《In the Naruto world (1)》Chapter 20 The new S-class ranked jutsu
At this rate I should meet up with Luna and Kat faster than I thought.
In the anime, the reason why it took Naruto and his team to find each other for so long is because they didn’t have the advantaged like we do.
When Kat entered the forest she wasted no time to head to our direction, I hope they don’t face anything on their way. I believe that Luna and Kat are able to take on most of the Genins, but people like Gaara or Orochimaru, the girls don’t stand a chance against them.
“Chris!” (Luna) yelled to me
I can see Luna in plain view, we were only gone for 5 minutes but I still missed her. How did I go through the whole week without her...
I ran up to her and hugged her tightly again, she was very happy to see me and I was happy to see her too. I then shook my head and pulled her away from my embrace.
“We need to find Kat fast.” (Chris) I didn’t want to split up from Luna but Kat’s safety is very important right now.
“Hm! You’re right.” (Luna) agreed whole heartedly.
We then both set out to Kat’s location. According to my estimate, we should probably arrive in 7 minutes or less.
4 minutes later
Surprisingly we didn’t encounter any monsters or other ninjas in the forest. Other than the two ninjas I met eariler, that’s the only obsatcle I met in the forest. Too bad and I really wanted Luna to fight a battle to the death, this way her training will drastically improve.
Not good!
I felt something headed towards my direction and Luna’s. It was coming really fast but I managed to block it with my sword.
The objects that I blocked were Kunais. I look up to see a creepy women staring at us.
“What do we have here. The Uchiha girl and a little brat.” (Orochimaru)
It was goddam Orochimaru, he is the one who I didn’t want to encounter. Why is my luck so bad.
(You just had to jynx it, didn’t you Chris)
“Who are you” (Luna) said a bit afraid but kept a strong act in front of the enemy.
Orochimaru was in his female form, he doesn’t want to reveal his true form yet so he doesn’t attract trouble like the Hokage or the other sages.
“Why dear, i’m here to meet you of course. Come with me” (Orochimaru) strecthed out his hand towards Luna
Why would he go for Luna, wasn’t Sasuke his primary target. I used mind read on Orochimaru, to see what he’s up to.
‘Luna Uchiha is Sasuke’s and Itachi’s sister, she will become a great lab rat for me to experiment. And I must also take care of the other brat, it’s because of him that Sasuke doesn’t hold as much rage for his brother as before.
If this brat and his sister are able to convince Sasuke to change his ways, then it will be harder for me to convince him to follow me. Even if I were to give Sasuke a curse mark, he would probably rather die than to hurt his sister.
After I take care of these two then it’s Sasuke’s turn.’ Orochimaru thought
Ah! So that’s what he wants. In the anime Sasuke’s rage for Itachi is the sole reason he joined Orochimaru and betrayed the leaf village. And because of Luna and me (especially Luna) Sasuke’s anger has almost disappeared.
And if he forgives his brother, then Orochimaru will need to work extra hard to convince Sasuke to join him.
I stood between Luna and Orochimaru, preventing anything bad happening to her.
“If you wanna get to Luna then you’re gonna have to go through me first” (Chris)
Orochimaru smirked at my comment, he then said “Why I would gladly take you on that offer” (Orochimaru)
“MANY HIDDEN SHADOW SNAKE HANDS TECHNIQUE” (Orochimaru) wasn’t gonna waste anytime on us and used a powerful snake technique.
I saw a bunch of white snakes come out of Orochimaru’s hands and were headed for our way. I read Orochimaru’s mind and I was able to deflect this technique by decapitating all of their heads.
“Oh my! You’re a genin but you’re mastery of Kenjutsu is very high, even the average Jonin would have problems facing my snakes. But you just proved me wrong brat.” (Orochimaru) said clearly amused.
He hasn’t found an interesting subject in weeks. And seeing as how I was able to deal with his technique, he thought I was worth experimenting on as well.
“Useless snakes like that won’t even scathe me.” (Chris)
I said that to stall time, it’s only a matter of time before Anko or another leaf village ninja to notice Orochimaru. There are several hidden cameras placed in this forest, so someone has to have seen Orochimaru. If I can hold on while they come, then we’re saved.
