《Project Frost : Gate of All》3 - A Confusing Start (II)


“What did you say?” Krow asked, bewildered. The girl turned around to face the principal.

“I can’t recall my own name. I even forgot my own reflection when I saw the mirror and I cannot remember anything at all up to the moment when I woke up to that cat from the coffin” finally she admits it. Embarrassing in all honesty, that she admits something so odd in front of so many people. She crossed her arms.

“So you’re saying that you’re having some sort of amnesia?” the beautiful Dorm Leader asked. The girl who can’t even remember her own name only nod albeit the confusion.

“Hm. I thought it was only the memory distortion from the magic of the coffin. Regardless, you’re still a student so the mirror can still pick your dorm. No worries, we can look into your identity after the sorting” Krow suggested as the girl turned back to the mirror, anticipating.

“...” She turned back to the principal.

“Is the mirror supposed to say something? Or… show something?” she asked after quite some time in an awkward silence. Krow immediately looked troubled.

“That is completely absurd! The mirror is working just fine earlier!” he said, walking up to the mirror as the other students murmured to each other - filling the silent air of the hall with buzzing noises.

“O Black Mirror, show me which dorm this young lady to be sorted into” Krow asked. The Mirror pulsed briefly.

“None” it answered.

“What did you say?” the principal responded with utter bafflement.

“I cannot sense any magic coming from this one” the mirror explained.

“No color, no shape. Nothing” it said.

“Therefore, she is not worthy of any dormitory” the mirror’s last conclusion somewhat hurt the girl who frowned at it with an upset look. She knows she has no idea who she is but there’s no need to say she has no worth to any dormitories. Not that she knows if she is actually capable of using magic or not in the first place.


The hall flew into whispers upon whispers after hearing the Black Mirror.

“Impossible! It’s not possible! How can she have come from a Coffin if she is an individual who can not use magic! In that case, the Coffin itself shouldn't manifest for her! There has never been a mistake in hundreds of years when it comes to selecting a student!” Krow announced.

“Why in the world…” he murmured to himself, confused.

“Mppppppphhh!!! Puh!” Amid his thoughts, Cath finally broke free of the tape around its face.

“Then gimme that seat!” Cath said as it broke free from the principal’s grip, proudly announcing himself.

“Unlike that human, I can use magic! You should put me in the academy instead!” it suggested with a smug grin on its face.

“If you want proof, Yours Truly can show it to you!” it said lifting his paws in the air.

“EVERYONE TAKE COVER!” the Dorm Leaders warned when flames, silver-coloured flames burst everywhere around the hall surrounding the students.

“UWA!!! There’s fire on my hair!!!” the pink-haired Dorm Leader screamed in panic. The girl looked at Cath’s carnage with a raised eyebrow. The hall that was relatively calm turned into complete disarray as the freshmen ran from the flames. Is it just her or is she seeing the beginning of carnage brought about by a creature that freed her from the coffin. Maybe she should stuff herself into the coffin and die again.

If she was actually dead in the first place.

“Nyahahahaha!!! I am Cath! The one who will become a great magician!” Cath said, breathing fire around him.

The principal shouting being somewhat ignored by some of the Dorm Leaders. The students covering themselves from being burned by the little menace.

“... You know what. I don’t want to be involved with this” she thought.


After a while of chaos brought about by Cath, it was finally calm again. All due to the cat that was finally thrown out of the Hall and out of the academy too. Krow let out a long sigh.

“Goodness. You should’ve told me that that is not your familiar, young girl” he said. The silver-haired amnesiac girl only shook her head.

“I’m not exactly in the right state of mind to begin with. The fog in my head hardly clears away and you weren’t exactly listening to me in the first place.”

Technically-speaking, she feels so much lighter now but her head is still sort of having a hard time trying to focus on one thing.

“I suppose I make mistakes as well. Despite some troubles, the opening ceremony is now complete” Krow announced to the student, turning to the students.

“Dorm Leaders, please take your new students and go back to the dorm” he need not say twice as some of the students walked out of the hall, following their respective Dorm Leaders. It was then when Krow realized something’s amiss.

“Hmm? I haven’t seen Kazbelius’ Dorm Leader. Where is Naffael Ivier Allegard?” the principal asked. The remaining Dorm Leaders only looked among themselves.

“Isn’t it just normal for him not to be here?” the lion Dorm Leader said, as the matter-of-factly.

“I guess, someone forgot to tell him about the ceremony again” the pink-haired Dorm Leader said.

“I mean… It’s Allergard after all… He’s really unapproachable” the voice from the floating cube replied. Krow sighed.

“Very well, I supposed someone from Kazbelius Dorm will help the new students?” he asked, turning to a certain white-haired petite person at the side who smiled at him.

“Of course~ Marith at your service! Come now, new students! Follow me~” they said as they strolled out of the place. With that out of the way, the students gradually yet quickly left the hall - leaving the principal and the amnesiac girl behind. The doors creaked shut and the girl let out a sigh.

She felt as if she’s having a very long nightmare about social life and she wants it to be over with.

“Well then” Krow speaks up, gaining the attention of the girl in front of him.

“I’m sorry to say this but I must ask you to leave the academy” he said, blunt. The girl nodded, unable to say anything despite not knowing where she even lived before this.

“It is not possible to let in a student who does not possess any magical powers” he said.

“I understand” she replied.

“Do not worry. The Black Mirror will send you right back home. Come, to the door. And pray to return home” Krow directed and the girl obeyed.

What a long dream…

“Black Mirror! Guide this one back to where they were from” Krow cited to the mirror. Then, it was a long silence. Krow cleared his throat.

“Let me try that one more time. O Black Mirror! Guide this one back--”

“Nowhere” the one word stopped Krow from continuing his words.

“This one… belongs nowhere in the world. It is simply nothing” the Mirror said, pausing.

“Belongs nowhere. From nowhere. A wanderer without a destination nor a place to go back to” the Mirror continued. The girl simply stared at the mirror, at the reflection of herself.


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