《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 12 - Guess what?


Guess what?

We were preparing the camp for the night. The lady Viviane and her maid will sleep in the carriage, the rest of us outside.

For the watch, we will do shifts of 2 people for 2 hours each until morning.

Tonight I will have to pretend to sleep…surrounded by 3 beautiful girls?… Why me?… It will be a torture…

I will use this time to regain my feeling of touch.

The 2 guards will be the firsts of shift, then me and Aila, and lastly Miki and Elise.

We consumed the dinner chatting peacefully…they consumed the dinner.

I changed methods to eat since last time.

I swallowed the food, then absorbed all the mana leaving only dust, lastly I released the leftovers in the surroundings without being noticed. This way I respect the nature.

I’m a genius…

I watched the others while they ate, everyone is eating happily, the only exceptions are the two guards which are strangely silent and Aila, she said she doesn’t like meat and ate fruits and berries gathered from the forest.

We went to rest shortly after…they went…it’s not like I’m envious you know?

I started to do my experiments while the others fell asleep and the guards…started guarding…

I managed to regain the 20% of my sensibility before it was mine and Aila turn. It’s still not enough to cure my impotence, but the patience is my greatest quality.

When the guards went to sleep I started to speak with her.

“And so… what are you doing in Dilmor?”(me)

Aila stared for a while into the empty air before starting to speak.

“I am currently in mission on behalf of the Demi-human alliance. I was send here in Dilmor in order to monitor the humans and the possible movements of the demons.


The demons are a danger to the peace in the continent, they gained too much power and a country alone cannot go against them. If one of the races were to lose to the demons it would be a matter of time before the others will follow as well.”(Aila)

“For now the humans are resisting the demons and I heard that the Holy State of Gallen wanted to summon the heroes to help.

Most likely the demons know of this as well and are trying to cause chaos by corrupting people of power. There is a chance that they will try to kill the heroes before they become too strong to stop them.”(Aila)

Hero summoning? Could it be that they will summon people from my world? Well… there are a lot of worlds to choose from, the chance that it will be someone from my world is not so high.

Even so the timing is too right. The crack that led me in the void may have appeared because of the hero summoning…

“Those heroes must be pretty strong if the demons are so anxious to get rid of them.”(me)

“They are. But their greatest strength is their growth speed. The heroes are usually more strong than the averages knights when summoned, and they can become even as powerful as the Demon King in a few years.”(Aila)

Fufufu…I may pay them a visit pretending to be on the evil side…it will be a good way to relieve my boredom…it’s not like I do this to make them stronger…no…

Should I kidnap a princess and let them “sly” me?… kukuku.

“How much is strong the Demon King?”(the genial me)

“I never saw him naturally, but from what I know he’s enough powerful to destroy an army of several thousands by himself. His generals, the Four Demon Lords are on par with the Leaders, the strongest members of each race. If all the Leaders were to fight the Demon King together they could win, but as long as the Demon Lords are alive this is impossible. And since there have been a lot of discordances between the races in the past, it’s very difficult that they will fight together.


That is why the heroes are needed.”(Aila)

“I see”(me)

These Leaders and the Demon Lords must be pretty powerful, and if the Demon King is enough powerful to face the Leaders and have chances of winning he must be truly a monster.

I think that it would be interesting to meet them, but first I have to understand more of this world magic. Even if I can’t die it’s still possible for me to be defeated. For example, I have no confidence in beating a god…right now.

The night passed without problems and we resumed the journey…or not.

While we were packing our things to resume our journey an arrow came flying into the camp, nearly hitting the place where I stood a moment ago.

“It’s an ambush!!!”(Elise)


Sorry for the wait. Since I didn't manage to end it before, I will have to upload the extra chapter tomorrow.(It's a POV chapter, keep it a secret)

I hope you like how the story is developing. I wish to thank all of those that are following me despite my inexperience.

Please continue to comment to help the story to improve.

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