《Reincarnated as a Wolf monster in another world?》Part 9: New Forest
Submerged in total darkness I couldn't see a thing. Which felt a little odd. I vaguely remember having a night vision skill.
[Skill: Night Vision Lv1(possessed)]
Yeah, I did have one. So why can't I see a single thing? I looked around and saw the vague outline of the surrounding wall but that was about it. Is it because of the level? I suppose I wouldn't be able to see in complete darkness despite being born with the skill. Whatever it doesn't matter.
I need to figure out how to get out of here. I sluggishly got up only to fall back down. that beating was bad dammit. Although I doubt it matters. Even if I could move I can't imagine myself being able to climb all the way up there. Even if I could climb all the way up there the stone slab would be impossible for me to move in that position and the position wouldn't even matter because there's no way I could move it normally.
Well climbing my way out of here is a no-go. I felt the ground only to be met with a cold, rough, and hard texture. The floor was made out of stone. I did my best to set myself up on the walls only to find more stone.
I can't dig my way out either. Well...how the hell do I get out of here!? I don't know how thick the wall is but perhaps if I had some sort of stone I could bash it against the wall until it creates a hole wide enough for me to get through and dig my way out. But I don't know how long that would take and I doubt I have the time.
"there's not a way out...all I can really do is...wait...," I said out loud feeling yet again helpless and defeated. My head hanging down I slowly raised it up in anger. I have no time to be sulking. If I can't escape I might as well do something with the time.
I really don't think I'll be able to sleep. So I'll make one of my garbage skills hopefully more useful. I stared at the wall and used analysis.
Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]
Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]
Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]
And again.
Analyze Results:[Stone Wall]
I continued on like that for what felt like 1-2 hours until finally one of those messages things showed up.
Proficiency met, [Skill: Analyze Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Analyze Lv:2]
"Finally!" I yelled in anticipation. I looked at the wall and once more used analyze.
Analyze Results:[Stone Wall: A part of an old water well originally used to gather water now repurposed to hold people or creatures temporarily]
"Oh wow!" I said excitedly, "That's way different than before!"
So it makes the name less vague and adds a description. That's great it looks like all that time wasn't wasted. I guess I should start using analyze again. I will probably be in here for a while longer anyway. I wonder what exactly they plan to do with me though. I was bought by some shady-looking people for sure. And with this muzzle on my mouth, I can't really defend myself with my poison. Well...Actually, maybe I could dispense it through my claws. I never really confirmed whether I could or not.
I wondered where to start and how to figure out if I could when I realized I already had the instructions imprinted into me. I lifted my claws into the air and although it was extremely difficult in the dark I could see a drop of poison drip from my claws. Perfect, perhaps I could poison that guy who beat me in the club. In fact, that is exactly what I'm going to do. I'm pretty sure they don't know my claws are venomous or they just didn't care enough to disable me that much.
Proficiency met, [Skill: Night Vision Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Night Vision Lv:2]
"huh?!" I grunted out loud surprised. Why would that level up? I guess I have been using it this whole time? So it's constantly gaining experience as long as it's dark and my eyes are open? If that's so then just by living normally this would level up.
I wonder how much my vision has actually improved? I look around trying to see a difference. It's definitely brighter than before but not that much. Well, it helps me nonetheless. I just wish I could pinpoint the exact amount it improves per level.
I wonder...? Can I analyze my skills? If I can I could clear up a few points. Maybe it even shows me the statistics behind the levels. It's worth a try anyway. I concentrated on Night Vision as a skill and used analysis.
Analyze Result:[Night Vision(Skill): A skill that improves your vision or eyesight in low or no light conditions]
Oh! So I can! Awww, but nothing about the increases per level. Well, it's only level: 2 who knows what it could do when it has leveled up more. Anyway, it's nice that I can analyze skills but I don't really see a use for it right now. All of the skills I currently know I have are pretty self-explanatory. I guess I could analyze my perks. Eye for Blood Lust is pretty self-explanatory though. And Venomous isn't a mystery either. It won't hurt to analyze either though I suppose.
