《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 9 - First reward and surprise


First reward and surprise

I entered the guild carrying the bear and everyone fell silent…

I made my way to the reception where Lala stood dumbfounded and I dropped the corpse in front of the counter.

“I want to sell this.”(me)

“S-sir Caligo? That is a werebear!!! Why have you the corpse of a werebear?!”(Lala)

“Mmhh? I killed it.”(me)

I made my most innocent smile… kukuku her face is priceless.

“Emh, Lala?”(me)

“Ah, yes! Sorry, wait here please. I will get the payment.”(Lala)

She soon returned with 35 gold coins and 40 silvers. Wow I am suddenly rich!

“So many! Was that bear so expensive?”(me)

“Of course it was!!! The werebear is one of the strongest B ranked demonic beasts. Even if it’s ranked as B, it’s necessary an entire party of the same rank to kill it safely! And you killed it alone and came back with its entire body! Sir Caligo is very strong!”(Lala)

She watched me with sparkling eye.

Oh… I see… Aren’t I powerful?… Kukuku praise me more…

“Well, thanks. I must go to the inn now. See you tomorrow.”(me)

I was about to leave the guild but someone intercepted me…

“I want to speak with you.”(Aila)

Aila? What does she want?

“Of course, shall we take a seat?”(me)

“No. Alone.”(Aila)

Said that, she went outside. How suspicious… Well, I am already dead so, I have nothing to fear.

“Hey you! You may have defeated me this morning, but this time you will-”(Rainald)

I left the building, while the asshole was stucked in the wall and followed Aila in an alley.

“You. What are you?”(Aila)

What? Could it be that she know what that I am not human? But how?

“You ask this, and yet you are hiding your face.”(me)


She slowly revealed her face, and what I saw was horrifying…one of my weaknesses.

An elf…an elf… an elf… AN ELF!!! Cat girls are cute, but an elf girl is the best!!!

Her face was that of a goddess. Long pointy hears, golden hair, green eyes. Is this heaven?

“And now, can you tell me what are you. You may look like a normal young boy, but you can’t fool me.”(Aila)

How did she discover me? Is there a special technique that can reveal my true nature? If so I must be more careful in the future.

“How did you know”(Aila)

“I can perceive the mana. Every living being in this world has mana. Even the undead have mana. But you are empty… Void like a bottomless pit.

Tell me, what are you, and what do you want from this city? Speak or I will consider you my enemy.”(Aila)

Kukuku… I’ll show her my… true appearance.

I gave up on my disguise and spoke.

“What I am?”(me)

She took a step back and her eyes opened wide… Yes I know I am beautiful fufu.

“I am a wraith. A spectre. A ghost. I have many names and yet there is no one like me.”(me)

I took a step toward her while she backed… It’s not like I will rape you, you know?

“Now that you know what I am. What will you do? I have no intention to hurt you nor this city if not provoked. I am already dead, so you can’t defeat me. I am more powerful than you and more powerful than everyone in this city. I am simply bored. I want to travel the world for fun. Just this. If there is a problem with this, speak now.”(me)

She was trembling hearing my revelation. After a few moments she spoke.


“P-please, forgive me. I had no idea of who you were. I beg you, do not turn your wrath on the people of this city. I made a mistake trying to threaten you. I was just trying to discover if you were a spy of the demons. I was wrong, please forgive me.”(Aila)

“Do not fear. I don’t want to see your cute face like this. I forgive you. I ask you just to keep secret my identity. Now it’s better that you return to your companions. I must go to the inn now.”(me)

I left her in the alley with slightly pink cheeks.

Fufufu… now to the inn.

Sorry, i'm late. I finally finished the chapter.

And there will be a lot of surprises. Kukuku...

If you want to know how I look when i write, imagine L of Death Note with a sinister smile and a blanket on my head.

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