《Reincarnated as a Wolf monster in another world?》Part 8: Human Encounter
Clyde looked down at the little wolf with nothing but pure greed in his eyes. If that thing really was a mutant, he needed to knock it out quickly and hide it in the forest. If the others caught wind of it they would definitely want a piece of the cash Clyde could get selling the thing. He needed to get around the wolf once again. If it got scared and ran towards the cave to get away from him it would run into the others and he greatly wanted to avoid that. Clyde calmly ambled around the wolf trying not to set it off.
If he was right and this wolf was indeed a mutant that meant it had abilities that its species didn't have. Like per se poison or at least that what he had heard. He didn't know if this wolf actually had poison or not but it would still be safer to knock it unconscious without getting bitten or scratched. He also needed to avoid hitting it too hard and accidentally killing the thing. Clyde had no idea why mutants sold for more alive but they did so he planned to keep this wolf alive. He had heard alchemists used mutant body parts to make expensive potions so maybe the ingredients were better the fresher they were? He also heard some rich nobles liked to purchase them as exotic pets. Either way, he needed to keep the wolf alive.
Clyde was finally around the wolf after all those slow steps. He quickly looked behind his shoulder. Clyde smiled with relief. Though they were a bit far away he could clearly see Natalia was still tending to Zink's wounded arm while the tracker was eyeing the cave cautiously bow and arrow nocked and ready. Clyde put his hand on the hilt of his sword preparing to knock the wolf out. The second he did this the wolf almost immediately bolted towards the forest. Clyde was slightly annoyed. He really didn't feel like chasing the thing down but nonetheless, he dashed after the wolf. Thanks to his skill [Skill: Fleet-Footed Lv7(possessed)] he was incredibly fast and had no trouble catching up to the young wolf.
Clyde swiftly pulled out his sword and smashed the hilt on the side of the young wolf's head. The wolf fell down most likely unconscious all its momentum throwing its body forward. After a few odd flips and summer salts, it crashed into a tree headfirst. Clyde couldn't help but put one of his hands on the side of his head.
"Maybe I hit a bit too hard..." Clyde said shyly clearly feeling some slight embarrassment despite the fact that nobody was even there.
He wanted to find a way to tie the wolf up so in the case that it might wake up it couldn't just walk away. All he saw on the ground were just sticks, rocks, and some old leaves. Nothing useful for his current situation. He had wanted to avoid harming the wolf too bad but he couldn't see any other way to be sure that it couldn't move from this spot. He quickly approached the unconscious wolf and proceeded to lift one of its legs into the air. Then he bent that leg backward until he heard the snapping sound of bones. He quickly got up and looked around one more time just in case there was anything else he could do.
After not seeing anything particularly useful he turned around and started to jog back to the cave. He was already sure he had been gone too long and he needed to get back quickly before anyone got suspicious or grew more suspicious.
When the rest of the party came back into sight Clyde gave them a thumbs up to say that the wolf was dead.
"you went a bit deeper in the forest than I thought you would," said the tracker his back still turned while his eyes were on the cave.
"The thing was stubborn to die, kept on going even after I hacked its leg off!" said Clyde trying to justify his slightly long absence.
"Anyway, we're gonna have to wait until this fire goes unless Natalia has some sort of water spell," Said the tracker with a sigh.
"I have a small-scale water spell but nothing big enough to put something like this completely out and I still need to finish healing Zink," said Natalia shifting her focus back to wounded rouge.
"Even if you can't put it completely out if you weaken it enough it shouldn't last long in the cave," said the tracker lowing his bow as he started to relax.
Clyde looked towards the forest hoping this wouldn't last too long. There was a lot of stuff he needed to do. After this, he had to find an excuse to separate from the party. Although he could just do it without them knowing. Either way, the longer he was out here the bigger the chance that wolf could get away, die, or who knows what. He sighed and looked to the sky. It was getting late.
I really hadn't liked the way that guy was looking at me. It seriously creeped me out! Then out of nowhere, he started to slowly move around me which couldn't have been a good sign. He had just cut off the exit and now he was trying to get back around me? It really didn't make any sense.
There was one silver lining though that feeling I got when something looked at me with the intent to kill had disappeared. He was certainly intending to gut me like a fish before but now it was clear he wanted something else. I intended to not be around when that something else revealed itself.
I continued to slowly step back as he continued to slowly step around me. It felt like time was slowing down when he finally put his hand on the hilt of his sword.
I immediately fled off towards the forest. No blood lust or not he was intending to use his sword on me! I looked behind my shoulder to see where he was and he was dangerously close. How the hell can he run so fast! I mean I am a young wolf but this guy is ridiculous.
