《The Fairy Squad Princesses: A Magical Awakening (Book 1)》Chapter 11: Understanding Your Destiny


The F.S.P.’s had finally arrived in the past where Planet Starlight was filled with nothing, but positive energy. There was neither one sign of negative energy nor any evil creatures stirring about. The sky was crystal-clear with heart-shaped clouds and an endless rainbow that stretched for miles. Even the wonderful aroma from all the flowers in the orchard could make anyone smile.

“Wow, I can’t believe this used to be our home.” Serena couldn’t believe her own eyes.

“It was so serene, look at all the mesmerizing flowers,” Ivy said.

“Yeah before those dark ones moved in,” commented Crystal.

“Well, time isn’t going to slow down for us, so we have to keep it moving girls. Someone must be in the palace,” Kristy assumed.

The girls approached the entrance into the palace, but no one answered.

“Alright, well if you don’t mind Serena, I’m going to blast the door down since no one is answering,” said Crystal.

“Nope, go on,” said Serena.

“Stop! Who goes there! Trying to break into the palace!” said a man in his early thirties who appeared out of nowhere.

“We’re not here to fight or break-in!”

“Then why are you here?” asked the man.

“We’re here from the present. My name is Serena and these three are my best friends: Crystal, Ivy, and Kristy. Please, we need your help! Do you know how we can get the Ultimate Power back? It was taken from me.”

“Wait! The Ultimate Power was taken from you! Come in through the gates right away; quickly!”

“Thank you! May I ask who you are?” Serena asked as she entered the gate with her girls.

“I am King Calvin’s best knight and I protect the palace from evil. Now quickly follow me. I’ll take you to the queen. Then she can answer your questions,” the mysterious man explained.

“Hey, is it just me or did he look like Josh’s dad?” Crystal laughed.

Serena and her girls began following the guard in hopes he would lead them to someone that could grant them the information they needed to aid Serena in getting her powers back before the world ends up in eternal darkness.

About fifteen minutes passed after reaching the area the queen was located, but they still had to walk up the diamond spiral staircase, which seemed to go on forever. However, Crystal wasn’t about to waste any more energy walking up additional stairs; so, she used a spell and created a temporary escalator of light. Not to mention, Crystal managed to save them some time because the clock was already ticking away. This time the door in front of them was unlike the others they’ve seen throughout the palace. Not only was it large, but it seemed to be emitting a strong source of energy.


“Wow I can just feel the power that is sealed behind this door,” said Serena.

“Well ladies, I have to go back to my post. I’m sure the queen will be able to assist you.”

“Thank you, Mr.?”

“Sir Jamal,”

“Oh, my fairy goodness! You’re…” before Crystal could finish a woman spoke from beyond the door.

“Thank you, Jamal, for assisting these lovely girls. You four may enter,” said the woman’s voice.

“I can’t believe my eyes! Is it really my baby girl whom I just got done putting to sleep and her friends are all grown up?” said Queen Serenity.

“Yes, it’s us Mom, but we can’t stay for long. We’re here to ask you if you know how to get the Ultimate Power back if it was somehow stolen?” Serena asked.

“Did you just say stolen? But that’s impossible!”

“Well, if only it was impossible,” said Crystal.

“Right now, as we speak, our world is in mortal danger. The rulers of the new Dark Planet have unleashed an army of dark creatures called the Dark Heartless,” Ivy explained.

“And they unleashed them by using Serena’s magic,” Kristy added.

“Oh no! Follow me right away! We have no time to waste then,” said Queen Serenity.

Serena and her besties quickly followed her mother Queen Serenity but had no clue where they were headed. Meanwhile, the battle still went on at the heroes’ school. All was not looking splendid for the good guys. Just when Professor Marcellus thought his ruthless brother, Darwin, did not have any more diabolical tricks up his sleeves, his four trouble-making witches showed up.


“Looks like you guys need some help,” said Ices as she appeared with her girls.

“We were doing just fine without you witches,” said King Darwin.

“Yeah, whatever! Queenie sent us to end this male’s only dance.”

“Time to give the Dark Heartless an upgrade,” said Storm.

“Oh no! Ices and her girls are making the monsters stronger!” Max shouted.

“I hate to say it, but it’s time to retreat!” Professor Marcellus ordered everyone to evacuate.

“Hahahaha! I don’t think so! It’s too late!” King Darwin used a spell obscuring Marcellus’ heart.

“Professor!” yelled everyone who watched him turn into a Dark Heartless.

