《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 7 - I am an adventurer!


I am an adventurer!

“How did you do that -nya?”(cat girl)

“You are strong.”(knight girl)

*Stare *(hooded girl)

“Eh? What? Why there is a hole in the wall? What? Can someone explain please?!!”(receptionist)

“Who is that guy” “He defeated Rainald without moving a finger” “The cat is on the table.”(adventurers)

Two of the girls that where together with the asshole were pestering me of questions, the hooded one was staring at me strangely, while the receptionist was confused and a little upset for being ignored.

Wait. What did that guy say? Well, now what to do? Fortunately, since I am in a fantasy world there is an answer to everything!

“It was magic.”(me)

“I had never seen a magic like this.”(cat girl)

“Me neither.”(knight girl)

*stare *(hooded girl)

“Eh what? Sir Caligo, what is happening?!”(receptionist)

think… Think!… THINK!

“Teehee! It’s a secret.”(me)

*stare *(everyone)

After that I managed to calm down everyone while a healer attended Rainald (the asshole) that was still unconscious. I didn’t kill him right?... I explained to the receptionist what happened and she stared at me with disbelief for a moment, then with admiration.

“Sir Caligo is strong! To defeat a C rank adventured like this. Ah, how rude my name is Lala.”(receptionist/Lala)

Why is she watching me with sparkling eyes. Has she fallen for me? Well… she is not bad.

Blond hair with a side tail, azure eyes, good curves. Too bad that right now I am impotent.

“Oh right! The inscription! Sorry, you will need to pour a drop of your blood on this card”(Lala)

She handed me a small metallic card similar to the pass that I bought to the gates. Shit… I have no blood.

“Is there another way to register? I am no good with blood.”(me)


I heard the laughs of some adventurer, but my gaze immediately shut them.

“Ah, ehm. If sir Caligo is a mage then it will suffice to put your mana into the card.”(Lala)

Perfect!!! I have no mana of my own! Is this divine punishment???

I can only pray that the mana stored in my pocket dimension will do the trick.

I concentrated and soon small black invisible tentacles of mana went from my hand into the card.

The card glowed for a moment before fading. Lala informed me that the procedure was complete.

“You are now registered as a rank F adventurer. The adventurer rank are F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS and SSS, with SSS being the highest.

You can pick missions of your rank and one rank below. If you are part of a party you can pick missions up to the rank of the highest ranking member. To register in a party you have to sign it in one of the guild building.

To complete a mission you will have to bring here a proof. In subjugation mission you will need to bring close the card to the corpse, that will then register the kill. If it is a mission given by a client you will need to have the completion proof signed by the him or her.

Some missions have a time limit, so be careful. If you fail the mission or abandon it halfway you will have to pay a fine. The fine and the reward will vary depending to the difficulty.

For the rank up, you will have to complete first a certain number of mission of your rank, then one mission of the following rank as a test. To rank up from F to E you will have to complete 19 missions of F rank and one mission of E rank.


If you fail the E rank mission you will have to start again. If you fail a number of missions of your ranks, higher than the completed missions, you will receive a warning and the second time your rank will be lowered by one.

The card represents your rank and will be changed when you have successfully completed the missions. If you lose it you can request another one to the guild, but you’ll have to pay a fine so be careful. If you have doubts feel free to come here and ask to me or to the personal in service.”(Lala)

“Thank you. I understand.”(me)

I was about to leave when I felt an odd gaze directed at me. I turned myself and the one directing the gaze at me was the hooded girl. Why is she staring at me? The cat girl came close to me and asked me to sit with them for a moment. I agreed with her and we sat at an empty table.

“Hi, my name is Miki -nya. I heard that you are a mage -nya?”(cat girl/Miki)

Owhh… can I pat you?… NO, CONCENTRATE!!! I put on a polite smile.

“Yes, why do you ask?”(me)

“Well... you knocked out the guy that was about to join our party. We need to take an escort mission and the required amount of people is four. So we need another party member, and the highest adventurer after us was the guy that you beat. My name is Elise by the way.”(knight girl/Elise)

“Ah, sorry. My name is Caligo. A wandering mage.”(me)

*stare *(hooded girl)

The hooded girl is still staring at me and is still silent. What does she want?

Sorry for the wait, but midway i fell asleep on the PC and slept for 5 hours.The school is tough, but NOW I HAVE A WEEK OF HOLYDAYS!!! I will post chapters more frequently yay!.

Enjoy the chapter

P.S. Would you like a POV chapter? Please answer in the comments.

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