《I was Bored So I Became The Antagonist In a VR Game》Chapter 10 Giving a garden a name


Back in the game and after a long day of math, I meet up with Dr. Locknile. “ I must say Doctor those worms really surprised me when I heard about them. Where did you find them?”

The doctor pushed up his cracked glasses. “Thank you my lord, I found them when we was digging down inside the mountain...they were beautiful, the way they swallowed those workers. I knew then that they would make a great asset to you, if I may be so bold to say.” The doctor said groveling at my feet.

I discussed some more matters with Dr. Locknile before he wiggled back to his lab. He told me the cloning technology has reached its final stage. This was good news for the future, I couldn’t just keep spending money to buy NPC’s and slaves. And they ones that die don’t get to come back. So this is a shortcut I am happy to have come across.

Beside me was Zed as usual, giving off that I can kill you with anything type feel. I smiled and asked him what was on my schedule for today.

“My lord, today you will have to choose a name for this conquered planet. After that you have a meeting commander song.”

Now that Zed mentioned it, I have not officially claimed to have discovered this planet yet. I just ignored the system pop up asking if I wish to do so. At the time it wasn’t a good idea, I still needed to be on the low. Now that I made my move it shouldn’t be a problem. I guess I will be in the news once more. “Zed order a assembly of everyone, for those who can not make it we shall make a live broadcast on our network.”

“Yes sir my lord.” And Zed quickly walked away. After about a hour I was in the assembly hall. The room was packed and chatter could be heard all around, all the important figures of New Order was present as expected. I walked out on stage to the podium as crisp salute sounded throughout the room from everyone hands hitting their chest. The hall became silent. In the room and on the ship monitors above the atmosphere, where crews gathered to watch the broadcast. I stood behind the podium with a eye engraved at the front.


I started to speak. “My children...we have lost many of our brothers and sisters these past couple of days, young and old. But they died because they believed in me. They died serving me...I can not help but respect them. You all know our goal. To bring everyone to their knees, to bring New Order upon this world! To Bring my wrath upon those who sought to hurt me...my loyal followers, my slaves of revenge. YOU are the tools I need for my revenge, you create the path I will walk upon. So serve me, your very existence is to serve me. Believe in me, and you shall die with no regrets. All of you have worked hard in building our new home. Blood, and more blood has built this place into what it Is today. the seed has been planted here...and we shall grow into thorns, that will cover everything. But for us to grown, this garden needs a name.” A window popped up in front of me

>Congratulations player! You are the first to discover a planet in the far reaches of space, Boundless and uncontrolled. Would you like to name this planet?<

I said to myself yes.

>please say the name you wish to name this planet.<

“From this day forth, this planet...your home...my seed. Shall be called Alpha! For this is the beginning! And it shall see no end!”

>Planet has been named “ALPHA” would you like your name to be known for the discovery?<


>SYSTEM MESSAGE<> Congratulations to player ????? For being the first to discover a planet outside controlled space. Planet has been named “ALPHA”. Please check your star map for an update.<

>SYSTEM MESSAGE <> Congratulations to “New Order” for being the first organization to claim land on a new discovered planet.<

They gaming community went crazy! No one has discovered a planet in uncontrolled space since the game came out. Now some mysterious player has, and not only that. This player belongs to the mysterious group who has been causing waves recently.

As the system message finished I turned back towards the crowd. “Today is the start of a nightmare, soon people will try to come and hurt us, but we a prepared for them.” I gave a nod to Locknile who in turn pushed some buttons on a computer. Behind me showed a live display of the planet. When the crews on the ships above the planet saw this they rushed to the windows. At the deepest part of the base, almost near the planet core. You could see the crystal from the palace hovering in the air surrounded by machines. It started to glow and rotate making a low high pitch hum. A beam shot through a hole at the top of the mountain, the beam broke through the atmosphere and entered another hole built into the planetary defense system. The planetary defense system or PDS, was two rings around the plant. The rings gave off a purple electric charge as it started to form a pulsating shield over the planet. The ship crew looked on In amazement.


Back in the assembly hall everyone looked at the screen with the same eyes of amazement. Some people wept and others prayed. They yelled father and started to chant as I walked off the stage. That small crystal not only powered the shield but all the weapons on the PDS, the base, and defenses. But it could do much more than this, I just need more time. All that was left was a meeting with commander Song.

I meet song at the barracks, he was standing in front a platoon of troops. He saw me land and headed over with his aids. We shook hands and greeted each other as we walked over to inspect the troops. Standing tall in their black full body suits, they looked impressive. They would die for the objective and only had loyalty to me. After a small tournament between teams and their captains. Which was fighting to the last man. Song and I meet In His office to discuss further matters. I still remember when I first bought Song from the games store. Father was mad and wouldn’t let me eat nothing but cheese and crackers. I still shiver at the sight of cheese. “So song what did you want to meet about?” I said curiously.

Song sighed, he opened his desk drawer and pulled out a stack of photos. I reached a grabbed them. It showed one of or soldiers. Casual looking guy, black hair. Young, maybe 24 years old. I looked at Song. “What about this man?”

“My lord...this Soldier name is Tragsten. He was part of the special ops forces until he died during the Atlantis mission.”

I remember the Atlantis mission, it was back on Jara when I was first starting out. Atlantis was a city state that was ahead in magical research and could be on equal footing with HomeWorld technology wise. They produced a special kind of metal that I needed for my ships. The metal could withstand long distance warping. It is how I am able to warp from Alpha to HomeWorld without having to stop. If you tried to warp long distances, the metal in normally made ships would twist and compress inside the warp tunnel, killing you and all aboard. That is why players would normally warp 4 to 7 times to reach a long distance location. You don’t want to be in the warp tunnel to long, but the Atlantis metal changed that.

They discovered a formula that if mixed with metal could make it very capable of long distance warp. The mission was for 6 teams of special forces to storm the research center and kill the head scientist who created the formula and destroy all records and staff who knew anything about the research. Everything went accordingly until one of the teams got discovered by a player who worked at the research center. We got everything done, but some sacrifices had to be made. “So what about this soldier then, I don’t understand?”

Song reached back into his drawer and pulled out some more pictures. It was the same soldier but this time instead of his uniform, he had on regular looking clothes riding in a carriage. It was being escorted by Gracious military.

“This was taken while you was florium...it seems he has defected to the enemy my lord…past reports show that gracious has been aware of us, and we Believe he is the reason why.”

>SYSTEM MESSAGE Maintenance notice, the game will shut down in 20 minutes. <

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