《Wandering Soul》Chapter - 1 - Training?



Since my death passed one week and I am currently experimenting with my condition.

It seems that I can (with enough concentration) move object.

One of the first things I have done after becoming a spirit is what the majority of the boys of my age would do… Peeping on the girls, and… It was a disaster… If I were to be alive I would probably be aroused but… doing it like this is like a torture.

If you are thinking why I didn’t try to contact my family or Bianca it’s because I’m dead.

This is a reality and that will not change even if I was to tell them that I’m a ghost.

Knowing that I’m not in heaven or whatever would most likely hurt them more.

Returning to my condition… When I was alive I had a bit of interest in physic so I know enough about it. I soon understood that for moving an object I don’t need to touch it directly, from what I think it seem that the power to meddle with the physical world is a power of my mind and that when I tried to move something with my “body” I subconsciously moved it with my toughs. Moving it consciously is more easy too.

Regarding my appearance it’s much similar to how I looked before. My height is roughly a little less than six feet, my pale skin is between the white and the light grey, and my hair that before where smooth black and reached to my shoulders now have the colour of the ash and reach my waist assuming a consistence similar to fog, while my eyes that where grey changed to a spectral blue that glow faintly.

Sometimes I ask myself how can my body reflect light if I’m invisible. Maybe it’s like another dimension or… wait … reflect light?…


“Why the hell did I not think of it before?”

I was excited. If this worked it could change my condition almost completely. If I can move object with my mind, why should I not try to forcefully reflect the light on my body with the force of my toughs? After all light is nothing more than electromagnetic waves.

I entered a public bathroom, and tried doing it in front of a mirror…

“It worked… EUREKA!!!”

Finally good news. It seems that I can do it. But what is astonishing is that even tough that I’m not concentrating on it incessantly it still work. In my opinion since I died, my mind started to work differently. My tough process increased drastically and even the concept of time changed for me.

It’s as if I can think of more things simultaneously and several time faster. And so I can still do other things when a part of my mind is reflecting the light on me, making me visible.

I continued to experiment like this for the next four hours and now I am able of create sound by vibrating the air and a forcefield surrounding my skin to move object more easily.

Since I was floating I forcefully lowered myself by applying a fake gravity force.

I wonder how can I do all those thing without tiring. But well… Why should I care? It’s better like this. Now I can interact with people.

I went out of the bathroom and noted that the people are now able to see me since they avoided contact when they walked instead of passing trough me.

“Now what should I do?”

I muttered to myself. In that moment a strong cracking sound could be heard. Since the other people didn’t seem to notice it I searched for the source and in front of me appeared a large black crack in the space.

It was too fast for me to avoid and I was sucked inside.

“Shit!!! Not again!”

After that I lost consciousness.

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