《What a Creator Does》B1 - C6 - Life of a “Beggar” pt 1
Really, who even thinks of going to work on weekends! Damn, it’s the time we have to fully enjoy life. I’m not wasting it in that sweaty place!
She thought as she was in the metro, she was constantly frowning at her thoughts, the people around her felt a little threatened by her visage, only a little.
Arriving to her house at 7, she went straight to the kitchen to eat something light and then brought a can of beer to her room in order to numb her ragging mind.
Damn, I’m so tired, and he wants us to go tomorrow, too? Hmph, I gotta go to him and talk about the schedule we’re gonna follow, I don’t want to be this tired everyday… Or we can work near here… Yeah, it’s easy for him because he lives nearby, no? Hmph hmph what a cheater! … I don’t have his contact number…
As she was looking for his number on her phone, she realized she hadn’t asked him for it, heck, she didn’t have any contact from anyone of Treller’s office. Only the general number she could obtain in the net that was available for anyone to see.
“Whatevs, we’ll properly discuss it first thing on Monday. Let’s get it on!”
She said as she started up her desktop.
Her definition of ‘fun’ was researching her theory or looking up things she deemed interesting in the web. So, undoubtedly, she was going to be ‘working’ in the eyes of society.
Once she finished inputting new parameters so it could be finished with a little bit faster, she started looking through the results she had obtained today before leaving her house. She didn’t let her desktop be constantly functioning for two reasons, first it’ll overheat, and second she didn’t want anyone incautious seeing what the screen had to offer. Even if one didn’t understand it, if one got it written down and passed it to the others, someone could potentially find she was the one who hacked Necox.
Uhm, what’s this refered as again?
She thought as she saw multiple chains of letters and numbers, even if she understood it belonged to a metal compound, it didn’t mean she remembered its technical name.
Something so complicated ought to be costly… My wallet be damned
She was seriously considering selling her body just so she could afford something nice…
Even if I get some funds, it’ll be gone in an instant with this costly materials… I need to make money…
Searching in the web, she looked at ‘easy ways to make money’, and indeed the easiest and faster was to sell her body, then it was to win the lottery and with stocks, but the last two were problematic as the for first one she needed incredibly luck and the last one needed money to make more…
Guess I’m selling my self off…
She finally thought with determination in her eyes.
She only had to wait for a minute or so before she heard her phone ring back with an answer.
Oh!!! What’s this miracle! The hermit has spoken to me first!!
Tellmetellme! What can I be of service!”
Hey! I don’t only talk to request things! Don be so rude!”
Really? Then, do tell me why you wrote to me?”
Sorry, I lied… ill try to write more often…”
Eheheh (○`ω´○)”
So.. uhm, I need some fast cash and I don’t know how to pay it to you, but I promise itll be as fast as I can so please? Ill do anything you want, anything I say, so please???”
Charlotte tried hard to think of excuses as she texted her dear friend, Dordives. She have always had a soft spot for Charlotte, and she didn’t like to exploit it, so it was really a last resort sort of thing, something she won’t do if she had other options.
Oh so that’s it.
Well, figures, you talked about money a lot the other day so its comprehensible
You still owe me some, remember?”
Of course! Even now im working to pay to you it!”
Charlotte had asked her half a year before to borrow some money, just so she could buy her dear desktop, one of the best the market has to offer.
She had 50 thousand Gers in her account before, from all the money her parents had given her since she was a child, and from some little jobs she had done in the internet.
But since the moment she saw this particlar machine in the market, she fell in love with it. She was short of 10 thousand, and so she asked her friend for it, she had paid dearly for it.
Thinking back, if she had managed well her money, she’d have much more right now…
Sigh… Really, had I known I’d be this desperate for money, I’d had been more careful with it…
Oh? Weren’t you with your interviews still?”
Nope! I started working yesrteday!
But Im seeing it’s kind of hard to get some fast chas and I wanted to buy something but itll take a while
So I was thinking of doing other things while working”
Really?! You started working!? Please tell me all about it!”
After talking with Dordives for an hour and telling her about the thoughts she had of her teammates, she came to the agreement of being loaned some cash out from Dordives' pocket money.
Even if it was like that for Dordives, right now it was 3 times what she’d get for working with Treller's for a month!
In exchange, she needed to expend all weekend with Dordives.
I didn’t thing it’d be all weekend… Really, I’m selling myself out.
Charalotte thought while smiling wryly. They agreed to meet at 3 in ST mall. And whatever happened afterwards, Charlotte would be in automatic mode so it didn’t matter.