“Hm! Cocky kid, most kids your age would be trembling in fear. But here you are, standing up to me. It’s not every day I get to see a fearless kid like yourself. How would you like to join me.” (Orochimaru)
“No thank you, I would rather be a free man than a sex slave” (chris)
“I knew you would say that, pity. I thought I could make you stronger but you’re a fool if you don’t grasp the chance.” (Orochimaru)
“There are other ways to get stronger than to join you.” (Chris)
“I guess, but as much as I enjoy talking to you and waste my time. I literally have a million things better to do right now. TEMPORARY PARALYSIS TECHNIQUE!” (Orochimaru)
After he made that jutsu my whole body was paralyzed, that jutsu Orochimaru used right now wasn’t a Genjutsu. At first I thought it was a Genjutsu not a Ninjutsu. Remember that i'm immune to Genjutsu's not Ninjutsu's
Damnit! With my body paralyzed how am I suppose to protect Luna.
“Chris!” (Luna) starts to shake me. She has been paralyzed from fear after seeing the evil eyes in Orochimaru. And when I was paralyzed she snapped out of her fear and came to my help.
Orochimaru made his way towards Luna.
“Come here little girl, there’s no reason to be afraid.” (Orochimaru) said, but Luna didn’t say anything and used an attack.
“FIRE STYLE: FIRE BULLET JUTSU” (Luna) said as she threw a bunch of small fireballs on Orochimaru’s direction.
“Hmph! Weak.” (Orochimaru) just simply waved off the attack with his right hand like it was nothing. He was about to finish this worthless fight with his next move, but how could I let him.
FREEZE TIME! My body was supposed to be paralyzed. But my healing Kekkai Genkai automatically uses it’s healing effects on me, and it was able to neutralize the paralysis. I didn’t know that it had this kind of automatic effect, but thank god it did because of this I was able to move again.
When I froze time, I created my sword and slashed down Orochimaru in little pieces, his skin was tough as steel. But thanks to my strength, and also because I infused my chakra on my sword. Orochimaru was sliced into a million little pieces.
My time freezing ability was up, everything was once moving again and Orochimaru’s pieces was there on the cold hard ground.
I turned to Luna and said “Let’s get out of he-” (Chris) just before I was able to say something else, I felt something sharp pierced my stomach.
“CHRIS! NOO!” (Luna) screamed for me, the fear in her eyes could be seen. She even covered her mouth with her hands.
I couldn’t feel pain, but I saw something long like a spear come in my back and out my stomach. I turned around to see the culprit and to my shock, it was Orochimaru. How was he still alive. He used a long sword to pierce my stomach and then retracted it.
“My you have an interesting ability, good thing that was only a snake clone otherwise I really would have ended up as the poor snake.” (Orochimaru)
Dammit, it was a snake clone this whole time. I really underestimated Orochimaru.
“Although you have indeed amused me, it is now your time to die.” (Orochimaru)
He saw me as a strong threat, even though I was still a kid I posess a strong ability that could even make Orochimaru fear before it.
Just before he was about to kill me. I heard a loud voice.
“WOOD STYLE: GREAT SPEAR TREE” (???) then a bunch of roots sprung from the ground and reached for Orochimaru.
However, Orochimaru was quick to react and dodged the incoming attack.
Someone just used a wood style, was it Yamato. I turned to see and it was a small humanoid figure with a creepy yet cool wood mask. And even his/her entire body was covered in wooden armour.
Who is this person.
“Oh ho ho, now this is really interesting. First the brat with the weird powers, and now another brat with the wood release Kekkai Genkai. This trip was worth more than I expected” (Orochimaru) said
Who could it be, appraise!
Name: Kat Nim Senju Age: 18 Kenjutsu: D ranked Genjutsu: D ranked Ninjutsu: A ranked Fuinjutsu: C ranked Health: cursed Kekkai Genkai: A ranked N/A Taijutsu: B ranked Kekkai genkai: Wood style Curse name: Natures curse
Holy balls, it’s Kat. And she's part of the Senju clan as well. Now that I think about it I can sense that she has the tracking seal that I put on her earlier. But most importantly how is she able to use the wood style techniques, only Yamato and Senju Hashirama were the only ones who were able to use the wood jutsu. And what does it mean by nature’s curse, i’ll look into that later.
