《'Daikon' Ball》Chapter 9 - Being Mean
Alea’s POV
That was so fun! I can’t believe I got to meet Vegeta, should have asked for an autograph. He’s so freaking angry though, surprised he didn’t burst a blood vessel. Bulma was a really good influence on him, gotta make sure to injure his pride while we’re here, to make sure she looks after him. Hehe this is going to be so enjoyable. Let’s go visit Bulma next.
I fly off in the direction of a single small power I can sense. As I approach I recognise it to be the cave that she set herself up in before moving to between two plateaus.
“Hey Bulma! Bulma!” I call out as I approach. Hearing her name she tentatively comes of the cave with a gun.
“Up here!” I call out while waving. Without hesitating she lined up a shot and fired. The next instant I caught a bullet only centimetres away from my face.
“Jesus Christ Bulma! You could have taken a person’s eye out with that! Though you were never one to hesitate.” I say as I land before.
“I mean honestly Bulma don’t you see what I’m wearing? I’m dressed similar to Piccolo that’s gotta count for something.” I drop the bullet before her.
“Who are you and how do you know my name?” She said backing up.
“Oh right, I’ve got to stop doing that. My name is Alea and I’m a Saiyan similar to Goku, but more responsible.” I wink at her.
“That doesn’t tell me how you know my name!” She raises her gun again.
“Oh you know Kai’s and stuff. How about we take this conversation inside?” I smile at her, leaning in with my arms behind myself.
“Fine but I still don’t trust you.”
“That’s fine, come along we’ve a lot to talk about.” I link arms with her and pull her along. Once inside I start rummaging around for some cups.
“Where do you keep your cups.” She is now sat down at the kitchen table of her capsule home.
“Top left cupboard.” I grab them and go to sit down. I then pour some cider into both and offer a cup to Bulma.
“It’s a berry cider. Really nice stuff.” I smile again.
“So what is it you wanted to talk about?” She asks taking a sip.
“Well the reason you and the others came to Namek for, is no longer here and is in fact all the way back on Earth, hehe. My wish.” I wink. “So you’re are putting yourself in danger needlessly, so I’m willing to take you somewhere safer till Goku comes by in his ship. But leaving will have to wait as I’ll need his help and Vegeta’s in defeating Freeza.”
“So we came all the way here for nothing then? … Hah and we put so much effort into getting here.” She shakes her head and downs the rest of her drink and then shoves the cup in my face to which I oblige.
“Well not quite if you didn’t come here then this planet would have likely been destroyed leaving all of the Namekians homeless. Also it would leave Freeza alive and able to continue his tyranny; and possibly heading to Earth in which case you would be boned. But now Goku is coming here and will fight him putting an end to the whole thing.”
“Wait wait wait who is this Freeza person?”
“Ah he is an evil alien overlord who goes round the galaxy conquering and destroying planets without remorse. There are very few people capable of actually beating him.”
“Oh I see, it certainly would be troublesome to have him come to Earth. So where were thinking of taking me?”
“The Namekians, their Warrior Clan is hold up waiting for the right moment to strike Freeza’s forces, specifically when Goku and Vegeta fight Freeza. So wanna meet my buddies?” I ask refilling my own cup.
“Alright I’ll go meet these ‘warriors’. How does that flask hold so much cider?” She resigns herself.
“Oh I made a wish with the Namekian Dragon Balls a few hours back for it. Got myself an endless supply of cider now.” I say with cheer. She looks at me incredulously.
“Hey don’t look at me like that. I deserve some form of payment for going through all this trouble. You’re just like Nail.” I say down trodden.
“Uh-huh.” We finish our drinks and head out, Bulma returns the house to capsule form.
“Hey could I… have that? I’ll trade you some Senzu Beans. I know it isn’t worth much to you.” I wriggle my eyebrows.
“How many Senzu Beans?” “Five?” “Alright you’ve got yourself a deal.” “Sweet.” I then take out my Pez despenser and spit out five.
