《Mecha In Cultivation World》24- Body Master Level Three


Thalia didn't ask many questions and took out the Silver White Boar outside to skin and cook it. Ambrose sighed in relief and sat down.

"It will take twenty-four hours to completely heal my Mecha." Ambrose took out the Alligator Core and started fiddling it.

"I have to get strong if I want to live in this world peacefully." He looked at the core for a few minutes and placed it in his mouth.

He had heard before in his memories that beast cores could be used to enhance one's strength and can also be used in refining many weapons and treasures.

However, no one in the village uses them as cultivation resources as they are very hard to come by. Maybe only Village Chief would have ever touched a beast core before him. As only Martial Level Mana Beast produce Beast Cores.

Spirit stones could also be used in cultivation enhancement. However, they are also very hard to come to these Villagers.

And Medicinal Pills were the hardest to get hands-on only a Pill Master could create them and they are very expensive. Even the lowest quality pill should cost ten low-grade spirit coins.

Ambrose still had one pill in his pocket. However, he doesn't dare to take it. As he doesn't know the effects it will produce and he also doesn't believe in that Princess. This could be a poisonous pill too.

He started absorbing the beast core in his mouth slowly. He also took out a Low-Grade Spirit Stone and clenched it in his hand. Slowly the mana started seeping in his body.

"I don't have a good technique to support my cultivation or I can absorb much faster and much more."

Because they lived in a poor Village. It is impossible to get a cultivation technique. Even the Village Chief doesn't have one. That is the reason why much of the Mana Released from the Spirit Stone and the Beast core are going to waste.

If what he feels is correct then only five per cent of the total Mana released by both of these are absorbed by him.

However, it was still a lot better than consuming Beast Meat.

If Village Chief would see how Ambrose was using both the Beast Core and Spirit Stone at the same time to enhance his cultivation. Maybe he would puke out a lot of blood in anger.

Even kids from big towns don't have such luxury. Maybe only the kids from Capital could afford to do something like this.


"Since the Next Mecha costs ten thousand Spirit Stones. It's better to use the one I already have. That way I could increase my power and maybe have a chance to enter the Capital."

"That way I will have more opportunities to get my hands on a Cultivation Technique and maybe I will be able to earn Ten Thousand Spirit Coins." He started absorbing the spirit stone with full power.

After absorbing both of them a cracking sound sounded in his body. His every joint and muscle contracted and relaxed in a rhythmic motion and power surged in his body.

"Body Master Level Three only in two hours! Rich People do have it easy in their life." He sighed and stood up.

The matter of his Monkey Arms and the Salamander already flushed in a corner of his mind. Opening the wooden door he started moving towards Nelson's house.

"He should be back from the Village Ground by now." It was already evening at this time. And dinner could be ready at any time he wanted to first meet Nelson and make sure that he don't go in the forest. Or his life could be threatened by that Insanely strong monster.

"Hey, dude! You missed some really good things. Come let me tell you all." Nelson said with a smile on his face. He was just outside his house when Ambrose met him.

"You just arrived here?" Nelson said as he came near him.

"Yes, the Hurricane Mammoth just returned. You know they accidentally released a Saint Master Realm Beast in the jungle. Later they called it back and instead released another Blaze Jinx. Now there are two of those in the jungle."

Nelson explained with a proud expression. "That Golden Salamander we saw was a Saint Master. It would have killed us all if they haven't called it back."

"Accidentally..." Ambrose said with a low voice. 'How can someone release a Saint Master Accidentally?' He thought about it for few seconds however no reason came to his mind. In the end, he gave up and sighed.

'At least they called it back just at the right time.' He thought and looked at Nelson.

"I did miss something big." He said with a smile.

"This is nothing dude. Let me tell you the real news." Nelson looked around and then came near Ambrose's ears. "Celia fainted again when she tried to tame the Magma Dragon. Only after three tries did she managed to tame one."


"Both the Village Chief and her were very angry at the results," Nelson whispered.

Ambrose smiled at his words. She and Village Chief deserved this for leaching on the Villagers for so many years.

"What about the rest of Rich Guys?" Ambrose asked.

"Only Lane was able to tame a Magama Dragon. Rest of them settled down with Inferno Horses." Nelson said with a smile. He was very happy with the results. Finally, the Rich Guys got what they deserved.

"What happened to the Remaining Molten Beetle?"

Nelson shook his head. "No one was able to tame it. Everybody failed. And yes I have to tell you something. Since now most of the Rich Guys have beasts worst than our Molten Beetle. It would be wise for us to stay away from them. Or a fight could break between them and us."

Ambrose nodded at his words and then smiled. "You know I went into the jungle to test my Molten Beetle. And guess what happened?"

"What?" Nelson asked with a curious expression.

"Well, I hunted a Silver Wild Boar. You should have dinner at our house." Ambrose said.

"Silver Wild Boar?! Dude, aren't you getting suspiciously lucky these days? First at the Beast Taming Event and now this. Tell me the secret. Did you sell your soul to the Devil?" Nelson teased him.

"Maybe," Ambrose said sarcastically.

Nelson chuckled at his words. "Thanks for the Invite. However, my mom is also cooking meat tonight. So I wouldn't be able to come. You go and enjoy alone. Ok Bye. And yes don't forget to meet me tomorrow morning we will go train together." He said and then moved into his house.

Ambrose also smiled at him back and then returned to his house. His Beetle sleeping on his collar.

"Thanks for the Dinner Mom." He said and munched down on the meat and rice in front of him.

A warm and juicy feeling slid down from his mouth and reached his stomach forming a satisfied smile on his face.

The Beetle also munched on the juicy meat in his small bowl. It flapped its wings in excitement after finishing the meal.

Both Ambrose and Thalia smiled at the cute Beetle.

Next day Ambrose came out of his house and spotted Nelson waiting there for him. "Come on man! Even girls don't take this much time. I have been waiting for the past fifteen minutes."

Ambrose smiled at his words. "How do you know so much about girls?"

Nelson just punched him in the chest lightly and ignored his question. "You have to teach me your ways dude. I want to catch some amazing beast too." He said with determination in his eyes.

"Well, I was just lucky. However, we will see what we can do. Let's go there first." Ambrose said and then both of them moved towards the jungle.

Two Beetles were also sitting on both of their shoulders.

"Boys be careful." On the way, Nelson's father said as he was just outside doing some farm stuff.

Both Nelson and Ambrose nodded at him and moved ahead.


"I am excited." Nelson looked at the tall Elephant trees in front of him and balled his fist.

"Let's go" As Ambrose has hunted two times before he was not as nervous as Nelson. It was the first time for Nelson to go alone for hunting in the woods.

Both of them quietly entered the jungle with their Beetles on their shoulders looking around for them.

"Let's try by first giving them simple commands." Nelson stopped after going little deep in the jungle. He didn't wanna take too much risk on their first day.

Ambrose nodded at him and stopped too.

"Rumi, fly out and scout the area," Nelson said to the Beetle on his shoulder. However, nothing happened. The Beetle looked at him like he was staring at a wall.

"Rumi? You already named it?"

Nelson sighed at him. He thought Ambrose would say something about how the Beetle didn't listen to his orders. However, he seems to not care about it.

It was like Ambrose already knew that Nelson was going to fail.

"Yes. His name is Rumi. And what about that little guy on your shoulder?"

Ambrose looked at the Beetle on his shoulder. He always called him Little Guy or Boy like he was his friend.

He didn't really wanna give it a name. "You can call it whatever you want. His name is Molten Beetle."

Nelson almost fell on the floor listening to his words.

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