(Not gonna question over the fact that she's 18 years old)
“Leave Orochimaru, before I make you.” (Kat) said feircely.
Thank god her face and body was covered in a wood armour, otherwise she would be next on Orochimaru’s lab rat experiment. Kat’s voce sounds really deep, kinda like batman. And I can sense her chakra but it’s different from Kat’s usual chakra. Is she also able to mask her chakra completely.
But how did she know that the women was actually Orochimaru.
“So this other brat knows about me. I’m gonna have a really good time experimenting on your body and extract the wood release Kekkai Genkai you hold inside you.” (Orochimaru)
How could he pass on an opportunity like this. There has been only one person to have used the wood style and that was Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage and the one who created the leave village.
(Yamato doesn’t count since he got his wood powers from an experiment. Meaning that Yamato wasn’t born with that ability.)
If he is able to get his hands on Kat's powers. Then Orochimaru's power will rise to the top.
Kat didn’t respond and we couldn’t see her expression thanks to the mask she is wearing.
“WOOD STLE: WOOD DRAGON JUTSU” (Kat) said and a giant wooden dragon appeared and charged straight to Orochimaru.
The wood dragon is really fast, and even Orochimaru was barely able to dodge the attack. How is Kat able to wield such a strong jutsu, but it was too good to be true as I sensed Kat’s chakra depleting at a fast rate.
Kat turns to us and yelled “Get out of here, I can hold him off while you two make a quick run for it!” (Kat)
She was ready to sacrifice herself for us. As if I’ll let that happen.
The deep wound that Orochimaru made in my stomach was healed instantly by me. I made a shadow clone to protect Luna as I made my way towards Kat’s direction.
“What are you doing here, I told you to go away. Protect your girlfriend!” (Kat) said, she was shocked that I was still here.
I ignored what she said, I grabbed her right shoulder and I gave her my chakra. I felt that her whole chakra pool was recovering.
Kat was shocked to see what I did, but she continued to attack Orochimaru. Now that she doesn’t need to worry about her chakra depletion, she can go all out.
“What a nuisance” (Orochimaru) continued “FIRE STYLE: FIRE BALL JUTSU” (Orochimaru) aimed for us, I expected this attack and used a water jutsu on it
“WATER STYLE: WATER DRAGON JUTSU” (Chris) since I have an elemental affinity for water it’s only natural for me to learn water jutsus.
I got most of my techniques from the poor old Hokage, he doesn’t stand a chance when I plead him with puppy eyes and use my other MAX skills on him.
The water dragon that I released made it’s way to the fire ball, and it destroyed the fire ball and the water dragon was making it’s way towards Orochimaru.
Water is strong against fire, so it’s only natural for my attack to easily dispel his fireball attack.
Then the wood and water dragon made their way towards Orochimaru and landed an attack on him. But Orochimaru’s body went *poof* and it was replaced by a log.
Substituation jutsu, I always hated that move. It’s so annoying.
*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
Luna and me turn around to see where two source of the clapping was coming from, it was Orochimaru standing on top top of a tree.
“You two are really something you know. Especially you Chris, I didn’t think that you’re able to use a water dragon jutsu and gave the wooden masked brat your chakra. Not only that but I can see that you’re not tired at all. If you ask me, your chakra pool is probably compared to the tailed beasts, if not more.” (Orochimaru)
Shit! He was able to see that.
Luna was fine, she was standing behind me. My shadow clone was quick to react and brought her here to me. She was frightened but she felt secure around us.
Kat was fine but I could feel so much rage coming out of her. I know her attack didn’t work and that Orochimaru is a huge asshole but that’s not really a good reason to have so much anger for someone you just met.
I took off my clothes and my whole chest was exposed. I am not gonna be like Gray Fullbuster from Fairy tail, and just take off my shirt where ever I go.
I only took off my shirt because it was weighing me down. I felt really light and I was ready to take on Orochimaru.
“The three of you have no chance against me, so just yield and end this pointless fight.” (Orochimaru)
Looks like he was getting impatient, just where the hell if the support when you need them. I re-summoned my shadow clones to see if they found anything or anyone.
