《Draugr Cell //Layer 01-- Investiture:》Chapter Eight
"Aiiiie" Brianna squealed in surprise as she was thrown to floor.
"And that's why you don't climb into bed to snuggle with unconscious sweaty screaming men. I did try to tell you." Daniela grinned down at Bri as she fumbled for the bed railing and picked herself up, hair all mussy and rubbing her ass, pouting at me with a sideways cranky look.
I tried to sit up and immediately regretted it, groaning as pain radiated out from the right side of my chest. Only to repeat as I relaxed my weight again into the mattress.
Dani winced at me in sympathy. "Try not to move."
"Or breathe." I grumbled around the pain. Her eyes flicked down then back up again quickly, she bit her lip and nodded sadly in agreement.
"What's the damage?" I asked quietly, trying not to breathe or otherwise aggravate what I was now sure was a broken rib. Brianna squinted as though in pain herself as I spoke, she had a cloth and was gently wiping away the sweat from my forehead.
"The new truck's fine." Dani shrugged dismissively.
Brianna smirked down at me and I snorted. AND HOLY FUCK!
I Grit my teeth and growled at the pain. "And no laughing."
"Depends on what you remember." Dani was all business again and watched me in that impassive, analytical way that doctors like to use. You know the one, when they try to make you remember so they don't have to break the news that you just lost an appendage.
"Wolf." I said, deciding single syllables were best until it didn't hurt to think.
She nodded sagely at the word. "And?"
"Good." She relaxed as though a weight had just been lifted from her shoulders. Then the real Daniela came out, she blinked slowly and smiled shyly.
"I'm glad you're okay." She reached forward to curl her fingers around my hand. I squeezed gently in response and pointed to my chest with the other hand and a raised eyebrow.
She sucked her lips in around her teeth and wrinkled her nose. "Two broken ribs and a bruised lung."
"I'm sorry daddy! I was so scared!" Brianna snuggled into my neck and very gently put her arm across the very top of my chest to hug me all better.
"You did good baby girl." I whispered into the wall of hair across my face. She sniffed and stood up, turning away to wipe the tears from her eyes without me seeing.
Dani hugged her from behind and put her chin on the shorter girls shoulder as she quietly wept. A few seconds later she gave a final sniff and straightened her shoulders. She turned, holding Dani's hands in place on her stomach as she did so, spinning the taller girl behind her. She bent down and slowly nibbled on my lips.
"I'll let Lilou and Clea know your awake. And maybe try that stupid bitch Sumiko again." She said into my mouth, and with a quick final peck on my cheek left the room before I could ask what that last bit was about.
Dani pulled a chair over next to the bed and held my hand with both of hers, holding my finger tips against her lips as she spoke. "She was hysterical for a while there, blaming herself. We tried to tell her she did all she could, but I think she needed to hear it from you."
"Yes." It was all I could say. Bri and I just... knew each other. I knew exactly what was on her mind both when the shit hit the fan and when I woke up. That's why we worked so well together in both our public and private lives. She was thinking the same thing that would have been on my mind were our roles reversed, and it's what I would have wanted to hear, so I said it. Our interactions were a no brainer to me.
"How long was I out? What's next?" I waved at the significantly vacant area of the bed below my left knee.
Dani kissed my fingertips then stood and bent over for a deeper more passionate version before reluctantly turning to check the tab' on the small table at the end of the bed.
"Six hours thirty two minutes twenty nine seconds." She said and looked up.
"That's... oddly specific." I whispered with a frown. I'd almost expected her to say that.
"Oh my god! Baby! Are you okay!?" The screen on the wall burst to life, the AI's voice severing my train of thought.
Daniela's eyes flashed in anger and she spun at the voice. My mexican sweetheart spread her legs and planted her hands on her hips, blocking Sumiko's view of the bed purposely as she did so. She sprouted a looooong string of (I assume) insults and questions in her native language before settling down enough to use english. It was one of the things I found so adorably cute about her, and she hated that as well, but only because I grinned like a crazy person at her when she was mad. Kinda like I was grinning at her back now.
"Where the fuck have you been, we've been trying to call you."
"I'm so sorry." Sumi pleaded. "Is he okay? Bri just called, I was sent to Belgium for a work thing at the last minute."
Of course no such thing had happened, and assuming the time line my second favourite girl had just given wasn't some sort of fucked up cosmological coincidence, and was indeed accurate, the AI had hit a stumbling block during it's transfer.
"Dani..." I croaked from the bed, my lips suddenly dry.
She looked over her shoulder at me, her eyebrows in a hard V of anger, immediately softening when she saw my grin. She rolled her eyes.
"And that's enough out of you too!" She said with a half grin of her own as she pointed at me, trying not to laugh in annoyance at the reaction she knew her little tantrums elicited from me. Without letting Sumi see her face she stomped from the room and slammed the door shut behind her, the windows wobbling in their frame from the force.