Marcellus' skin color turned pitch black and his eyes were blood red. Demon wings had also grown out of his back. His hair even turned into red and blue flames, like he became Hades, the god of the Underworld from Disney’s Hercules.


“Ha-ha! Looks like he’s become a Heartless,” said Ices.

“Now it’s time for you four.” King Darwin grinned.

“I don’t think so!” Roux shouted while making the magic seeds Mrs. Wings gave him appear in his right hand.

“Now Roux!” Max shouted.

“LUMINESCENT!” Roux yelled.

“Ugh! That light!” King Darwin, the Vortex, and nitwits squealed.


“UGGGGH! They’re gone!” Ices yelled.

“Dang! I wanted to rip out Max’s heart personally myself,” Mectrics sobbed.

“It doesn’t matter! We know where they’re going and this school has fallen, and we have a new batch of DH’s to do our bidding,” King Darwin smirked.

The heroes’ school had been swarming with Dark Heartless. Professor Marcellus and most of his students had been turned into dark creatures. Those who weren’t turned into Dark Heartless stayed back to try to keep the creatures within the school’s walls. However, Max, Josh, Brock, and Roux retreated to Fairy High Academy.


“Still no word from Green or Nicholas, I’m beginning to fear the worst.” Mrs. Wings hung her head.

“Mrs. Wings, the guys are back, but with terrible news.” Ms. Garnet shook her head.

“Mrs. Wings, we barely escaped the Dark Army; it has become unstable,” said Max.

“We witnessed Professor Marcellus and most of our classmates turn into Dark Heartless themselves,” Josh added.

“Not to mention, we now know who the four witches and the two nitwits were working for all this time: Professor Marcellus’ brother, King Darwin,” Brock explained.

“King Darwin! It can’t be! If he’s alive, then so is Queen Vidal,” Ms. Garnet assumed.

“This means our last drop of hope of survival relies on Serena and her girls. They must find a way to get her power back immediately or all of Flames Hollow will break loose,” said Mrs. Wings.

“Well, until then we must tell everyone here to prepare for the final battle.”

#BackToThePast #BeneathThePalace

“Where are we?” Serena asked.

“This is the hidden sanctuary built beneath the palace. Here is where we keep the Heart Crystal,” Queen Serenity explained.

“Hey, it’s the same crystal that was inside my scepter,” said Serena.

“Somehow the crystal managed to duplicate itself and find you in your future.”

“What if I take the Heart Crystal back with me to the present? Then I should be able to use it and defeat the Dark Army?”

“Now, I’m no genius, unless it involves fashion, but it seems that crystal is keeping Planet Starlight from falling apart?” Crystal pointed out.

“Crystal’s right sweetie, the Heart Crystal is the key source that keeps the planet from being consumed in darkness,” Queen Serenity replied.

“Well, somehow that crystal didn’t do so much of a great job.”

“What do you mean?”

“Cee, hush! No time to explain, but don’t worry you, Dad and the rest of the rulers of the Kingdom of Light found a way to save us,” Serena mentioned.

“Okay, well since we can’t take the crystal back with us that sadly brings us back to the drawing board,” said Kristy.

“I have an idea!” Ivy shouted.

“Well what is it!” her besties asked.

“Remember when all four of our scepters surrounded Serena?”

“Yeah, that was the moment the Ultimate Power had awakened inside of me,” said Serena.

“So, let’s see if something happens when we use our three crystals’ magic on the Heart Crystal.”

“Good thinking, Vee!”

“Alright! Well, let’s see what happens!” said Crystal briskly.

“Ready girls?” Ivy asked.

“Ready,” said Crystal and Kristy.

“CRYSTAL OF THE SUN!” Crystal shouted.

“CRYSTAL OF NATURE!” Ivy yelled.

“AND CRYSTAL OF TIME!” Kristy shouted.

“LOOK!” Crystal cried.

The Heart Crystal began to shimmer like never before. Serena could feel the magic from the crystal flowing through her as it reentered her body.

“Well, that was refreshing.” Serena exhaled.

“I bet it was! Even I felt that energy boost,” said Crystal.

“Looking good girl,” said Ivy.

“And now that my magic is back, it’s time to go teach those creeps a lesson, especially that ice witch,” said Serena.

“And just in time, because we literally only have four minutes to get out of here,” Kristy warned.

“Alright, now you girls better get going. The faith of the universe rests in your hands,” said Queen Serenity.

“Time for a one-way ticket out of the past and back to the present,” said Kristy, as she summoned her Time Scepter and teleported them back to FHA.

“Bye, Mom! We’ll see you soon!” Serena yelled as she waved goodbye while she and her besties disappeared.

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