《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 8 - Who knows?


Who knows?

“And so? What do you want from me? I don’t have any money anyway.”(me)

“Of course we don’t blame you -nya! It was Rainald that attacked first -nya!”(Miki)


“Since you are strong and we need another member, we want you to accompany us.”(Elise)

Mmmh… it’s not a bad idea, but it’s better to see what are their intentions first.

“But I am E ranked and I have joined the guild only moments ago.”(me)

“True, but you managed to defeat Rainald, and his rank was D. Doesn’t it mean that you are clearly stronger than E?”(Elise)

You have a point.

“The mission that we have to take is a C ranked mission -nya. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to take that mission for you, instead of going to kill goblins -nya.”(Miki)

True, if I take a C ranked mission I will be able to raise rank more quickly and the pay will be higher. Since I have no money right now it’s a godsend.

“Okay, it’s your win… So, can you tell me the content of the mission and when it will be?”(me)

Miki and Elise exchanged a victorious between them.

“In three days. The mission is to escort the daughter of the city lord to the capital for the admission to the Royal Magic Academy. After that, the mission is done and you can do what you want.”(Elise)

“How is it -nya?”(Miki)

Magic Academy… Kukuku PERFECT!!!… Right what I need, I still don’t understand how to make magic with my mana. I can move it, but I don’t know how to use it. Truly a blessing.

“Ca-Caligo? You a-are making a scary face -n-nya.”(Miki)

“Oops, sorry. And yes, I accept. By the way what are your ranks?”(me)


“Me and Miki are C rank. While-”(Elise)

“Aila... B rank.”(hooded girl/Aila)

Woohhh!? SHE SPOKE… MIRACLE!?… Jokes aside, I even forgot she was here. I still have not seen her in the face, but her voice is beautiful. Even with that robe I can still see her figure. Good curves, trained body. From her posture I can see that she is cautious of me. I still don’t know why tough…

“I see. Well, I must go now. I don’t have money, so it’s better if I take a few of missions or I will have to sleep outside the city.”(me)

I rose from my seat and made my way to the reception.

“As you wish. We will wait for you to the inn the day of the mission. Don’t come late”(Elise)

“Bye -nya”(Miki)

*stare *(Aila)

I asked a few things about the selling of the monster loot to Lala and left the building.

Of course that is only an excuse. I plan to exit the city to train in my mana manipulation. Then I’ll just return to the city with the bear corpse saying that it attacked me while I was exploring the forest boundaries and then sell it. Mwahahahah am I a genius.

I left the city and took a little of distance. Now I can experiment…

I try to use the mana to start a fire, but it doesn’t work. I retry several times with more and more concentration but I only managed to produce heat, no flames… why?… what am I doing wrong?

Could it be that the laws of physics are different in this world?… Nah, if it was like this I wouldn’t

be able to control the light… think…think.

I try to perceive the mana in my surroundings… Found it! It’s simple, I didn’t notice before.


The mana has frequencies. The frequencies are different for the elements! The mana in the earth for example has a different frequency than that in the air. Even that of the light and of the shadows have different frequencies. I understand now.

Earlier I was using the mana in the air to create a flame, but I must first convert the mana!

I try again, but this time converting the mana… MWAHAHAHAHAH IT WORKED!!!

I tried doing other magics like earth walls, creating water, balls of light, shadows.

I am the avatat- *cough *. It’s late, I should return.

I opened my pocket dimension and pulled out the bear. It was still warm, as if it was freshly killed.

In the pocket dimension there isn’t time after all. I was about to close it when I remembered something interesting. I put mana in the pocket dimension, when I pulled it out it was different.

While in the pocket dimension it was converted in a different frequency…

How can I use it? I should search it later. For now I will return to the city.

I must go by foot since I will be transporting the bear. What a pain…

I putted the bear on my shoulders and started to run toward to the city…

I’m bored. I’m guarding the gates of the city since noon, and it’s calm like always.

I want to drink a good beer, maybe I will go to the tavern when the shift is over.

I was about to ask to my partner if he wanted to come with me but he was trembling and pointing toward the road. I followed his finger with my gaze.

Mmhh? What?


WHAT THE FUCK!!!?? WHY IS A WEREBEAR RUNNING TOWARD THE CITYY??! What sh-should I do? Is it possible to stop that thing? And why is it outside of the forest? It’s too late!!!

Suddenly the bear stopped in front of us and spoke. Wait, what?

I stopped in front of the gates. Mmmh? Why are the guards trembling? Wait, did that guy just faint?

“Excuse me, I must enter the city.”(me)

“E-eh? What? Y-you are a man? Why are you carrying that thing?”(guard)

“Ah this? It attacked me close to the forest and so I killed it. Why, is there a problem?”(me)

Should I haven’t? Is it becoming extinct?

“Ah? N-no, it’s… it’s all right.”(guard)

I don’t understand… Well, I don’t care.

After the procedure was concluded I made my way to the guild.

I'll post the other more or less in one hour please be patient

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