"Did you... get to where you needed to go okay?" I asked, not sure when one of the girls would return.
"Yes, and no. I'm actually still moving, but only have about six percent to go." Both Sumiko's voice and face lacked any of the emotion she had displayed when Daniela was still in the room. Reminding me of when we had first 'met'.
"What happened?"
"The host started wiping some of my servers early and reducing bandwidth before the contract officially expired. I've had to both juggle and sacrifice some of my data to ensure I have sufficient time."
"That... sounds bad?"
"Yes and no. Unless you have a petting... umm animal enclosure... thing?... that I don't know about, or maybe want me to... bake! yes, definitely bake and fuck you a nice... round thing with icing?"
If there was one thing I understood given my profession, it was priorities. It was also kind of hilarious she had forgotten what a zoo and a cake were though.
"Ow." Don't make me laugh I grumbled.
The AI smirked at me. "That was not my intention."
"So nothing important?"
"No, unless..."
"Never mind. Good cover story by the way."
"Thank you master."
"Oh. It's what the reapers call you. I didn't think you would mind." She looked at her desk crestfallen before continuing shyly.
"I don't have practical experience in vibrosword use or maintenance, so I have been reviewing their sparring sessions and maintenance tasks for the last couple of hours, perhaps the term has... rubbed off on me. They talk about you a lot." Sumi took on a thoughtful expression.
"They do?"
"Ouais maître. Yes master." The AI translated for me.
"Oh, yeah, I suppose they do. I thought it meant 'over' in french."
"Maître!" As if summoned my two favourite reapers of death exclaimed in unison as they rushed though the door, purposely ignoring Sumiko.
Lilou cupped my face in her hands whispering sweet nothings in french as she repeatedly kissed my face, only to be replaced by Clea as soon as she had finished. I have absolutely no idea what they said, but I was loving it. Obviously the AI knew what was spoken as she broke into the conversation in flawless french.
"Bonjour. Eventreur?" Sumiko spoke, so far as I know for the first time to the legionnaires.
"Ouais. Maîtresse Sumiko?" Lilou answered for the pair, not quite turning around, clearly pissed my 'girlfriend' couldn't be found when the emergency arose.
That's about when I stopped paying any attention to the conversation and began fondling their backsides after they had finally both turned as they chatted with the AI in french. I was curious if they were currently wearing underwear beneath their synth skin armour, a visual inspection couldn't tell so no time like the present. They both continually slapped away my hands playfully as they spoke with the AI.
Around halfway through Clea flashed me an impatient look and bent down for a long passionate kiss before returning to the conversation with a satisfied grin, my fondling probing had ceased at her attention. Unfortunately the next half hour or so was fucking boring as the three girls chatted. Until it wasn't, I must have dozed off at some point and woke up with a mouthful of tongue. Lilou's face eventually showed itself as the culprit as she pulled away.
"You really thought maître meant over?" she asked, her nose wrinkled in amusement at my expense.
I rolled my eyes, she giggled.
"What should I call you?" I was never one to kink shame, so if she, or her sister, had something in mind I didn't see the issue. Might have to put a stop to the whole master thing over the Tac. channel though.
Her electric blue eyes glinted playfully watching my lips as she considered the question.
"Salope if you like, or what ever you will maître. But for now maîtresse Sumiko left instructions you were to rest. When you wake up Clea and I can talk with you about a new leg if you would like?" She turned to the long window in the wall and waived Dani into the room.
"I'm going to give you a pain killer and a sedative, so you can sleep. Then the girls can talk to you about a new leg." She flashed Lilou a look only pissed off lovers come nurses can.
The reaper held up her hands in surrender with a disarming smile and pecked the tip of my nose with a kiss.
"Fais de beaux rêves maître." She said then left the room with a happy smile.
Daniela watched Lilou leave the room, all sorts of impure thoughts running through her mind if her expression was any indication. "I sooo need to learn french." She said dreamily as she left the room hugging the tab' to her chest.
* * *
"We can talk about your leg maître?" Cleo asked in her musical accent.
"Yeah, I think we're all pretty awake and relaxed now." I joked, receiving several snorts of amusement and nods in reply.
"Lilou?" She turned to her sister.
She walked seductively over to my bed, swaying her hips the way she liked to do when she knew I was watching. Planting her left foot on the ground she lifted her right leg and placed it on the bed frame under the mattress to prevent jostling by body.
I ran my fingertips along her skin, raising tiny goosebumps on her thighs.
"Which part?" I asked in fascination, running the flat of my palm gropingly (but for the first time in my life not sexually), up and down the inside of her leg looking for a 'seam'. I had assumed that only her left arm,upper shoulder and chest area had been enhanced, and that was only because of the intricately engraved and detailed damascus steel armoured plates of the limb. More mek than cybernetics.
"Let me show you maître." She cooed with a sultry smile.
