《Cheat Hero》Chapter 11 - Leaving Home


"Hakua... wake up!"

He woke up, with someone nudging on him. With his eyes still half closed, he can't picture who was waking him up, however somehow the voice was familiar. The smooth,and gentle voice of his mother.

"Ughh..... Mom?"

"Ahh, you woke up. I've been waking you for a long time, it's already noon, somehow I'm worried about when you go to Pragia academy." Cella complained. " never mind about that, Illia is already here since morning"

"Illia? So it's today huh." As he remembered that today was his departure towards Pragia Academy, together with his step-sister. "I don't know somehow my sleep was comfortable, may because it will be a long time till the next time I sleep in here."

"Is that so... Well Just get dressed, for the carriage is already ready." Cella replied, as she left.

After his mother left he went towards his closet, unlike before he told to them that he will get dressed by himself where at first the maid rejected but gave up eventually. He wore a black shirt with matching blue pants, such simplicity. His outfit was very different from a typical noble who wears expensive robes, adorned with jewels.

Being a reincarnated person from Earth, A shirt and pants were much more comfortable and was pleasing to his eyes.

After changing, he directly went towards the dining room, where he saw his twin sisters already eating, and sat down. There he also saw Illia beside the twins, also eating. Now Illia was already showing signs of being a great beauty in the future.

"Big bro!" The twins exclaimed seeing Hakua. " you're late!" "That's right Illia was waiting for you since morning"

"No it's not that long." Hearing the words the twins exclaimed, Illia hurriedly denied it.

"What not 'long'? You already waited for a long time since morning" After Illia said those words, another voice resounded in the room, nevertheless it was Cella. "Hakua, apologize to her." Cella said with gentle yet domineering tone.


Hearing his mother words Hakua bowed and apologize, truly he felt guilty to make a cute girl wait, just because of him oversleeping. But with his mother's tone somehow he felt fear towards her.

ever since what happened 5 years ago, his mother became much stricter to him but her gentle care and love didn’t change nor fade. In short she still regarded him as her own child, a normal child with a little power. But her strictness made Hakua shiver in fear.

"By the way Illia, Have you been well?" Hakua asked, it's been a year since she saw her, however maybe it was because he was his sister, he didn't much felt distance towards her. The last time when He saw her was when Rolant visited and stayed for a few days.

"Yes, brother. And my mother want to say hello." She replied, like Hakua she also didn’t felt a distance towards him, and regarded him as the older brother.

"Is that so... By the way you'll also come with me right?" He asked just to make sure. "Yes, I'm also 8 years old, younger to you by a few months"

He remembered that after a few months, Illia was also tested for magic potential. the result,unlike Hakua's elementless, she has an exceptional affinity towards one of the higher element, Essence.

In this world, there were 5 main elements mainly, Fire, Earth, Wind and Water. Then after the main elements come the 4 higher elements which are, Essence , Space-Time, Chaos and Order. However there are also Special Elements which do not belong to the former two. Those Special elements has their own use. One of the known was Analyze and Control, howver what is their usage is still unknown.

Essence was inclined towards life, where every being has an essence, even some items or weapons. The chance of having this element is one in a million. And being also part of the Lambert family, which excels in enchanting, her element was a perfect to it.


At that time after knowing, the two families held a banquet where he did not attend for his mother was pregant at that time, and can't bear to leave her.

"Oh by the way, Hakua, your father wanted to give you something" Cella said. " He sent it together with Illia, right Illia?"

Remembering this Illia hurriedly nodded towards Cella question. "Right Father wanted to give you something I think it's connected to you being elementless. It's in the living room I'll give it to you after you ate breakfast."

"I see.." Hearing this he continued to eat.


"Brother this is it." Illia said as she held out a black wooden box with a size of a hand.

"Thank you" He said as he grabbed the box and held it on his hand.

Inside was a dark blue bangle with streaks of black, the bangle gave off a feeling of absolute strength. He didn’t know why but he felt that this was made by a great blacksmith from rare and good materials. Beneath the bangle was a folded paper, it was from his father.


I know i havent' been a good father to you, and never showed you my love, I can also feel that you dont love me like your mother, but I understand that but remember, you are still my son and my first born. This is a armament, a bangle made from mithril, one of the most rare and hard to use metal in the world, this metal is known for it's ability to absorbed magic. With the help of a friend, an elven blacksmith.

I manage to create this to compensate your elementless, I imprinted a specific kind of magic, body enhancement magic, Which can help you. I won't explain it further after all I think you already have an outlook towards it.

By the way, don't make the noble girls in the academy pregnant okay. Haha.


"Fuck? Why the hell will i do that?" He exclaimed as he saw the last part, however he cant helped but recall his father's word about not being close to each other. He knew he too not only his father was wrong but he too, Every time his father was home, he didn't talked to Rolant that much except when The latter is the one who started to converse.

but there was something he was sure, he respected him, being able to fight for his mom, even His mother didn't became the main wife He appreciated how he chose to fight for her, especially Hakua having retain his memories and having someone he loved he felt admiration towards him.

After recalling this He wore the bangle however with his current position, with his mother and his siblings beside him, he thought it was not the appropriate time to rest it. After all he was already in front of the carriage together with Illia.

"Hakua, I know it will be long time till we will see each other but don't forget to go home during vacation" Cella said with teary eyes, it was the first time that Hakua will go without her for a long time.

"That's right big brother.. ugh" the twins said on the verge of crying.

Seeing the twins cry and his mother anxiety, he felt lonely that he will be away to his family. "Aura, Livia don't worry in a few years you'll also go to the school together with me. And I'll also be back during Vacation." He assured the twins which made the twins feel a little happier.

"Young master, young miss. I apologize for my rudeness, but we need to go now, or we will be late" Suddenly th carriage driver interjected.

hearing this Hakua bid goodbye to them and went inside the carriage, together with Illia. There as the carriage moved somehow he felt lonely.

with that His trip towards Pragia Academy started.


I apologize for being late, and not upholding my promise for I fell asleep due to exhaustion

. But here it is

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