《Swords of Eres》Chapter 10- Poppin Mollies!



After classes ended on Tuesday, Anya drove to the Aneke Vault and Jewelry Exchange in the middle of the city. Parked out of camera distance of the establishment she shouted verbal commands to her wrist device while casing the block from her truck.

“System, security scan. How many cameras, alarms and emergency vehicles in a ten mile radius?”

The device crackled to life.

“Good, how long to crack them all?”

“Hey Hey! Did I ask you all of that? How long?”

“Good, compile them all, I want control of every camera in the city.”

“Hahahaha! I love this planet, everything’s mine for the taking. Hey, run an ampsediun scan, are those diamonds in that building or what?” She pointed to the structure as if her device could see it.

“They’re in the vault that’s why your readings are low...Ok, get Jed on the line. I gotta make sure everything is set for tonight..hee hee!”


Let me hear that bass drop! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Leif pumped the music loud in the Dodge as Rylan, Maya and Chloe danced in their seats on their way to Stacy Danner’s house. They pulled into the Sedona Hills neighborhood and marveled at the higher end homes on the blocks.

“Is Stacy a noble?” asked Leif as he drove.

Rylan smirked, “With the money her family has she’s as close to royalty as it gets around here. Oh, there’s her driveway pull up here!”

Leif slowed down and parked outside of a western style two story Mcmansion house.

“Wow, that’s gaudy and pretty at the same time,” said Maya gazing at the large home.

As they exited the Dodge they walked past fifteen cars parked in the spacious driveway and into a wall of music that grew louder as they approached the house. Before they reached the entrance the front door opened and a little blonde girl popped out smiling.

“Hi Chloe, Hi Rylan!” said the little girl.

Chloe ran to her and hugged her.

“Hi Elsie, look I brought my Magical Girl Rika discs!” Chloe said displaying the bright colored anime dvd cases.

“Oooh! That’s season one, I have season two! Come on we have to watch them all now now now!” cried Elsie.

“Yaan!” cried Chloe.

The excited little girls ran in the house leaving the teenagers standing outside, gaping at each other.

“Umm..that was Elsie, Stacy’s little sister. She goes to school with Chloe,” said Rylan to Maya and Leif.

The trio all shrugged and entered the loud, dimly lit house. Inside they bumped into thirty kids from various schools hanging out, with half of them wearing swim suits.

Whoah! Helluva scene for a Tuesday night.

As they walked from the front to the back of the house Rylan picked up the vibe that most partying kids were having too good a time. One girl from Rylan’s class dashed over and kissed Rylan on the lips, and one of Leif’s football teammates spotted Leif and gave him a long passionate bro-hug.

Hunh, they’re all tripping on Mollies.

Maya and Leif responded to the overly festive atmosphere by taking readings on their wrist devices.

“Rylan, the people in this house, their heart rates and body temperatures are elevated...have they been drugged?” asked Maya, scrolling the screen on her device.

Rylan chuckled.

“No, they took drugs,” he said.

Before they reached the back of the house Rebecca and Stacy emerged from nowhere greeting them in revealing bikinis. Stacy in white, Rebecca in dark blue.


“Hey, you guys finally made it you’re late!” cried Stacy, latching her naked arms around Leif’s neck, while bobbing from side to side.

“Hi Rilly,” said Rebecca, running up hugging and kissing Rylan.

Rylan backed up with a smirk.

“We’re not late, you guys started early. And from the looks of both you...you really started this party,” he said lifting Rebecca’s chin and checking her rapidly dilating pupils.

“Jeez Rylan, stop sounding like a parent,” said Rebecca dangling from his neck.

Rylan smiled and shifted Rebecca to Maya. Rebecca, fueled by the drug Molly, molested Maya on contact.

“Maya~, I missed you!” said Rebecca.

“Oh, um..but I saw you in school just a few hours ago,” said Maya.

“No, no, you don’t understand because you have too many clothes on, did you bring your swimsuit?” asked Rebecca, attempting to unbuckle Maya’s jeans belt.

“I did, but umm..”

Maya spun around to find Rylan smirking, and Leif standing nearly naked.

“Leif? What are you doing?” asked Maya.

Leif didn’t answer right away as Stacy Danner stripped him down to his swim trunks.

“Dear sis, I think I have to jump in the pool with Ms. Danner,” said Leif.

Stacy’s sleepy eyes snapped open.

