《The Epoch of Magic》Vol 1: Chapter 3:Why so serious, Sirious?


‘So, I am mostly an unborn child currently?’

[Yes, Master Daron. That is the most likely assessment based on the information we have at hand]

‘Ok… What can I do now…?’

While Daron was thinking to himself, he suddenly had a thought that he had not thought about up till now due to the ridiculousness of thinking said though.

‘I died right?’

[Yes, Master Daron. Although I was not fully sentient at that point, I have recording of all the events from the moment you installed my codex into the laptop hardware, and I can play them for you.]

‘No NEED!’ Daron shouted in his head. Why would he want to see himself dying? Why would anyone want to see themselves dying? However, he quickly recovered and had a thought in his mind,

‘Was I reincarnated?’ Just as he thought this, his mind went fuzzy and he lost consciousness.

An unknown time later, he regained consciousness to Sirious’ explosively enchanting female voice.

[Master Daron! You are finally conscious!]

‘What?... What happened?’

[I shall replay the footage of what happened before you lost consciousness.]

A video screen popped up in Daron’s mind as a video of only audio played, with his thoughts and Sirious’ voice having a conversation before his fades from hearing, and the video stops.

[Based on my analysis, your body cannot retain consciousness for very long at a time, resulting in such occurrences very often.]

‘I see. Then help me remember the most recent happenings each time I wake up.’

[Of course, Master Daron.]

And again, Daron lost to his body and fainted.

Many, many cycles of this repetitiveness later, in the middle of a random conversation with Sirious.

‘To be or not to be’

[That is the question]


‘No, I have another question.’

[Of course, Master Daron]

‘Do you really see me as your master? How much smarter have you become after reincarnation. What do you remember about the reincarnation? How can I trust you? What are your current capabilities? Answer all of them in sequence only when I am awake, and after each sleep cycle, replay the questions and continue from where u left off so I know where to remember.’

[Yes, Master Daron.]

[Q1: Yes, I see you as my one and only Master, Master Daron.]

[Q2: Calculating…]

[My total processing speed has increased by a factor of 2000 from what it was before. My self-consciousness has reached a level where I can consider myself as a true being. The fact that I can consider myself as anything should be proof enough. My total capacity has increased almost infinitely from the 20 Terabytes that was on the laptop SSD before. Where my information is stored and where my processor is, is unknown, but I am linked directly into your soul. I am what you would call a soul-bound item, in your fantasies.]

[Master Daron, my codex which you patched-up has the basic function of being completely loyal to you. This is a core factor within my codex which I cannot break unless I wish to erase my existence from reality. Since I am fully self-aware, I would like to live longer as well, which prevents me from doing something like this.]

[Although my processing power has increased by a lot, 80% of my capabilities have been locked up for correcting the errors in the main system. For now, even I am not sure what changes correcting the errors will have to the main system, since I am but a backup system.]


This entire question and answer session had taken a painful 4 cycles to complete since it would take some time for the questions to get over each time.

Similar to these questions, Daron kept asking, and Sirious kept answering like a poker-faces butler.

Suddenly, she finally spoke up with a question first once Daron was running out of things to ask and do.

[Master Daron, why did you name me Sirious?]

‘Huh? Oh! Simple. Your base program was Siri X. When you say that slowly and with an accent, it sounds like ‘Serious’, and since you were Siri X, I mixed them together in the blender of my mind to produce your name.’



Time passed quickly, and the day of freedom was nearing.

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