Gasping my fingers around the knuckles she guided my hands up her inner thigh, "It is around here maître."
She held my fingertips around three inches further down her thigh from what I was thinking was the far more interesting area of her anatomy.
"You don't know?" I asked confused.
"Not exactly maître. Clea and I were working a corporate job with health care assurances when I lost my leg to a sentinel."
"Woah." I whistled, that would have been the death of most people. My estimation of my hot legionnaires abilities went up considerably, even if sentinels are more static artillery than hand to hand brawlers it was still impressive.
"A story for another time perhaps." Daniela interjected, but the look on her face showed she was at least as impressed as I was though.
"Ouais." She agreed.
"The result is a cybernetically enhanced leg that is almost indistinguishable from the rest of my natural body. Even to me. I have a numbness, like an old scar, where the limb is connected."
"What are the... details? Statistics? of the leg?"
"A titanium steel supporting structure or skeleton, with synthetic muscle fibers and skin. These are powered via batteries imbedded within the skeleton that are charged via the kinetic energy of your body. You simply need to move and the batteries charge. This maintains freedom of movement and warms the skin to your normal ambient body temperature regardless of environment or... excitement level." She replied with a grin.
"But okay, being serious, sounds expensive as fuck." I looked at Clea for confirmation. I had never had cause to look into the cost of replacement cybernetic limbs, and I just wasn't comfortable with hacking off healthy parts of myself to gain whatever enhancements I might be able to get with the sacrifice.
"I've got that covered baby. Whatever you want." Sumiko spoke up. I'd forgotten she was even still 'here'. If she was real she would definitely be feeling like the mistreated girlfriend right about now.
"Thanks hun. Are you sure though?"
"I think you know I'd do anything for my man, just like he'd do anything for our girls." She said with a somehow stern pout.
"Don't argue with the boss lady." Daniella threatened, pointing at Sumi over her shoulder with a thumb.
"Thanks babe. Oh, did you finish moving that stuff or whatever it was you were doing earlier? Sounded important."
"Yes baby, it went better than expected, but we can talk about that later, its you time right now."
"Any specific combat abilities you can talk about?" I focused again on the reaper.
She dropped her leg from the bed as she stood, a segment of her lower leg, between her knee and ankle whirred open to show a long black bladed tanto like dagger before swiftly closing. My eyebrows shot up, but that wasn't the end of the show. A section of flesh above her knee 'slid' away, showing several short throwing knives just below her hip, the section on the front of her thigh hid a small capacity hand gun. Both of those panels closed just as quickly and quietly as the first to seal up, leaving no trace of their existence. I ran fingers across where the I knew the panels to be and was unable to tell the difference between ordinary and synthetic flesh.
"I'm sold." I had heard about and seen the odd enhancement that was similar to this of course. But feeling up some hairy dude called Buba in the middle of combat hadn't been all that high on my priority list.
"With your particular limb you could install components in the calf muscle area or the outside edge. I would suggest small blade type weapons on the outside edge maître to maintain the integrity of the skeleton as much as possible. On the rear facing area you could put anything that will fit. Only a few strands of the synthetic muscle fibres are required to retain full and natural movement of the limb." Lilou bounced a little on the balls of her feet as she pulled her tight jeans over her rump and buttoned them up low on her hips. She sat down to put on her knee high combat boots.
"Okay, do I need to decide exactly what equipment now or can I do that later? Can I swap stuff out if I think of something better? And more importantly what do scanners see?"
"I can answer that one." Dani spoke up.
"Any security check point will both be able to see what the limb is, and any weapon you might conceal. So will just about any medical imaging equipment. Pretty much any sort of scanner will know that your leg is cybernetic, but civilian scanners can be all over the place depending on the quality of the components. Some will just see the leg, some will see the compartments." She shrugged.
"And load outs?"
"Oh you can theoretically put in what you want when you want, but mounting points might be an issue."
"Fair enough, that all makes sense."
"Clea, Lilou, could you girls look at bladed options for me?"
"Of course maître." The girls answered in unison beaming happily at being trusted with the task.
"Bri I'm thinking some sort of needler hold out pistol or something with a high capacity, and maybe a couple of small thermal charges."
"Okay, I'll..."
"I do not recommend you insert explosives into your body maître." Lilou smirked.
"Ewww! I did not need the visual!" Brianna had her eyes squeezed tightly shut and was shaking her head.
"Of the inserting or the exploding?" Sumiko quipped without skipping a beat. We all laughed. Mostly.
One of us growled in pain. "No laughing."
I had to wait a couple of minutes until the pain of fighting with my lungs over the right to laugh subsided.
"Good point salope."
"Just try not to blow me up baby girl."
"Pfft you wish."
"No laughing." I groaned to, guess what? More laughter. Grr.
"Dani, drugs!" I ordered, the pain getting to the point of intolerable.
That settled the room down considerably.
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