Oh no! The shadow clones that I send earlier managed to find Naruto’s team. The team felt a huge chakra explosion happen and are on their way here as we speak.
My shadow clone tried to stop him, but I accidentally summoned him back just when I was gonna check there results. That’s a huge mistake on my part, if they come then they will have to fight Orochimaru as well.
I was about to strike but Kat was one step ahead of me, she used the wood dragon one more time. And it was headed for Orochimaru’s direction.
Orochimaru smirked and said “you honestly think the same trick would work on me” (Orochimaru) said and took out a sword, he then slashed the huge dragon tearing it into two.
It was the Kusanagi sword, so that’s how he was able to land a huge whole on my stomach. The Kusanagi sword has the ability to extend and retract and also levitate.
It’s a very strong sword if you ask me. But, it’s not like he’s the only one here who has a strong sword.
(Epic foreshadowing)
“Die” (Orochimaru) said and pointed the tip of the sword towards Kat. The sword then extended at a fast rate towards Kat, but I pushed Kat out of the way before it was able to harm her.
It looked like Orochimaru expected this and threw shuriken at us, and he also used a jutsu.
Then at least a good 50 shurikens headed our way. I used an air style techniqueto counter it.
A huge gust of wind came out of my body and it stopped the shurikens from reaching us. I didn’t learn this jutsu from a scroll, since I mastered the air element than making a small gust of wind like this is very easy for me.
“Annoying!” (Orochimaru) was getting really irritated seeing how all his attacks were being blocked by me. He never expected me to know how to counter his techniques.
Then he made a bright idea to kidnap the helpless Luna and use her as a hostage. Orochimaru secretly used another snake clone to capture the helpless Luna.
I knew of his plan thanks to my mind reading ability. I saw that a snake sprung up behind Luna and was about to capture her.
FREEZE TIME! I froze time once again and headed for the snake clone. I cut him in pieces with my sword and that was it.
I unfroze time again. “How about that” (Chris)
“Nothing much” (Orochimaru) I read his mind and shit, damn he got me. Before I had the chance to react he said
A bunch of snakes came out of his body, it was a gross sight. But this is a jutsu that I didn’t want to fight.
This snake formation summons a bunch of snake the snakes can bite the enemy with their poison fangs and open their mouths to extend Kusanagi-like blades, making them even more deadly. Furthermore, when the inexhaustibly crawling snakes gather together, they become a defensive wall, and can block any kind of attack.
Then the pile of snakes made their way here. They opened up their mouths and a bunch of Kusanagi blades were aimed at us.
If I don’t do something, then we will die.
The whole army of snakes launched their weapons at us, I was able to quickly get ahold of Luna and Kat and I managed to dodge every single attack.
I used a super speed sealing technique on me to make me faster. I could haved used this against Orochimaru but he is even more dangerous on close combat. God knows what other snake jutsus he has up on his sleeve.
(Literally, since snakes come out of his sleeve) get it
I had no choice but to flee. We are not strong enough to face Orochimaru, I could use my peaceful cannon on Orochimaru but I might also hurt other people like Naruto or my teamnates.
I pulled Luna and Kat on top of my shoulders, they were pretty light so they did not weigh me down much.
They weren’t embarrased being carried like this, we were way too focused on running from Orochimaru that they didn’t even think of the position they were in. I didn’t sense any fear in Kat, all I could feel was pure rage from her. She tried to get out from my grasp, but I wouldn’t let her.
“You’re pretty fast when you’re running, but not fast enough. SUMMONING JUTSU” (Orochimaru) then called out for a huge snake. The snake seemed to know what to do as soon as it was summoned.
So without a thought, the huge snake followed me at an incredible speed, with Orochimaru on top of it’s head. But he made one mistake, thanks to my MAX skill in taijutsu and huge chakra pool, the snake isn’t able to catch up to me.
And also, the snake is very huge, so it can’t avoid the huge trees that were in his way. This slowed down his movement speed. And it’s also thanks to my speed seal that we were running away from that huge snake.
I thought I had this in the bag, but who knew that I gave the huge snake too little credit. Instead of chasing us on ground, it dug itself UNDERGROUND and it was actually gaining on us. HOW!
