《Project Frost : Gate of All》20 - A Blizzard Brewing (III)


“Ah, Aediva! You’re here! That’s great. You’re cleaning the same place as yesterday today so get to it quick if you please” the moment she saw Aediva entering the office, Marie quickly instructed. But unlike before, Aediva didn’t immediately take the broom in the storage room but stood where she stopped. Maybe it’s time to tell her boss that she needs a change in view while working. Not that she couldn’t handle the students but she too, has a limit.

“Actually, Madam Marie…” Aediva said, one hand at the back of her neck.

“Can I clean somewhere else today? Somewhere without a lot of student?” Aediva requested meekly, a little nervous if anything. Marie turned to look at the girl, her face seemingly didn’t change from her gentle expression.

“I’m sorry dear, can you repeat that?” she asked, her tone impassive.

“We want to be assigned somewhere without a lot of students today” Cath repeated for Aediva who looks too tired to even repeat what she said.

Would it be strange to say that in the few weeks of work, that morning was the first the girl-monster pair discovered a new expression Marie could do. It was probably the first time they saw Marie’s smile disappear and her expression turned strict.

“I was talking to the girl, monster. Don’t make me ask one more time, you were saying?” her voice hardened, making both Aediva and Cath startled by her change in nature. Wait, did she just refer to Cath as a monster? Of course they are a lot of people who would refer to Cath as a monster as he is one but, isn’t she being condescending right now?

“I want to work somewhere--”

“WHO ARE YOU TO REQUEST THINGS LIKE THAT?!” before Aediva could even finish her words, Marie shouted. Aediva frowned, looking at the lady who is technically her boss for the past two weeks of work. It was so abrupt and confusing that Aediva was turned speechless.


“Oi, Aediva… She shouted at us…” Cath whispered at Aediva, his ears close to his head as he curled closer to the flabbergasted girl.

“You are going to clean the classrooms and the restrooms and the courtyard today. And you better do it right today. Did you know how much the principal nitpicked on my friend yesterday because you didn’t--” Marie suddenly stopped. She breathes in deeply and suddenly smiled the way she always does - aware of Aediva’s look that reflected the betrayal and annoyance she was feeling at the unexpected reveal from that woman.

“... As I was saying…” she said, pointing his wand at Aediva who instantly looked alarmed by her action.

“My... Youths these days are really demanding. Thinking they could ask this and that from older people like me” Marie said, still smiling. Although in her eyes, it was clear that the smile didn’t even reach them.

“You’re strong and healthy. Be a dear and clean the whole building, will you sweetheart?” Marie said. Aediva gritted her teeth and clenched her fist.

“What the hell are you on about?! I’ve been working my bones off the whole week!” Aediva shouted, struck with a sudden realization.

“Don’t tell me, you’ve been handing me the whole building all on my own. Is that why I haven’t seen any janitors around?! You old h--” Aediva said, immediately bursting into anger.

Marie only smiled. Along Aediva’s sudden halt to her angered outburst, she felt something tugging in her chest. Realizing, something was wrong, Cath jumped away from Aediva. The lack of reaction from Aediva after Marie poked her with the pointy end of the wand made Cath run out of the office in terror.

“Oh my, looks like your little pet even abandoned you… Poor girl. Now, if you please, calm down and do your job. Don’t worry, I’ll let you rest for a bit. Pretty girls like you really annoy me a lot, you see. And not to mention, you can’t even use magic. Ah, what an embarrassment. I think the best place for you is in the dirt, cleaning after people who can use magic. Don’t you think so too, little Aediva?” Marie laughed as Aediva silently took a broom and walked out of the office - leaving Marie smiling happily at her desk.


The malice in her eyes were now unmasked.

“Oi! Arthur! Eden! It’s an emergency!!!” Almost every student in the classroom was startled when the familiar feline monster ran up into their class and straight to where Arthur and Eden were sitting.

“Cath?! Wait, why are you just barging into the classroom?!” Eden exclaimed.

“Aediva! Aediva she suddenly---” before Cath could explain, he felt his body floating and upon realizing it was the teacher’s work, Cath struggled.

“Wait! Wait!!! Aediva is in trouble! The old hag was---” again, Cath wasn’t able to finish his words when his mouth was forced shut by an invisible force, causing him to mumble out words undecipherable by anyone. Arthur and Eden looked at each other, yet unable to actually do anything since the class is already in session.

“This raccoon again! Didn’t the headmaster already kick it out before during the ceremony?” the male teacher said, flicking his wand to the direction of the door and resulting Cath to be thrown out of the classroom - still unable to move as if bound by an invisible rope and unable to talk. From the floor of the corridor, he only heard the teacher say something that made him enraged.

“And who’s this… Aediva person the monster was talking about?” the male teacher asked.

“And the raccoon was probably talking about the pitiful janitor he’s always with” one of the students answered, causing the whole classroom to start buzzing with their chattering noises. Mostly laughing and giggling as if it was an amusing topic.

“Ah… that girl without magic who forgot her own name during the opening ceremony?” the teacher said, his tone amused.

“Yeah yeah. That girl” many of the students laughed.

“Bah, who cares about some Noi ammiright?”

“Yeah. Noi are such a handful aren’t they?”

Cath almost didn’t believe it when the students turned to Eden and asked him, “Yo Eden, you aren’t mixing with that Noi girl, right? There’s plenty of other cute chick to chase around, you know” the unknown student asked.

“Huh? Oh. Yeah… Of course not. She’s lame anyway. That monster is annoying too” Eden answered, laughing afterwards.

“And I suppose you too, Mr Briville?” the teacher asked. Arthur didn’t really answer and Cath was about to feel at least hopeful that Arthur would at least be of some help to Aediva who’s probably been struck by the old hag’s magic.

“... Yes”

Cath felt his heart drop when hearing Arthur’s hushed voice when he answered the teacher. The magic bind around him loosened and although the strange force that clamps his mouth shut was undone, he can’t find a word to describe the dark feelings in his chest. His round silver eyes turned glassy as he sprinted all fours down the corridor.

“Hmph! Who needs those humans anyway! I’ll save Aediva myself!” he said to himself, stopping when seeing Aediva down the stairs. As silent as an owl, only sweeping and cleaning the whole place in silence.

“Aediva! Aediva! Are you okay?!” the monster asked but Aediva didn’t answered as he walked past him and keep cleaning.

“Aediva…” Cath whined.

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