are waiting for the meeting between Bionca and Caligo, but... read carefully!!! She is in the Holy State of watever(i forgot) while Caligo is in the Kingdom of ...

You will have to wait for their reunion.

But DON'T FEAR!!! I'm single!


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