《In the Naruto world (1)》Chapter 16 Peaceful Cannon
I was practicing my water nature but I still can’t get it, FUCK! ‘sigh’ blue box, I need your help on this
I can’t help you directly, but I tell you something that can help you
Really! What is it.
Be as calm as the water, only the calm pond can cut anything.
Okay… that made no sense at all.
Well in other words you need to relax, you have to be calm as the water, haven’t you noticed that everytime you’re trying to cut the boulder you’re only getting more angry. Just try to relax
And so you didn’t say anything until now because…
You didn’t ask ᕕ(ᐛ )ᕗ
… well okay imma try it your way.
I walked in the middle of the water and sat down. I relaxed my muscles and my mind, I think blue screen was right, lately I have been too focused training that I haven’t gotten a chance to sit down and relax.
After 5 minutes the whole place seemed to get quieter, and quieter, it feels nice. The water around me, I can hear it, the sound of the boulder I can hear it, the sound of the waterfall I can’t hear it.
What’s going on blue screen
It’s because you have ‘peace of mind’ and the skill that lets you learn everything faster than everyone. With those two together you have learned ‘inner peace’
...You mean like from the movie kung fu panda.
Lol no, i’m just fucking with you, what you have learned right now is called ‘peaceful cannon’
‘Peaceful cannon?’
Not many people can achieve it, legends has it that water is peace, wind is freedom, fire is rage, earth is balance. Lightning doesn’t count because it’s basically the same thing as fire, don’t ask me why, that’s how it is.
Blue screen, what’s peaceful cannon.
Well like I said, water is peace, once you have learned it your power is like that of a cannon. Then again it depends on how strong you are, the stronger you are the more destructive the cannon
Cool, but what does it do.
Try cutting the boulder once more with water.
I stood up and launched another water slice to cut the boulder,
the boulder was cut in two, Not only that but the place where I cut the boulder appared a long gully with at least 100 meters, almost dividing this whole place into two.
Yeah, what did you expect when you have learned peaceful cannon.
BUT I DIDN’T EXPECT THIS, This scene almost reminds me of that scene from onepunch man where Saitama was fighting Genos. (luv that part)
I guess it does resemble a lot like it, then again it’s also thanks to your chakra pool, if it wasn’t because of that then you wouldn’t have made that huge slice.
Shit, this is an overpowered skill. I shouldn’t use this at all because it could hurt my allies as well, but I never thought that something like this could happen.
Well in Naruto everyone can learn a simple water jutsu, or a fire jutsu. But it takes someone to fully understand it to get it’s true power.
But I still don’t get it, if water nature is this powerful than why isn’t my wind nature this powerful.
Well because you haven’t fully understand it, it’s only because you have ‘peace of mind’ that you’ve managed to learn such a powerful move like peaceful cannon. Air isn’t as calm like the wind, You need to fully understand freedom to get the same destructive power like water,
Oh I see, I guess it kinda makes sense. But if I want to learn fire I have to understand rage.
Hm! But I can’t be calm and angry at the same time
That’s why they say fire and water don’t mix. It was your fault for not choosing earth, if you had, then things would have been much easier for you.
But you didn’t say anything.
You didn’t ask.
I didn’t know, this was never mentioned in Naruto.
Not my fault you’re so ignorant.
I swear blue screen, if you had a body right now I would beat you.
Bring it! ε-(‘ヘ´○)
Two figures were walking in the same direction, they had the Akatsuki clothes on them.
“Itachi, why do we have to walk, you know we can just teleport to the 3 tailed beast and capture it.” (Kizame)
“Don’t underestimate the leaf village Kizame, and besides ever since that incident you are not as powerful as before.” (Itachi)
“Tsk! How was I suppose to know that thing steals chakra.” (Kizame)
“Hm! Wait here, i’ll be back.” (Itachi) then used his rinnegan powers and teleported to another location.
Itachi was right now in the middle of a forest, it looked like if someone were to walk in this forest they would be lost. But Itachi somehow knew this place and walked like he knew the way.
He arrived at a house, the house isn’t too big nor too small, it looked like it was in good shape. The only weird thing is that it’s in the middle of some creepy forest.
He reached for the doorknob and unlocked the door.
“I’m here.” (Itachi) entered the house.
“Hey, you’re back.” (Women)
A women was cooking and she was happy when she saw Itachi come. She was wearing an apron, she wore a very loose robe, she also had beautful black eyes and long black hair. She was thin but her stomach is as big as an elephant.
She wanted to run and hug Itachi out of happiness, but the pain on her stomach wouldn’t let her.
“Karen!” (Itachi) ran to her and supported her.
“I’m fine Itachi.” (Karen) reassured Itachi.
“I told you that you shouldn’t be walking like that, not until the baby is born.” (Itachi) carried her princess style and laid her gently onto a couch.