I try to turn but before I can do anything something smashes into my head. My own momentum keeps me tumbling across the ground before I'm finally stopped by a tree. Fuck did I hit that tree hard. I can feel the blood dripping down my nose and off my head. As my consciousness begins to fade I'm met with a similar message.
Requirements to gain [Skill: Blunt Resistance] have been met, gained [Skill: Blunt Resistance Lv:1]
Oh...that's just great. My vision turned dark and the sounds around me began to disappear as I finally fell unconscious.
My eyes shot open as I felt something grab me. I instantly started to jolt and swing around my body in order to shake whatever was on me off. I soon discovered that something happened to be oddly green colored and quite short. Oh...goblins are real. Great.
I jump back to try and create some distance when I noticed a problem. Something was wrong with my leg. Like really wrong. I risk a quicky glace at my leg and see it is broken pretty badly my leg bent at an odd angle. How the hell did that happen! I don't remember breaking my leg in that fall earlier. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the goblin charge at me. Shit! No time to complain about broken legs.
I dive to the side in order to avoid the thing and immediately turn back around to face it. It had tripped over a tree root or something because it was on the ground and in the middle of getting up.
I got my first good look at the goblin and saw it was holding a dagger and wearing a dirty-looking loin cloth. I doubted it knew how to properly use the dagger though. It was also scrawny and looked pretty weak. I think I should be able to overpower it easily enough. I still should be careful. Even if it couldn't use the dagger skillfully you didn't need to be a master to stab something.
I did my best to get up with my broken leg and started to approach the goblin. It held the dagger towards me threateningly as it too began to approach as well. If I could overpower it killing it wouldn't be hard and I have poison too so all I really need to do is get a single bite in or maybe even just a scratch with my claws! I was pretty sure those were venomous too...I hadn't really checked.
The goblin then broke out into another charge. But I was prepared this time. I lept into the air albeit difficultly. The goblin was slightly stunned and faltered but it didn't matter. I raked its face with my claws mid-air as I tackled it to the ground. It yelped and thrashed around to no end. I continued to claw and bite the goblin's face with both my fangs and claws.
My vision took on a red tint as I continued to tear the creature below me apart. I could feel nothing but bloodlust at that moment. The goblin below me started to shake around violently in a desperate attempt to get me off it. I suppose when that didn't work it remembered it had a dagger and blindly plunged into my already broken leg.
"Goddammit, you piece of shit!"I yelled out as I felt it enter my leg.
I opened my jaws wide and placed them around the goblin throat. Then I promptly tore its throat out. Its body finally goes limp as it bleeds out and I rolled off it dropping the piece of flesh out of my mouth.
As my mind cleared up and pain started to flow into my body I discovered something. I was hungry. Really hungry. I turned over to the corpse next to me. I guess I had no choice. The idea of eating uncooked meat didn't seem all too appealing but I was a wolf so I'm sure my body would be fine with it.
I tore into the goblin and began to eat it. It didn't taste good. Not terrible nothing like imagined eating it would be but It wasn't good. Despite this, I continued to eat it. I would take eating slightly bad food over starving and continued to consume goblin.
I had gotten about a fourth into the corpse when I heard some rustling leaves behind me and turned around to see three goblins. One had been bad enough! I quickly got up and tried to think of a way out of the situation. 2 of the goblins were only wearing loincloths while the third was going nude. I tore my eyes away from its genital area in disgust. That was a sight I hadn't been wanting to see. Other than that one of them had a rock, the other had another dagger, and the last and easily most dangerous one was holding a spear.
My odds of beating them weren't that high...perhaps I could scare them off. I grabbed the goblin corpse with my teeth and lifted it into the air in an attempt to scare them away. 2 of the goblins faltered and took a step back but the one with the spear hissed at them. They quickly got back in place. I guess they were more afraid of it than me.
Ok...I can't run away my broken leg won't allow that. I could try charging them in hopes of poisoning at least the one with the spear so the others might run away. I begin to take a step forward but the goblin with the spear growls loudly as it charges me. The other 2 quickly joining it.
"Shit," I cursed as I sidestepped avoiding the goblin with the spear. Instead of the spear one, I faced the one with the rock. I liked my odds much better here but I had to kill it quickly before the others could help. My leg was providing to be a major hindrance but I could still operate ok with 3. I lunged for its throat but the goblin swung the rock it was holding downward onto my head.
I could feel my consciousness slipping and shook my head quickly to prevent such a thing. The goblin was bending down to hit me with the rock again. Before it could do that I lunged for its ankle this time. When I felt my teeth connect I pressed down crunching his ankle and his heel. I also injected a good deal of poison into his system. The goblin screeched in fear and tried to pull his ankle out of my mouth when that didn't work he fell back his head hitting a tree.
