《Swords of Eres》Chapter 11- Sex and Murder


Diamond Heist

By nine p.m. Anya and Rylan met with the three safe cracking thieves hired through Jed. Together the five discussed the diamond heist plans from inside of the thieves’ black van, parked a block away from the Aneke Jewelry Exchange.

Inside the van the leader of the three thieves, Macky, did the talking.

“So you claim you got the alarm and the camera’s turned off inside the vault? How fucking good are you lady?” he asked Anya with disbelief.

“Good doesn’t come close. I’m beyond anything this planet’s tech can handle,” she snapped.

“Yeah, so why’d you hire us?” he asked.

“Because I don’t own a big drill or the acid pellets needed to crack that analog vault those diamonds are in. Now I told you the camera and the alarms are down, so let’s get in there and get my diamonds,” she snarled.

“Whatever lady, it’s your money,” said Macky, shaking his head at her.

One of the three thieves, Eddie, asked about Rylan, who sat quietly the whole time.

“What about that kid?”

“Don’t worry about him, I need him, now let’s go!” snapped Anya.

Twenty Minutes Later

After snapping the locks and breaking into the Jewelry exchange. The third thief named Wolf stood lookout near the entrance and scanned the police frequencies, while Macky and Eddie drilled away at the tumblers of the large vault inside.

“One minute,” said Eddie as he increased the drill’s power.

“Lady, we heard you had another job for us after this one. What is it?” Macky asked Anya.

“The large exchange in Albuquerque, I hear they’re are two hundred more of these types of diamonds, and I need them,” said Anya as she monitored the drill’s progress with her wrist device.

Macky shrugged, “Lady, these diamonds are not the highest quality and damn near impossible to fence. The gold you’re paying us is worth more than these rocks on the black market,” he said.

“The diamonds are worth a lot to me,” said Anya.

“Well, they’d better be, because breaking into the main exchange in Albuquerque is a fool’s errand!” said Macky.

At that very moment the vault tumblers opened, and so did the vault door.

“Yes!” cheered Macky, slapping five with Eddie.

Rylan, a spectator to the heist before him, watched as the thieves opened the closet sized vault and emptied all of the jewelry housed within. Anya grabbed the amber colored diamonds she found inside, shoving them in a small cloth bag.

Walking to Rylan she placed five diamonds in his gloved hand.

“Here baby, test these for me,” she said watching his reaction.

As soon as the diamonds touched Rylan’s glove a surge of energy shot through his arm.

“Aaah..these are what you want,” said Rylan, grimacing in pain.

“Hm hm hm hm hmmm!” cackled Anya, “Yes~ they're exactly what I wanted.”

She stood up and poured the remaining diamonds in the bag, and turned to speak to Macky...But Macky had no words for her, nor did Eddie or Wolf. They all held guns and aimed them at Anya.

“Da fuck?” she mumbled.

Macky grabbed Rylan and put the gun to his face, and smirked.


“Jed was right, you are out of your mind lady!” he said squeezing his forearm in Rylan’s neck.

Anya cocked her head and smirked.

“Eh? Now why would you say a thing like that when I’m offering all this gold?” she asked.

“Yeah, that’s the thing bitch. You have gold and we want it, and there ain’t no way nobody’s breaking into that safe in Albuquerque for no yellow diamonds,” said Macky.

He cocked the hammer of his gun and pushed it into Rylan’s temple. Eddie reached out and snatched the bag of diamonds from Anya’s hand.

“Now this is how it’s going down,” barked Macky, “You want these diamonds and this kid, you bring more gold to Jed and-”

“You see baby,” interrupted Anya, speaking directly to Rylan, “Now you understand why I told you before we got here...that I would have to kill these fucks!” she snarled.

Rylan’s eyes narrowed as he reluctantly accepted her early warning.

“Yeah, you did say that,” he whispered.