Last I checked, snakes aren’t part drills. What kind of snake digs himself underground and increases his speed by a huge margin.
I won’t fight it, I have Luna on one hand and Kat on the other. If I let Luna go then she’ll be swallowed by the huge snake because of her lack of speed.
If I were to let Kat go, she’ll probably want to face Orochimaru when she has the chance. Either way I have no choice but to hold onto them both and run like hell.
If only I could make shadow clones then this would be easier. But with both my hands occupied. It's gonna be harder than I thought
The huge snake decided to jump out of the ground and tried to swallow us, I used the air walking jutsu to walk up to the sky. I am still unable to use this technique, since I haven’t mastered it yet.
And if I were to use it, there is a huge chance that I might lose my balance and fall to the ground. If the happens, then the snake will gobble us alive.
When I jumped up high into the air, the snake barely managed to eat us. Luna and Kat were surprised by what they saw. They decided not to ask and still let me carry them.
“Why don’t you make shadow clone jutsus.” (Kat) asked
“Can’t you see that my hands are occupied, if I let one of you go then one of you will die in the process.” (Chris)
Damn! If only I could grow more hands, than that would be more easie-....
Wait a minute, I CAN GROW MORE ARMS I just remembered that I have a Kekkai Genkai that let’s me manipulate my body, I can even grow more limbs if I wanted to.
I’m so stupid, but then again I was in no position to think about growing limbs. So I grew two more arms and summoned another 5000 shadow clones.
Everyone including Orochimaru was beyond shocked to see that I could grow more limbs. Too be honest, it didn’t feel so bad, it feels like I practically grew up with these extra pair of arms my whole life.
So with the help of 5000 shadow clones, they all charged directly towards the huge snake and Orochimaru. I know that they aren’t strong enough to take him on, but I had a plan that I came up with.
“What a nuisance.” (Orochimaru) smirked, then a bunch of other small snakes opened up there mouths and shot their Kusanagi swords towards my clones.
Atleast a few hundred of my clones were wiped out in an instant. But that was okay, I needed them to stall Orochimaru. The remaining clones then shot a barrage of water, fire, and wind jutsus towarda Orochimaru and his huge snake.
As they were doing that I laid down Kat and Luna on a tree. Kat was really angry and wanted to go straight to the battlefield. I held her down and told her to calm down, why was she so angry towards Orochimaru.
She wouldn't listen and got back up, I didn’t have time to fight her, so I used a bit of my strength and hit her in the back of her neck. She fainted and I held her small figure, I told the frightened Luna to calm down as well and guard Kat.
She nodded obediently and then I made my way towards Orochimaru. As soon as I got there, onlya few hundred of the 5000 shadow clones were left.
“Give it up brat, there is nothing you can do to stop me.” (Orochimari)
“Maybe, but who said I was gonna stop you.” (Chris) I said as I stood a couple of trees away from Orochimaru.
I had a move on me that I always wanted to try out, I practiced this move a couple days ago. But I never used it because I never had a strong opponent to use it against, until now.
I put my hands together like I had an invisible ball, and put them beside my right hip. I concentrated a lot of chakra into my hands and then I yelled out.
“RASEN-KAMEEEE!!!!!” (Chris) I yelled at the top of my lungs.
“Useless, nothing can stop me and my wall of snakes.” (Orochimaru) said as a bunch of snakes formed up a wall in front of Orochimaru.
“HAMEEEEEEE!!!!!” (Chris) I yelled as more chakra was storing up in my hands.
“I will show you, just how weak you truly are against a sage like me.” (Orochimaru)
“HAAAAAAAA” (Chris) then a huge ray of energy made it’s way to Orochimaru.
This move is my own move, I used the Kamehameha move from DBZ and combined it with the rasengan.
The difference between this Kamehameha and the original Kamehameha, is that this Kamehameha spins around like the rasengan. Making it more powerful and dangerous to my enemies.
I could tell you that this is easily an S-ranked jutsu. Althought it is not as powerful as peaceful cannon, but it isn’t that far off either. This move is perfect for this situation.
And I should mention one thing, what I used just now cannot be used by anybody else. Because it can easily drain a person’s chakra easily, I can use it thanks to my huge chakra pool. Not even the sharingan can copy it.
