《Black flame Devil》chapter 4 : Difficult battle & First skill


Wen Ling died , Xiao Hui began to cry ,she was her best friend

and just like that she experienced a cruel death, Liu Wei when fleeing didn't see what is

in front of him a hand grabbed him from the right ,it was a zombie its jaw directly

aiming for his neck, blood splattered and Liu Wei also died .

Yù Tian was slaughtering the zombies when he had a level up

to 4 ,directly using the points

on stamina to recover from his tired state ,

the only one remaining was the red zombie

it stared at Yù Tian with savage eyes , it has sensed

that he is dangerous ,Yù Tian

ran toward it and jumped delivering a

hit at a vital point but the sword didn't

leave the slightest mark ,he didn't

know whether to laugh or to cry, its body

was like made of metal but the thing that came next astonished

him its speed its speed was fast

The Red zombie has attacked with his long arm, Yù Tian has dodged ,its arm bruched his ears

he avoided death by a hair it was extremly dangerous situation ,meanwhile

Xiao hui seeing that Yù Tian was battling the red zombie she didn't know what to do ,

after the four zombies had devoured her friend, they stood up walking in her direction and

the corpse of Wen Ling stood up transformed into a zombie also walking her way .

she was so scared , but at that moment something had crashed near her ,it was Yù Tian

the red zombie hit made him flying a dozen of meters, its strenght was frightening

but Yù Tian suffered minor injuries nothing serious

(Xiao Hui)

( Yù Tian)

He stood up, the four zombies close to him ,being level 4 he had no problem

with normal zombies anymore, he immediatly killed them


but another one was behind them when he prepared to kill it

(Xiao Hui)

Xiao hui stopped him ,the weapon in her hands was a normal short sword .

( Yù Tian )

the zombies are a source of EXP so he dont let his prey slip from his hands .

( Xiao Hui )

(Yù Tian)

he immediatly turned and dashed to where the red zombie was .

Xiao hui braced herself and wiped her tears and

slowly walked toward her friend that became a monster ,

trembling she raised her arm yelled and delivred a hit

blood has splattered and the zombie fell . Xiao Hui kneeled next to Wen Ling and offered a prayer .

returning to the battle between the red zombie

and Yù Tian, it was an intense fight that endangered his life the slightest wrong move and

his life would be lost ,when trying to dodge he made a roll on the ground to escape and sneaked behind

when he looked at its back his eyes focused on a strange place

the back of the neck had the color of a normal zombie immediatly an idea

came to the mind of Yù Tian he evaded yet

another strike of th zombie , he sneaked behind another time

taking advantage of the momentom ,

jumped and slashed at the neck the zombie strugled to turn in time

but it was too late and the slash has connected .

blood ozed out, that immediatly confirm that that area is the weak point

the zombie kneeled and fell to the floor .

relieved Yù Tian also sat on the floor .

( congratualtion on reaching level 5 !! you have gained two points please use them on your stats )

( congratulation on unlocking the basic skill / Assessment/ help you identify level and skills of monsters and stats and special effects of weapons or armors)


( at level 10 you will unlock a type of power , you will be bestowed

a power randomly there is four levels of powers / weak / normal / rare / unique /

good luck !)

Yù Tian walked toward the corpse of the red zombie ten red coins , one silver coin , and a black box with an emblem on top dropped

he took them to put in his bag .

( Xiao Hui)


level :5

Name : Yù Tian

Age : 20

Gender : Male

str : 11

vit : 11

Agl : 12

stm : 14

sKills : Assessment (lvl:1)

job : (none)

EXP: 253 /536


End of chapter 4 .

Note : thanks for reading and if there is gramar mistakes please tell me for i'm from another race just kidding i'm not from

England ^^

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