"Analyze!" I yelled then immediately felt embarrassed with myself. I really didn't have to scream it out loud. I felt a bit silly.
Analyze Results:[Eye for Blood Lust(perk): A perk that acts as a sensor for blood lust detected toward the perk holder. When blood lust is detected the perk holder experiences an intense feeling of caution or wariness. Like somethings about to attack(which most of the time does proceed to happen)]
Analyze Results:[Venomous(Mutation): A transformation that mutates the mutation holder's body to be able to use Venomous attacks. The type of venom depends on the creature that resulted in the mutation for this mutation holder, Hemotoxin. It also changes the Mutation holder's body to slightly resemble and mimic the creature that resulted in the mutation holder gaining the mutation in the first place. These changes will continue to occur with every evolution. This mutation can only be attained by people who hold one of the three following perks:_______________(unable to show perk), A God's Blood Resides Within Me(possessed), and __________________(unable to show perk) or people who have changed their body through alchemy, magic, an ancient ritual, the dark arts, or prolonged exposure to mana crystals or vile growths]
"Whats that Perk?!" I yelled out loud. I more or less expected what analyzing Eye for Blood Lust told me but Venomous gave me far more than I thought it would. Anyway, I should analyze this thing right now. I concentrated on it and used analysis.
Analyze Results:[A God's Blood Resides Within Me(perk): A perk that gives the user the ability to fill Special Requirements. It also lets the perk holder gain skills, perks, and even mutations easier than normal. This perk is only obtained by being an organic creature who had some part of a god used to make them. This can range from that god's mana being used to force a soul into another creature to a being entirely crafted out of a god's blood, skin, and bones. Reincarnated beings get this skill by default since a god's mana is required to reincarnate a being]
Wait. I've been getting skills and perks faster than anyone without this perk. That's...that's an incredibly powerful perk, isn't it? In fact, it's the only good thing that came out of being reincarnated at all really. This perk puts me ahead of everyone that's just amazing. About time something good happen really.
That's about all I can do with analyzing right now. Should I go back to just trying to get another level up? Truth be told I'm getting pretty tired. and I can't remember the last time I slept. It's probably best to get some shut-eye. This situation I'm in isn't looking good at all though. it's a problem I don't know how to get out of and I do not know what's gonna happen to me. This really isn't looking good at all.
Well, I guess I can't do anything about it right now. I was already on the ground so I curved my torso and shut my eyes. I started to fall asleep surprisingly easily for the situation I was in.
I awoke to the sunlight slowly filling the hole and the sound of the stone cylinder on top being dragged off.
I looked up only to be blinded by the blazing sunlight and had to quickly shift my eyes to the side. I heard a couple of people who sounded like men talking in some language I didn't understand. I hadn't really thought about but how did they plan to get me out of here?
I looked up again although the sun was blocked by one of the men who had leaned in front of the sun and over the hole. He was carrying what looked to be a thin pole that was around 3.5-4 feet long. The end on the side opposite of the pole the man was holding differed slightly from the rest of the pole as it was grooved and thinned out even more. He then lowered it into the hole and towards my mouth.
At first, I avoided it unsure of what exactly he was trying to do but it agitated the guy enough to start whacking me with the thing so I stood still he then inserted the thin grooved end of the pole into a hole that had apparently had been on the end of my muzzle. Then the 2 men both lifted me into the air like this and slowly pulled me out of the hole. As I got closer I noticed one of the men had been that bastard that nearly clubbed to death yesterday.
I instinctively started to growl at him. He responded by smashing me into the wall on the way up. As I finally got out I saw a small metal cage on the ground that I assumed I would be forced into. The other man that pulled me out seemed to be another person similar to the guy who clubbed me a laborer or grunt of some sort. The same large asshole that was here yesterday also was here today. He once again stood in the background talking with some other...man? This guy was new but I wasn't entirely sure of his gender. he has the longest hair on a guy I've ever seen and it blond. He was wearing what I presume to be expensive clothes for this world. He looked rich to say.