“Don’t tell me another wish?”
“Yeah. I don’t get why none of you back on Earth never did the same. Could have saved you a bunch of trouble.”
“That’s a good point we’ll have to try that when we get back to Earth.”
“Smart idea, so bridle carry or piggy back?”
“Piggy back.”
“Alright hop on.” I kneel down and let her get on, then I take off and fly at a fair pace.
As we fly I spy someone special flying around erratically. It’s Vegeta!
“I’m going to put you down for a moment. Just give me a minute alright.” I drop her down then fly off without waiting and get up behind Vegeta.
“Hey Vegeta.” I whisper to him. He jumps back and swings a fist at me.
“YOU! BITCH PREPARE TO DIE!” he then charges at me punching and kicking. His form is quite excellent, better than my own but I’m still a lot more powerful.
“That’s it Vegeta harness that rage.” I let him swing a little longer, before plunging my own fist into his chest, crushing his heart a second time. When he hits the ground he coughs up a lot blood and growls.
“Well here you go Vegeta . See you around, bu-bye.” I wave and return to Bulma.
“What was that about?!”
“That was Vegeta he’s a little bundle of rage, pride, power and a surprising amount of care. I’m just helping him get stronger.” I tell her as we take off again.
“Helping him, you crushed his heart!”
“Pah! That’s nothing to a Saiyan, in fact it helps a great bunch he should be thanking me. We grow stronger when we are on the precipice of death. Plus I’ve got a bunch of Senzu Beans, so he’ll be fine. Hehe. Though we should put some distance between us, cause he is gonna be mad~ this is the second time I did that hahaha!”
A bit later I land in front of a plateau and knock on it in a pattern.
“Nail open up, I’ve got a guest. Naaiilll~” A door that has blended into the rock face perfectly opens up revealing a serious Nail.
“You’re late.” He says unamused.
“Like I said I had to pick up a guest, got to get two more for that matter. Now let me introduce Bulma, she’s a real smarty pants and rich.” I wink at him and nudge him with my shoulder.
Gohan's POV
We’ve only been flying around for an hour or so but we’ve passed three empty villages and one of them was destroyed.
“Krillin I think we should head back to Bulma. Something just isn’t right.”
“You’re right Gohan, we’re going to have to come up with a new game plan.”
The two of us then stop and return the way we came. After flying for a while though some strikes and knocks me into the ground below.
“Wahh!” I cry out.
“Gohan! Who are you?!” I hear Krillin call out, as I start moving again I see Krillin fighting a woman dressed similar to Piccolo, though she’s just humouring Krillin even has a smile on her face.
“I’m just a visitor I’ll be off planet soon enough.” The woman replies leisurely. I then fly up to join the fight as well, but it doesn’t seem to help at all.
“That’s some good form you have there Gohan, Piccolo has really taught you well hasn’t he.” She teases, then before I know it I’m wrapped up in her arms tucked up to her chest.
“You’re really adorable aren’t you. Though you could use a better haircut as this one just looks ugly. Your mother can be so cruel sometimes.”
“Wha-wha-wha- what are you doing let me go!”
“Yeah let Gohan go, fight fairly you brut-.” Krillin is suddenly smacked down into the ground by a brown furry appendage. Is that a tail?
“That’s rude Krillin! The nerve.” She shakes her head at him, then begins to fly off. Though I’m still unable to move, she has vice like grip.
“Um Miss who are you and what are your intentions.”
“My name is Alea, as for my intentions I wish to see you, Bulma and Krillin through the coming days; so you don’t die needlessly.”
“O-Ok. Um miss are you a Saiyan?” I ask hesitantly.
“You're darn tootin I am. I think I’m around the same age as your father. Though I left Vegeta a little after your father. Why do you find me pretty?” She teases again.
“You let Gohan go this instant lady.” Krillin says sternly while holding her tail. Alea’s face turn fierce.
