《Mecha In Cultivation World》23- Golden Salamander


The Size of the ring increase and easily fit around Beetle's neck. Every six of its legs got covered by metallic armour and a small gun popped up on it's back.

The Mosiac Gelly like eyes also got covered with the red glass of Mecha.

"The suit adjusted to its size." Ambrose thought that the Suit would be too large for the Beetle. However, to his surprise, the Mecha Suit Adjusted to the Beetle's size it even formed two antennas over its head.

The Beetle Flapped it's metallic Wings and started levitating on Ambrose's shoulder.


It suddenly flew away with amazing speed. It was as fast as a level nine Body Master.

The small metallic Beetle looked magnificent flying around with a small sniper on it's back. The red coloured eyes flashed around like a laser light.

As it was only the day time, it was not that magnificent. Ambrose was sure that at night time it will look even more magnificent. However, the Beetle can also reduce the light coming from its eyes as the snipe suit is a stealth suit too.

"Let's go." Ambrose placed the Monkey Arms ring on his finger and flicked his hand a little. Feeling the coolness of the metallic ring.

His whole body started to get covered by the yellow colour metallic armour. With four arms and two legs.

The bottom two hands got out of his back was fifty per cent larger than his normal hands. He could easily touch the ground while standing straight by the lower hands.

Even his normal hands were larger than the hands of snipe suit. And unlike snipe suit, his limbs have five digits instead of three.

He looked like a four-armed mechanical monkey. He also felt a weird connection to his backside. "A tail!" Although he knew that he would get a tail with the Monkey Arms Mecha however still the feeling he got was something he was not ready for.

His tail felt like his seventh limb. And even more flexible than all of them. He could tell that both his power and Balance has increased to a new height. Especially his Balance and Agility.

The mechanical Beetle came again and sat on his shoulder. It buzzed its wings in excitement. "So you feel the excitement huh? Let's go and kill some beasts." Ambrose said and jumped from the place leaving many cracks on the land.


"Woohoo...!" He jumped far up then he expected. Even higher than the highest tree in the jungle. He felt like he could touch the moon.

The Molten Beetle was also excited. It flew around Ambrose up and round. Ambrose could feel that this mecha was heavier than the snipe suit. However far more flexible and easy to control.

He fell. His hands moving like an expert ape moving around the trees like an expert. After some time of travelling, he landed in front of a tree.

He moved towards it and dug the dirt around it revealing a cloth bag. "Hope it is not rotten yet." He thought and opened the bag. It was the Alligator heart and the Core.

He left it here so his mom doesn't spot the blood that could have spilt on him accidentally.

Threw the Alligator Heart Towards the Beetle and then cleaned the core by a cloth and placed in the bag that he brought with him.

The Beetle let the Heart Fall and then jumped on it Removing its armour. It started devouring the heart with excitement.

Just when the Molten Beetle was about to munch the last piece of heart. Ambrose suddenly grabbed it and jumped afar.

Suddenly a crackling sound came from the spot where the Molten Beetle was standing just now. And then a huge fire started there.


The Golden Colour Lizard standing on the tree in front of both of them hissed.

"This is that Golden Salamander," Ambrose said as he looked at the Beast that has just tried to attack his Molten Beetle.

He then looked at the Fire and gulped his saliva. That Fire reached almost to the top of the Elephant trees. "This was supposed to be a Martial Level Beast! Why it seems stronger than me?"

The Molten Beetle in his hand also saw the Golden Salamander and covered his body with the snipe suit quickly. It flew up and hid in one of the small gaps of the metallic arms of Ambrose. It was scared of the Salamander.

"This can't be a Martial Master beast. It is at least Spirit Master!" Ambrose thought and his tail hit the ground with full force.

"Woosh!" He jumped as high as he could to escape from that monster.

"What was that meathead planning when he released this monster in the jungle! Anyone will die if they come near this Beast." He thought and then moved even faster.


However, he suddenly stopped in his tracks and landed on the ground. He looked in front of him while gritting his teeth. "This guy! What does it want from me?!" The Golden Salamander was sitting on a tree in front of him. Fire burning on its back.

It looked like it was smiling at Ambrose. "I have to escape!" He thought and was about to run away. However just before he could do anything the Salamander's eyes shined and it jumped towards him.

" Oh, Shit!" Ambrose cursed and then turned around to dodge. However, before he could do anything he realised that one of his lower arms was already broken off.

He stood at his place like a still statue. "This guy is too powerful! Will I die here?" He thought and then looked at the yellow fallen arm on the ground. It has melted from the place it was broken.

Suddenly loud mechanic sounds started to buzz in his mind.

[Host had taken damage to his armour. To heal it host has to keep it in the inventory for twenty-four hours.]

[If the host doesn't want the armour anymore he could even self destruct it. It would not cause any damage to the host.] The mechanic voice resounded in his mind.

"Self-destruct? No damage to the host." Suddenly an Idea came in Ambrose's head as he took out the Beetle from his armour and looked at it.

"Dude you have to do this for me. Or both out us will die here today." He said to the Beetle and then looked around him to spot the Salamander. However, it was already gone.

Ambrose waited for a bit more and then moved around to see if it was gone really.

After searching around for fifteen minutes he found nothing and then he let out a sigh of relief.

"Why did it disappeared?" He thought and then looked at his Beetle. "Nevermind." He said and then placed it on his shoulder.


"Here it comes." Suddenly the Golden Salamander entered the redwood cabinet in which both Zoe and Princess Lena was present.

"Why did you made me call it back?" Zoe asked as he placed the Salamander in a little cage.

"Uncle Zoe. How could you be such a bully? You released this salamander in the Woods because you thought that this trip was a waste of time. Now look we have got these amazing mushrooms filled to the Brim with both Ice and Fire Mana."

"You should learn to cut some slack," Lena said as she admired the Mushrooms in her hands. "They are made up of Pure Yin and Yang Energy. Too bad that guy ate a part of Ice Mushroom." She said again.


After searching for more time to completely make sure that the Salamander was no longer there did Ambrose took off his Monkey Arms and placed it in the System Inventory to heal.

He then took off the Snipe Suit from the Beetle and whore it himself.

"How can those arrogant fools release such a powerful beast in such a poor Village? Did they wanna kill us all?!" Ambrose thought with anger flashing in his eyes as he jumped up on an Elephant tree and moved ahead.

"I have to return home and cool down for now." He killed a Silver Wild Boar and took it home for a meal.

He was still careful when he was moving towards his home looking around himself time and time again to see if the beast was still following him.

"What happened to you. Why are you sweating so much?" Thalia asked as she saw Ambrose entering the house with a big bag on his bag.

"It's nothing. Just this Silver Wild Boar was little heavy for me to carry." He smiled and placed the dead beast on the ground.

Thalia looked at the brown coloured Cloth bag on the ground and a shocked expression appeared on her face. She pointed at the bag. "Are you saying that you have caught a Silver Wild Boar the first time you got out hunting? This is almost unbelievable."

Ambrose bit his lower lip and realised what he has done in a frenzy. He was just too involved by the thoughts of Salamander that he killed a dangerous beast.

It was sleeping when this Little Guy Pierced its heart. Ambrose said as he looked at the Beetle on his back.

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