Fiu, finally, I can look at it again.
The reason she wanted to bring the other laptop, was because both her desktop and laptop were being used to calculate the materials and stuff needed, earlier she had taken a picture with her phone so she could read the first batch of materials. When she was seeing the first part this morning she got distracted, she didn’t finish looking completely at the first arrangement at all.
She continued to see the list and looked it up in the web from her phone to see the prices the normal ones had.
5600 Gers a kilogram… And that’s without the expected process and materials needed in between…
Charlotte was getting a headache only thinking about it. The more she thought, the more vitality going away and being drained from her soul. Soon she was asleep as the fatigue of the day robed her of the last ounce of vigor she had.
When Charlotte woke up, she went directly to her desktop to see how it was going, currently it has done 76% of the task, and if she let it continue without pause, she estimated it’d take at most 12 hours.
Sadly, she didn’t have the time to wait 12 hours straight, so she simply paused it and started downloading to her phone the first file which was made. Once she was done with it, she saw that it has generated 4 other files.
Hou, isn’t that a lot?
She thought, as each file meant a different kind of machine, with varying properties and responses. She certainly didn’t think it was possible to create more than 2, and now there were 5. And it wasn’t over, there was still 24% left.
So there’s at least one more file, what a boom.
She thought feeling proud, if she could do them all, it’d certainly be the start of a new revolutionary age, one that was never seen before!
And so, she started working with the first file. The downside being, she had to do it from her phone and had no tools to make it any faster.
When it was noon, she started to get ready for her meeting with Dordives.
She wore white short loose pants fastened with a black belt and a white bucket, a greyish blouse which was tucked into the shorts and a pair of vans with platform which made her seem a bit taller. She put another change of clothes in her satchel as she was going to be sleeping at Dordive’s. Once ready, she turned both computers off and went out.
“Really, I hope it won’t be so hard on little ol’ me…”
When she arrived at the place they had agreed, she saw Dordives wearing a one piece pink dress fastened on her waist with a cloth belt. Her brown long hair was tied in a low ponytail, which was rare sight for her.
“Hey Dord, why the change?” Charlotte said as she approached her friend from behind, pointing to her friend's hair once she was spotted.
“Oh! Charl! Hi! You’re as cute as ever! So? What do you think?” She said, catching her ponytail and bringing it to her front.
“Not bad, I guess. I’m just not used seeing you with a restricted hair heheh.”
“I know! I’m getting pretty fed up in my house and wanted a change of pace. Thought that with this new look," throwing the hair to her back, she continued with a smile, "my mood will also change!”
She said as she made a turn in one leg, making her hair follow her in a line. It was indeed very charming seeing her hair go after her, which made Charlotte smile a little.
“Is it really that bad? I thought you’re ready.”
“I thought so too! But Carl is so intense and keeps telling me what to do all the time, like it all has to be as he desires!”
“Carl is your fiancé, no? I thought he was the best…”
“Yes! Now imagine the others… Ugh, just thinking about them makes me want to throw up. So pretentious!”
Dordives said with a frown, she was having a hard time on her own. Heck, Charlotte couldn’t even fathom being tied to someone she didn’t even like, much less to marry with them in such a short notice.
“Even though he’s marrying to my family, he keeps talking as if he owns the place!”
“I know you can get over it, at least it’s only after all the formalities are done with, right? Afterwards you can do whatever you want.”
“I know! But still, it’s so frustrating being held up like that!” She stomped her feet on the ground, looking like a little kid making a tantrum.
“Now now, I’m going to keep you company until it’s done for.”
“Yep! And even afterwards! You know I like you the most, I couldn’t live my happy ever after if you’re not around!”
Dordives was getting heated up in the moment, garnering the attention of the passerby, they all smiled at this lady who was almost jumping around. This over-excitable trait of hers was one of the things Charlotte liked about her. It made any dull and boring thing interesting.
“Yes yes, though, I can’t always be with you, you know I have my own projects.”
“Right! What is it you want to buy now? To need all that money.” She spoke softly after noticing the surrounding’s attention was on them.
“Oh, I don’t want to buy anything with that money, yet, I’m just going to buy some stocks so I can get some fast money.”
“Ah! I see! I can recommend you to someone who’s knowledgeable about it if you’re so interested.”
“That’d be perfect, I was planning on researching on my own. If I can get a quick guidance it’ll be perfect.”