“Oh Itachi, you always have been so overprotective of me. But the baby isn’t due for another month, and I can’t just sit here and do nothing, you only come home at least a few times a week.” (Karen)
“Sorry, but the Akatsuki wants me to complete their missions.” (Itachi)
“It’s alright Itachi, when the baby is born I will have more company with me. But enough about me, tell me how was your day.” (Karen)
After a while of chatting, they sat down and were holding hands. They look very happy, even the emotionless Itachi was smiling, kinda. ish.
“So, you met your brother and sister, and some green alien figure could withstand your powerful technique” (Karen) was resting her head on Itachi’s shoulder
“Yes, I am a little worried, what if it finds you and takes you away from me.” (Itachi)
“Itachi, we live in the middle of the forest, no one in their right minds would come here without a good reason.” (Karen)
“I guess, I have to go now.” (Itachi)
“No. stay for a little bit longer” (Karen) was holding onto Itachi, she didn’t want to let him go.
“If I don’t go Kizame will get suspicous, remember no one in the Akatsuki knows about you.” (Itachi)
“Okay… but before you leave.” (Karen) was a bit sad to see Itachi leave, but she got ahold of his head and kissed him on the lips. After the while the two split up.
“I’ll make it up to you as soon as I get back.” (Itachi)
“Hm! Come back home safely” (Karen) smiled at Itachi, and Itachi vanished without a trace.
She looked at her huge stomach and gently carresed it.
“Soon my little baby, I just hope your daddy will still be alive to see you.” (Karen) she knew how dangerous Itachi’s missions are, and everytime he isn’t here, she gets worried that something happened to him.
Itachi teleported back to Kizame
“You’re always disappearing, where is it that you run off to.” (Kizame)
“Business” (Itachi) didn’t want to let anyone know about karen, I guess you know why already.
“Hm! Always so suspicous. Anyways, how are we getting the 3 tails from the leaf village.” (Kizame)
“I’m still working on that Kizame, we have to be patient” (Itachi)
“Hrrr!” (Kizame)
And the dou left to wherever it is they’re going.
After a long angry chat with blue screen I was finally able to control the peaceful cannon. After that incident with the huge slice I created, people came here to check it out, I used my creation to restore most of the land. Good thing no one saw me or that would be very bad for me.
People thought that it was an earthquake or something so they didn’t make a big deal out of it.
Speaking of bad where is Naruto, I haven’t seen him since after HInata’s fight, Hinata is still in her home but where can he be.
I headed for Ichiraku’s ramen shop and there he was, but he was super depressed.
“Naruto, is something the matter.” (Chris)
“Hm! It’s nothing.” (Naruto)
What’s wrong with him, why is he all depressed. I turned and asked Teuchi.
“Teuchi, what’s wrong with him?” (Chris)
“I don’t know either, ever since he came here he has done nothing but stare at his ramen, it’s very cold by the way.” (Teuchi)
Well since even Teuchi doesn’t know I used my mind reading skill on Naruto
‘...' Naruto thought
Oh shit this is worse than I thought, Naruto is never this depressed. I grabbed him and shaked him as hard as I could.
“Naruto are you okay, did you get a disease or something.” (Chris)
“Ah-ah-ah I’m feeling dizzy!” (Naruto)
“Sorry, but seriously why are you like that.” (Chris) I stopped shaking him
“It’s… Hinata.” (Naruto) said and he turned even more gloomy
“What about Hinata? She’s at her house.” (Chris)
“That’s exactly my point, i’m not someone important to be with Hinata, her family is powerful while I don’t have a family. Hinata is strong but i’m not, the only reason she is even talking to me is because we are your students” (Naruto)
… So Naruto has developed feelings for Hinata, but it looks like his own status is preventing him from liking her, this is where I come in.
“So what!!! Naruto so what if Hinata’s family is strong and powerful, you have always wanted to be the Hokage without letting anything come in your way.” (Chris)
“I guess, but this is different.” (Naruto)
“Naruto…” (Chris) I can’t tell him about Hinata’s feelings for him, because the only person who is allowed to do that is Hinata herself. I took the role as their wingman and I will complete that role
I wish I can go to the Hyuga residence but it hasn’t even been 2 hours since the fight, if I were to go to them and tell them about Naruto’s feelings for Hinata, then things will be really complicated.
… DING! I have an idea.
“You know what Naruto, you’re right.” (Chris)
“Huh!!!” (Naruto)
“You’re very weak right now and your strength can’t be compared to Hinata’s. But you have me to help you with that.” (Chris)
“I don’t get what you’re saying at all, Sensei.” (Naruto)
“Naruto, when I was teaching you I noticed that you have a power inside of you, something even more powerful than anything else.” (Chris)
I think it’s time that I showed Naruto to control the nine-tails.
