《Cheat Hero》Chapter 12 - Slaughter


'Ahhh.... I'm bored"

"Bear with it, brother."

It's been 2 days since he left Ancard together his half sister, Illia. nothing eventful happened on the first day and now being sitting all day long on the carriage all day long, it is only natural for Hakua to be bored.

" I know. I know....... Nah Illia don’t you feel bored too? " asked Hakua.

" Me? well I also feel bored a little, but I'm already used to it." She replied.

Hearing her answer, he was puzzled. "what do you mean by that?" He asked.

"I always go to grandma and grandpa 's house thrice a month, which is on Lambert Kingdom, which every trip took 2- 3days that is why I'm already used to it."She answered., and by grandparents she was talking about her grandparents on her mother side.

"Is that so?" Knowing this, somehow he felt lonely, he never knew much about his half sister, being a person from modern earth he also had a sister which he was close to. " If only I didn't forget my books." he sighed.

Only his books were his source of entertainment, aside from training.

being a person from earth, he was fan of anime, manga, novels and games but not to the point of affecting his daily life and work. those book were his only past time in this world. even he was not fond of reading books, except novels.

Hearing him mutter, Illia expression change and look towards Hakua, " if you want books I brought some from home." she enthusiastically offered.

"If you're talking about those lovey-dovey books on back no thanks." Teased Hakua. which made Illia turn red from embarrassment, but it also change into a solemn one. Hakua saw those books when He was looking for his book on his luggage when he notice that his sister luggage has a hole below and the books were already visible.


Seeing her expression, he knew what is the other party thinking and decided to cheer her up a little, " but don't worry even If I don't read those book, its not like I hate them rather I don't what to get your hopes up. but don’t worry after we arrived on the academy, you'll find a person who share the same hobby or thing you love."

His words caused him to brighten and cheer her up. She started reading those kind of books during her etiquette schooling for nobility girls, she was on her way home, when on a whim she decided to enter a bookstore. as she was browsing, those books caught her eye , and decided to read a little bit. however he was completely enamored about a prince saving a commoner girl, or a princess seeing her prince charming.

there she decided to but books of those kind but with the high price of books due to being rare, her pocket money was not enough and only bought two. starting that day she saved up money just to buy books, and without her knowing she already bought a lot of those kinds.

However, She wanted to share her hobby to her friends in school but she was afraid of being shunned which caused her to keep it herself.

and with Hakua also having experience like that during in high school, he can sympathize to her.



As Hakua was on the carriage, something rang on his mind, it was his [Detection] skill. He notice there were a hundred presence closing on them.

*Knock* *Knock*

He called on the driver " Something’s coming." and warned them.

On the front was male carriage driver, besides him were also 2 male. except for the driver, both of them were fighters, one is a lvl 50 magician of the fire element, while the latter was a lvl 56 swordsman. both of them have the air of veteran fighters and has exceptional sense born from years of fighting


when they heard Hakua's warning, they all felt puzzled, they have excellent detection abilities, which was the reason they were chosen to guard the young master and young miss. together with their high combat abilities which can also fend even a lvl 70 fighter.

but they didn't dare to slacken off nor brush off the young master warning, they all knew that even though he cannot use magic, his swordsmanship was excellent to the point of being a monster. It was not a secret that when Hakua's was almost 3 years old he killed and fend off, one of the most dangerous assassin in the country and even them were not confident of defeating the young master even if their is two of them

they picked their weapons up and stopped the carriage to prepare. they didnt try to speed up the carriage, after all the young master just said 'something's coming' which means to prepare and not 'Run at full speed'.

on the carriage, as soon conveyed those words, he strated to prepare himself, he reach to the wooden sword below his seat which he kept there in case of emergency like this.

"What is happening?" seeing Hakua stand and the air around change, Illia became anxious and asked.

"Something coming, im not sure what it is, but I think it hostile." He answered and continued, " just stay in here and don't go out no matter what happen."

"What about you?" she asked worriedly.

"I need to check what it is. don't worry I'm strong and keep this just in case." he said as he gave to her a wing shaped pendant.

"Are you sure? and what is this?" she was worried, she held the pendant which Hakua gave to her.

" Yes, and that is a charm to ward off danger." with the went out of the carriage. leaving Illia alone.

As soon as he got out, all the hundred presence he detected charged towards them. As soon as they appeared they knew what are this, they are drachwolves.

Drachwolves are big blue wolves with streaks of black. On their forehead was a black horn. This wolves moved in packs numbering a hundred making them one of the most powerful monsters on Eastern.

“Activate the powerful barrier you have, and use it on yourselves. The enemies numbers around a hundred. Let me handle this.” His words made the two pale.

Hearing his command the magician activated a barrier of earth to cover the two of them. They knew that their young master has a plan but what happen blowed their common sense, shocking them witless.

Seeing them comply he activated [Sword Tempest] in an instant thousands of swords appear out of nothingness, each of these swords have a sharp aura, capable of making one scalps go numb and scare them witless.

There the thousand swords started to whirl around him creating a tornado of blades, seeing this the wolves started to retreat for they knew how fearsome this whirlwind was but it was too late, some of them weren’t able to stop in time which made those becom shreds.

And those remaining retreated. The swords also vanished, like they weren’t there in the first place.

“OK, they’re gone, were wasting time so lets go” as soon as he said that he wen into the carriage, which wasn’t damage, the reason? It was because of a barrier which sera activated, when he received Hakua’s command.

The two fighters just nodded speechlees and slack jawed. They were broken by Hakua’s display, After all what he just did was a slaughter.

Pure slaughter.


sorry for being late.

the next will be on monday.

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