Ki and chakra are two very different things. I don’t know how to use ki, but I was able to mimick the Kamehameha and combine it with the rasengan. If I could find a way to master Ki then I would be able to fly, and use the Rasen-Kamehameha more easily.
Too bad i’m in the Narutoverse and not the dragonball verse.
And back on topic, the Rasen-Kamehameha that I used earlier was headed towards Orochimaru. With Orochimaru’s snakes blocking his view, he wasn’t able to see the powerful move that I used.
He thought that his snake barrier would easily block my attack, too bad he underestimated me and the huge barrier of snakes was engulfed in my move. Even Orochimaru and the huge snakes were gone.
I used up at least ½ of my chakra to use this move, I could’ve used less chakra but I needed to be sure that this move killed Orochimaru. I never felt so tired in my life, but personally, this is 100 times better than facing Itachi’s rinnegan, and the weird alien figure back in the land of waves.
Even though I was tired, I couldn’t feel Orochimaru’s chakra at all. Either he escaped so fast that I wasn't able to sense hom. or he is dead, either way we’ll know in the near future.
The huge blast that I created was going up towards the sky, I made sure that it wouldn't go to the forest since I could hurt other people. This is why I aimed it a bit higher to avoid casualties.
I made my way back towards Luna and Kat, Kat was still unconcious but Luna’s eyes were so wide opened. She was beyond shocked when she saw the rasen-kamehameha.
I put my hand on her shoulder, she flinched a bit, she didn’t see me at all, her mind was still replaying the scene of me owning Orochimaru’s ass.
She looked at me with her eyes, then she made her way to me and gave me a hug. She wasn’t afraid, she was mad at herself because she couldn’t do anything but watch as me and Kat were fighting Orochimaru.
She thought of the harsh week she practiced with Kakashi and Sasuke was all gone to waste. She thought she was prepared to fight, but she felt weak and had to watch by the sidelines.
“I’m sorry, I practiced so hard but I could only stand and watch.” (Luna) was silently crying, no tears were falling from her eyes. But I can still hear the sadness inside her
I caressed her back gently and reasurred her.
“It’s not your fault Luna, no one would have ever expect one of the 5 sages to appear here and attack us. There was nothing you could do.” (Chris)
“A Sage!” (Luna) she didn’t expect the snake person we fought was one of the 5 sages.
“Yes, it was a sage. So don’t be to hard on yourself, almost no Genin or even Jonin can stand up against Orochimaru. I was only able to beat him because of his cocky attitude and also because he underestimated me.” (Chris)
“Ow, what happened” (Kat) woke up and rubbed the place where I hit her. She looked at us and ran away at lightning speed.
I don’t know why she’s hiding from us but i’m gonna figure this out.
“Let’s go” (Chris) I carried Luna bridal style and ran towards Kat, Luna blushed a bit but she knew I was faster than her. So she rested her head on my bare chest and placed her arms between my neck, and just let me carry her.
It felt nice, but now it’s not the time to enjoy this. Kat is pretty fast, but not as fast as me. I still had my speed seal on me so I had no problem catching up to her.
She showed a bit of resistance by using her wood jutsu on us, I just simply dodged them or used my other pair of arms to cut down her wood jutsus.
Seeing as how she wasn’t giving up I summoned another 5 shadow clones to pin her down. Once she was pinned down, the shadow clones pinned her arms and legs. This scene looked like I was about to rape her.
“Let me go you bastard.” (Kat) tried to struggle but it was futile.
“I know it’s you Kat. I promise I won’t hurt you, just tell me why you’re running away from me.” (Chris)
Luna didn’t like to see her friend like this, but she trusted in my actions so she kinda ignored it. Luna told me mentally to go easy on her, I understood her message and nodded my head lightly.
“I am not Kat, so let me go or you will suffer the consequences.” (Kat) tried to fool me once I figured out her identity
“ ‘sigh’ Kat, don’t fool me. I know it’s you. Remember that i’m… we’re your friends, so there is no reason to be afraid of us.” (Chris)
“*Sob* *Sob* *Sniff* I don’t have any friends. *Sob* now let me go. *sniff* please.” (Kat)
Wow, first she threatens me, and now she’s acting like the victim, what a tsundere she is. But I like it.
