《Project Frost : Gate of All》4 - A New Place


“Ah… Today is just one surprise after surprise after another. First you barged from the Grave Tower, then the little monster made a mess out of the Tower and this Hall. And you have no idea who you are. And the Black Mirror itself cannot send you to where you were from” Krow babbled on with the girl having no choice but listen. She knows all these events are revolving around her but it’s a bit unfair to blame someone who literally had no idea about things in the first place.

“Ah… What am I to do? This has never happened in all my years as the Headmaster of this academy!” Krow wailed as he expressed his woes out loud. The platinum blonde-haired girl simply crossed her arms, equally at lost.

“I… I supposed I can technically leave the campus. Through the front gate” she suggested after a while of silence. The least she was expecting is Krow actually reacting shocked at her recommendation.


“Well, unlike that raccoon, I have no magic nor an actual purpose of being here in the first place. Or at least, that’s what I’m feeling. Since I’m not wanted here, I thought I’ll simply leave…” she said to Krow.

“The idea! Are you expecting me to throw a girl who couldn’t remember a thing about herself into the world so heartlessly?” the principal asked. The girl blinked, her silver eyes trained on the man in a bird get-up.

“... It’s---”

“In the first place, do you know where in the world you are? Ah… The mere thought of letting such clueless lamb wandering around without a destination nor a place to return to is simply…….. Outrageous!” Krow said in a panicked tone. Honestly at that point, the girl gave up. Look at this odd ball, he said she had to leave but as soon as she said she can just leave through the front gate, he went completely nuts at the mere suggestion. What is she supposed to do?

“I am not as cruel to kick you out to the unknown world out there on your own with nothing in hand. You… Hm. I thought it was just an odd thing earlier but you really have nothing with you at all, little lady” the black-haired masked man said, looking pointedly at the girl in front of her. Aside from the black uniform every freshman wears during their admittance, she had nothing with her at all. Not one precious accessory, not a single belonging. Unless of course, she has something in her pockets.


And the girl sensing the headmaster’s gaze, turned to rummage through every pocket of her uniform and to further emphasize the suspected point, she took the pockets out - signifying she really has nothing at all. Krow ponders to himself.

“How odd” he muttered before a thought passed in his mind.

“Very well” he suddenly said after a few moments of silence. The girl tilted her head, somewhat confused as she followed the confusing bird man out of the hall.

After a while walking, the young girl only stared in silence at her surroundings. It was night so maybe it simply add to the spook factor but it’s just incredibly creepy! Where is this guy taking her?!

Seeing Krow stopped in his tracks, she does too and the first thing that captures her sight is a rundown mansion surrounded by dead trees and dried out foliage.


Is this some kind of twisted joke?

“Since I’m a generous person, I will allow you to live in this campus area for the time being. This is Aval Dormitories. It has been long abandoned but with a bit of cleaning and work, it’s a good place to stay. Come now” Krow said not even bother turning around to see the look on the girl’s unbelieving expression.

The large entrance door seems like it’s almost rotting and would be destroyed with a single punch. The mere amount of energy to try and open it on its own is starting to freak the girl out.

“Hm, this way you can at least shelter yourself from the rain and wind. There are so many questions about you and therefore, I’ll take it upon myself to investigate how you managed to be in a Coffin in the first place. Until then you’re to stay here and try to recover your lost memories. Maybe with a good night’s rest, you’ll get back them back!” Krow said cheerfully.

“Now then, since I am a busy man. I’m afraid you’ll have to be a big girl and start being independent. Every bird has to leave their parents and the same it is for you. Do as you please but do not let me catch you wandering around the school! Farewell, little bird~” Krow said, striding away out of the mansion through the foyer - only the taps of his heels and cane gradually disappearing.


And so the young girl was left alone to herself in the eerily silent dorm. She scanned around. The dust looking like snow piling after a blizzard, uncleaned for how many years. Broken furniture, even rubble at the side of the foyer - blocking the way to the hallway at the side. She walked deeper to what seems to be a lounge area - the couches and tables covered with dusty white sheets draped over them.

The silver-eyed girl looked around, feeling goosebumps creeping under her skin. What sort of generosity is it to leave a girl alone in a rundown dorm that was abandoned for a reason unknown to her.

“Huh?!” she gasped, quickly turning to her back. Is it just her or did she just saw something white passing at the periphery of her vision? The hair at her back stood up. At the same moment she stepped forth, she heard lightning come crashing down with its loud thunder booming on top of her head.

“Gyah!!!” she screamed, hearing the moment rain started to pour cats and dogs at such volume and noise that did not do any good for her heart. She feels her heart beating as if it wanted to run out of her own chest. The moment she thought she was quite calm, once again she found something that shocked her.

“Mugyaaahhhh!!! GHOST!!!” a rather familiar voice greeted her ears. Instantly, the youthful female placed her hands on her waist, brows furrowing as she stared at the familiar-looking black cat with fiery silver mane and tail.

“... Wait a minute! It’s you!” Cath shrieked as if relieved before breaking a smug grin on his face.

“Nyahahaha! Look at your face, you looked scared!” Cath pointed out as the girl let out a sigh.

“Cath. Why am I not surprised seeing you around even though you were supposedly thrown outside the campus?” the girl said with a rather impassive tone - suddenly feeling the frustration at the pit of her stomach gone. The tiny bipedal feline scoffed.

“They are all idiots for thinking that throwing me out is enough to deter me from trying to get into this academy! For the great Yours Truly, sneaking back into the campus is a piece of cake!” Cath proudly exclaimed. The girl tilted her head at the odd fluffball.

“You really want to be a part of this establishment that bad, huh? Isn’t that admirable… …. At least you have something you feel like you have to do rather than a blank slate in your mind” the girl said, mumbling at the end of her sentence with an upset expression. Cath’s ears perked as he looks at the brooding girl in front of him. His round silver eyes looking at her from the top of her head to her feet.

“Do you still not remember anything at all?” he suddenly asked. The girl simply sighed. Even though she could think somewhat clearly from that moment on, she felt as if nothing she did would actually clear the fog at the back of her head. She shook her head. Then, Cath suddenly grinned.

“Then, Yours Truly will bestow you a name! You’re from now on Aediva! And since I name you, you’re from now on owned by Yours Truly!” Cath announced with such a high pride. The girl’s eyes went wide.

“Aediva. Huh, where did you even get an idea for a name like that?” she asked with a slight smirk on her pretty face.

“Hmph! Who cares! It just popped in my mind! Whatever, your name is Aediva from now on!” Cath said, almost sounding like he’s actually annoyed at Aediva’s reaction. So the silver-eyed girl newly named Aediva smiled.

“Yeah yeah. Thank you for the name, Master Cath. I’ll make sure to treasure it from now on” Aediva said, feeling at least a good amount of burden somehow relieved from her shoulders. For a moment, she almost forgot that both her and Cath are practically in a rather gloomy and eerie place. It didn’t take long for their short period of peace to be disturbed by unlikely guests.

“Aediva hmm~~~ What a pretty name~~~”

“I wonder if people are going to call your name when you’re turned into our fellow comrade~~~”

Both Cath and Aediva’s faces went pale.

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