“What motherfucker?” yelled Macky, who raised his pistol to bash Rylan’s head.

But Rylan, composed and without fear, clutched Macky’s gun hand and blasted a surge of amber energy into the thief, melting his hand on his pistol..

“Aaah my hand!” screamed Macky as he stumbled backward, his hand fused to his weapon.

Eddie turned to his injured partner as Anya dashed at Eddie faster than sound, and sliced off his gun hand with her razor sharp sword.

“Raaaah!” screamed Eddie.

Still moving, Anya spun one eighty and with her back turned to the last thief Wolf, she thrust her blade through his heart...impaling him on the wall by the door. He gurgled and died in seconds.

While Glaring at the injured Macky and Eddie, Anya yanked her blade out of Wolf. His corpse dropped to the floor behind her.

“Baby, you ok?” she asked Rylan.

Rylan, still maintaining amber energy in his palms stared emotionless at Macky and Eddie.

“I’m good Anya...do what you want,” he said turning his back on the thieves.

Anya, hearing the cold words from Rylan, laughed a villainous laugh as she stared at the two injured thieves who staggered backwards in fear.

“Muhahahahah! Ahh, my sweet Rylan...your transformation is complete!”

In a blink she split Eddie’s head in two, then turned to Macky, who backed up pleading.

“Lady wait, listen to me, we can make a deal!” he screamed.

“Hahaha! but Macky,” she raised her sword over her head, “This is your deal! Hee!”


She dropped her sword....and sliced Macky in half…

Thirty Minutes Later

Anya reached Stacy Danner’s block and parked in front of her house. Rylan unbuckled his seatbelt and prepped to leave.

“Wait!” said Anya, stopping his exit.

“What is it?” he asked, his eyes on the house.

“Rylan...you’re gonna go in there and what do you expect to find? Hmm? Drugged up teenagers making out...fucking?” she asked.

He smirked and faced her. “You paid for the drugs so you’d know.”

“Haha, well aren't you perceptive!”

Anya laughed and climbed on top of Rylan on the passenger side. He turned away as she straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck.


“Ms. Cesar, you have your diamonds, you have your murders...I think we’re good for the night.”

Anya smiled and leaned back.

“Ehh? But Rylan, I saved a few Mollies for me and you,” she displayed a ziplock bag with ten white pills. “And I heard you used to sell these things, is that true my little bad boy?” she asked dangling the bag.

Rylan avoided her eye contact.

“I just..needed the money once,” he answered.

“Wow boy, I’m falling more in love with you everyday,” she chuckled, and tongued him.


He wanted to resist her, but he allowed her kiss until she stopped. He then opened the truck door.

“Ms. Cesar..I hope we’re all done now,” his eyes focused on Stacy’s house.

Anya scowled, and leaned in.

“Rylan, in time...you’ll learn to appreciate me...and to love me. And I’ll show you.” She climbed off of him and out of the truck. “Go and get your little sister. I’ll wait out here to give you a ride home-”

“No thank you, I’d rather you didn’t-”

“I insist!” she said. “Now go ahead and get your sister. I’ll wait.”

Rylan paused, unsure of Anya’s intent. Without a word he exited her truck and hiked up Stacy’s driveway.

Guest House

Rylan re-entered Stacy’s house and found eight kids still partying. Mostly couples making out and a few dancing. He knew Stacy did her bad behavior in her guest house, so he marched straight there.

When he opened the guest house door he viewed the aftermath of debauchery. A dark room lit by scented candles and low volume dance music. On the couch, Stacy and Leif lay naked under a sheet. Behind them on the bed, Maya and Rebecca lay naked under a sheet. And all having a good time.

“Hello everyone, I’m just gonna get Chloe and head home,” he said in a low calm voice, not wanting to interrupt.

Both twins raised off the couch and bed, fully nude, and accosted Rylan.

“Big brother Rylan, no! you must stay and enjoy our revelry!” said Leif, pulling Rylan to the couch.