“You mean that!!!” (Naruto) ah! Naruto caught on quickly.
“Yes that power, come with me and i’ll show you how to control it.” (Chris)
“But I heard that it was a terrible power and that it will bring harm to everyone around me.” (Naruto)
“Look Naruto, it’s true that power is very powerful and dangerous, but if you can control it and use it for good, then no one will be able to stop you.” (Chris)
“Are you sure.” (Naruto)
“I’m your sensei Naruto, I won’t say bullshit just to hurt you, but if you want to remain weak then that’s up to you. However you will never achieve your dreams if you don’t do anything about it. So what do you say, are you with me” (Chris)
“YEAH! i'm in!” (Naruto) cheered. Looks like his depressed mood is gone.
“Good.” (Chris)
“Uh! You have to pay for your ramen first Naruto.” (Teuchi)
“Oh hehehe I almost forgot” (Naruto) checked his pockets and nothing came out, he was broke as a cockroach. He turned around to my direction and said.
“Uh Sensei, can you pay for my meal...” (Naruto)
He turned to me but I wasn’t there at all, I said I was gonna help him control the nine-tails not pay for his meals.
“Wait! Where did you go” (Naruto) was looking everywhere for me.
“Well since you can’t pay then that means you will have to work to pay, starting with the dishes” (Teuchi) smiled evily and Naruto.
“Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!” (Naruto)
I kept on training on my water Nature for a good hour, at that time Naruto came all angry, he didn’t like it that I just ditched him like that. But he should know that I am not someone you can leech off.
“Took you long enough, now let’s get to training.” (Chris)
“Fine, but what to I do”. (Naruto)
“First, strip...” (Chris)
“Uhhhhh what!” (Naruto) said to make sure he heard me correctly.
“Take off your shirt.” (Chris)
“Ah! Sensei, I didn’t think you were a pervert.” (Naruto) was accusing me of being a pervert.
I was only trying to see the seal that he has on his stomach, it’s the seal that keeps the nine-tails in place. Now that i’m a seal master I have an idea for Naruto to control the nine tails.
“I’M NOT GAY YOU DUMBASS!” (Chris) I hit his head
“Oww!” (Naruto) was holding onto his head, I think my punch made a huge bump on his head.
“Just take off your shirt, it will help me understand your power.” (Chris)
“Okay” (Naruto) Took off his shirt, he was very skinny and on the middle of his stomach was the seal for the nine tails. It look very terrible, the nine tails must be weak if this kind of weak seal is keeping it inside Naruto.
“Okay Naruto don’t move, i’m about to do something to this seal.” (Chris)
“Hm!” (Naruto) nodded.
I think it’s about time that we gave the nine tails a visit. I put my hand on the seal and send my concious inside the seal.
The next thing I knew I was somewhere dark and creepy, being in this room is very scary.
“Who goes there!” (Kurama)
I turned and I saw a huge ass red fox with nine tails, god he is so much bigger in person, I just wish his breath didn’t smell like garbage.
“Hey there Kurama, i’m actually a huge fan of you” (Chris) I like the nine tails, like when Naruto used the nine tails transformation, that was cool as fuck.
“Don’t speak nonsense human, and how do you know my name.” (Kurama)
“I know more things than you Kurama, I came here to offer you a deal.” (Chris)
“Not interested.” (Kurama)
“I thought you might say that.” (Chris)
I then forced out all my chakra around my body, I wanted to show to Kurama just how big my chakra pool is like.
“Th-this chakra, how is it that you have so much in you” (Kurama) asked in shock, he must have realized just how much of a difference our chakra pool is.
“I don’t need to tell you that, I only showed you my chakra to tell you that I have no interest in obtaining your chakra at all.” (Chris)
“I can tell, but why are you here for, you can’t be here to kill me right” (Kurama)
“Hahaha not at all, I only came here to offer you a deal.” (Chris) he has such a unique sense of humor.
“What deal.” (Kurama) looks like it’s more interested all of a sudden.
“I need you to give Naruto full control of your chakra.” (Chris)
“NO!!! it’s already bad enough that I’m trapped in this kid, now you expect me to give him my chakra.” (Kurama)
“I know it’s hard, but remember a few days ago in the land of waves, did you see Itachi’s eyes. I believe that he will come here for you and he will kill you just to steal all of your chakra.” (Chris)
“I did see those eyes, but you have no proof to your claims.” (Kurama)
“Hm good point, but what if I said a couple of names to you that will make you scared.” (Chris)
“What names?” (Kurama)
“Kaguya Otsutsuki, Ten tails, Sage of six paths.” (Chris) no one should know these names except the sage of six paths.
“How do you know these names, and what do they have to do with anything” (Kurama) looks very scared and angry at the same time.
