《Become Immortal》Chapter 6


Chapter 6

On the street he headed towards the district near the mountains. On his way he saw numerous things that shocked him. The people everywhere were walking around with that lifeless gaze. ‘If you can call that walking…’ he thought as he watched a man slowly pulling himself along a wall. The second thing that shocked him were actual dead bodies. Everywhere were lying dead bodies, sometimes frozen, sometimes bloody and some of the bodies were even eaten by strange doglike creatures with horns instead of ears. It was not that he hadn’t seen any dead bodies before, hell he even killed a lot of people and had seen similar scenes. What shocked him was that nobody even cared about the dead bodies. No one even looked at them as if they didn’t notice anything strange.

‘This city…something really bad is going on here…!’ Dragon thought and continued walking through the streets. After approximately fifteen minutes Dragon reached the district he set as his target.

Everything looked the same as in the other districts, except for some people, which were clad in black clothes and hiding their faces behind a black piece of cloth. The black piece of cloth was similar to a scarf, except for the part which covered the lower half of the face.

‘Gangs huh….that explains things’ Dragon thought and anger soared through his body as he saw the muscular and healthy looking men steadily walk through the crowd, occasionally hitting someone.

It was a good thing that his body was that of a five to six year old as none of the black clothed thugs paid any attention to him.

‘This is like the story of Dracula from earth….except with gangs it seems.’ He thought and tried to calm his anger. He had always hated gangs. Gangs killed countless people, just for fun. They were greedy and they weren’t afraid of anything as long as it was not stronger than the whole gang. That was one of the reasons they decided to hunt gangs on earth, which ended in them being send to this world. ‘It seems like…we will have to clean up again…’ he thought and frowned slightly. Killing gang members originally wasn’t on his list of things to do with his new life. ‘Unfortunately, me and my brothers aren’t strong enough to begin the wipe of the gangs yet…we will have to start training soon. For that we should find someplace secure. A place where we can train for a longer period of time without having to worry about food, safety or warmth. I don’t think we’ll find something like that in this city…the only other choice are the mountains’ Dragon looked towards the giant cliffs and rocks, which were towering over the city. ‘I will talk with my brothers about these two things when we meet up later…I should try to find something warmer to wear’ he thought and started walking again. He walked for nearly twenty minutes without finding an inn, to buy food, a shop for clothes or a merchant at all. This city was dead.


After five more minutes of finding nothing, he decided to walk back to the meeting point.

He stepped into a smaller street which seemed like a shortcut and was confronted with two human youths furiously beating a man on the ground.

The young boys both wore the black clothes, which Dragon identified as gang clothes and the man on the ground, who was several times bigger than the boys was wearing rugs. The two boys were continuously hitting the man’s chest, face, legs and hands, furiously shouting and laughing.

Dragon frowned disgusted and the anger rose up again. ‘Those pieces of shit, scum….fucking gangs’ he swore in his mind and an unknown feeling emerged from the depths of his consciousness. He was furious. And together with the fury, there came something else. Something he had never felt before.

Heat, fire, strength, majestic power, all of this combined would describe the new feeling which was now everywhere inside his body.

The small yellow ring around his eyes became larger by almost half a centimetre, filling his iris almost completely. Small clouds of steam were floating from his heated, trembling body.

One of the boys noticed something and turned around. The boy saw Dragon and pushed the other one, who was still beating the man on the ground. The second boy looked up and saw what his friend meant. Both boys started laughing, not noticing anything suspicious on the body of the little boy that was Dragon.

“Haha you got a problem, piece of shit? Haah?! Is this your daddy?! Ooooh you poor little shit…hehe lets beat him too!” the larger boy said to the other boy with a mocking tone, who just grinned evilly.

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