Leif forced him to sit and in a moment, Stacy, Rebecca and Maya, cuddled against Rylan.

“Rilly, I thought you were coming back to hang out,” said Rebecca rubbing his hair.

“Yeah, we waited for you,” said Maya, kissing his neck.

Rylan smiled and lifted Maya’s chin.

“Ahh, I see you took another pill,” he said inspecting her eyes.

She blushed.

“Well..you took so long,” she replied, burying her face in his chest.

“I know, I’m sorry...but listen, I’m not gonna interrupt your good time, it’s late and I need to get Chloe ready for tomorrow-”

“No Rylan, stay, we’ll leave soon!” cried Maya.

Rylan consoled her.

“No, no, it’s ok Maya...don’t worry..someone’s giving me a ride home..”

Maya’s eyes opened.

“Who’s giving you a ride?” she asked.

Before Rylan could respond Rebecca intervened.

“Rylan stop taking her attention from me!” she pouted.

Rylan smirked. Thanks Becca, now I can slip out of here.

With the twins occupied by Rebecca and Stacy, Rylan left the guest house and collected his half asleep sister from Elsie’s room.

Just a Ride

Chloe rubbed her eyes and held Rylan’s hand as they stepped outside to meet a smiling Anya.

“Hi honey! Do you remember me?” she asked Chloe, bending down to greet her.

Chloe recognized Anya and hopped behind Rylan.

“Ya, you’re the lady that stole Rylan’s motorcycle!”

“Haha, yes I did. I’m sorry about that but I really needed it..but don’t you like the new motorcycle I bought for him?”

Chloe took a second.

“Yes, but Rylan doesn’t ride it, only Leif rides it!” said Chloe.

“Is that so? Well then I’ll keep buying new ones for Rylan until he rides one-”

“No! You can’t buy my brother like that!” said Chloe, defending her big bro.

Anya smiled and leaned closer to Chloe.

“Oh is that so? Well please tell me pretty little Chloe, how can I win your brother’s heart?”

“You can start by bringing back his motorcycle! Him and grandpa built that motorcycle before grandpa died...and you took it!” shouted Chloe, jumping back behind Rylan.

Anya stood up staring at Rylan, who said nothing.

“...So, that’s who you really are, Rylan...and the more I discover the more I want you….” She glared at him with lust.

Rylan ignored her comment.

“Anya...can you give us a ride home?” he asked, without malice.

“Of course baby, come on.” She turned to Chloe, “Honey, do you want to ride up front with me and we put Rylan in the back?”

“Oh yesh, I have to watch you!” said Chloe.

“Of course you do, you adorable thing!” chuckled Anya.

Within minutes they left the Sedona Hills neighborhood and drove to Rylan and Chloe’s house.


The siblings arrived home before midnight and settled in. Chloe fell asleep in her room and Rylan found a moment to take a shower.

Mmm.. hot water feels good!...and so does this energy.

As he soaked he raised his palms in front of him and concentrated. In less than a second, ampsediun surged through his body and his hands.

Hmm..raise the temperature.

On command he increased his power, and shortly after decreased it. In the process he felt the euphoric effect of..


The shower curtain opened behind him. He turned and there stood Maya, arriving from nowhere, wrapped in a towel.

Rylan smirked.

“Seems you can’t keep your clothes on tonight can you?” he asked, showing himself to her.

“No, I can’t.”

Maya dropped her towel and Rylan basked in her full form. Her untanned skin and slim muscle toned frame aroused him to no end. He reached behind her waist and palmed her lower back and ass while pulling her close.

“..Rylan..aaah..” she cried, and closed her eyes as he ravished her breast, legs and beyond with quiet care.

Holding her captive under the shower he laid her on her back. There he mounted her and kissed her.

“Maya..” he whispered.


“I’m taking you.”


And he took her, repeatedly...for the rest of the night.


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