“Well I believe that there is an organization out there to revive the ten tails, and the only way to do that is by stealing you and the other tailed beast’s chakra. And after that happens Kaguya will be reborn and everyone in this world will be in a powerful genjutsu.” (Chris)
“Hmmmmm! A brat like you shouldn’t even know anything about it, but here you are name dropping all of these names to me.” (Kurama)
“I didn’t come here to scare you or to harm you Kurama, I only came here because we will need your help in the upcoming future.” (Chris)
“I guess, but I will only be able to give the brat 1/9 of my chakra, anymore than that and he will go on a rampage, you should know that my chakra is also filled with rage. But, if it only wasn’t for this seal I could do that.” (Kurama)
“I know, I am a seal master myself. Let me take a look at that” (Chris) since this seal is preventing Kurama from freely giving Naruto any of it’s chakra, then I will slightly modify it.
“If you mess with that seal I will be free and this kid will die.” (Kurama)
“I am not stupid enough to put my student in danger, I know what i’m doing.” (Chris)
I touched the seal and added a new one on top of it, now Kurama is able to give some of it’s chakra to Naruto.
“Hm! The seal, it’s…. What happened?” (Kurama) asked in disbeleive
“Nothing, i just put a seal on top of the seal, yeah I know it doesn’t make any sense, but I just did it. But first tell me what does Naruto need to do to control all of your chakra.” (Chris)
“His body is still too small to handle all of my chakra, even if I gave that kid all of my chakra his body wouldn’t be able to hold it, either my chakra will fully consume him and he will go out of control, or most likely we will both die.” (Kurama)
“I see, he still needs to go there...” (Chris) he needs to go to that place where killer bee takes him to control his chakra.
“Where?” (Kurama)
“Oh it’s not important, I will see you later, bye Kurama.” (Chris) I then left.
“Hm! Intersting kid.” (Kurama) then returned to sleep.
And then my concious was back in the real world.
“Sensei are you okay, you look like you spaced out for a few seconds.” (Naruto)
So my talk with Kurama only lasted a few seconds in the real world.
“I’m okay, you should be able to control that chakra inside you.” (Chris)
“Let’s see” (Naruto) focused on the chakra inside him, and next thing his whole body was covered in red chakra, I could feel the rage in this chakra. But I don’t think it’s nothing Naruto can’t handle. Even a tail appeared behind him.
“Are you okay Naruto.” (Chris)
“Yes, I can feel an enormous amount of chakra coming out of my body” (Naruto) said in shock, even though it’s only 1/9 of Kurama’s chakra, it’s still a lot to some people.
“Try to control it, can you use the shadow clone jutsu.” (Chris)
“I can try, SHADOW CLONE JUTSU” (Naruto) then he summoned 1000 shadow clones, remember the maximum he could summon before was 300 hundred.
“That’s a thousand shadow clones, that’s more than 3 times your limit, how are you feeling right now.” (Chris)
“Fine, I also feel like I can make more shadow clones if I wanted.” (Naruto)
Too bad that he is still too young to fully control the nine tails full power, I could take him to that place but Kurama is right, he is still too young to control the nine tails power. I just hope no one attacks us during that time.
“The power you’re feeling is only 1/9 of the nine tails power, even if it’s this much it should definitely boost your powers. Test it out by attacking me.” (Chris)
I got ready for Naruto’s incoming attack.
“Are you sure Sensei.” (Naruto)
“To fully understand the power inside you, you need to train it.” (Chris)
“If you say so.” (Naruto)
Naruto then charged at me very quickly, just as I thought not only did his chakra increase but his speed and strength increased as well.
I dodged the incoming attack, but Naruto used the tail behind him and attacked me, I blocked it and the tail was cut off.
But that didn’t stop Naruto and he threw shurikens at me, even his reaction time increased. I used my sword and blocked all of them, and soon after that Naruto charged at me once more with rasengans on each hand.
I then charged directly at his rasengans and it created an explosion, Naruto was send back but I stayed in the same place. This fight is really interesting, I made the right choice to visit the nine tails. But looks like Naruto was getting very angry.
And soon 2 tails appeared behind him, looks like the rage is taking over his body. He charged at me once more, his speed increased more than earlier, it’s a good thing i’m a taijutsu master and blocked his attack.
I could feel the chakra’s rage, it was even burning me, I then used a seal on Naruto and he fell unconcious, the seal was to stop the nine tails chakra. Looks like it worked.
I touched his chest and healed him, Naruto needs more time to fully control the nine tails. He woke up and looked around.
“What happened?” (Naruto)
“Nothing bad, just know that you still have a long way to control the nine tails inside you.” (Chris)
“Yeah, I guess.” (Naruto)
“Good, let’s get back to training” (Chris)
We spend the whole day training, the bad thing is that Naruto still can’t control the rage inside him at all, but he was getting better to control the chakra. I need to fix that problem, but right now ‘sleeping time’
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