《'Daikon' Ball》Chapter 10 - Start of the Climax
Vegeta’s POV
“WHERE IS SHE! WHY CAN’T I FIND HER POWER?! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HER I’LL-I’LL- WARGH!!!” I explode destroying some of my surroundings.
“So it was you Vegeta making all of that noise. Should have expected as much from the Petulant Prince.” Cui flies towards me, with a smug grin on his face.
“Glad you’re here Cui I could use someone to kill about now!” Before he can react I get in front of him blast him with a large ki blast.
“WA---!” He screams before disappearing before my eyes. But this just isn’t fulfilling, defeating such a pathetic weakling holds no meaning. I need to find that bitch and end her. I blast off over the water, waves flying up behind me as fly.
Zarbon POV
“Zarbon go find out who killed Dodoria. And find me those damn Dragon Balls! In the meantime I will order the Ginyu Force here, something is clearly a foot.” Lord Freeza orders me.
“Right away Lord Freeza.” I leave with haste in search of Dodoria’s last known location. I must concur with Lord Freeza’s thought on this situation. I’m worried this all may have been a trap, to lure Lord Freeza here and try to kill him somehow. Though that last part doesn’t matter, after all there is no one who could possibly beat Lord Freeza. But it is the principle of the matter.
I reach Dodoria’s last known location and find it battle scarred. I use my scouter but other than our soldiers there is only one other power level around though it is weaker than Dodoria’s. But I must track down every lead, Lord Freeza won’t accept any less of me.
I fly after the energy signature. A little later I catch up to it and find Vegeta tearing across the horizon, wonder what he is doing here.
“Hey Vegeta~. What brings you to Namek?”
“Zarbon.” He growls at me.
“Now now Vegeta no need to be scowl, otherwise you’ll give yourself wrinkles. Now why are you here?”
“That’s none of your damn business and besides there is no point in telling dead men secrets.”
“Please Vegeta we both know I’m stronger than you or did you really hit your head that hard back on Earth?”
“Oh shut up you pompous arse, I have grown stronger since our last meeting. And now I’m going to kill you.” He moves faster than I expected and lands a punch on my face, knocking me back. He follows that up with hits as I fall.
“You’ve certainly gotten stronger Vegeta. But not strong enough. RAARRGH!” My body begins to bulk up and fill with power as I turn into my monstrous form. “You won’t be able to defeat me in this form Vegeta.” We then charge one another and I now have the upper hand on him knocking him back. With each hit I land I can see him getting angrier and angrier.
“What’s wrong Vegeta? Realised how weak you really are? Hahahaha!”
“Don’t call me weak, you jockstrap wearing bastard!” Again I am taken by surprise by his sudden increase in strength. With a heavy kick he knocks me back a distance. I notice him charging up his pitiable attack and follow suit.
“Galik Gun!!!” “Elegant Blaster!” We fire our attacks at one another in a bid to out do the other and end this. Our beams clash with one another, purple and orange energy is spitting off to sides, as we vie for power. We struggle pouring more energy into our attacks. But the longer this goes on the closer it gets to me, with this I begin to sweat and even my body is shaking from the exertion until I am finally blown away.
“Well would you look at that, back on the ground where you belong. Zarbon. You never stood a chance against me for I am the Prince of all Saiyans.” The bastard says as he raises his boot before everything goes dark.
Vegeta’s POV
“Yeah that’s right, I am the Prince of all Saiyans, destined to be the strongest. The likes of Zarbon is nothing to me.” I assert my dominance, now to find out if Freeza’s goons have found the Dragon Balls.
Ah there they are. I’ve spied some of Freeza’s people flying round. I speed up and ram into one breaking their back then quickly jump off him to kick another in the face as I shoot a volley at a third.
“Talk now or die. Where are the Dragon Balls.” I say holding the fourth by the throat as he struggles gasping for air.
“W-we don’t *gha* have them. We haven’t *gha* found any people either!” Hearing this I crush his throat and drop him.
“It’s that woman, it has to be. Now where to find her? Nooo.” My sentence trails off in realisation, when I feel a presence behind me and I turn around and am greeted by the bitches smiling face.
“Yes~.” She tries to stab me again but I already know her aim. “Oh you picked up on that have you? Hehe. Well lets see how much you’ve progressed then.” This marks the beginning of our fight as we exchange hit after hit, punch for punch and kick for kick. It doesn’t take long for me to realise that I won’t win this fight if things carry on as they. But then I see a tail coming from behind and without a thought I go to grab.