Wait...Don't tell me this world has nobles or some shit. After looking at me the blond guy walked over and took a good look at me. After that, he walked over and continued speaking with the large guy before snapping his fingers. this resulted in 2 more people coming over both holding a rather large bag of what I'm guessing are coins. The large man then yelled at the 2 grunts and they both started to shove me into the cage. One of them still holding the pole. the other being the same fucker who beat me with club walked over with the...club. he then started to brandish it and gave a few threatening fake swings. Although I hate to admit I fell for both and winced back after each one.
This guy who beat the hell out of me was going to get me into this cage without a single problem and I would be taken off probably never to see him again. God Dammit! I said I was gonna poison this fucker and I meant it! When I was testing my venom in the cave I found that I was able to concentrate the poison to one of my 4 paws claws or my fangs. If I concentrated it all into one paw and then got the club guy it should at least have the best chance of succeeding. I was still a bit off from the cage and I needed this pole guy to lose his grip so I could charge at the clubber without being held back. I started to lessen my resistance against the guy using the pole and became more docile. As I got closer the push on the pole got weaker as I lowered my resistance. The guy with the club got closer and closer too.
I was at the edge of entering the cage when I suddenly charged the guy with the club. The man holding the club had loosened his grip too much and it went flying out of his hands. When I got close enough to the clubber I lunged at his heel. He was caught off guard and I managed to jam the claw that I had pumped to the max with poison right into the back of his foot, slitting his heel in the process.
"ARGH!" he loudly grunted in pain. He fell down due to losing his balance and also the split heel thing. The main point though was that he was now completely open for an attack. I proceeded to lunge at him again but he swung the club when he saw me coming. He would have got me in the jaw and maybe have even broken it if not for the muzzle taking the brunt of the blow. I felt the muzzle itself fly off my mouth freeing my fangs. I was still thrown to the side though. The clubber attempted to get up only for his heel to prevent this. After falling down again. He started to hastily and clumsily crawl towards the other man who had rushed over to help him. Then the other man took the club from the one I had managed to bite.
I got up although awkwardly. Dealing with the pole has been annoying. The other guy proceeded to slowly step towards me holding the club defensively in front of him. The clubber sat himself up only for the poison...no hemotoxin to finally kick in. I could see him start physically worsen as his heel started to bleed profusely and him cupping his hands around it trying to prevent the blood flow. I would have loved to enjoy the show if not for the fact that I had to deal with the problem in front of me. Just as I was about to attack. I felt it. An Eye for Blood Lust had activated. I turned behind me to see one of the people who had been holding the bag of coins swing something at me. I sidestepped avoiding it.
I then felt the perk again as the guy who had the club had charged me and swung that at me. I was in a worse position this time and only managed to avoid hitting my head. The club hit my lower back forcing me onto the ground. The other guy then swung at me again with whatever weapon he had but I lunged from my position on the ground towards him dodging it before the thing could ever hit me. I then mid-air stretched my body forward trying to get to his neck. As I collided with him I managed to wrap my teeth around his neck and ripped out his throat before he could do anything.
Proficiency met, [Eyulf: Lv3] has leveled to [Eyulf: Lv4]
[All Stats Have Been Increased], [Body Physique Has Been Both Strengthened and Improved], and [Stamina, Mana, and Health Capacity has been Increased]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:3] has leveled to [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:4]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:4] has leveled to [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:5]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Slash Resistance Lv:2] has leveled to [Skill: Slash Resistance Lv:3]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Pain Resistance Lv:3] has leveled to [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:4]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Blunt Resistance Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Blunt Resistance Lv:2]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Blunt Resistance Lv:2] has leveled to [Skill: Blunt Resistance Lv:3]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Heightened Sense of Smell Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Heightened Sense of Smell Lv:2]
Proficiency met, [Skill: Heightened Sense of Sight Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Heightened Sense of Sight Lv:2]
Gained 100 Skill Points
[Level up report concluded]
A level up! It's smaller than last time though. 2 new skills as well! Or did I already have them? Oh yeah, skill points I had almost forgotten about tho-my thought process ended as a club collided into the back of my head and I fell to the ground dazed and confused. I was too distracted with the level up. Way too distracted...
