《Black flame Devil》chapter 3 : Cruel Reality


after Yù Tian had killed the zombies ,he saw the three people frozen with surprise he immediatly spoke

the four have opened the door ,Yù Tian was not surprised at what he

saw but the three people with him had frozen with fear, the cafeteria was huge ,

it is normal due to the large number of students at least 3000. the scenery

is straight out of a horror movie ,several corpses a lot of zombies

cries of pain, blood ,and some survivors hidden behind tables .the two girls had

began to shed tears . Yù Tian located the kitchen .

( Liu Wei )

( Yù Tian )

they slowly reached the kitchen . the survivors

were plundering the storage room like ferocious beasts ,

Yù tian grabbed his bag and began to collect some bottles of water instant noodles ext ..

the 3 others also were collecting and at that moment a yell rang behind them

A fat young man with a knife pointed at them .

( Liu Wei )

(fat young man)

Wen Ling scared ,Liu Wei whispered to her

the fat man began to act violent , and adopted a threatening attitude .

when Yù Tian saw this he immediatly vanished of his spot and came in front of him

a thin shadow has flashed and has stopped at the throat of the fat young man .

(Yù Tian )

the young fatty was so scared that he wet his pants and fell on the floor .

(Yù Tian)

he stood up and ran to a corner of the kitchen .

seeing what he did the the three others were another time

surprised Yù Tian was quite scary .

having completly filled their bags, they were prepared to leave but

when they left the kitchen , suddenly a dozen of zombies were blocking their way Liu Wei

face changed the two girls were scared but Yù Tian


was not, he was thinking ,having his strength improved

due to level up , he clenched his grip on the katana

and prepared to fight , the two first zombies were

instantly disposed of but one of them was strange

he was taller than the rest and the color of his skin was red

(Yù Tian )

indeed the red zombie wasn't normal , seeing the two normal

zombies instantly killed , he retreated a few steps and let the

others advance . Yù Tian adopted an offensive stance and moved

foward with great speed he executed a sword technique that he learned in kendo,

three of the eight normal zombies left got cut to pieces, in the same time

four zombies appeared in the opposite side attacking Liu Wei groupe Yù Tian

turned to see and he was surprised at what he saw ,

Liu Wei grabbed Wen Ling and threw her in front of

the zombies that immediatly jumped on her and began

to tear her flesh

crunsh ! crunsh! crunsh !

(Wen Ling)

cries of intense pain and horror on the face of Xiao hui could be seen .

( Liu Wei )

(Xiao Hui)

( Liu Wei )

( Xiao Hui )

seeing that Xiao Hui was in rage he chose to flee and let her die

(so you reveal you tru face huh ?)

Yù Tian thinking inside when blocking another hit from a zombie

this is the cruel reality of the world when faced with death people reveal their ugly side .

end of chapter 3.

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