“K-Krillin let go she doe” She then plants her fist in Krillin’s gut knocking him out, she grabs him by the ankle with her tail.”n’t mean any harm… Hah you’re a little violent you know?”
“Please I’m not violent, Vegeta is violent.” She puckers her lips and turns her head away.
“Hahaha.” She then suddenly flies down as something flies past us.
“That was quite lucky of you there monkey.” A gravelly voice calls out. I see above us a large pink alien with spike on his forearms. He’s pretty mean looking.
“Ain’t got nothing to do with luck Dodoria. Now Gohan ready yourself for a fight. I’ll wake Krillin up, don’t worry I won’t let you die.” With a wink she puts me down and moves Krillin away, still dragging him by her tail.
“Alright Big Sis.” I get into my stance and face of against this Dodoria. I’m not really sure what I could do against this person as he is so much stronger than me. I start with Solar Flare.
“Hehehe what’s that little boy, are practicing to join the Ginyu Force?” “Solar Flare!” “Wagh! My eyes you bastard!” With him blinded I charged and kicked him in the head and then jumped over his falling body and slam his head into the ground as hard as I can. I’m about to shoot a ki blast at his head but swats me aside whilst rubbing his eyes.
“I am going to kill you slowly!” Blinking he charges at me faster than I can react and kicks me in the face but before I am sent away he catches my leg, then slams his elbow and knee on my leg. “ARRGH!!” I scream, he then spins me around to throw me into a rock. As he is about to shoot me Krillin comes in and kicks him followed up with his own ki blasts.
“Try picking on some your own age Pinky!” Krillin then charges after him.
“That was a good try there Gohan, up for round two?”
“Big Sis?” She then pops a Senzu Bean in my mouth and I swallow being filled with renewed power and my leg is all fixed up.
“Go get him Gohan!” She gives a bone shaking slap to my back, just how strong is she? With her push I fly back to the fight and see Krillin is on the defensive before being blasted into a rock. I fly in and punch him in the face.
“Krillin! Are you alright?”
“I’m good Gohan. Pay attention to the fight.” He says stumbling out of the rocks. I then charge back into the fight and begin trading blows with the alien, he seems slower than before. I think we can do this if we work together.
Krillin then gets back into the fight and is attacking from the opposite side to me. We’re doing quite well pushing Dodoria back he’s also making mistakes.
“EERAAGH!” Dodoria cries, his power rising. “YOU BASTARDS I WILL END YOU!” he then cups his hands in front him and charges a power ki blast, before we can dodge he fires it blowing away both Krillin and I. My mind fades in and out, I’m sure I hear some cries of pain off in the distance.
“Wha-what happened? Krillin are you ok?” I wake up on the ground and see Krillin and Alea sitting around.
“It’s alright Gohan I’m fine thanks to Alea here. She came in a took care of Dodoria after his last attack.” He says a little miffed.
“Why didn’t you help sooner?!” I shout at her.
“Well I said I wouldn’t let you die, didn’t say anything about fighting your battles for you, did I.” She replies coilly. “Bu-” “Besides you got stronger didn’t you? As far as I’m concerned it was perfectly worth it. Now let's stop sitting around and go see Bulma I’m sure she’s worried about you.”
We get and fly away but not in the direction of where we left her. “Isn’t Bulma where she was before?” Krillin asks.
“No I went and moved her to stay with some friends of mine.” “Who?” “The locals, I’m sure she’s doing just dandy.” we fly a little longer before Alea drops down before a plateau and knocks on it.
“Nail~ I’m back~. Oh just a heads up no whistling, Namekians can’t stand it, alright.” A door opens up in the rock to reveal a green man similar to Piccolo, he doesn’t look happy.
“Alea stop her, please.”
“What do you mean Nail?”
“That woman, she began dismantling the bunker and messing with it, she hasn’t broken anything but she won’t listen to us.” He says exacerbated. We walk in behind to find Bulma surrounded by various tools and wires, nuts and bolts.
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