“Ha! I’ve got you now bitch! Now tell me where the Dragon Balls are or I will introduce you to a world of pain and suffering.” I say with utter confidence, not realising what the tail signifies.
“Oh, that’s just low Vegeta, where is your Saiyan pride hm? Taking every little advantage you can get you hands on, just like those weak humans. Oh how the mighty have fallen.” She says with what sounds like disappointment, which somehow pricks at my pride.
“Who are you to speak to me about pride?”
“I am simply one of those people who want to see their race prosper, nothing more.”
“Wha- You’re a Saiyan?!” Upon my realisation she spins around in a blur and buries her fist in my face smashing me into the ground.
Alea’s POV
“Haa… man Vegeta needs to get his shit together or he ain’t never going to go super.” I shake my head at his motionless body and then place a Senzu Bean in his mouth for when he wakes up.
Now then I think it’s about time we send out Nail and his fellow warriors to deal with Freeza’s forces. By the time he’s done Goku should be here and we can move on to deal with the Ginyu Force and the big kahuna.
“Hey Nail I think it’s time we start fighting, you up for that?” I ask once back in our snug little hide out.
“Yes we’re raring to go. We want to play a part in the protection of our planet.” He says resolutely.
“Excellent gather your guys and we’ll go deal with Freeza’s army.” He turns around and in a loud voice says.
“Everyone prepare for battle. We’re going to deal with the bastards that have come to take our planet!” This is followed by various cheers and yells, as they begin to file out of the bunker. As Nail leaves I grab his arm.
“Remember Nail Freeza himself won’t do anything himself, unless forced to. So do not provoke him at all deal with his forces and avoid him. Understand?”
“Yes I understand.” With that I let him go.
“Gohan Krillin you come along as well, we’ll need your help.” They nod to me and follow the others.
“Bulma I’m going to take you to my ship, I’d like you to make preparations for lift off and prepare for any injured. Feel free to make improvements if necessary.”
“Alright, it’s better than sitting around doing nothing.” I take her in my arms and fly back towards my ship while Nail and the others fly off towards the designated battlefield we chose, there are plenty of small plateau to use for cover there.
“Oh this ship is quite interesting, it’s so advanced. I could learn a fair bit from this ship. Hey can I buy this ship when we get back to Earth?” Bulma says as she investigates the command console.
“Sure you can have it when we get back, in fact Freeza’s ship should be a far more advanced version of this as it’s over twenty years old. As for payment if you could build me a better ship that would do just fine.”
“Deal!” She jumps and grabs my hands shaking them.
“Alright then, well you get familiar with this place I’ve got people to fight.” And with that I fly off.
Freeza’s POV
Zarbon has failed to report in.
“Soldier checks Zarbon’s status.” I tell one of my soldiers. He turns to me and nervously says.
“I’m sorry sir but the readings indicate that Zarbon is dead sir.”
“I see. I’m surrounded by incompetents.” I raise my finger and blast the soldier. As I do another soldier runs in panicked and freezes seeing what I did.
“What is it soldier.”
“Ur-um a gathering of 108 power levels has been detected in a nearby location sir.”
“I see gather the men and have them go investigate, maybe they are locals and I’ll be able to find something out.”
“Yes sir, right away sir.” He salutes and leaves.
I suppose I should go see what they want.
I and my army fly to the location with me at the head in my hover chair. We pass many plateaus and lakes. This planet really has too much water and not much in the way of natural attractions, I won’t be able to sell it for much after this. Such a pain.
Oh look there are a bunch of green men gathered down there and two white people. Suppose I’ll find out what they want.
“I have three questions, answer them and I will let you live. Do not and I will have you all killed. Who are you? Why are there so few people? And where are the Dragon Balls?” Despite my reasonable request the lot of them stay quiet. Though the little bald white one seems to be quivering when he looks at me.
“Fine I gave you your chance. Men kill them.”
“”YES LORD FREEZA!” My men chorus and charge forwards. The green men to the same and the two forces clash. My men shooting of energy blasts and the green men shooting their own and deflecting my men’s. A few of the green are wounded but are saved by their comrades and avoid death. Those that have lost a limb actually regrow it in a matter of seconds.