“Don’t call me Ms. Danner, I’m not my mother. And no pool yet, me and you are going in the hottub you green eyed bandit,” she said with her lips touching Leif’s.

On Stacy’s tongue lay a fresh Molly pill. When Leif tried to speak, Stacy stuck her tongue in his mouth and forced the pill down his throat.

“Oh, Ahem..cough..gulp...yuck, that tasted terrible,” said Leif.

“Heh heh, give it a few minutes, you’ll change your mind,” said Stacy, kissing Leif’s neck.

Maya, fighting off the advancing Rebecca, scolded Leif.

“Leif, did you consume the pill?” she whispered.

“Live a little baby sis, the chemical compound of these Molly pills contain concentrated methylenedioxy-methamphetamine,” said Leif, dodging Stacy’s kiss.

Maya’s face perked.

“Oh? Similar to our planet’s love pills, no?” she asked.

“No, this concentration is much higher. I think you should try one,” whispered Leif.

Maya frowned at Leif and then stared at Rebecca, who blew her a kiss.

“Most curious. Yes, I think I will try one!” she smiled.

Rebecca, hearing Maya, pulled a fresh pill out from her bikini bottom, and held it on her fingertip.

“Here, stick out your tongue, and drink this water, it’ll go down better,” said Rebecca handing Maya a bottled water from the table.

“Oh, thank you,” said Maya turning to Rylan, “Are you going to try one of these pills?”

“Nah, I’m good,” said Rylan abruptly as he scanned the scene of the party.

Where’s Stacy’s mom?...And where did Stacy get all of these pills?

In a corner couch near the back pool entrance sat a burly teenager in a leather jacket. Two kids approached him and handed him money, in exchange he gave them pills. Rylan recognized the burly teen, a juvenile delinquent named Kane, a biker wannabe.

Rylan pulled Stacy over to him.

“Rylan, take your cloths off!” said Stacy.

“I’m not staying. Stacy, did you invite that guy Kane?” he asked pointing at him.

“Hmm...not really, he came with David and those guys, but he’s been giving away as many pills as he sells, generous I guess, heh heh,” laughed Stacy.

Rylan didn’t laugh, he just stared at Kane.

Generous my ass, no one gives away pills. A certain science teacher must have pre-bought all these drugs and made sure Kane the wannabe “Son’s of Fire” biker showed up at this party to give them away….fucking Anya!


“Rylan come on!” said Maya, while Rebecca pulled her toward the back.

Scene Girls

The group walked past the pool and into a waiting hot tub. Maya, already less inhibited than before, wiggled out of her tight jeans revealing a sea-green, slim cut bikini.

“Sis, when did you get that?” said Leif, pointing at his sister’s barely there suit.

Maya smirked.

“Not for your eyes, big bro.”

Maya turned to Rylan and struck a pose. Her green eyes highlighted by the aqua of her suit.

“Heh, that pill hitting you already?” Rylan asked teasing her.

Maya smirked and put her arm around his waist, and within seconds Rebecca tugged at Maya.

“No! give me your attention!” said Rebecca to Maya, “And stop trying to kiss my ex-boyfriend.”

Maya stopped all action, and turned to Rebecca.

“Who’s your ex-boyfriend?” she asked.

Rebecca, her eyes opening and closing, stared at Rylan and started laughing.

“Oh my god Rylan! You never told Maya we dated?”

Maya, caught in the effects of the pill, took a somber tone and faced Rylan.

“You guys dated?” she asked him.

Rylan understood the condition Rebecca and Maya were in and wanted to nip any hostility in the bud.

“Yeah three years ago. And we dated the way all thirteen year olds date. Steal a kiss here and there, and if you’re lucky you can cop a feel!” he smiled making a squeezing breast hand motion, “But me, I wasn’t so lucky. So calling me her ex-boyfriend is an embellishment,” said Rylan with a smirk.

Rebecca squinted at him and pulled Maya toward the hot tub.

“Rylan’s not being nice, come on, I’ll tell you all the sordid details of our relationship in the tub!” she said to Maya.

Maya turned and caught eyes with Rylan as Rebecca whisked her away. Rylan stood still but muttered the words, “Don’t worry, you’re good,” to Maya. Maya smiled, and under the influence of the Molly, his words released a flood of euphoria in her body and soul.

“Ok~” she whispered back, and entered the tub.