I dispelled my shadow clones and Kat was now free, she didn’t move at all and just continued to lie there on the ground. So I took this chance to place Luna down from my arms and made my way towards the crying Kat.
I have to admit, being in this team is probably the best thing that has happened in my life. They are just so cute to be around.
I crouched down beside Kat, I gently took off her wooden mask. Indeed she was crying, but why. I didn’t use that much force.
“I’m sorry Kat, I shouldn’t have done that.” (Chris)
“No it’s my fault” (Kat) said as she wiped the tears from her face. “How did you know it was me under the mask.” (Kat)
She must be curious how I knew her identity, with that kind of armour, no one would be able to recognize her, not even her scent, chakra, etc.
“The tracking seal on your hand, it’s still there. That’s how I was able to tell.” (Chris) and I also knew from using the appraisal skill on her.
“Oh! Figures….. Are you gonna ask me how I am able to use the wood jutsu.” (Kat)
I am very curious about that as well, but if I were to force it out of her, then she will have a much harder time to trust us.
“I am indeed curious Kat, but if you don’t wanna talk about it, then we won’t pry into the subject any further.” (Chris)
“Really! But, you pinned me down, I thought you wanted to force it out of me.” (Kat)
“I pinned you down for two reasons, one, I wanted to know why you ran away like that. 2. If you were to go alone in this forest, the chances of you making it out alive are slim to none.” (Chris)
“I see, i’m sorry. I thought you were one of those people who were after my wood jutsu technique.” (Kat)
“What do you mean, one of those people?” (Chris)
“I will tell you, but, promise me, the both of you, that you won’t tell anyone.” (Kat)
“I promise.” (Chris) said
“Me too.” (Luna)
“Well, I am actually a member of the Senju clan. I was caught when I was 9 or 10 years old by Orochimaru, I was being tested to unlock the Senju cells inside me. And other 60 children including myself were being tested as well.
Even after all this time, we could never unlock our powers. That was until one night, that the Hokage caught wind of what was happenning, the Hokage barged into the secret lab. But Orochimaru was quick and burned everything to the ground.
I am actually 18 years of age not 13 like everyone thinks. Before the fire could kill me, I unlocked my powers and ran away. I didn’t want to return home because I heard Orochimaru that he was working with someone in the leaf village.
I knew that I returned I would be locked up and chained, and tested for my Kekkai Genkai. So after all this time I learned how to use my wood jutsu. I practiced hard for this very day. Only for Orochimaru to get killed by someone else.” (Kat)
“I’m sorry Kat, I didn’t know.” (Chris) so it turns out that there was someone else besides Yamato that survived in that incident. And Kat made the right decision by not going to the leaf village, If she did, then Danzo would do whatever it takes to get her to join the ROOT organization.
“It’s okay Chris, atleast I know that Orochimaru is dead.” (Kat)
“So what are you gonna do now, it’s too dangerous to stay here in the leaf village. If people find out about your abilities then it will bring you consequences.” (Chris)
I forgot to mention, but when Kat showed up and used here wood jutsu. I secretly used my move sets to destroy any hidden cameras in the forest. I knew I made the right choice in doing so, now Kat won’t have people persuing her for her powers.
“I don’t know, I only came here to live my last few years to kill Orochimaru. But now that my revenge is complete, then I can die in peace.” (Kat)
“What do you mean, your last few years.” (Chris)
“I am infected with a deadly curse. I once saw a medical ninja who specializes in these type of things, and he said it was called 'natures curse'. It’s a curse that only people who force their Kekkai Genkai’s to open. Orochimaru opened it up for me with a bunch of experiments, meaning my wood Kekkai Genkai didn’t open by itself. That’s why I can only live when I am 21 years old. Once I reace that age I will die.” (Kat)
So that’s nature's curse, I never heard of it happening to Yamato. Maybe he got lucky and got away with it.
“Kat, what if I can heal your curse. Would you continue to live with me and the leaf village.” (Chris)
I know I am gonna sound selfish, but Kat has an extremely strong Kekkai Genkai. There is no doubt that this ability is gonna help us in the future, if I can convince her to become stronger then she will be of great use to us.