I managed to stay awake perhaps due to Blunt Resistance leveling up twice but it didn't matter. Several people closed in on me and quickly pulled me into the cage. After that, the cage was lifted up and taken to what looked like the back of a wagon. I was put in among various other boxes and items. There was just enough room to fit me in actually. I think I'm in a cargo wagon.
It took a little bit but eventually the wagon started moving and I recovered from that bash to the head. It was actually quite boring for a while. I couldn't see anything from where they put me except what looked to be an empty dirt road surround by a forest that seemed to never end. Eventually, it was night again but the wagon kept moving. although I couldn't confirm it I think there were several wagons in front of me too. like I said some rich noble.
We finally stopped after a couple more hours of traveling and heard what sounded and smelt like a campfire. It was getting late and It seemed we would just continue on after this so I decided to try and go to sleep.
Just as I prepared I felt it. An Eye for Blood Lust Activated. And it was horrifying. It was easily the most terrifying experience of life as a wolf. Whatever was producing this blood lust was dangerous. My entire body, both my wolf and human side, my very being itself told me to do one thing. Run. And run now. Whatever the hell this thing was going to slaughter us all. The problem was I was locked in a fucking cage! I can't escape.
Shit Shit Shit! I...I'm going to die...I'm going to die. And there's not a damn thing I can do...
The next few moments were a blur. A horrible, burning hot, painful blur. Something hit the wagon. Something hot. Something Fiery. And I and my cage went flying. The wagon looked like it exploded and several pieces of wood launched in all directions. One of them went flying right into me. The cage hit the ground and one of the metal bars snapped as the cage rolled into a tree. I fell on the bars themselves as the cage finally came to a stop. Every bone in my body felt like it had broken by the impact and I had been pierced by a flying piece of wood during the whole ordeal. I looked up and saw that when the bars snapped it had made a gap big enough for me to fit through. The problem was it was at the top and I would have to climb to get up there.
Pulling myself up was horrible as I found the bars had been heated up there and touching them was burning my skin.
"God Dammit!" I screamed as I proceeded to lift myself up and for through the gap at the top. The piece of wood was forced to come out as it couldn't fit through the gap. It didn't come out cleanly however ripping out and sending small bits of flesh and blood below me. I fell on the ground half-dead and got a front seat to the massacre that had happened in front of me.
I had found my metaphorical knife...and there was no other way to describe it. It looked to be a small dragon. A dragon. An actual dragon.
It was in the middle of dismembering several people and then swallowing them whole. One of which had been the blond guy who bought me.
I swear does pain and trouble follow me everywhere I go! I forced myself up and pathetically crawled away from the scene. The ground was wet and muddy and I proceeded to cover myself in it in some hope to cover my scent.
I limped away from the slaughter into the dark unknown forest.
Chapter 9: End
Jalan Suram : The 100 Fire Holders
"Why us?" Still staring at the unusually stationary fire of the candle he was holding, Agung voiced the questions in our mind. "Out of 2 million people living in this city, why are we the chosen ones?" As if on cue, the eerie laughter of children could be heard above us. Holding our own candle tightly, we resolved to ignore them and continued our discussion. It was a matter of life or death after all. More than half of the initial participants had fallen and the building became more crowded as the result. There were now more ghosts than the living and each step was filled with danger from the unknown. Either we solved all the questions now or we would become another addition to the ghost camp. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was one thing Novita found out after she accepted an invitation to a suspicious event from a seemingly legal company. Crowded didn't exactly mean safe. As more and more variables were added to the dangerous ritual, the higher the risk of death. At the same time, the higher the risk was, the better the rewards for it. But in the end, was it worth it? Note : This series was posted on scribblehub.com under the same name. Jalan Suram : The 100 Fire Holders | Scribble Hub
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