If these green men were strong they would be a formidable force, like the Saiyans. Maybe once this is over I’ll have the survivors join my army, make them a little group. Have them trained up then send them to the most hostile planets to die and conquer in my name. Could be quite profitable.
The little white people seem to be doing quite well themselves, taking out quite a number of my men. Especially the bold one he throwing around an energy disk that is just cutting through my men with great ease.
As for the other one he isn’t killing any of my men. Pathetic little weakling, he’ll get himself killed like that. Only the strong will stand at the top.
In fact one of the green men in particular are just tearing through my men, mind you though he’s just stabbing them so tearing really isn’t an apt description. Nonetheless he doesn’t seem to finding this troublesome in the least. He’s quite brutal killing everyone in his way, I’ll have him replace Dodoria.
Don’t tell me my men are pathetic enough to lose to these simpletons? I’ve really got to increase the hiring requirements for my armies, otherwise I’ll be the laughing stock of the family. I suppose I’ll have to punish them for this embarrassment.
I raise both hands with a finger stretched out on each hand. Then I begin shooting off energy blasts at my remaining soldiers, killing them all with a single shot. The green men jump back, but don’t seem all that surprised, they look angry but not surprised. Usually this evokes shock and horror at how easily I can kill so many, not a stern resolve. Once I finish the bothersome task of punishing my men I turn my attention back to the green men.
“Now tell me where the Dragon Balls are. And tell me what is really going on here.” One of them then steps forwards.
“It’s simple we were warned of your approach and made preparations to deal with you and your forces. And they quite simple preparations at that, you really as predictable as they said. Anyway you will be facing your death here and your tyranny will end as well.”
“Hahahaha. Oh how cute. You really think that you can kill me. Tell me do you know how many people have proclaimed that they are going to kill?” I ask but the doesn’t reply.
“Don’t know? Well neither do I. Many idiots have said as such and none of them have succeeded. What makes you think that you will do any better?!”
“Oh I don’t mean that we will kill you, we’re not stupid enough to do so unless necessary. No I talk of the one who warned us of you, they are the ones that will kill you.”
“Is that so, where are they then? I don’t see them among you.”
“Indeed they are taking care of another part of the plan and will be along shortly.”
“Well unfortunately for you they won’t be here soon enough to save your sorry arse’s. DEATH BLASTER.” I then blast them away with a powerful attack.
“Oh I got here just in time, thanks for the heads up on the attack there Freeza. It was like a starting gun in a race.” Instead of my attack exploding and killing all of them it is deflected and sent into the sky.
“And. Who. Are. You?” I say through grit teeth.
“Bitch I’m Alea! And I’m about to introduce you to one of my favourite songs Headbangeeerrr!!” She then charges at me and rears her head back before smacking into into mine over and over again.
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Now available in paperback!"I LOVE IT!" - CarniaHolmes "I'm going to break your nose, because I don't like your face," Carter said. She pointed to Zac. "I'm going to dislocate your other shoulder, just to make them even." She cocked her head and gave the main guy a sickly sweet smile."I'm going to break your wrist, taking away your baseball career. And finally you, Finch," she said, looking to the last guy. "I'm going to bust your ankle because I don't like the way you walk." She slid her hands into her pockets. "Now, how does that sound to all of you? And please feel free to look amused, skeptical or patronizing at this point. I'll have all the more fun wiping the expressions off your faces." Carter Owens, daughter of a Secret Service agent, is trained to disassemble any weapon, any situation, and anyone. Her biting sarcasm and razor-sharp mind make her impossible to beat in a word fight and when talking doesn't work, she uses her fists. She attends Hamilton Prep, Washington D.C.'s most prestigious high school, where everyone is related to someone in power, except her. When Hamilton Prep receives a flood of new students, Carter's role as social outcast changes when she makes two unexpected friends. Friends who are hiding a secret. As Carter uncovers the truth, she confronts challenges she is unequipped to handle and finds herself in a dangerous situation. For a girl trained to see everything, Carter never saw this coming."This is one of those books that seem like it won't be really good, but then it's mindblowing-ly amazing and then you're questioning life =)" - rwrites07"#rr for like the 10th time haha love this book" - tahls16 "I loved this book, it wasn't cringey cliche or stupid. I normally hate third person books but I loved this and all the characters, especially carter." - lenathedov Editor's Choice Talk of The Town#1 Teen Fiction, #1 Fiction #1 Love#1 Completed#1 New Adult#1 Friendship#1 Funny#1 Drama
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