With the siblings drugged and occupied by Rebecca and Stacy, Rylan walked to the west wing of the big house and a small kitchen near the garage. Inside the kitchen watching television sat Mrs. Danner. Rylan interrupted her.

“Hi Mrs. Danner!”

The very pretty older woman spun around and her face lit up.

“Well if the sky isn't big! Rylan sweetie, how are you? Stacy told me she invited you and that you have exchange students from another country living with you!” she hugged him.

“Yeah, something like that. Um.. Mrs. Danner I’m gonna have to split for a little while, I have to work, but I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Oh sweetie it’s ok, you know I’ll take care of Chloe till you get back! She’s always welcome here,” she checked around and whispered, “And I’m keeping an eye on Stacy’s party to make sure there’s no drinking….you didn’t see any booze did you Rylan?”

“No ma’am, just water.”

“Good, you’re such a fine young man Rylan! Don’t worry about Chloe, I got her.”

“Thank you Mrs. Danner-”

His phone buzzed, a text message from Anya: I’m outside, let’s go!

He shook his head, “Always on time, aren't you lady?”

“Honey was that the job?” asked Mrs. Danner.

“Uh, yeah my ride is here, thanks Mrs. Danner.” He kissed her on her forehead.

“Oh no, call me Brenda!” she cooed, as Rylan slipped out the kitchen exit to meet his ride to work.


Stacy and Leif, Maya and Rebecca, were all caught in the dizzying rush of the narcotics. They sat in Stacy’s hot tub massaging each other and laughing. Rebecca rested her head on Maya’s breasts, as Maya stroked her hair.

“Where’s Rylan?” asked Rebecca.

“He had to work a few hours,” said Maya.

“Aww...why does he always work when we’re together?”

“I don’t know...So..was Rylan a good boyfriend?” asked Maya, changing the subject.

Rebecca laughed and raised her head.

“Well, we were in seventh grade and both virgins, and..I don’t know..Rylan is sweet, he never pressured me or anything..we used to just hold hands a lot...and make out, second base stuff I guess,” said Rebecca, smiling ear to ear.

“Oh, did the relationship last long?” asked Maya.

“Mm..about six months...I kinda cheated on him with this kid Danny,” she frowned, “He was older, a freshman in high school and way more aggressive than Rylan...real bad boy...he took my virginity.”

“He doesn’t sound very nice.”

“Nope, we didn’t last long, once we did it he lost interest and dumped me..I was so stupid.”

“No, you’re not stupid, this is life,” said Maya caressing Rebecca’s face.

Rebecca squeezed Maya tight.

“Mmm..you feel so good Maya, but no. I am stupid. And I’m gonna tell you why. I only gave it up to Danny because he kept pushing it...But the truth is, in hindsight, I'd have been happy to let Rylan take my virginity,” she said.


Rebecca grinned and averted Maya's gaze.

“Because....Rylan is a good guy, and he would’ve respected it...and me. But instead I broke up with him for an idiot who dumped me...And ever since then, Rylan’s never treated me the same way...I’m so stupid!” she whispered.

Maya smirked and squeezed Rebecca’s cheek.

“No, stop talking like that. As Rylan would say, ‘Hey, nah, come here ya not stupid,’” said Maya doing her best Rylan impression while hugging Rebecca.

“Ha ha, oh wow, that is so funny, you totally nailed him..ha ha..so um...are you guys fucking?”

The question nearly knocked Maya sober.

“W-What? N-No...we don’t have that kind of relationship…” she trailed off.

“Really? But you live together...I thought you liked him?” asked Rebecca.

“I do….it’s just..as you say...Rylan doesn’t ..try anything with me...so I assume he doesn’t like me..” said Maya.

Rebecca’s eyes narrowed as she stared at the mighty Maya, vulnerable...beautiful.

“Maya, that boy...that’s the way he is...but I don’t want to be that way anymore,” she moved in, and touched Maya’s face, “Are you a virgin Maya?”

Maya’s face flushed red at Rebecca’s question.

“Um...yes, I am,” she meekly answered.

Rebecca displayed a cheshire grin, and moved in.


Rebecca raised Maya’s face, held her and kissed her. Maya didn’t resist, and allowed Rebecca to have her way, “Maya you are so pretty, I cannot believe..mmm..” kiss.

Before the scene grew heavy, Stacy, holding Leif’s hand, interrupted Rebecca and Maya and whispered.

“Let’s go to the guest house, I have the key.”


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