“Ok! I’ll tell my daddy then! He sure knows a lot about it. You’re not gonna regret it.”
“Your father? Nono, I couldn’t…” Opening her eyes wide, she made a nono gesture with her hands.
“No worries, he’s going to be home until I marry, so you’ll have time today and tomorrow, there’s no problem at all~”
She smiled, she smiled so sweetly that Charlotte was unable to refute her.
“If you say so…”
“Let’s start our little trip now! Let’s go!” She bent her waist a little and caught Charlotte's hand, propelling her friend to one of the stores in the mall.
“Ugh, so tired…”
It was now close to 8, they were eating in a restaurant of the mall.
Everything they did today was sponsored by Dordives’ pocket money. Charlotte was given a blue camisole that combined spectacularly with her current shorts, by Dord’s words, and a red dress which went just below her knees, it was trimmed at the end and had elbow long sleeves.
“Really? I feel like I’ve been born again! I never get tired of watching you in all those cute outfits!” Stars were visible in her eyes.
“… Are you sure? Isn’t that because you like seeing people despair with everything you make them wear?”
“I’m not denying it but that’s not all, you know? I truly enjoy our time!”
“But, this dress, was it really ok? It was pretty expensive…”
“Of course it’s fine! It just goes so well with your freckles!”
“… You know I don’t like them that much, right?” Charlotte touched her face, feeling her skin that was full of spotted marks.
“Yes, but they look way toooo gooood on you! It’s like if you search on the net for a person who goes perfectly with freckles, your picture will appear!”
“Please, stop it, it won’t change my mind.”
“I can only try~ hehe.”
Containing her nth sigh of the day, she asked wearily.
“Are we continuing after this?”
“’Course not! I already got all the Charlotinum I could get from here, any more and I think I’ll faint.” Dordives said in all seriousness. “We’re taking a cab to my house. We’ll spend all tomorrow in a pool and laze around all we can!”
“Ah, I didn’t bring my suit… Sorry”
“No worries, I’ve one for you in my house.”
“… Why do you have it?” Charlotte asked while narrowing her eyes, she couldn’t help but wonder if Dordives was joking or not.
“Ahem! Because I know how forgetful you are, and in case you lack anything I need to always be prepared!”
“Ok… Let’s go then.” Rolling her eyes, Charlotte urged Dordives as they had finished eating for some time now.
Grabbin her arm once again, Dordives started walking to the cab’s spot.
Arriving at Dordive’s house, they went straight to her room, it was around 10 times bigger than Charlotte’s current one. It had a queen sized bed, some cushions all over the place so one could rest wherever one wanted, A sofa big enough to accommodate 3 people without feeling crowded and a table in front of it. At the wall in front of the sofa was a TV hanging down, it occupied all the wall, making one feel as if one was in a private cinema.
On the right wall from the TV was a desk on which rested a desktop and some notebooks and books that were left open, it also had an intelligent lamp that regulated its luminescence according to the available light to allow the one sitting there the best illumination, avoiding the over tiredness of one's eyes. On the other wall was a door that led to her own bathroom and wardrobe. Charlotte couldn’t help but wonder how many clothes were stored in there.
“It’s as impressive as always, I can’t help but be envious…”
“Hahaha, once you get used to it, it’s pretty normal. Wait for me for a second. I’ll bring some snacks and drinks.”
After she left the room, Charlotte put her satchel and bags in one of the cushions and remembered she didn’t bring any sleepwear, either. She went to the bathroom to do her thing. When she came back, she saw Dordives closing the door with a food cart, in it were some chips, a wine and two cups.
“Erhm, I didn’t bring anything to sleep with, can you lend me some?”
“Oh yes! I thought so haha, look, I brought you something to wear.”
“Really, you’ll be a wonderful wife…”
Charlotte couldn’t help but marvel at her thoughtfulness. Receiving a bag her left eye twitched when she saw its contents. There were two lingeries in there!
Looking at her face, Dordives laughed way too hard for Charlotte’s sake.
“Haha… Sorry sorry, it’s a joke. Look, this is yours.”
She handed her another bag, in there was a full body pajama, it was better than the other one, but it bothered her that it had a pair of ears and a tail. It looked like she was getting a cat cosplay to sleep.
“Well, this is better at least.” She acknowledged, nodding her head.
“Let’s start then! What do you wanna watch?” Getting the remote of the TV, Dordives sat on the big couch
“Anything is fine, really.”
“Ok, so… Oh, this one is new, let’s see~”
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