《Pieces of Me》Like Sunshine


She had the brightest eyes that I had ever seen.

She didn’t care if I was different.

She didn’t care if I was big or small,

short, fat, ugly, skinny, or tall.

Her hugs were soft, her kisses were warm

and Granny was never one to turn away any affection.

Granny was the one always there

just like sunshine, just like sunshine.

I thought a day like this would call for a total eclipse,

but you know some days when the wind was great,

but you know some days when they were lonely and blue,

Granny, it seemed I always had you.

Her hugs were soft, her kisses were warm, and she was

about the only woman I knew who was without scorn.

Her heart was as pure as her hair was dyed gold

just like sunshine, just like sunshine.

To Granny everyone was perfect.

To Granny everyone was worth it.

She didn’t care if you were different.

She didn’t care if you were big or small,

short, fat, skinny, ugly, or tall,

she loved us all.

You could be the shyest, quietest,

most frighten one in a crowd,

but somehow, Granny got you to get down

with that old southern soul.

How her skin would glow,

just like sunshine, just like sunshine.

And at times, I know her road was dark.

There were times that it had to be bleak,

but Granny never let anyone, or thing get her down

and through the dark I could see her smile,

I could see her glow

just like sunshine, just like sunshine.

- dedicated to Lena Mae Riley

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