《PenDragon's PicToStory Challenge》PicToStory 3.5 DraconisViridis



The vastness of space… The void… The bright pinpoints of light floating all around… The infinite variations of the planetary systems, from atomic, to planetary, to lunar, to solar, to galactic… It all blows the mind if thought about all at once. It is troublesome for the human mind to grasp atomic structure, let alone up-scaling to planetary systems.

The atomic world goes from the lightest element, all the way through the various elements and their isotopes to the heaviest, and radioactive elements. Their nature eludes scientists, their balancing forces unexplained, their origins unknown. All they can do is work with them and their known properties, experiment, and hope to find more.

That is only on this planet too, and there are more out there. They might not be the same; the rules might change outside this gravity well. The only law in this universe is that there is no universal law.

While the above statement has an obvious flaw to its logic, the idea remains the same. Laws of the universe, and even multiverse, are in a constant state of flux. The speed of light is not constant. The dimensional barriers between planes of existence have weak points. On this planet, there are multiple dimensional barriers, known as ‘zones’.

Now, they are not exactly solid barriers. Anyone with enough strength, technology, or know-how can pass through at any location. However, most choose to use the known entrance and exit points for convenience. The random locations do not provide a constant exit point into the other zones, which is effectively a death sentence if a man happens to warp into a women’s bath in full session.

In this particular zone, it is remarkably similar to earth. There are oceans, continents, islands, and people. However, that is where any resemblance ends.


There are far more than the standard humans that are classed as people. There are the beast kin, the dwarves, the elves, the giants, and the nature sprites and spirits. Recently, there are also the AI.

These all have their home ‘zone’, but have chosen to congregate here in this ‘master world’ which has environments suitable for them all. Wars are wild affairs, as there are normally far more than the two obvious factions involved. The humans get along well with the dwarves, the dwarves with the beast kin, the beast kin with the sprites and spirits, the sprites and spirits with the elves, the elves with the giants, and the giants with the humans. It all goes full circle, and there are many hidden alliances.

So, without any truck-san involved, a nameless individual from Earth dies. It was the portable weaponized laser he tried to make – the battery chamber wasn’t vented, and went off like a pipe bomb when the battery failed under overload. So, as he left his erstwhile body, he looked to the stars, and felt himself drawn to this new world.

* Ping *

Welcome to the Multivercal worlds! Your starting zone is Central.

As a former Earth dweller, there are multiple perks to compensate for your past life’s difficulty.

Please choose your race and perks, and enjoy your stay.

The Multivercal system AI

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