I turned to see the goblin with the dagger charging me. I tried to get up but I did too quickly and awkwardly falling back down. I watched as the goblin prepared to stab me before a sword burst through its chest. The goblin coughed out blood its body going limp as it dropped the dagger. It slowly turned its head behind it to see the human who had knocked me out.
the human pulled its sword out of the dying goblin letting it fall to the ground. I looked at the human he seemed...relieved? He looked at me with a smile on his face. He seemed truly glad I was still alive. This was just confusing.
The goblin with the spear had attempted to sneak up on the human and thrust the spear through his chest from behind but he must have seen it because he swiftly turned around and paired the attack. The goblin tried to lift the spear up but he wasn't able to do it before the human slit his throat.
I looked at him warily. I guess I should be relieved I was alive but I didn't feel safe at all. I did my best to get up and tried to sneak off into the woods but after my first step in the other direction, I felt something slam into my head. I feel to the ground my vision fading once again.
Clyde looked down at the wolf with relief. He had made it just in time. If he had been a second later his precious merchandise would have died. He surveyed the area for any other threats when he saw another goblin on the ground. It wasn't dead and was trying to crawl away from him. Clyde looked down at its ankle and saw that it had been wounded there most likely by the wolf.
Clyde went to finish the thing off but before he could it started to puke and it rolled on its side in visible pain. Hmhm? Oh! Could it be poison! This confirmed it the wolf was venomous. Which meant it was a mutant! Clyde could have jumped for joy but he had things to do.
He had ditched his party the first chance he got and immediately went to the local Adventure's Guild to officially separate from the party. Although it would be short notice he shouldn't have any trouble selling the mutant. He didn't even care if they were unsavory individuals. He picked the wolf up and slumped the wolf over his shoulder as he set off to find some to sell it to.
I awoke to someone once again touching me. As I opened my eyes I could tell it was human. I realized he put something over my mouth. I couldn't open it at all. Oh...it was a muzzle.
I looked around and saw the same human who had knocked me out twice already shaking hands with some other human. A rather larger one at that. As the man who knocked me out walked away he was holding a bag full of what looked to be...coins. He had sold me. That's why he was relieved when he saw me alive! For some reason, I needed to be alive for whatever it is they needed me for. It was odd though...why had I been spared and not one of the larger wolves?
As I was complimenting this the fat one said something to the man who had put a muzzle on me. He walked over to what looked like a well without the bucket and roof structure with a stone slab over it covering the hole that goes into the ground. He pulled the stone slab off, albeit difficultly, and let it fall on the ground. After that, he started walking towards me.
Wait... you're not going to put me in there are you. The man finally arrived and grabbed me with both hands dragging me towards the hole.
"Like hell, I'm going in there!" I yelled although I doubt he could understand me. I started to kick and shake my body in an attempt to getaway. The large man yelled something at the guy dragging me and he finally let go of me. The second he did I got up and started to run before he kicked me into the dirt with mighty force.
I yelped in pain as I rolled on the ground. He must have broken a rib or something because this hurts like hell! After that, I see him out of the corner of his eye approaching me again this time holding something. A club.
Have you ever seen a movie where there are both clubs and a dog in it and the dog didn't get the shit beaten out of it with a club? I haven't.
I try to run but he grabs me and pins me down lifting the club into the air. Then he swung it down. Hard. As it collided with my stomach He lifted back into the air and did it again. Then again. And then again.
He finally got up as I started to cough blood letting me free to move around. All I could really do right now was wriggle around on the ground in pain. That's probably what he was aiming for now that I think about it.
Then he lifts the club into the air again. "Wait! I'll go into the thing!" I said whimpering in fear. I had no idea what that sounded like to a human but I doubted it sounded like a human. He decided to interpret my whimpering as beat me across the face with your club several times because that is exactly what happened.
He lifted the club into the air again but before he could do anything the large one said something to him and he tossed the club on the ground. He then dragged my limp body and tossed me into the hole. It was probably only around 5-6 feet deep but it was stone all the way down.
I looked up at the sky to see the moon. Then the stone slab was slowly slid across until it covered the entire top.
I couldn't see anything in the total darkness. As I sat there in the dark I thought about what I wanted to do and came across my decision.
Fuck snakes, Fuck bears, Fuck wolves, Fuck humans, Fuck goblins, and Fuck that piece of shit who sent me here. I wanted to kill them all.
Chapter 8: End
Epic Of The Second Strongest Demonic Blade King
This book contains a lot of Violence, Blood and Gore. If that would repulse you, then this book is not for you.
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