Not only that but she is also a part of my team. She even offered to sacrffice herself while she fought Orochimaru, I can’t stand and watch someone as kind as her die.
“No one can heal my curse Chris, but thank you for making me feel better.” (Kat) and smiled faintly at my attempts to make her feel better.
“But what if I can really heal your curse, do you promise to never leave my side.” (Chris)
Kat blushed a bit, I didn’t realize what I said, but Kat thought it was like a proposal or something. Luna for some reason got angry at me, she didn’t know why but she hated it when I was talking to Kat like that. But after hearing Kat’s story she didn’t want to make a fuss.
“If you can indeed heal my curse, then I will live by your side.” (Kat) she thought I was kidding, she thought I said that to make hers feel better, she decided to say yes and just roll with it.
“Awesome.” (Chris) I said that as I touched her right shoulder. I activated my healing Kekkai Genkai ability and her whole body was soon enveloped by a bright green light. This is what happened exactly with Hina.
(Go to chapter 17 if you forgot who Hina was)
The green light disappeared from Kat’s body. I used my appraisal skill once more and indeed, the curse was gone. I luv this Kekkai Genkai, good job me on making this smart choice.
Kat at first was confused, then she checked her body and the curse was really lifted. Every night she would suffer from a severe pain all over her body, she would use pills to make the pain go away, even after fighting Orochimaru she was still in pain.
But she never showed signs of pain because she got used to it, and now that this pain was gone, she knew that the curse has been lifted.
Kat couldn’t believe it at first, she thought it was a wonderful dream. Today so many wonderful things happened, Orochimaru got killed, her curse has been lifted. It all seemed too good to be true.
Then she sooned realized it wasn’t a dream, this is real life. Then a bunch of tears started coming out of her eyes, these were tears of happiness.
She was so happy that she launched herself at me and gave me the tighest hug I ever recieved. She was well developed despite looking like a 12 year old. How is she able to look like a 12 year old, and be 18 years old at the same time. Is she like Tsunade, does she also use a jutsu to make her look younger,
I brushed aside all of those thoughts and comforted Kat.
“Thank you! Thank You so much, Thank you!” (Kat) she was always afraid that someday her death would come for her, after all, no one wants to die.
“No problem Kat, that’s what friends are for. We’re here to support each other.” (Chris)
I looked at Luna and she was also happy for Kat, she could tell how happy she was when the curse was lifted. So Luna made her way over here and hugged the crying Kat.
We stayed like that for a good few minutes, now that I think about it, wasn’t Naruto’s team headed for our direction. They should have been here ages ago.
I thought of the worse thing possible, but with Orochimaru gone there shouldn’t be a team to face Naruto’s team. Other than Gaara’s team, there isn’t another one who is as strong as them.
Then again this Naruto world does not follow the Original script. So I told the crying Kat and Luna to stand up, I told them as well that Naruto’s team might be in danger.
The three of us understood the situation and I lead the way towards Naruto’s direction. I can still feel them with my master of sensing skill.
And man I am so tired, that fight with Orochimaru took more energy than I thought it would be. But atleast I know that the Rasen-Kamehameha is strong enough to kill a sage.
- In Serial75 Chapters
Fed up with a world where science has made every fantasy a reality and people just don’t care about stories anymore, a young video game developer named Kai uses ancient black magic to transport himself into one of his games, titled: Choices. Disturbed by his powerlessness on Earth, Kai makes sure to give himself the ability to change this new world as he sees fit, literally. If you were ridiculously powerful, would you throw away all your morals and do whatever you wanted?Would you find happiness? Would you find love? Or would you end up realizing that… Absolute power is pretty depressing. Note: The format for chapter titles is: “Overall_chapter_number POV_chapter_number: Chapter_title." Look at the POV chapter number to see who is narrating. Thanks to Ia-shub niggurath and peacefulcatastrophe for editing. Also thanks peacefulcatastrophe for the idea for the new cover image: John Martin, 1789–1854. The Deluge. 1834. (Public Domain) You can read it on my website too!Please vote for my story on TopWebFictions! No sign up, just click on the link and vote for as many stories as you like. Signed and fulfilled the Pledge. ~~A Proud Member of Writers to The End; we finish our fictions!~~
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